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發布時間: 2020-12-27 06:31:18

⑴ 關於蝙蝠的英語作文

Bat is the only mammal that can fly in the world .However ,it doesn't belong to the birds.Well,its figure is small,and it has gray fur.Besides,its sight is not good .Bat is fond of looking for the food in the night while sleeping at the dark area in the daytime.What it like is mosquitoes,thus,we 're able to avoid the mosquitoes 's biting .And everybody has a ty to protect them .

⑵ 蝙蝠的英語小介紹

Bats are more than 900 different types of audiences around the world. Although they are adhesive, looked very much like a bird. But they have no feathers or eggs. They are mammals : the female gave birth to the baby with milk feeding. Certain types of bats flying masters, they can narrow space is quickly turned around and Bats are the only mammals to fly wings, like other flying squirrel and other mammals that can fly, only rely on the aerodynamically shaped coating gliding through the air. At night, bats rely on Haloperidol Pathfinder and Predator. They issued a human listening to the sound. When Sonic encountered objects, it will echo the same as going back to Canada, This bat can identify the object is moving or stationary, and how far away from it. Long-eared bats flying insect prey, it also let the worms from the leaves down grasp. Its large ears enable it to accept Echo. Mexico no tail bats in the twilight breeze. Tilapia bats, including fruit, fish, pollen, and even blood. Most of bats flying at night when the predator insects, each bat can identify himself Sonic, This shows that even with the other bats together predator, it will not be interference by other acoustic.

蝙蝠有900多個不同的種類,遍及世界各地。盡管它們有萬能膠,看上去 很像鳥類。但它們沒有羽毛,也不生蛋。它們是哺乳動物:雌性產下幼仔,用乳汁哺育。 某些種類的蝙蝠是飛行高手,它們能夠在狹窄的地方非常敏捷地轉身,蝙蝠是唯一能振翅飛翔的哺乳動物,其他像鼯鼠等能飛行的哺乳動物,只是靠翼形皮膜在空中滑行。 夜間, 蝙蝠靠皮波探路和捕食。它們發出人類聽不見的聲波。當這聲波遇到物體時,會像回聲一樣返加來,由此蝙蝠就能辨別出這個物體是移動的還是靜止的,以及離它有多遠。 長耳蝙蝠在飛行中捕食昆蟲,它也能從葉子 把蟲抓下來。它的大耳朵使它能接受回聲。 墨西哥無尾蝙蝠在暮色中飛舞 。 蝙蝠什麼都吃,包括果實、魚類、花粉、甚至血。大部分蝙蝠在夜間飛行時捕食昆蟲,每隻蝙蝠都能辨別出自己發出的聲波,這說明即使與其他蝙蝠一起捕食,它也不會被別的聲波所干擾。

⑶ 蝙蝠的英語怎麼說

蝙蝠: [ biān fú ]

1. bat

<chauve-souris> <flittermouse> <vespertilionid> <reremouse> <aerial mammal> <rearmouse>

1. 蝙蝠在夜間飛行,以昆蟲為食。
Bats fly at night and feed on insects.

2. 蝙蝠在暮色蒼茫的天空中飛來飛去。
Bats flitted about in the darkening sky.

3. 黑暗中有些蝙蝠飛翔的鬼影。
There are some ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark.

4. 這種蝙蝠與大多數蝙蝠不同, 是在日間活動的.
Unlike most other bats, this species is diurnal.

5. 夜行動物, 如蝙蝠和貓頭鷹只在夜裡才出來.
Nocturnal animals such as bats and owls only come out at night.

6. 蝙蝠是在黎明或黃昏時分活動的動物.
Bats are crepuscular creatures.

⑷ 「蝙蝠」用英文怎麼讀

bat;[英] [bæt] [美] [bæt]

n. 蝙蝠;短抄棍,(棒球等的)球棒,(網球等的)球拍;白話,口語,成語,俗話;(口)打擊,猛擊,(海上)導彈;

vt.& vi. 用球板擊球,用球棒擊球(尤指板球或棒球運動);

aerial mammal;[英] [ˈɛəriəl ˈmæməl] [美] [ˈɛriəl ˈmæməl]

n. 蝙蝠;

  1. I had bolted the door the instant I had seen the bat.我一看到蝙蝠就把門閂上了。

2.In China bats are thought of as being very lucky.在中國,蝙蝠被視為吉祥物。

3.Most bats navigate by echolocation.大多數蝙蝠靠回聲定位來飛行。

⑸ 蝙蝠用英語怎麼寫

bat 就可以
你看蝙蝠俠 Bat Man

⑹ 蝙蝠 的英語怎麼說


蝙蝠俠batman~ 哈哈! 忍不住就想寫上來~

⑺ 關於蝙蝠的知識用英語解答

小知識:1蝙蝠種類繁多,全世界約有00種。蝙蝠的種類數目在哺乳動物中居第二位,專僅次於嚙齒類動物。豬鼻小屬蝙蝠翼距只有1厘米,身體如小狗般大的狐蝠翼距寬達米。有些蝙蝠的飛行速度可達0千米每小時以上。蝙蝠能在1秒鍾內捕捉和分辨0組迴音。(註:音波往返一次算一組。)從秋天開始,蝙蝠就在下腹部聚積了一層脂肪,至冬眠前體重變為夏天時的1.倍以上。喔 順便提一下 目前我在學的ABC天卞英語的導師才和我提過,如果想將英語學好是不難的..堅持要擁有一個適合的研習空間與進修口語對象 老師水平是關鍵,發音純正很重要,堅決每日口語交流 1 on 1加強化教學才可以有更.好.的學習效果;上完課同樣要重復溫習課堂錄音檔 幫助加強記憶..若真的是沒有人可以指導的情況 只能到 VOA或BBC拿到課余教材閱讀,多說多問不知不覺的口語就提升起來 學習成長是必定迅速明顯的。有的蝙蝠會釣魚,墨西哥兔唇蝠一個晚上能捕獲0多條小魚。一隻0克重的食蟲性蝙蝠一年能吃掉1.--.千克昆蟲。一窩由100隻蝙蝠組成的蝙蝠群仿生學

⑻ 蝙蝠的英文


英 [bæt] 美 [bæt]

n. 蝙蝠;球棒;球拍;批處理文件的擴展名

vt. 用球棒擊球;擊球率達…

vi. 輪到擊球;用球棒擊球


at bat輪到擊球

baseball bat棒球棒

off the bat馬上;立刻

bat around詳細討論;到處游盪




n. 蝙蝠(藍博基尼牌汽車的一種型號)


Lamborghini Murcielago蘭博基尼 ; 蘭博基尼蝙蝠 ; 蘭博堅尼蝙蝠 ; 蝙蝠

Ivan Murcielago姓名

Murcielago Roadster蘭博基尼


1、Although we can't say what the new supercar will look like, the report indicates the new Lambo will feature a shorter front overhang and a wheelbase similar to the outgoing Murcielago.


2、Both the Diablo and the Countach are no longer being proced, so the only Lamborghini car with scissor doors today is the Murcielago.


3、Lamborghini Murcielago tops the list with an estimated annual fuel cost of $5025.


⑼ 蝙蝠用英語怎麼寫




⑽ 蝙蝠英語怎麼說啊


Are bats birds?蝙蝠是鳥類嗎?

Do bats lay eggs like birds?蝙蝠下的蛋像鳥類的嗎?

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