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⑴ 關於鳥的英文單詞我需要一些鳥類的英文單詞,例如:owl貓頭鷹 hummer蜂鳥


⑵ 蜂鳥的英語單詞怎麼寫


⑶ 蜂鳥的英文對話資料

Hummingbirds are New World birds that constitute the family Trochilidae. They are among the smallest of birds, most species measuring in the 7.5–13 cm (3–5 in) range. Indeed, the smallest extant bird species is a hummingbird, the 5-cm bee hummingbird, weighing less than a penny (about 2.5g).

They are known as hummingbirds because of the humming sound created by their beating wings which flap at high frequencies audible to humans. They hover in mid-air at rapid wing flapping rates, typically around 50 times per second, but possibly as high as 200 times per second, allowing them also to fly at speeds exceeding 15 m/s (54 km/h; 34 mph),backwards or upside down.

Hummingbirds have the highest metabolism of any homeothermic animal.To conserve energy when food is scarce, they have the ability to go into a hibernation-like state (torpor) where their metabolic rate is slowed to 1/15th of its normal rate.

In traditional taxonomy, hummingbirds are placed in the order Apodiformes, which also contains the swifts. However, some taxonomists have separated them into their own order, Trochiliformes. Hummingbirds' wing bones are hollow and fragile, making fossilization difficult and leaving their evolutionary history poorly documented. Though scientists theorize that hummingbirds originated in South America, where there is the greatest species diversity, possible ancestors of extant hummingbirds may have lived in parts of Europe to what is southern Russia today.

There are between 325 and 340 species of hummingbird, depending on taxonomic viewpoint, divided into two subfamilies, the hermits (subfamily Phaethornithinae, 34 species in six genera), and the typical hummingbirds (subfamily Trochilinae, all the others). However, recent phylogenetic analyses suggest that this division is slightly inaccurate, and that there are nine major clades of hummingbirds: the topazes and jacobins, the hermits, the mangoes, the coquettes, the brilliants, the giant hummingbird (Patagona gigas), the mountain-gems, the bees, and the emeralds. The topazes and jacobins combined have the oldest split with the rest of the hummingbirds. The hummingbird family has the second greatest number of species of any bird family on Earth (after the tyrant flycatchers).

Fossil hummingbirds are known from the Pleistocene of Brazil and the Bahamas; however, neither has yet been scientifically described, and there are fossils and subfossils of a few extant species known. Until recently, older fossils had not been securely identifiable as those of hummingbirds.

In 2004, Dr Gerald Mayr of the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main identified two 30-million-year-old hummingbird fossils and published his results in the journal Science. The fossils of this primitive hummingbird species, named Eurotrochilus inexpectatus ("unexpected European hummingbird"), had been sitting in a museum drawer in Stuttgart; they had been unearthed in a clay pit at Wiesloch–Frauenweiler, south of Heidelberg, Germany, and, because it was assumed that hummingbirds never occurred outside the Americas, were not recognized to be hummingbirds until Mayr took a closer look at them.

Fossils of birds not clearly assignable to either hummingbirds or a related, extinct family, the Jungornithidae, have been found at the Messel pit and in the Caucasus, dating from 40–35 mya; this indicates that the split between these two lineages indeed occurred at that date. The areas where these early fossils have been found had a climate quite similar to that of the northern Caribbean or southernmost China ring that time. The biggest remaining mystery at the present time is what happened to hummingbirds in the roughly 25 million years between the primitive Eurotrochilus and the modern fossils. The astounding morphological adaptations, the decrease in size, and the dispersal to the Americas and extinction in Eurasia all occurred ring this timespan. DNA-DNA hybridization results suggest that the main radiation of South American hummingbirds took place at least partly in the Miocene, some 12 to 13 million years ago, ring the uplifting of the northern Andes.

In 2013, a 50-million-year-old fossil bird unearthed in Wyoming was found to be a predecessor to both hummingbirds and swifts before the groups diverged.


Few birds have been as little studied and as misunderstood as Hummingbirds. They are the smallest of all birds with a length ranging from 2" to 8". Males of most species are identified by their iridescent feathers. Females and immatures of both sexes are normally plain and nondescript with the immatures of both sexes resembling the alt females.

Hummingbirds are strictly a bird of the Western Hemisphere. They are found as far north as Southeastern Alaska and the Maritimes of Canada and as far south as Southern Chile. The majority of the approximately 320 species are found in the tropics.

⑸ 速求蜂鳥用英文怎麼讀

hummingbird 哈明波的

⑹ 蜂鳥的介紹


Any of about 320 species of New World birds (family Trochilidae), many of which have glittering colours and elaborately specialized feathers.
They are most abundant in South America, though about 12 species are found in the U.S. and Canada. Hummingbirds range in length from slightly more than 2 in. (5 cm) to 8 in. (20 cm), weigh 0.07–0.7 oz (2–20 g), and have a long, slender bill. The bee hummingbird of Cuba is the smallest living bird. Hummingbirds can fly forward, straight up and down, sideways, and backward and can hover in front of flowers to obtain nectar and insects. Smaller species can beat their wings as fast as 80 beats per second.
蜂鳥 hummingbird


⑺ 蜂鳥的英文怎麼讀

蜂鳥來 hummingbird

⑻ 蜂鳥英文介紹


Few birds have been as little studied and as misunderstood as Hummingbirds. They are the smallest of all birds with a length ranging from 2" to 8". Males of most species are identified by their iridescent feathers. Females and immatures of both sexes are normally plain and nondescript with the immatures of both sexes resembling the alt females.

Hummingbirds are strictly a bird of the Western Hemisphere. They are found as far north as Southeastern Alaska and the Maritimes of Canada and as far south as Southern Chile. The majority of the approximately 320 species are found in the tropics.

Only 15 species have been known to breed in North America with another 6 being classified as vagrants. Until recently, for instance, it was thought that Ruby-throated hummingbirds were essentially the only species of hummingbird found east of the Mississippi River.


Hummingbirds are the world』 smallest birds. It』s only 3 ½ inches long! These tiny birds have shiny green backs & white bellies. Boys have bright ruby-red throats and forked tails. The girl』s throats are white, and their tails are straight.


Hummingbirds (hummers) usually drink nectar (sugar water) from flowers. While the hummer is drinking the flower』s nectar, some pollen sticks to the hummer』s chin. The pollen falls off at the next flower it visits, and PRESTO, the flower is pollinated, ready to make seeds! Flowers give food to hummers, and hummers help the flowers to make seeds. This natural cooperation is called symbiosis (sim-bee-O-sis). Hummingbird flowers are usually long, red, and skinny, to match the hummer』s long beak and tongue. But hummers need more than just sugar to survive. They also need protein. That』s why they eat small bugs inside flowers, and sometimes pick bugs out of spider webs for food. In early spring, before the flowers bloom, hummers will follow Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. These woodpeckers peck holes in trees to get sap. The hummer can lick the sap and eat the bugs around these holes!


Instead of flapping their wings like most birds, hummers move their wings back and forth like a swimmer. This helps them hover, or hang in the same place in the air. They can fly forwards, sideways, and even backwards! They』ve been clocked at speeds faster than 45 mph! The hummers that live in Florida migrate (fly) from here all the way across the Gulf of Mexico to Texas. Hummers have to eat enormous amounts of nectar before they leave, gaining 50% of their body weight in fat. Even when they』re not migrating, hummers use so much energy flying that they have to eat almost every ten minutes to stay alive! Many people put out hummingbird feeders with 1:4 sugar water inside. Feeders have red parts to attract the hummers. You have to clean the feeder & change the sugar water every 2 days or it will spoil in the heat & the hummers won』t eat it. (Don』t use honey; it makes hummers sick!)


Male hummers set up a territory near good nectar flowers, and won』t let any other hummers inside their territory, and they』ll even chase away blue jays, bees, and large moths. While the male is defending his territory, the female spends 1 week building a nest out of spider webs, plant fluff, and lichens. The whole nest is less than 2 inches wide. When her nest is ready, she flies to the male』s territory to mate. He does not help to raise the babies at all. She lays 2 white eggs about ½ the size of jelly beans. As they grow, the babies get too big for the nest, but since it is made of stretchy spider webs, the nest will stretch to fit around the babies. By the time they are a month old the young hummers are beginning to fly and can find food for themselves.

⑼ 蜂鳥的簡單介紹


蜂鳥是專門的食肉動物並且與它們餵食的鳥類花粉有關。有些物種,特別是那些具有不尋常形狀的物種, 蜜蜂蜂鳥是世界上最小的鳥演變成的,侏儒症可能是因為它必須與長嘴蜂鳥競爭,這種蜂鳥有利於花蜜從專門的花朵中覓食,從而導致蜜蜂蜂鳥更成功地爭奪花卉覓食昆蟲。據我們所知,雄性蜂鳥不參與築巢。大多數物種在樹或灌木的樹枝上建立了一個杯形巢,盡管一些熱帶物種通常將它們的巢附著在葉子上。



蜂鳥吃各種各樣的昆蟲,包括飛行中的蚊子,果蠅和虱子或者在它們的網狀物上的葉子和蜘蛛上的蚜蟲。蜂鳥的下喙是柔韌的,當它在基部變寬時可彎曲多達25度,從而形成更大的表面以捕捉昆蟲。蜂鳥以一種叫做「懸停小販」的方法在昆蟲群中盤旋,以方便餵食。為了滿足能量需求,蜂鳥飲用花蜜,某些花內的甜味液體。 像蜜蜂一樣,他們能夠評估他們吃的花蜜中的糖含量; 他們通常拒絕生產低於10%糖的花蜜的花型,而不喜歡含糖量高的花蜜。

非洲,南部和東南亞以及澳大利亞的一些太陽鳥在外觀和行為上類似於蜂鳥,也可能是澳大利亞和太平洋島嶼的蜜蜂。 然而,這兩組與蜂鳥無關,因為它們的相似性是由於趨同的進化。蜂鳥經常被誤認為是蜂鳥。阿茲特克人穿著蜂鳥護身符,既有蜂鳥的藝術表現形式,也有蜂鳥的實際部分:它們的活力,能量和工作傾向,以及象徵性地模仿武器,放血,滲透和親密的尖銳喙的尖銳喙的象徵。蜂鳥護身符被認為是為佩戴者提供武器和戰爭中的性能力,能量,活力和技巧。特立尼達和多巴哥,被稱為「蜂鳥的土地」,在該國家的徽章上展示了一隻蜂鳥, 1美分硬幣和其國家航空公司加勒比航空公司的標志。

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