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⑴ 寫一篇英語短文介紹互聯網的功能70詞左右

The basic function and characteristics of computer network

The 1 data communication

Data communication is the basic function of the computer network, can realize the data transmission between different geographic locations and terminal computer, computer and computer.

2 resource sharing

Resources sharing include software, hardware and data resources in the network, the computer network is the main and most attractive features.

3 centralized management

4 distributed processing

5 high reliability

6 load balancing

7 integrated information services

The main application of computer network

Computer network is the foundation of information instry, in all walks of life have been widely applied:

1 the office automation system (OAS)

Office automation is the advanced science and Technology (information technology, system science and behavior science) to complete a variety of office business.

The core of the office automation system is a communication and information. Through the office of the computer and other office equipment connected to the network, can fully exploit the information resources effectively, to improve proction efficiency, the efficiency and quality of work, better auxiliary decision.


2 management information system (MIS)

MIS is an application system based on database. Establishment of management information system based on computer network, is the basic premise and the characteristics of enterprise management. For example, the use of the MIS system, enterprises can realize various departments transfer dynamic information management, query and inter departmental information, can greatly improve enterprise management level and work efficiency.

3 electronic data interchange (EDI)

Electronic data interchange, is an internationally recognized standard format for trade, transportation, insurance, bank, customs and other information of the instry, through the computer network, to realize the data exchange between different enterpri

⑵ 用英文介紹一下網際網路



⑶ 互聯網金融英文怎麼翻譯

英語【Internet finance】

Internet finance或者Internet-based financing都指在2013年大行其道的「互聯網金融」,從理論上來說,任何涉及廣義金融的互聯網應用(Internet applications)都屬於互聯網金融,網上銀行(online banking)、在線理財(online wealth management)以及第三方支付(third-party payments)等均屬於互聯網金融。互聯網金融通過互聯網、移動互聯網等工具,使得傳統金融業務具備透明度更強、參與度更高、協作性更好、中間成本更低、操作上更便捷等一系列特徵。
There are several models for Internet finance, including mini-lending, wealth management and third-party payments. Each offers advantages that conventional financial tools are unable to reach.

⑷ 「互聯網+」用英文怎麼說

1、「互聯網+」的英文是Internetaccelerated speed。

2、互聯網+教育,互聯網+醫療,互聯網+金融……李克強總理今年3月在政府工作報告中提出,制定「互聯網+」行動計劃(Internet plus initiative),推動移動互聯網(mobile Internet)、雲計算(cloud computing)、大數據(big data)、物聯網(the Internet of Things)等與現代製造業(modern manufacturing)結合,促進電子商務(e-commerce)、工業互聯網和互聯網金融(Internet finance)健康發展,引導互聯網企業拓展國際市場(guide international expansion by Internet companies)。

3、阿里巴巴董事局主席馬雲表示,其實互聯網並不僅僅就是上一個網那麼簡單,未來的機會是我們共同的合作(In the future the economy will demand collaborative development),共同打造未來,互聯網經濟(Internet economy)不是虛擬經濟(virtual economy),互聯網經濟是把虛擬經濟和實體經濟(real economy)聯合在一起,才是贏家。

4、沈陽格微軟體董事長張桂平認為,「互聯網+」的「+」指的是加速度(accelerated speed),其比喻為「是用跑百米的速度來跑馬拉松(use the speed of a 100-meter race to run a marathon)」。這是一個加速變革和轉型(speed up transform and innovate)的時代。

5、用友網路董事長王文京表示,「互聯網+」首先改變了企業的運營方式(the way in which businesses work),使得企業必須以客戶為中心(put the customer at their center)。其次,對企業內部員工之間的溝通(communication)、協同(teamwork),以及效率(efficiency)帶來了很大的提升(greatly improved)。

⑸ 我們應該怎樣用互聯網用英語怎麼說

how should we utilise the internet?
我猜測你的來源意思是『利』用互聯網而非『使』用,所以utilise是和你原意最貼近的用詞。 樓上的make good use 也是很好的

⑹ 瀏覽互聯網用英語怎麼說

surf the internet

⑺ 「中國互聯網」用英語怎麼說


Chinese internet更多釋義>>


中國互聯網專 Internet in China;Internet in the People's Republic of China;CHINANET
中國互聯網指數屬 CIIS
中國互聯網電視 ICNTV;over the top

⑻ 有沒有介紹互聯網的英文文章 急!

the Internet is a two-edged sword,which has both merits and demerits. But on the whole, it brings people more benefits than harm. It is suggested a clever use be made of this modern technique for the benefit of all people.

⑼ 互聯網+概念,用英語怎麼說

英語是:Internet plus concept。

n. 互聯網;
abbr. interconnection network, internetwork 互聯網; internetwork 互聯網網;
[例句]You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet.

plus 英[plʌs] 美[plʌs]
prep. (表示運算) 加; (表示包容) 外加; [口語] 和; (表示數目) 在零(度)以上;
n. +;加號; [數學] 正量; 好處; 附加物;
adj. 加的; 正的; 附加的; 比所示數量多的;
[例句]Send a cheque for £ 18.99 plus £ 2 for postage and packing

concept 英[ˈkɒnsept] 美[ˈkɑ:nsept]
n. 觀念,概念; 觀點; 思想,設想,想法; 總的印象;
[例句]She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west.

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