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發布時間: 2020-12-26 19:35:18

1. 關於匯率方面的英文翻譯

除了賺取貨幣形式申辦/提供蔓延,外匯交易商試圖獲利預測正確的方向,未來貨幣流動. 如果一個交易商花旗銀行預期日圓欣賞(加強)美元. 經銷商可能提高利率,並提供了成功,試圖說服其他經銷商出售給花旗銀行,阻止日元其他經銷商購買日元從花旗銀行. 銀行交易,購買多日元比出售. 如果日元對美元的預測表示,花旗銀行可以銷售商幣,賺取較高利潤. 反過來說,如果經銷商花旗預期日圓貶值是對美元(減弱),經銷商會以較低的利率和提供. 這樣使銷售和購買行動鼓勵;日元的交易,更不願買賣. 如果日元貶值預期,日圓回商可以以較低的價格購買中獲利. 4、如果匯率朝著理想的方向,外匯交易賺取利潤. 但是,如果外匯市場產生失敗者朝相反的,出人意料的方向發展. 限制外匯市場交易可能造成的損失,銀行對金融交易限制的成交量. 經銷商受持倉限額規定的數量比買賣可以進行特定貨幣. 雖然銀行保持正式的限制,但有時形式非法交易活動,吸引了巨大的損失超過持倉限額. 由於外匯管理部門正在考慮將銀行利潤中心,經銷商壓力產生可接受回報率銀行的資金投入這項活動. 5、包圍閃光貨幣價格,電話鈴聲,尖叫商人,他認為弗雷德提供一張用經濟分析人士預測貨幣匯率. "他們可能是對的,"他說,"但他們也不知道如何拉動扳機"他知道. 27歲那年,他是漢諾威信託製造公司'最高英鎊交易. 昨天上午,他僅約$500萬英鎊交易,不知進出市場的100倍. 為政元,他買了. 它撤退,他賣. "朝僱傭軍士兵的命運,"他說. "我們沒有任何關系. 我們為銀行"貨幣交易時高. 作為政治家,具體怎麼做就Dicker美元,年輕商人在世界排名30至50歲的銀行進行日常管理的貨幣Marke

2. 匯率波動的英文,匯率波動的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯匯率

[詞典] [經] exchange fluctuations; foreign exchange fluctuation;
We discover they have a relationship between the exchange rate fluctuation and the fluctuating price of real estate.

3. 人民幣匯率升值用英文怎麼說啊請說地道的慣用表達


  • The appreciation of the RMB exchange rate

  • RMB exchange rate appreciation

4. 需要一篇外國經濟學家關於匯率的文章的英語原文!!!

Treasury Loosens Pressure on China Over Exchange Rate

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, who has been pressuring China for two months to permit its currency to float more freely against the dollar, adopted a conciliatory tone on Thursday, saying neither China nor any other country was manipulating its exchange rate.

In a long-awaited report delivered to the Senate Banking Committee, Mr. Snow pleaded for a continuation of ''financial diplomacy'' and rebuffed lawmakers in both parties who want to impose retaliatory tariffs on China if it refuses to let its currency rise in value against the dollar.

''I think we've really got their attention,'' Mr. Snow said. ''I think the financial diplomacy here of the sort that we are engaged in is the surest course to get the result we want.''

But Republican and Democratic senators complained that the Bush administration had painted too rosy a picture. They said China and other Asian countries had intervened heavily in financial markets to keep their currencies cheap and give their procts an unfair trade advantage.

China's exchange rates have become an explosive political issue in the last year. American manufacturers have angrily complained that the Chinese yuan is artificially undervalued by about 40 percent, giving Chinese exports to the United States an unfair trade advantage over American procts.

A cheaper currency makes a nation's procts less expensive in other countries. China has kept the value of the yuan locked at a fixed exchange rate to the dollar since 1994.

Chinese imports, like clothing, toys and consumer electronics, have been flooding into the United States for several years. Last year, America's trade deficit with China reached $105 billion -- bigger than the trade deficit with Japan or the European Union.

Administration officials have been openly alarmed about the political consequences of that deficit.

American manufacturing companies have cut more than two million jobs in the last three years, and many companies have either started buying procts from Chinese procers or begun moving their factories to China.

Mr. Snow began turning up the heat on China and other Asian countries in September. With support from European leaders, Mr. Snow persuaded the Group of 7 instrialized countries to explicitly endorse more flexible exchange rates -- a direct signal to China as well as Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.

Other administration officials have stepped up criticism of China's trade practices. Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans, on a trip to China this week, bluntly warned that leaders in Beijing were moving ''far too slowly'' toward an open market economy.

''Our patience is wearing thin,'' Mr. Evans said.

But Treasury officials do not want to force China into an overnight shift in policy, worrying that such a move could hurt American companies that import low-cost Chinese goods and could also wreak havoc with China's troubled banking system.

The upshot has been an often contradictory approach in which officials berate China on one day and then try gentle persuasion the next.

In its report on Thursday, the Treasury Department acknowledged that China maintains a fixed exchange rate, and it said China should move as quickly as possible to base its exchange rates more on the market. But it said that neither China nor any other countries were technically manipulating their currencies.

''A currency peg or intervention does not in and of itself satisfy the statutory test'' for constituting ''manipulation,'' the report said.

That conclusion, though not unexpected, received a frosty reception from both Republicans and Democrats. Senator Paul S. Sarbanes, Democrat of Maryland, displayed charts showing that China alone had bought $111 billion in foreign reserves in the last year, a move that many economists say was intended to keep the value of its currency from rising.

Senator Elizabeth Dole, Republican of North Carolina, said she was ''disappointed that this Treasury report fails to acknowledge the seriousness of the problem.''

Senator Dole is among several lawmakers pushing for legislation that would impose stiff tariffs on Chinese imports into the United States that would be comparable to the amount that its currency was deemed to be artificially undervalued.

Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, asserted that the Treasury Department's report was a whitewash that failed to acknowledge China's well-documented efforts to keep its exchange rate from rising.

''It treats China with kid gloves when it should be taking the gloves off,'' Mr. Schumer said.

5. 關於匯率方面的英文翻譯


6. 匯率用英語怎麽說

exchange rate 兌換率,通常是指不同的貨幣經此匯價作轉換的.

7. 報價怎麼用英語說明按匯率變動

the quotation will change according to the exchange rates.

8. 匯率英語 匯率用英語怎麼說

[詞典] exchange rate;
This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.

9. 外匯中,直盤和交叉盤用英語分別怎麼說呢 謝謝

Direct trade
Cross trade

10. 留學財產證明上,要求註明當天美元與人民幣匯率,怎麼用英文表示

The same day the RMB exchange rate is $1 =6.3694 yuan。

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