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發布時間: 2020-12-27 07:28:13

⑴ 中國的美食有哪些用英文講。


1、餃子(jiaozi 現在稱mpling)


2、白切雞(the Soft-Boiled Chicken)


3、醬板鴨(Spicy salted ck)



4、刀削麵(Sliced Noodles)

刀削麵,是山西的漢族傳統麵食,為"中國十大面條"之一 ,流行於北方。操作過程:將麵粉和成團塊狀,左手舉面團,右手拿弧形刀,將面一片一片地削到開水鍋內,煮熟後撈出,加入臊子、調料食用,以山西大同刀削麵最為著名。


重慶酸辣粉是重慶城區廣為流傳的一種地方傳統名小吃,歷來就是重慶人的最愛之一 。手工製作的主粉由紅薯,豌豆澱粉為主要原料,然後由農家用傳統手工漏制。重慶酸辣粉的粉絲勁道彈牙、口味麻辣酸爽、濃香開胃,深受全國人民喜愛的重慶地方小吃。

⑵ 中國的小吃如何用英語表達

魚丸湯 Fish ball soup
貢丸湯 Meat ball soup
蛋花湯 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊湯 Clams soup
牡蠣湯 Oyster soup
紫菜湯 Seaweed soup
酸辣湯 Sweet & sour soup
餛飩湯 Wonton soup
豬腸湯 Pork intestine soup
肉羹湯 Pork thick soup
魷魚湯 Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup
魚丸湯 Fish ball soup
貢丸湯 Meat ball soup
蛋花湯 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊湯 Clams soup
牡蠣湯 Oyster soup
紫菜湯 Seaweed soup
酸辣湯 Sweet & sour soup
餛飩湯 Wonton soup
豬腸湯 Pork intestine soup
肉羹湯 Pork thick soup
魷魚湯 Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup

愛玉 Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on sticks
長壽桃 Longevity Peaches
芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花 Hemp flowers
雙胞胎 Horse hooves

點 心
牡蠣煎 Oyster omelet
臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐 Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
蝦片 Prawn cracker
蝦球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls
蛋卷 Chicken rolls
碗糕 Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
紅豆糕 Red bean cake
綠豆糕 Bean paste cake
糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
蘿卜糕 Fried white radish patty
芋頭糕 Taro cake
肉圓 Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶餃 Pyramid mplings
肉丸 Rice-meat mplings
豆乾 Dried tofu
魚丸湯 Fish ball soup
貢丸湯 Meat ball soup
蛋花湯 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊湯 Clams soup
牡蠣湯 Oyster soup
紫菜湯 Seaweed soup
酸辣湯 Sweet & sour soup
餛飩湯 Wonton soup
豬腸湯 Pork intestine soup
肉羹湯 Pork thick soup
魷魚湯 Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup

愛玉 Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on sticks
長壽桃 Longevity Peaches
芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花 Hemp flowers
雙胞胎 Horse hooves

點 心
牡蠣煎 Oyster omelet
臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐 Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
蝦片 Prawn cracker
蝦球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls
蛋卷 Chicken rolls
碗糕 Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
紅豆糕 Red bean cake
綠豆糕 Bean paste cake
糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
蘿卜糕 Fried white radish patty
芋頭糕 Taro cake
肉圓 Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶餃 Pyramid mplings
肉丸 Rice-meat mplings
豆乾 Dried tofu

冰 類
綿綿冰 Mein mein ice
麥角冰 Oatmeal ice
地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice
紅豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice
八寶冰 Eight treasures ice
豆花 Tofu pudding

果 汁
甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice
酸梅汁 Plum juice
楊桃汁 Star fruit juice
青草茶 Herb juice
魚丸湯 Fish ball soup
貢丸湯 Meat ball soup
蛋花湯 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊湯 Clams soup
牡蠣湯 Oyster soup
紫菜湯 Seaweed soup
酸辣湯 Sweet & sour soup
餛飩湯 Wonton soup
豬腸湯 Pork intestine soup
肉羹湯 Pork thick soup
魷魚湯 Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup

愛玉 Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on sticks
長壽桃 Longevity Peaches
芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花 Hemp flowers
雙胞胎 Horse hooves

點 心
牡蠣煎 Oyster omelet
臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐 Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
蝦片 Prawn cracker
蝦球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls
蛋卷 Chicken rolls
碗糕 Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
紅豆糕 Red bean cake
綠豆糕 Bean paste cake
糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
蘿卜糕 Fried white radish patty
芋頭糕 Taro cake
肉圓 Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶餃 Pyramid mplings
肉丸 Rice-meat mplings
豆乾 Dried tofu

冰 類
綿綿冰 Mein mein ice
麥角冰 Oatmeal ice
地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice
紅豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice
八寶冰 Eight treasures ice
豆花 Tofu pudding

果 汁
甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice
酸梅汁 Plum juice
楊桃汁 Star fruit juice
青草茶 Herb juice

其 他
當歸鴨 Angelica ck
檳榔 Betel nut
火鍋 Hot pot
燒餅 Clay oven rolls
油條 Fried bread stick
韭菜盒 Fried leek mplings
水餃 Boiled mplings
蒸餃 Steamed mplings
饅頭 Steamed buns
割包 Steamed sandwich
飯團 Rice and vegetable roll
蛋餅 Egg cakes
皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鴨蛋 Salted ck egg
豆漿 Soybean milk
燒餅 Clay oven rolls
油條 Fried bread stick
韭菜盒 Fried leek mplings
水餃 Boiled mplings
蒸餃 Steamed mplings
饅頭 Steamed buns
割包 Steamed sandwich
飯團 Rice and vegetable roll
蛋餅 Egg cakes
皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鴨蛋 Salted ck egg
豆漿 Soybean milk

稀飯 Rice porridge
白飯 Plain white rice
油飯 Glutinous oil rice
糯米飯 Glutinous rice
鹵肉飯 Braised pork rice
蛋炒飯 Fried rice with egg
地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee

餛飩面 Wonton & noodles
刀削麵 Sliced noodles
麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles
麻醬面 Sesame paste noodles
鴨肉面 Duck with noodles
鱔魚面 Eel noodles
烏龍面 Seafood noodles
榨菜肉絲面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
牡蠣細面 Oyster thin noodles
板條 Flat noodles
米粉 Rice noodles
炒米粉 Fried rice noodles
冬粉 Green bean noodle

⑶ 用英語介紹一道中國傳統美食

Chinese Noodles

Noodles are an essential ingredient and staple in Chinese cuisine. There is a great variety of Chinese noodles, which vary according to their region of proction, ingredients, shape or width, and manner of preparation. They are an important part of most regional cuisines within China, as well as in Taiwan, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian nations with sizable overseas Chinese populations.

Chinese-style noodles have also entered the native cuisines of neighboring East Asian countries such as Korea and Japan (dangmyeon and ramen, for example, are both of Chinese origin), as well as Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia.

Although the Chinese, Arabs, and Italians have all claimed to have been the first to create noodles, the first written account of noodles dates from the Chinese East Han Dynasty, between AD 25 and 220. During the Chinese Song Dynasty (960–1279) noodle shops were very popular in the cities, and remained open all night.

In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet discovered were found in Qinghai, China, at the Lajia archaeological site, ring excavation of a Neolithic Qijia culture settlement along the Yellow River. The 4,000-year-old noodles appear to have been made from foxtail millet and broomcorn millet. Today, millet is not a commonly used ingredient in Chinese noodles.

Chinese noodles are generally made from either wheat flour, rice flour, or mung bean starch, with wheat noodles being more commonly proced and consumed in northern China and rice noodles being more typical of southern China. Egg, lye, and cereal may also be added to noodles made from wheat flour in order to give the noodles a different colour or flavor. Arrowroot or tapioca starch are sometimes added to the flour mixture in low quantities to change the texture and tenderness of the noodles' strands.

The dough for noodles made from wheat flour is typically made from wheat flour, salt, and water, with the addition of eggs or lye depending on the desired texture and taste of the noodles. Rice- or other starch-based noodles are typically made with only the starch or rice flour and water.

Noodles may be cooked from either their fresh (moist) or dry forms. They are generally boiled, although they may also be deep-fried in oil until crispy. Boiled noodles may then be stir fried, served with sauce or other accompaniments, or served in soup, often with meat and other ingredients. Certain rice-noodles are made directly from steaming the raw rice slurry and are only consumed fresh.

Unlike many Western noodles and pastas, Chinese noodles made from wheat flour are usually made from salted dough and therefore do not require the addition of salt to the liquid in which they are boiled. Chinese noodles also cook very quickly, generally requiring less than 5 minutes to become al dente and some taking less than a minute to finish cooking, with thinner noodles requiring less time to cook. Chinese noodles made from rice or mung bean starch do not generally contain salt.

⑷ 推薦中國各地的名吃吧。~需用英文介紹

新疆的拌面(mixed noodles)、大盤雞(a huge plate of hot chicken)。

⑸ 怎樣用英語介紹一些小吃

油條 Fried bread stick
水餃 Boiled mplings
饅頭 Steamed buns
豆漿 Soybean milk
稀飯 Rice porridge
臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
春卷 Spring rolls
紅豆糕 Red bean cake
綠豆糕 Bean paste cake
麻花 Hemp flowers
生煎 Fried plain bun
豆花 Tofu pudding
小籠包 Small stuffed buns
湯包 Steamed buns/mplings
鍋貼 Pot sticker
驢打滾 soybean cake
艾窩窩 Steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing)
炒肝 Stewed Liver
糖卷果 Chinese yam and date rolls
姜絲排叉 Fried ginger slices
奶油炸糕 Fried butter cake
豌豆黃 Pea cake
蜜麻花 Ear-shaped twists with sugar
豆汁 Fermented mung bean juice
油茶 Chatang / Miancha / Youcha
饊子麻花 Crisp noodle
薩其馬 Caramel treats
焦圈 Fried ring
糖火燒 Sweetened baked wheaten cake
豆餡燒餅 Bean paste cake/Subsidence fried beans
Beijing Roast Duck is praised as the 「The Most Delicious Dish under the Heaven.」 It has golden brown and crispy skin, tender meat and strong flavor. All these features make it renowned at home and abroad.

Lurou Huoshao is a snack popular in North China. It originated in Baoding city, Hebei province. Stuff minced donkey meat into baked flour cake and thus Lurou Huoshao is made. The snack is flavorful but not greasy with lean donkey meat. It's both a popular snack and a regular local breakfast item.

⑹ 怎樣用英語介紹中國的傳統美食

To the Chinese, cooking is an art in itself. Chinese cuisine places emphasis on colour, aroma and flavour. Not only must a dish taste good, it must also appeal to the senses to be able to when the appetite.
There are countless ways to cook the same ingredients , and each way of cooking imparts its own unique flavor to the food.
炸:deep fry
麻:西餐不會用到sichuan pepper,應該很少有麻的東西,要解釋的話最好是sting,但是最好說明是吃在嘴裡的感覺。
Chinese cuisine can be divided into eight main regional branches:
Sichuan, with characteristic rich and spicy
Shandong, which is particular in its selection of ingredients for dishes.
Suzhou, its carefully presented steamed crucian carp
Guangdong, with distinctive sweet and crispy dishes.
Fujian, famed for Buddha Jumps Over the Wall(佛跳牆)
Zhejiang, which emphasises fresh food and natural flavours, particularly seafood.
Huizhou, which favous delicacies from the land and sea
Hunan, which features rich foods with strong colours like cured meats.
最後來說一下煲湯啊 (Tonics)
Besides their daily staples, the Chinese also like to use various herbal medicines to make tonic soup.

⑺ 怎麼用英語介紹一種中國的美食


⑻ 英語介紹中國美食

Eight Cuisines(八大菜系)
China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine.

Shandong Cuisine

Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste.

Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius. And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. But don't expect to gain more wisdom from a fortune cookie at a Shandong restaurant in the West since fortune cookies aren't even indigenous to China.

Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea to the East and the Yellow River meandering through the center. As a result, seafood is a major component of Shandong cuisine. Shandong's most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp. A truly authentic Sweet and Sour Carp must come from the Yellow River. But with the current amount of pollution in the Yellow River, you would be better off if the carp was from elsewhere. Shandong dishes are mainly quick-fried, roasted, stir-fried or deep-fried. The dishes are mainly clear, fresh and fatty, perfect with Shandong's own famous beer, Qing Beer

Sichuan Cuisine

Sichuan Cuisine, known often in the West as Szechuan Cuisine, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, prolific of tastes, emphasizes on the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany, procing typical exciting tastes. Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are applied as basic cooking techniques. It cannot be said that one who does not experience Sichuan food ever reaches China.

If you eat Sichuan cuisine and find it too bland, then you are probably not eating authentic Sichuan cuisine. Chili peppers and prickly ash are used in many dishes, giving it a distinctively spicy taste, called ma in Chinese. It often leaves a slight numb sensation in the mouth. However, most peppers were brought to China from the Americas in the 18th century so you can thank global trade for much of Sichuan cuisine's excellence. Sichuan hot pots are perhaps the most famous hotpots in the world, most notably the Yuan Yang (mandarin ck) Hotpot half spicy and half clear.

Guangdong Cuisine

Cantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China. The majority of overseas Chinese people are from Guangdong (Canton) so Cantonese is perhaps the most widely available Chinese regional cuisine outside of China.

Cantonese are known to have an adventurous palate, able to eat many different kinds of meats and vegetables. In fact, people in Northern China often say that Cantonese people will eat anything that flies except airplanes, anything that moves on the ground except trains, and anything that moves in the water except boats. This statement is far from the truth, but Cantonese food is easily one of the most diverse and richest cuisines in China. Many vegetables originate from other parts of the world. It doesn't use much spice, bringing out the natural flavor of the vegetables and meats.

Tasting clear, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually chooses raptors and beasts to proce originative dishes. Its basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sauteing, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Among them steaming and stir-frying are more commonly applied to preserve the natural flavor. Guangdong chefs also pay much attention to the artistic presentation of dishes.

Fujian Cuisine

Consisting of Fuzhou Cuisine, Quanzhou Cuisine and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine is distinguished for its choice seafood, beautiful color and magic taste of sweet, sour, salty and savory. The most distinct features are their "pickled taste".

Jiangsu Cuisine

Jiangsu Cuisine, also called Huaiyang Cuisine, is popular in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. Aquatics as the main ingredients, it stresses the freshness of materials. Its carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well known. Cooking techniques consist of stewing, braising, roasting, simmering, etc. The flavor of Huaiyang Cuisine is light, fresh and sweet and with delicate elegance. Jiangsu cuisine is well known for its careful selection of ingredients, its meticulous preparation methodology, and its not-too-spicy, not-too-bland taste. Since the seasons vary in climate considerably in Jiangsu, the cuisine also varies throughout the year. If the flavor is strong, it isn't too heavy; if light, not too bland.

Zhejiang Cuisine

Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine, not greasy, wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness of its dishes with mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one among the three.

Hunan cuisine

Hunan cuisine consists of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau. It characterizes itself by thick and pungent flavor. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division.

Anhui Cuisine

Anhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing. Often hams will be added to improve taste and sugar candy added

⑼ 用英語介紹一種中國的美食

「 Chinese Dumpling
Jiaozi(Chinese Dumpling) is a traditional Chinese Food, which is essential ring holidays in Northern China. Chinese mpling becomes one of the most widely loved foods in China.
Chinese mpling is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year. Since the shape of Chinese mplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots, they symbolize wealth. Traditionally, the members of a family get together to make mplings ring the New Year's Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the mplings. The person who finds the coin will likely have a good fortune in the New Year. Chinese mpling is also popular in other Chinese holidays or festivals, so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition.
Chinese mpling is a delicious food. You can make a variety of Chinese mplings using different fillings based on your taste and how various ingredients mixed together by you.
Usually when you have Chinese mpling for dinner, you will not have to cook anything else except for some big occasions. The mpling itself is good enough for dinner. This is one of the advantages of Chinese mpling over other foods, though it may take longer to make them.
Making mplings is really teamwork. Usually all family members join the work. Some people started to make mplings when they were kids in the family, so most Chinese know how to make mplings.」 謝謝採納!
餃子是中國新年餐桌上一道重要的食物。 由於餃子的形狀類似於中國古代的金錠或銀錠,因而象徵著財富。在除夕之夜,人們都有和家人團聚一起包餃子的習俗。他們會在某個餃子里包進一個硬幣,如果發現它的人將預示著在新年中將會有好運。 餃子在中國的其他節假日也是很受歡迎的食品,從而構成了中國文化傳統的一部分。
包餃子是一項團體工作。通常,一家人會參與到包餃子的工作中。有些人從小就學會包餃子,因而大多數中國人都知道怎麼包餃子。」 謝謝!

⑽ 中國的幾個有名小吃的介紹(英文版)

焦皮肘子、珍珠豆花、野菜炒蛋、素炒野灰灰菜、紅燒黃辣丁`三合泥 賴湯圓 樟菜鴨子 鍾水餃 夫妻肺片

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