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1. 「了解」英語短語怎麼說

「了解」英語短語 (單字)= comprehend

2. 短語「了解」用英語怎麼寫


3. 用英語介紹短語和句子。

ray of hope一線希望
He still have a ray of hope.他始終抱有一線希望.

grey hair老年人
Grey hair should be respected.老年人應該受到尊重.

make one』s mouth water 讓某人版流口水
The roast ck that rest- aurant serves is my favorate dish.Every time I think about it, it makes my mouth water.

throw cold water 潑冷水
Everybody else in the office thought my idea was great, but the boss threw cold water on it.

4. 介紹自己的句子英語帶翻譯

1. I am the one who can …


2. I can adapt to any situation and adjust to the changes in the environment. I thrive in a fluctuating environment.


3. I am innovative.I pay attention to detail and find opportunities where other people see none.


4. I leads people. I can unite people around a vision and motivate a team to excellence.


5. I always has an eye on my target. I endeavour to deliver high-quality work on time, every time.


6. I knows this job inside and out. With many years of relevant experience, there is no question whether I will be efficient on the job. I can bring the best practices to the company.


7. I has a high level of motivation to work here. I have studied the entire companyhistory and observed its business strategies.


8. Sometimes I'm reserved and enjoy staying and thinking all by myself. I think this may be my weakness.


5. 介紹短語 英語

a couple of 一對,一雙;幾個
a few 少許,一些
a good deal 許多,大量;…得多
a good few 相當多,不少
a good many 大量的,許多,相當多
a little 一些,少許;一點兒
a lot of 大量,許多;非常
a number of 一些,許多
a point of view 觀點,著眼點
a series of 一系列,一連串
a variety of 種種,各種
above all 首先,首要,尤其是
access to 接近;通向…的入口
according to 根據…所說;按照
account for 說明(原因等);解釋
accuse sb. of sth. 控告(某人某事)
act for 代理
act on 按照…而行動
act out 演出
adapt to 適應
add up 加算,合計
add up to 合計達,總計是
admire to do sth. (美口)很想做某事
admit of 容許有,有…餘地
admit to 承認,讓…享有
advertise for 登廣告徵求(尋找)某物
afford to (買)得起(某物)
after a while 過了一會,不久
after all 畢竟,終究;雖然這樣
agree about 對…有相同的看法
agree on 就…達成協議決定, 同意,贊成
agree to 同意,商定
agree with 同意,與…取得一致, 與…相一致;適合
ahead of 在…前面,先於;勝過
ahead of schele 提前
ahead of time 提前,在原定時間以前
aim for 力爭…,針對
all along 始終,一直,一貫
all at once 突然;同時;一起
all but 幾乎,差一點
all in all 總的說來;頭等重要的
all of a sudden 突然,冷不防
all one's life 一生,一輩子
all out 竭盡全力
all over 到處,遍及;全部結束
all over again 再一次,重新
all right 令人滿意的;好,行,可以;順利;確實
all round (在…)周圍,處處
all the same 仍然,照樣地
all the time 一直,始終
all the years round 一年到頭
allow for 考慮到,估計到;體諒
allow of 容許(有…),容得
along with 同…一道(一起)
and so forth 等等,如此等等
and so on 等等
and then 於是,然後
and yet 而,然而
answer for 對…負責;符合…
answer sb. back (與某人)頂嘴,回嘴
any number of 許多
anything but 除…以外任何事(物)
apart from 除…之外(別無)
appeal to 上訴
apply for 提出申請(或要求等)
apply one's mind to 專心於…
apply oneself to 致力於
apply to 向…申請或要求
apply...to 把…應用於
approach to 接近;約等於
approve of 贊成,滿意
arm in arm 手挽手地
arrive at 到達(某地)
as a matter of fact 事實上,其實
as a result 作為結果
as a result of 由於;作為…的結果
as a rule 通常;一般說來
as a whole 總體上
as far as …那麼遠,直到;至於
as follows 如下
as for 至於,就…方面說
as if 好象,彷彿
as long as 達…之外,長達
as long as 只要
as much as 盡…那樣多;差不多
as soon as 一…就…
as soon as possible 盡快
as usual 像往常一樣,照例
as well 也,同樣,不妨
as well as (除…之外)也,既…又
as...as... 象,如同,與…一樣
aside from (美)除…以外
ask for 請求,要求,尋求
assist sb. with sth. 幫助某人做某事
assure sb. of sth. 使(某人)確信(某事)
at a loss 困惑;虧本地
at a speed of 以…的速度
at a time 每次;在某個時刻
at all 完全,根本;到底
at all costs 不惜任何代價
at all events 無論如何
at all risks 無論冒什麼危險
at all times 無論何時,一直
at any cost 不惜任何代價
at any rate 無論如何;至少
at any time 在任何時候
at ease 自由自在;舒適,舒坦
at first 最初,首先,開始時候
at first sight 乍一看(之下)
at full speed 以全速
at hand 在手邊;在附近
at home 在家,在國內;自在
at last 最終,終於
at least 至少,最低限度
at most 最多,至多,不超過
at night 天黑時;在夜裡
at no time 決不,在任何時候都不
at once 立刻,馬上;同時
at one time 同時;曾經,一度
at present 目前,現在
at stake 在危險中;危如累卵
at table 在餐桌邊,在進餐時
at the cost of 以…為代價
at the expense of 歸…付費
at the latest 最遲,至遲
at the mercy of 在…支配下
at the moment 此刻,目前;那時
at the same time 同時,然而,不過
at times 有時,不時
at work (人)在工作;忙於
attach importance to 認為重要, 重視
attach oneself to 依附;參加黨派
attach to 使屬於,使參加
attend to 專心;照顧,護理
back and forth (前後)來回地,往返
back down off 放棄,讓步,退卻
back of 在…的後面;在…背後
based on 以…為基礎
be able to 能,會
be about to 即將(做)
be absorbed in 專心致力於…
be abundant in …富於,…豐富
be accustomed to 習慣於
be acquainted with 開始認識;開始了解
be addicted to 沉溺於;使吸毒成癮
be adequate for 適合
be alike to 與…相同,與…相似
be alive to 對…敏感,覺察,關心
be at war 處於交戰狀態
be attached to 附屬於;喜愛;愛慕
be attentive to 對…關懷
be available for 有效
be aware of 知道,意識到,認識到
be beneficial to 有利於,有益於
be blind to 不了解,對…是盲目的
be bound to 一定會…,必然…
be busy with 忙於…
be capable of 有做出(某事)傾向的
be careful of 當心…對…仔細
be careful with 照顧;對…過細地
be cautious of 留心…,謹防…
be certain of 確信,肯定
be certain to do sth 一定做…
be clear about 對…明白,對…明確
be comparable to 比得上…
be comparable with 與…可比較的
be composed of 由…組成
be concerned with 關心,掛念;從事於
be considerate of 體諒…,替…著想
be eager for sth. 渴求某事物
be envious of 羨慕(或忌妒)
be equal to 等於,相當於
be essential to 對…不可缺少
be familiar to 為…所熟悉
be familiar with 對…熟悉
be favourable to 贊成…
be fed up with 對…感到厭煩,膩了
be fond of 愛好
be friends with 與…交友(友好)
be full of 充滿
be generous with 用…很大方
be good at 善於,擅長於
be in fashion (人、物)合於時尚
be in for 參加(競賽、考試等)
be in love with 跟…戀愛
be inferior to (質量等)比…差
be jealous of 嫉妒…
be keen about 喜愛,對…著迷
be keen on 喜愛,愛好;渴望
be known as 以…知名;被認為是
be known for 因…而眾所周知
be known to 為…所知
be located in 位於…,坐落在…
be loyal to 忠於
be married to sb. 和…結婚
be occupied in 忙於…,正從事…
be on a diet 節食
be out of employment 失業
be out of style 不合時式,不時髦
be representative of 代表…
be responsible to sb 向…負責
be satisfied with 對…感到滿意
be seated 坐下,坐著;位於…
be short of 缺乏,不足;達不到
be superior to 比…更優越
be supposed to 被期望;應該
be sure of oneself 有自信心
be to blame 該受責備;應該負責
be up to 該由…負責;勝任
be used to 習慣於
be worth doing 值得(做)
bear down 壓倒,擊敗,克服
bear off 贏得;使離開;駛離
bear on 對…施加影響;有關
bear out 證實,證明
bear sth. in mind 記住(某事)
bear up 支持,擁護;打起精神
bear with 寬容;耐心等待
beat down 打倒,推翻;殺(價)
beat off 擊退,打退(進攻)
before long 不久以後
begin with 以…開始;開始於
believe in 相信,信仰,主張
belong to 屬於;附屬
bend one's knee to 向…跪下,屈服於
best of all 最(好),首先
beyond control 無法控制
bit by bit 一點一點地,漸漸
black and blue (被打得)遍體鱗傷
boast of 吹牛,自誇,誇耀
both...and... 既…又…,不但…而且
break away 突然離開;逃跑,脫身
break down 打破;發生故障;中止
break in 訓練;強行進入;打斷
break into 闖進;突然…起來
break into pieces (使)成為碎片
break off (使)折斷;中斷;斷絕
break one's word 失信,食言
break out (戰爭等)爆發;逃出
break the ice 打破沉默
break through 突破,沖垮;突圍
break up 打碎;(關系)破裂
break up 分裂,分解;解散
bring about 帶來;使(船)掉過頭來
bring back 帶回來,使恢復
bring down 降低(溫度等);使倒下
bring forth 使產生;生(孩子)
bring forward 使涌現出
bring forward 提出(建議等);顯示
bring in 收獲(莊稼等);生產
bring into action 使行動起來
bring into effect 實行,實現,實施
bring into operation 實施,使生效
bring off 救出;成功地做某事
bring on 引導,導致;使發展
bring out 使…顯示出來;公布
bring over 把…帶來;使某人轉變
bring through 救活(病人)
bring to life 使蘇醒
bring to ruin 使毀滅,使落空
bring together 使…團結起來
bring up 教育;提出(供討論)
brush aside 掃除(障礙等),無視
brush off 刷去;撣去;拂去
brush up 擦亮;重新學習;復習
build up 樹立;逐步建立;增大
burn down 把…夷為平地
burn out 燒壞;燒盡,筋疲力盡
burn up (爐火等)燒旺起來
burst into 闖入;突然發作
burst into laughter 突然笑起來
burst out laughing 突然笑起來
burst up 爆炸;失敗;突然發怒
burst upon 突然來到
but for 倘沒有,要不是
buy off 收買
buy out 出錢使(某人)放棄地位
buy up 全買;盡可能買進
by accident 偶然
by air 通過航空途徑
by all means 盡一切辦法;一定
by and by 不久以後,將來
by any means 無論如何
by chance 偶然,碰巧,意外地
by comparison 比較起來
by far …得多;最最
by force 憑借暴力;強迫地
by hand 用手;用手工的
by heart 熟記,牢記,憑記憶
by instinct 憑(靠)本能
by means of 用,憑借,依靠
by mistake 錯誤地
by name 名叫;用名字
by nature 生性,本性上
by night 在夜間;趁黑夜
by no means 決不,並沒有
by oneself 單獨;獨自,自行
by the moment 到那時候
by the way 順便提一下,另外
by worthy of 值得
by yourself 你獨自地,你獨立地
call after 追在…的後面叫喊
call at 作短暫訪問;停(泊)
call back 叫回來,收回(錯話等)
call down 祈求到;招來
call for 要求,需要,提倡
call in 收回(某物)
call off 叫走,叫開;取消
call on 訪問;號召;呼籲
call the roll 點名
call up 徵召(服役),動員
call...to account 責問,要求…說明理由
calm down 平靜下來;鎮定下來
can not help 情不自禁,忍不住
cannot but 不得不,不會不
cannot help 不得不;忍不住
cannot help but 不得不(接動詞原形)
cannot...too... 越…越好, 怎麼…也不會過分
care for 關懷,照管;願意
carry away 運走,使失去自製力
carry back 運回;使回想起
carry forward 推進,發揚
carry into effect 實行,實現,實施
carry off 拿走,奪去…的生命
carry on 繼續開展,堅持下去
carry out 進行(到底),開展
carry through 進行(到底);貫徹
cash in 兌現;收到…的貨款
catch at 想抓住;渴望取得
catch fire 著火,燒著
catch on 理解,明白,變得流行
catch one's breath 喘息;屏息
catch sb.'s eye 引起(某人)注目
catch sight of 發現,看到,突然看見
catch up 趕上;打斷…的話
catch up with 趕上;指出…出了差錯
change one's mind 改變主意
check in 辦理登記手續,報到
check out 結賬後離開;檢驗合格
check over 檢查;調查
check up 核對,檢驗
check with 與…相符合
cheer on 向…歡呼;鼓勵;聲援
cheer up 使高興,使高興起來
clear away 把…清除掉;(雲)消失
clear off (雲霧等)消散;消除,擺脫(負擔等)
clear out 把…清出(或出空)
clear up 消除(誤會等);整理
close about 圍住,包圍
close down (工廠等)關閉,倒閉; 停止播送;控制
close up (傷口)癒合;停業; 關閉;堵塞;靠近
combine with 使結合;使聯合起來
come about 發生;(風等)改變方向
come across (越過…而)來到
come after 跟在…後面;跟蹤
come at 襲擊;達到;得到
come by 從旁走過;得到
come down 敗落
come down on 申斥;懲罰
come for 來接人;來取物
come into 進入;得到
come into effect 開始生效,開始實行
come into use 開始被使用
come of 出身於;由…引起
come off (計劃等)實現;舉行
come on (勸說等)來吧;開始
come out 出版;傳出;顯現
come out with 發表,提出;公布
come over 過來;從遠方來
come round (非正式的)來訪;繞道
come through 經歷(困難);獲得成功
come to 蘇醒;共計;達到
come to an end 告終,結束;完結
come to life 蘇醒過來
come to one's mind 忽然想起
come to the point 說到要點;扼要地說
come true (希望等)實現,達到
come under 編入,歸入(某一項目)
come up 走近;(從土中)長出
come up with 追上,趕上;提出
compare with 與…相比較
compare...to 把…比作;與…相比較
complain of 抱怨;訴苦;抗議
connect with 連接;相通,銜接
considering that 鑒於…,就…而論
consist in 在於;存在於
consist of 由…構成,包含有
consult with 與…商量(協商)
contribute to 有助於…,促成
cope with 對付…,妥善處理
count in 把…計算在內
count on 依靠;期待,指望
count out 點…的數
count up 把…加起來,共計
cover over 遮沒
cover up 掩蓋,掩飾
cross off 從…劃掉,刪去
cross out 刪去,取消
cry out 大聲呼喊;大聲抱怨
cure sb. of 治癒某人的疾病
cut across 抄近路穿過,對直通過
cut back 修剪(樹枝等);削減
cut down 砍倒;消減;縮短
cut in (汽車)超車,搶擋
cut into 侵犯(利益等);削減
cut off 切掉;切斷;阻隔
cut out 切掉;刪掉;停止
cut out for 適合於,准備;面對
cut short 使突然停止;打斷
cut through (抄近路)穿過;穿透
cut up (牲口等)宰後得肉; 切碎;齊根割掉
date back to 追溯到;從…開始有
day after day 日復一日地
deal with 做買賣;處理;安排
decide on 選定,決定
dedicate to 獻(身);把…用在…
depart from 離開,起程;開出
devote oneself to 獻身於;致力於
die away 變弱;漸漸消失;平息
die for 渴望,切望
die from 由於…而死,因…致死
die of illness 病死
die off 一個個死掉
die out 消失,滅絕,不復存在
dig in 掘土以參進(肥料等)
dig out 掘出;挖掉
dig up 掘起;挖出
dip into 浸一浸;掏;翻閱一下
disagree with 與…意見不一致
do a good job 好好乾;幹得好
do away with 廢除,去掉;弄死
do one's best 盡力,盡最大努力
do one's ty 盡職,盡本分
do one's hair (女子)做頭發
do sb. a favour 給某人以恩惠
do sb. good 幫助某人
do sb. wrong 冤枉(委屈)某人
do up 維修;使整潔;包紮
do up one's hair (女子)梳理頭發
do well (病人等)康復情況良好
do with 與…相處;忍受;對付
do without 沒有…也行;將就
do wrong 做錯;作惡,犯罪
draw a conclusion 得出結論
draw back 收回(已付關稅等)
draw in (火車、汽車)進站
draw into 使捲入
draw lots 抽簽,抽簽決定
draw on 吸收;利用;憑;戴上
draw out 拉長;掏出(手帕等)
draw up 起草,制訂
dream of 夢到;夢想;嚮往
dream up (憑想像)虛構
dress up 穿上盛裝
drink to 為…乾杯,為…祝福
drink up 喝乾凈,喝完
drive home 用車把…送到家
drive out 趕出去
drive up 抬高
drop in 順便走訪,非正式訪問
drop off 睡著;(讓…)下車
drop on 訓斥,懲罰
drop out 退出,退學;掉落
drop to one's knees 跪下
dry up (使)乾涸
e to 由於;應歸於
each other 互相(多用作賓語)
earn one's living 謀生
eat up 吃完,吃光;耗盡
either...or 或…或,不是…就是
employ oneself in 使忙於,使從事於
end up 結束,告終;豎著
end up with 以…而結束
engage in 從事於,參加
enjoy oneself 過得快活;玩得高興
ensure sb. against 保護某人免受…
equip with 裝備,配備
even if 即使,縱然
even now 即使在現在
ever since 從那時起一直到現在
ever so 非常,極其
every other day 每隔一天
except for 除…之外
excuse sb. for sth. 原諒某人做了某事
face to face 面對面(的)地;對立地
fail in 在…不足,疏忽
fail to 不能,記憶
fair play 公平的競賽;公平對待
fall back 後退,退卻
fall back on 求助於,轉而依靠
fall behind 落在…後面,跟不上
fall for 愛上,迷戀;受騙

6. 自我介紹,用英語怎麼說。

自我介紹(給你三種說法 )


2.introce oneself to

3.make oneself known to



Allow me to introce myself: Jenny Heywood , an engineer from Cambe x . "請允許我自我介紹:詹妮海伍德,坎培克斯公司的一名工程師。

"Please let me introce myself: Donald Emory , director of the English department . "請讓我自我介紹:大衛埃默里,英語系主任。

Let me introce myself; my name is Simpson.讓我作自我介紹吧,我名叫辛普森。

Please let me introce myself: David Emory, director of the English Department.請讓我自我介紹:大衛·埃默里,英語系主任。

He walked into the room, reintroced himself and pretended he didn't know how to wrap his Christmas gifts. I pretended to believe him and helped.他走進我的房間,重新做了自我介紹。並假裝他不知道如何包裝聖誕禮物,我也假裝信了他的話並幫了他。

Let me introce myself.讓我自我介紹一下

Allow me to introce myself: Jenny Heywood, an engineer from Cambex.請允許我自我介紹:詹妮·海伍德,坎培克斯公司的一名工程師。

May I myself: Donald Ervin .請允許我自我介紹:唐納德歐文。

Do you mind if I introce myself? My name's Si Tu Wen.讓我自我介紹好嗎?我叫司徒文。

May I introce myself: Donald Ervin.




introce tov. 將某人介紹給另一個人

introce into引入,引進,列入

introce oneself自我介紹,介紹自己

introce before提出,提交,呈送

introce disease染病

introce the budget提出預算案

introce foreign capital引進外資,輸入外資

introce new proct介紹新產品

introce a question【法】 開始討論一個問題, 提出問題

introce from elsewherev.引進



  1. 把…介紹(給),引見,做(自我)介紹






re introcev. 重新介紹,重新引進

7. 介紹某人給某人,這個短語用英語怎麼說

一般來說用:"I will introce A to you",這是針對對方而言;但要介紹你自己得別人,就用:"make a brife introction about myself",一般結構歸納為回 "introce A to B".看能幫你忙不?謝謝!答

8. 用英語寫十個介紹自己的短語

playing the violin
riding a bike
flying kites
making kites
collecting stamps
playing tennis
playing table tennis
skating on the ice
bouncing a ball

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