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發布時間: 2020-12-27 05:23:15

A. 哪位仁兄有關於在公園看到的景物描寫的英語作文

This is a park.It is on the north side of the town.
The park is large and beautiful.There are benches all around the park. There are many trees in the park. Some of the trees are oak and some are maple. The trees are tall and give lots of shade in the summer.There are many bushes in the park. There is also a lot of thick,green grass.There are some lovely flowers in the park.
This park is a wounderful place to spend the afternoon.There are different kinds of vegetation to enjoy.

B. 用英語介紹常州公園,介紹的是公園里的風景和游樂設施,最好帶翻譯

你不說什麼公園,誰知是哪個 。 這是常州人民公園的,中文是網上的看你需不需要。 人民公園地處市中心,佔地30212平方米,集公園和廣場於一體,現代與古典相結合,是常州市標志性的公園景觀。白天漫步在公園的小路上,在您的周圍是挺拔蒼勁的古樹,綠意盎然的草坪,清澈透亮的水景。而在夏日的夜晚,五彩繽紛的燈光把公園裝扮得流光溢彩,涼風徐徐吹來,令人心曠神怡。
人民公園前身為武進縣商會會館花園。民國二年(1913年)對公眾開放,為常州市第一個公園,時稱公花園。上世紀20年代末30年代初,公園逐步衰敗。 1950年,經人民政府組織修繕、擴建,公園面積增至34畝,並定為人民公園。2002年,市政府為民辦實事,投資6038萬元,歷時8個月,對公園再次進行大規模的擴建。擴建後新增綠地11661平方米,總面積達到30212平方米。成為常州第一個24小時對外免費開放的公園。
People's Park is located in the city centre, an area of 30212 square meters, set the parks and squares in one, combining modern and classical, is the Changzhou city landmark landscape park. Day walk in the park, around you is upright and vigorous trees, green lawn, crystal clear water. In the summer night, a riot of colours light park dress up Ambilight, cool breeze gently blowing, people feel fresh.
People's Park, formerly known as the Wujin County Chamber of Commerce Center garden. In two years ( 1913) is open to the public, for the Changzhou city's first park, said public garden. Go up century 20 time end at the beginning of the 30's, the park graally decline. 1950, approved by the people's government organization renovation, expansion, the park area to 34 acres, and as the people's park. 2002, city hall for the private facts, investment of 60380000 yuan, which lasted 8 months, the park again for a large-scale expansion. After the expansion of the new green space of 11661 square meters, the total area of 30212 square meters. Changzhou has become the first 24 hours of the park open free.
After the reconstruction of the people's Park is divided into two regions, West South Street, North Yanling West Road, the new Yan 's spring, waterfalls, green Fong Chau occipital flow, Orioles song sound and other attractions, beautiful environment, pleasant scenery. When you enter the heart of the city, you can see the park 's iconic landscape, Yulan sculpture fountain crane stand tree lawn oasis, clear water waves by centers around high from the spill into the in the pool, splashing countless drops, attracted a vast number of tourists. Walk in the park, I in your eyes is vigorous and effective means, known as the living fossil, ginkgo tree city yulan famous ancient trees. No matter what season that could see the blooming flowers and green grass.
The light fragrance strikes, on Shannon south line, a pool of water view. Like fireworks flower fountain, as water summer lotus fog fountain with music, jump up and down mountain form the fountain pool surface embellishment which, along with the wave turbulence, in the light of the sun, shining at the bottom of the pool, the cobblestone also beat, an open up a fresh outlook show subsequently staged. Beside the pond there is a small hill, hill has a unique form of salon stage, this is the best place for lovers of art activities.
By the Jin Ling Road into sg-square, slowly into the park areas -- classical Jin Ling kang. The area brings together Ji Ziting, Hao Ran booth, falling star Pavilion, Chiang teous memorial archway, Chong method Temple monuments, were included in the municipal heritage conservation units, there are many legends and so you savor. Traveling north, is the yellow wall black tile, a tall, dignified simplicity Chong method temple, according to legend was built in 1300 years of Sui Dynasty, rebuilt in 2004 city hall inside the facility, the monarch is for the majority of tourists market leisure teahouse. This really is, Faded Glory, flying into the homes of ordinary people.

C. 公園里的景色真美啊,有有還有怎麼寫








D. 描寫自然公園內的景物的英語作文6句左右

In the evening,sky Caixia,dyed the horizon,Red Lake,little lights flashing,on the surface of the lake in the evening breeze blowing the lake disc type lotus leavesand rippling,is rippling with my poetic feelings,near the stone bridge,pavilion,pavilion,far outside the buildings,Castle Peak,TV Tower as if lying on the the lake,water around the mountain,the mountain water,landscape totaldependency,Lotus Lake Park is just a beautiful landscape painting.

E. 公園里有哪些景物它們各有什麼特點


F. 以inthe park為題簡單描寫你所見過的公園中的景物不少於五句話英語

There are people in the park. They are enjoying themselves. There are some birds in the trees. They are singing. There are some boats on the lake..There are many trees and flowers around the lake. What a beautiful park!

G. 用英語描寫自然公園的景色

Jiuzhaigou by the primitive ecological environment, the spotless crisp air and the snowy mountain, the forest, the lake combines wonderful, singularly varied, the serene and beautiful natural scenery, the appearance 「natural America, the beautiful nature」, by the reputation is 「the fairy tale world」, 「the world fairyland」.Jiuzhaigou's peak, the color forest, the green jade sea, fold the waterfall and the Tibetan national minority character and style are been called 「the five-character jue」.Jiuzhaigou is located south central pa Tibetan national minority Qiang national minority autonomous prefecture Naping County, the depth more than 40 kilometers, the total area more than 60,000 hectares, three main ditches form the Y shape distribution, the total length amount to 60 kilometers.Because the transportation is inconvenient, here has nearly become a secluded from the world place.Some nine Tibetan national minority stockaded village is only situated in this piece of high mountain ridge, Jiuzhaigou therefore acquires fame.Here preserves is having the primitive style natural scenery, has own special landscape.
Jiuzhaigou landscape distributes in Cheng Yxing the tree, the date then, looks up in the hollow 3 main ditches, total length 50 kilometers.Mainly has the tree scenic area, the long 75 kilometers, have the bonsai beach, the tree group sea, the tree waterfall, double Longhai, fire Huahai, lie scenic spot compositions and so on Longhai; Then the date the ditch scenic area, has the promise date brightly, the pearl beach, the high waterfall three big waterfalls, has scenic spots and so on mirror sea, panda sea, fragrant grass sea, swan sea, sword crag, virgin forest, waterfall, five Huahai; Then Zha Wagou the scenic area, has scenic spots and so on length 75 kilometer Changhai and five pools of color; Grips like the scenic area, has the devil crag, grips like scenic spots and so on temple.
Jiuzhaigou four seasons scenery extremely is all enchanting.When spring a shoot green, the waterfall flows livelily; The summer comes the shade to encircle the lake, the hawk flies the swallow dance; Fall to red leaves shop mountain, color forest everywhere; The winter comes the snow to bind the mountain range, ices the waterfall like jade. Has an excellent destination in addition south Jiuzhaigou: Huanglong.Huanglong is located east the Sungpan county annals in the Huanglong ditch approximately 35 kilometers place, Huanglong's strange scenery.Enable it to have " the Huanglong world certainly " laudatory name.
九寨溝四季景色都十分迷人。春時嫩芽點綠,瀑流輕快;夏來綠蔭圍湖,鶯飛燕舞;秋至紅葉鋪山,彩林滿目;冬來雪裹山巒,冰瀑如玉。 在九寨溝南另有一絕妙去處:黃龍。黃龍在黃龍溝位於松潘縣志東約35公里處,黃龍的奇異的景色。使它擁有"黃龍天下絕"的美稱。

H. 怎樣描寫公園的景色英語作文小學五年級

There is aclean river. There are some colorful flowers. There is a beautiful mountain near the nature park. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The tree is green. The bridge is tall. The grass is green. I can run on the grass.There is a path near the lake. There are many fish in the lake. There is a forest in the nature park. There are many trees on the mountains. There are many
flowers near the path.

I. 你去過自然公園嗎寫寫你去那裡看到的景物和你的感受。(英語作文)


J. 描述一下約翰星期日去自然公園的情景在公園里有很多好看的景色用英語

John went to the park last Sunday,it was winter,Most of the leaves on the trees were falling down.Only there were some fullgreen tree standed still.It was so cold,but John found out that wintersweet were open,there were many kinds of wintersweet bloom.Red,pink,white,green and so on.The smell was great,many people were taking photos and enjoying the view.

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