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1. 信管專業的簡介


2. 「信息管理與信息系統」這個專業用英語怎麼介紹

A management information system (MIS) is a system or process that provides information needed to manage organizations effectively [1]. Management information systems are regarded to be a subset of the overall internal controls proceres in a business, which cover the application of people, documents, technologies, and proceres used by management accountants to solve business problems such as costing a proct,service or a business-wide strategy. Management information systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization.[2] Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. Decision Support Systems, Expert systems, and Executive information systems.[2]

3. 信管專業全稱是啥

信息是當今世界上出現得最多的名詞之一, 因此, 很自然, 涉及信息的專業是當今世界上的熱門專業, 信息管理與信息系統專業就是這樣的專業之一。信息管理與信息系統專業應用計算機管理各種信息, 使復雜的信息簡單化, 使紛亂的信息條理化, 使分散的信息系統化, 將信息用於生產, 將信息用於科研, 將信息用於管理, …。
信息是生產力, 信息是金錢, 信息是資源。當今世界是信息爆炸的世界, 經濟信息、金融信息、商品信息、 物流信息, 信息無處不在。如何存放這些信息, 如何管理這些信息, 如何使用這些信息, 是信息科學的大課題, 是信息專業的大課題。
信息是由計算機來管理的。學習信息管理與信息系統專業, 必須學習計算機。計算機產生於二十世紀四十年代, 它是電子信息科技發展到一定階段的產物。早期的計算機是電子管的。爾後, 歷經了晶體管、小規模集成電路、中規模集成電路、大規模集成電路直至現在的超大規模集成電路的階段。計算機由中央處理器、存儲器、顯示器、鍵盤等器件組成, 這些器件統稱為硬體。計算機要工作還需要各種程序, 還需要各種數據, 這些程序和數據統稱為軟體。
最初的計算機僅僅用於計算。現在的計算機不僅用於計算, 還用於管理, 用於控制, 用於查詢。計算機管理信息離不開計算機硬體, 離不開計算機軟體。計算機需要運用它所能理解的語言編寫程序、編製表格、編制資料庫, 用以管理各種各樣的信息。在計算機中, 信息以數字的形式存在, 數字以二進制的形式存在。各種二進數, 形成符號, 形成文字, 形成表格, 形成圖形, 控制信息的存儲, 控制信息的流動。信息是多種多樣的, 不同的信息具有不同的性質, 具有不同的管理方式和用途。會計學、財務管理學研究金融信息的規律, 市場營銷學研究營銷信息的規律, 西方經濟學研究西方經濟信息的規律。
信息管理與信息系統專業是文理兼備的專業。該專業既學習理工科的計算機,又學習文科如市場營銷、財務管理等學科。信息管理與信息系統專業是一個有廣泛就業前景的專業, 信息管理與信息系統專業歡迎有志的同學們, 信息管理與信息系統專業希望同學們努力學習,奮力攀登。
高等數學、大學英語、專業英語、經濟學、基礎會計、市場營銷、統計學、管理學、運籌學、數據結構、資料庫原理、計算機網路、微機原理、信息存儲與檢索管理、信息系統分析與設計、信息安全、數據安全、Java程序開發、SQL Server與Oralce資料庫管理與管理信息系統開發。
1. 實用工具軟體課程設計、資料庫原理與應用課程設計、組網技術課程教學、Web系統開發課程設計。
2. 第8學期參加社會實踐並撰寫畢業論文。

4. 急!!!!關於信息管理專業的英語短文

Background information

xxx University invites suppliers to submit proposals for supplying computers to first year students every year. The computer club to the university has called a meeting to discuss about recommending computer specifications to the adminstration department.

Date: 27th Oct 2009 (Tuesday)

Time: 10am.

Venue: XXX University computer laboratory

Present for the meeting:

Wang Wei (Wang) - President
Lee Xia (Lee) - secretary
Yuan Hua (Yuan) - comittee member
Wen Ying (Wen) - committee member
Hong Jun (Hong) - committee member

Wang: Thank you for coming to this meeting. The next tender for computers wil be called soon. We are required to review the computer specifications and submit it to the administration department by next month. Each of you has been given a and I believe you have read
and noted your comments. Please share with us your opinions so that the spec can be finalised soon to meet the deadline.

Lee: I would like to start. I have noted a few points:

1. More powerful processors have become available at lower prices. I think we should include more powerful models which are still affordable to students.
2. The onboard memory needs to be at least 2GB because of the number of application programs that are required to run concurrently.
3. Floppy disk drive is no longer required because USB thumb-drive is getting pupular for data exchange.

Wang: Very Good. Those points are valid and should be included in the spec. Yuan, do you have any point to raise?

Yuan: Yes. Harddisk is getting cheaper for large data storage capacity. I think the spec should be revised to include 500 GB harddisk.

Wang: I have no objection to that, but I think 500 GB harddisk may not be required by everyone. That should be made as an option. What do you think?

Yuan: Agree.

Wen: For the operating system, Window 7 has just been released by Micrsoft. It has better performance and it is also more reliable. I think it is a good replacement for Window XP.

Wang: Yes. I believe Microsoft is still promoting Window 7 to schools and commercial organizations at special rate. We should grab the opportunities.
Hong: Last year, We received some feedback about the standard software installed in the computer. Some stundents said the computer was full of software that they did not require. I think the grouping of software applications and system utilities should cater for students in differnt faculties.

Wang: Good. That arrangement will also simplify the software installation and save the harddisk storage for better use.

I am pleased that you have all done your homework and prepared very good recommendations. Please submit your points to Lee to coordinate for revision. The new students this year will be pleased when they receive their computers.

The revised specifications will also be reviewed by our advisor, Dr. Chen.

If there is no other business, the meeting will be closed.

Thank you.

Meeting is closed at 11:15am.

5. 請問"信息管理與信息系統"這個專業名稱用英語怎麼說

就是Information Management and Information System

6. 急請高手幫我寫一份簡單的英文自我介紹啊,內容大概是:今年23歲,畢業於XX大學文秘(計算機信息管理)專業

My name is xxx and I'm 23 years old, I graated at/from xx University majoring in secretary (IT management sector). During the university period, I learnt how to proficiently operate the office softwares and equipments. Besides, I drew my lessons of being careful, patient and responsible from the customer services. And here I hope I could get a chance here to use what I have learnt ring the past years and I will do my best to finish my work.


7. 信息管理與信息系統專業用英語怎麼介紹

Information Management and Information System

8. 信管專業的介紹


9. 信息管理與信息系統專業的英文縮寫是什麼

按照教育部CIS2011(《中國信息系統學科課程體系2011》),信息管理與信息系統的英專文官方翻譯為:Information Management and Information System,縮寫屬IMIS。

10. 信息管理與信息系統這個專業用英語怎麼說

Information management and information systems

Information management and information systems

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