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發布時間: 2021-02-25 22:54:43

A. 各種「牛仔褲」用英文都該怎麼表達

我喜歡這件背心,它跟我的布袋牛仔褲很搭配。 人家都說美國人比歐洲人和日本人不重視穿著,據我的觀察也是如此。美國女生的標准穿著通常是一件 T-shirt 或是露出肚臍的小可愛背心 (tank top),再配上一件牛仔褲 (jeans)。男生的話也差不多,只差不會把肚臍露出來而已。 上面提到這個 tank top,就是中文裡所講的背心,也就是那種無袖的上衣。有一種男生穿的純白的背心,看起來像內衣一樣的 tank top,老美把這種 tank top 戲稱為 wife-beater。因為他們覺得會穿這種背心的人通常有結實的肌肉而且手臂上會有刺青。這給人的感覺就是回家之後喜歡打老婆,所以這種 white tank top 就被昵稱為 wife-beater。需要說明的是 wife-beater 可不僅指 white tank top。它指某種特別風格的衣服。這個詞只限於朋友之間談笑用。 baggy 這個詞是「寬松」的意思,有一種男生穿的寬寬鬆鬆的短褲就叫 baggy pants。而 baggy jeans 則是指「布袋」牛仔褲,就是那種褲管肥肥的、看起來像個布袋一樣的牛仔褲。其它正常一點的牛仔褲的樣式還有諸如直筒褲 (straight jeans)、靴型褲 (boot cut jeans) 等等 。 上面所講的美國人不太重視穿著是指平常的時候,但在正式的場合給她們一打扮起來,我只能說:I am astonished! (太震驚了!)每個人都有一套所謂的 dress,就是那種正式的禮服,再加上高跟鞋一穿,濃妝一抹,讓每個女生看起來都像是好萊塢的女明星。 dress 一般指的是女生正式的服裝,特別是那種低胸 (low cut) 連身帶裙子的禮服 (evening gown),有時候我們還可以用 dressy 來強調這件 dress 很漂亮很時髦,例如:Her dressy dress really caught my eyes. (她漂亮的禮服吸引了我的目光。)而 dress up 則是男生和女生都可以用的一個片語,意指作正式的穿著打扮。女生 dress up 的話當然就是穿 dress 了,男生 dress up 的話自然就是穿西裝打領帶了。例如:Lily is dressed up today. She looks so nice. (Lily今天穿著很正式,她看起來好美。)建議各位當你不管看到任何女生 dress up 出現時都不妨贊美她 I like your dress! 或是 You look so nice today! 我想不管任何人聽到贊美都會很高興的。 3. I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes. 我只想買一些現成的衣服。 Rack 指的是在商店中用來掛衣服的衣架,off-the-rack 指的是那種由工廠大量製造的成衣,通常暗指很普通、不是特別好的衣服。例如我朋友問我:Your jacket looks very nice. Where did you get it?(你的外套很好看,是在哪買的啊?)事實上那件外套是我地攤上挑出來的,所以我就可以回答他:It's just something off-the-rack. (只是件普通的衣服啦!) 相對於off-the-rack 這種便宜的衣服,custom-made 或是 tailor-made 指的是「量身定做」的。例如:I need to get a custom-made tuxedo for my wedding. (我必須為我的婚禮去訂做一件燕尾服。) 下載此內容:.docx(Word 文檔)相關信息:★俯卧撐、仰卧起坐、引體向上怎麼說?俯卧撐、仰卧起坐、引體向上是自我鍛煉的常見運動。它們的英語單詞很簡單,也很形象,記住它們的英語表達吧。push-up俯卧撐sit-up仰卧起坐chin-up引體向上pull-up 引體向上(手握單杠的方式不一樣)...(查看全文)「腦殘體」用英語怎麼表達「腦殘體」英文怎麼說「火星文」、「腦殘體」一直以來都是頗受爭議的話題。也不知是哪個有才的孩子首先創造了這樣神奇的文字組合法,害的成年人看了個個搖頭,同齡人用了個個拍手。不過,據說好像英文里也有這樣的語言呢,他們叫l...(查看全文)你蠢到沒邊怎麼去表達?★Marry is so stupid, she stole free pudding.瑪麗太蠢了,偷免費的布丁。★He's never slept with his wife. He says it isn't honorable to sleep with a married woman.他從不跟妻子一起睡。他說跟一個已婚女人睡是...(查看全文)新聞熱詞:"敗犬女"用英語怎麼說?The lost lady, lost 做形容詞,除過指喪失的,還可以指困惑的,不知所措的。這里翻譯為「敗犬女」是什麼意思呢?大家一起看下面的解釋:This phrase refers to the group of women who get high ecation, have got a good...(查看全文)新聞熱詞:"福利彩票"用英語怎麼說?法國人曾這么描述「福利彩票」:政府發行彩票是向公眾推銷機會和希望,公眾認購彩票則是微笑納稅。據悉,去年中國福利彩票共銷售約495億多元人民幣,籌集福彩公益金170多億元。

B. 用英語介紹牛仔褲的顏色風格

Clothing:Generally,內my first choice is comfortable,I like simple style。容Such as a jean matches a shirt。I like simple color,such as white or black and some of clothing with light color which looks pretty clean and comfortable。Perhaps,my style will have a little change with the growth of my age。I will have increasingly dress in work and formal occasion。I think,I will have business wear more than before

C. 牛仔褲的英語怎麼說


D. 英文介紹 牛仔褲的夏天

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
The movie is based on the young alt book, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, by Anne Brashares. As four best friends spend their first summer apart from one another, they share a magical pair of jeans. Despite being of various shapes and sizes, each one of them fits perfectly into the pants. To keep in touch they pass these pants to each other as well as the adventures they are going through while apart. Written by Stephanie

For the first time since their friendship began, the girls will be separated for a summer. Lena visits her grandparents in Greece and meets Kostos. Tibby remains at home, films a movie, and befriends a young girl named Bailey. Bridget goes to soccer camp in Mexico and falls in love with Eric, one of the coaches at the camp. Carmen visits her dad in South Carolina and finds out a shocking secret. Written by Anonymous

Tibby Tomko-Rollins, Lena Kaligaris, Carmen Lowell and Bridget Vreeland have been best friends since childhood. In the beginning of their summer vacations, they find a pair of jeans that fits each one of them perfectly; they decide to share the pants as a magic symbol of their friendship and form a sisterhood with a manifesto of ten rules. Bridget travels to a soccer camp in Mexico and she has a crush on the coach Eric, who is older than her. Lena visits her family in Greece and has a crush on the local fisherman Kostas and finds that there is a feud between their families. Carmen travels to South Caroline to spend the vacation with her father and she finds that he will marry the divorced Lydia Rodman. Tibby stays in town working in a department store to raise money to buy new equipment for her documentary and is befriended by the twelve year old Bailey that is very ill. After their vacations, they grow-up and their friendship remains solid as never.

E. 英文如何介紹一條牛仔褲


F. 牛仔褲用英語怎麼說


G. 英語短文《牛仔褲的來歷》的翻譯


H. 牛仔褲用英語怎麼說

close-fitting pants; jeans; levis; cowboy pants

I. 牛仔褲用英語怎麼說

牛仔褲英文是jeans 單復數同行
一條牛仔褲是a pair of jeans
兩條牛仔褲 two pairs of jeans
我的牛回仔褲my jeans
Mother bought me a pair of jeans
Because jeans are so much more comfortable

J. 牛仔褲英語怎麼說

jeans 牛仔褲(復數形式)
類似單詞還有 shorts,pants,trousers,knickerbockers。

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