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發布時間: 2020-12-27 04:11:17

㈠ 小籠包的英文怎麼說

small steamed bun
或者steamed bun


㈡ 南翔小籠包用英語怎麼說

南翔小籠包的英文:Nanshan Crab Soup Bun

Soup讀法 英[suːp]美[suːp]




1、 made some gravy soup for my husband.

2、He had spoiled the soup by putting in too much salt.


1、clear soup 清湯

2、cold soup 冷湯

3、delicious soup 好喝的湯,味道美的湯

4、good soup 好湯

5、hot soup 熱湯




2、a bowl ofsoup表示「一碗湯」, a cup ofsoup表示「一杯湯」。


1、rich soup 味濃的湯

2、thick soup 濃湯

3、thin soup 稀湯,淡湯

4、warm soup 溫湯

5、watery soup 清水似的湯




㈢ 小籠包的英文是怎麼介紹的呢

小籠包 Small steamed bun
蒸餃 Steamed mplings
豆腐腦 Bean curd jelly
煎餃 Fried mplings
稀飯 Soft rice/gruel/porridge
鍋貼Fried mpling
搗鍋底版Fried glutinous cake
春卷權spring rolls
南瓜餅sticky rice pumkin cakes

㈣ 上海小籠包 英文是什麼

上海小籠包 英文:Shanghai Juicy Meat Dumpling

Meat讀法 英[miːt]美[miːt]



1、meat proct肉製品,肉類回食答品

2、fresh meat新鮮肉類

3、white meat 白肉

4、raw meat生肉;原料肉

5、lean meat瘦肉








1、meat and drink飲食;無窮的樂趣

2、roast meat鐵板烤肉

3、ck meat鴨肉

4、meat grindern. 絞肉機

5、fat meat肥肉






㈤ 小籠包英語怎麼說

small steamed bun
steamed small meat mpling in basket

㈥ 寫一篇介紹小籠包的英語文章(150字左右就行)

Have you ever had a taste of the steamed bun? I think it's absolutely delicious to eat. This kind of food orginiated from anicent China. It is of small size, with a thin warpper and is filled with grounded meat. The steamed bun is characterized by delicacy and savoury smell, and it's espeically appetizing for it's white color and round shape, being freshly cooked from a bamboo steamer. It can be served as a snack, for its size allows a dozen of them be put into a small food-container; it can also be served as a dish when you have dinner.


㈦ 上海小吃的英文怎麼說,比如生煎包,小籠包,茶葉蛋

生煎包Fresh Fried Bun
小籠包Steamed Bun
茶葉蛋Boiled Egg with Tea


㈧ 有沒有介紹小籠包的英文文章

Xiǎolóngbāo (literally "little basket bun"; also known as soup mpling is a type of baozi (filled bun or bread-like item) from Eastern China, including Shanghai and Wuxi. These buns are traditionally steamed in bamboo baskets, hence the name.--Wikipedia]
Locally in Shanghai and surrounds, they are more often known as xiaolong mantou (Traditional Chinese: 小籠饅頭; Simplified Chinese: 小籠饅頭; Pinyin: xiǎolóng mántóu). Mantou means both filled and unfilled buns in southern China, but only means unfilled buns in northern China. To avoid confusion, the name xiaolongbao is usually used in other areas. IngredientsChinese buns can be divided into two types depending on the level of leavening of the flour skin[2]. Steamed buns made with raised flour are seen throughout the country, and are what is usually referred to as baozi. Steamed buns made with unraised flour are more commonly seen in the south. The Xiaolongbao belongs to the latter category. This means that its skin is smooth and somewhat translucent, rather than being white and fluffy. The similarity of this appearance to that of jiaozi ("mpling") has meant that the xiaolongbao is sometimes classified as a mpling outside China. It is, however, different from both steamed and boiled jiaozi in texture and method of proction.

Unlike other unraised flour buns, and baozi generally, the xiaolongbao has more filling than dough. It is also small in size, typically about 4 cm (1 1/2 in) in diameter.

Xiaolongbao are traditionally filled with soup and meat, but variations include seafood and vegetarian fillings, as well as other possibilities. The soup inside is created by placing some meat gelatin inside the mpling before steaming. The steam heat melts the gelatin into soup. In modern times, refrigeration makes it easy to wrap up using chilled gelatine which otherwise might be liquid at room temperature ring hot weather.

As is traditional for buns of various sizes in the Jiangnan region, these steamed buns feature a skin that is gathered up into fine folds at the top, prior to steaming. ServingTraditionally, the Xiaolongbao is a dianxin or snack item. The bun is served hot. It is dipped in Chinkiang vinegar with ginger slivers, and is traditionally served with a light, clear soup.

The Xiaolongbao has also become popular as a dish in a main meal. In Cantonese regions and the West, it is also commonly served as a yum cha item.

Frozen xiaolongbao are now mass proced and a common type of frozen food sold in China and outside. They can be steamed and served on a bamboo basket. Origins in Shanghai
The perennial queue outside the Nanxiang Mantou Dian in ShanghaiThe Shanghai version of the xiaolongbao were originally from a town called Nanxiang, a suburb of Shanghai in the Jiading District. The inventor of xiaolongbao originally sold them in his first store in Nanxiang next to the town's famous park, Guqi Garden. From there on it has expanded into downtown Shanghai and outwards. Two specialist Xiaolongbao restaurants are traditionally regarded as the most authentic. One is the Nanxiang Bun Shop (Nanxiang Mantou Dian), which derives from the original store in Nanxiang but now located in the City God Temple precinct, is famed for its crab meat-filled buns. Nanxiang Bun Shop has at least 105 years of history and has divisions opened in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Singapore[1]. The other is Gulong Restaurant, at the original site next to Guqi Garden in Nanxiang. Wuxi varietyXiaolongbao in Wuxi tend to be sweeter and have a thinner dough skin, and are juicier than the Shanghai variety. Notes1. ^ Not to be confused with the "soup bun" (Traditional Chinese: 湯包; Simplified Chinese: 湯包; Pinyin: tāngbao), a steamed bun made with leavened dough, filled with mostly soup, a specialty of Yangzhou.
2. ^ From the Annals of Jiading: "Buns can be made with leavened or unleavened dough. Those made with unleavened dough uses clear water for mixing, the skin is thin and the fillings large. It is frequently made in Nanxiang, but is imitated elsewhere, callint it "Xiang style". (《嘉定縣續志》: 饅頭有緊酵松酵兩種,緊酵以清水和面為之,皮薄餡多,南翔制者最著,他處多仿之,號為翔式)

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