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發布時間: 2020-12-27 07:43:54

1. 擊鼓傳花用英文怎麼說

Beat a drum to spread a flower

2. 請把下面的句子翻譯成英語「玩擊鼓傳花游戲鞏固所學對話」

play the passing game to consolidate the dialogue just learnt

3. 擊鼓傳花的英文怎麼說

漢語中「擊鼓傳花」的翻譯是:to pass the parcel 英國小孩中流行的一個游戲.小孩們坐成一個圈,跟著音樂聲,傳送一個包著很多層紙的包.音樂一停,拿到包的小孩打開一層紙後把紙包繼續往下一個人傳.打開最後一層紙拿到獎品的是勝利者.

4. 有一首英文歌,有點像擊鼓傳花用的,點名點到誰,由誰來回答問題或是表濱節目用的。

英文兒童歌曲《apple tree》歌詞摘要:專Apple round,apple red.Apple juicy apple sweet.Apple apple I love you,Apple sweet I love to eat.Apple round,apple red.Apple juicy apple ......


5. 急!!用英文分別闡述「筷子夾乒乓球」「蘿卜蹲」「搶板凳」「擊鼓傳花」四個小游戲玩法~

筷子夾乒乓球 Ping-pong ball pickup
Pick up ping-pong balls by chopsticks as many as possible within a period of time. The one who has picked up the most ping-pong balls is the winner.
蘿卜蹲 Squat carrot
Five to ten people in a group, each player represents a kind of fruit or vegetable, e.g. pear, apple, carrot, water melon, cabbage. The first player will start to say: 'Squat xx (xx means the fruit represented by himself), squat xx, carrot squat after xx.' The player who presents carrot should say 'squat carrot, squat carrot, pear squat after carrot '. The player who speaks wrong or no action will be punished.
搶板凳 Snatches backless stool
Five players and four backless stools, four stools in the center, people should walk around the stools when drumming, once the sound of drum stops, players have to snatch the stools and sit down, each stool for just one player, the one who havnt sit on a stool is out of game; each round we will take away a stool, until there is one stool and one winner.
擊鼓傳花 Passing down
Passing down a flower or sth one by one when drumming, once the sound of drum stops, the flower cannot be pass down anymore, and the one who has the flower will be punished.

6. 英文「 擊鼓傳花 」怎麼說

英文「 擊鼓傳花 」怎麼說
"Musical" how to say it in English

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