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發布時間: 2020-12-27 06:01:26

Ⅰ 用英語介紹外國人風俗習慣




人們在日常對話中可能會用俗語。中國學生對這些俗語不熟悉,甚至不明白。例如, "Loo"指廁所(WC),"Tube"指地鐵(metro),"Tea"在某些情況下指正餐, "Pants"指內衣褲。人們說"flat"而不是"apartment"。"To let"的意思是"供出租"。在非正式的場合,常用"Cheers"代替"Thank you"。當人們說"lovely"、 "brilliant"、 "magnificent"的時候,他們的意思是"yes"。



英國人彬彬有禮,提出請求時說「please」,接受了幫助或服務後說「thank you」,無論事情多麼微不足道。







酒吧是英國人喜歡與朋友相聚的社交中心。中國學生可能會被邀請出去「喝一品脫」(go out to have a pint),作為與英國學生社交的開始。

Ⅱ 如何向外國人用英語介紹自己

I'm .. ,an engineer for the quality of the company
Nice to meet you here.
I hope you can have a good stay here.
If you have any problem, don't hesitate to tell me, i'll try my best to help you.

Ⅲ 向老外介紹時,該怎樣讀自己的名字

建議使用中文表抄述方式,畢竟你的襲名字是中國名字,當然要遵循中國習慣,而且也沒見哪個外國人叫自己「Green Mike」的。。
如果你怕他們不能理解,可以補充解釋,如:my family name is Chen,and my given name is Shiya。

Ⅳ 我給外國人介紹茶葉應該怎麼說英語.

I introce and recommend Chinese tea to foreigners

Ⅳ 英語作文為外國人介紹一篇小說

The Black Joke is a rousing sea story in the tradition of the great classic pirate tales. The time is the 1930s. The loot is bootleg liquor, not pirate gold. And the ship is the 「Black Joke,」 the speediest, nimblest craft on the Newfoundland coast – Jonathon Spence, owner and master. An unwelcome passenger enmeshes the boat and her crew (young Peter and Kye) in danger and near destruction… the fiercely independent people of the island of Miquelon are caught up in the fate of the 「Black Joke」 and the cargo aboard her.

Ⅵ 用英語介紹外國人的習俗

If you went to Britain,you』d find a lot of things surprising.But different things surprise different people.
In Britain people drive on the left.Dimitri Poulos,from Greece,thought this was very strange.「I』ve been in Britain for nearly a month now,but I never remember to look right instead of left before I cross the road.If I stayed for a year,I still wouldn』t remember!」
Hiroshi Hasegawa,from Japan,couldn』t understand why British people kept his shoes on at home.「 If a visitor kept his shoes on at home in Japan,we』d think he was very rude or very dirty.I also can』t understand why British people don』t wash before getting into the bath.They wash themselves in the bath,in their own dirty water!I wouldn』t feel clean if I had a bath that way.」
Hiroshi Hasegawa,來自日本,不理解為什麼英國人在家裡總是穿著鞋.「如果有客人在日本人家裡穿著鞋,我們會認為這人是非常粗魯和骯臟的.還有,我不知道為什麼英國人在進入游泳池前不先洗一洗.他們就在游泳池裡洗,在那臟兮兮的水裡!如果我這樣洗澡的話,我會感到渾身不幹凈.」
Roberto Grazzi,from Italy,couldn』t understand why British people queued so much.「At a bus stop or in a post office,they always stand in a line—even if there』s only one other person!If I did that in Italy,people would think I was crazy!

Ⅶ 英語作文《為外國人介紹廣州》80字,兩日內採納

Guangzhou is a beautiful city in China. Guangzhou is a good place to visit. In Guangzhou there are many beautiful parks, museums, temples, etc. So many people like going to visit Guangzhou. And you can eat many famous and delicious food in Guangzhou. Guangzhou isn』t cold in winter ,but it』s quite hot in summer. Guangzhou has a long history of about two thousand years. I like Guangzhou very much.

Ⅷ 讓外國人幫我介紹女朋友,用英語怎麼說

Unit to a Canadian interns, come back home soon, and I want him to help me to introce some Caucasian girls know, of course is to loveto make friends.

Ⅸ 當你向外國朋友介紹爸媽怎麼說用英語

When you introce your parents to foreign friends

When you introce your parents to foreign friends

Ⅹ 向外國人介紹家鄉無錫用英語怎麼說

Wuxi is a garden city and a beautiful place to have a visit of.Wuxi is very clean,as well as the air on the Tai Lake.The garden is very beautiful.There are big shopping malls in town centre.There are also many restaurants that has many special foods.You can enjoy eating local meals,like huntun ,small steamed bun and so on.you can take some back to your hometown as well.I hope you to come to Wuxi as soon as you can,and you will have a good time here.

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