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發布時間: 2020-12-27 03:33:13

『壹』 英語表演





Hello! Everyone. I’m sky. I come from NongKe Road primary school .Today,my topic is The Monkey and The Moon


One day, a little monkey is playing by the well.

He looks in the well and shouts:

Oh! My god! The moon has fallen into the well!

An older monkey runs over, takes a look, and says,

Goodness me! The moon is really in the water!

And orderly monkey comes over.

He is very surprised as well and cries out:

The moon is in the well.

A group of monkeys run over to the well.

They look at the moon in the well and shout:

The moon did fall into the well! Come on! Let’ get it out!

Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down, with his feet on the branch.

And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands.

All the other monkeys follow his suit,

And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.

Just before they reach the moon, the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky,

He yells excitedly Don’t be so foolish! The moon is still in the sky!

我喜歡的英語老師們,張老師和Emily老師都坐在台下看著我,在她們的課上,我曾經無數次舉手發言,受到她們的指點和鼓勵;今天,在這里,我也是在上一節課,一節英語表演課;我眼睛看著觀眾,根據故事中角色的不同加著不同的動作,因為我已經背的非常熟了,所以我沒有緊張也沒有忘詞,最後我向觀眾們鞠躬致意That’s all. Thank you.下來時,我聽到了掌聲。二年級第二個表演的是二一班的同學,第三個是二四班的Anna,她講得很不錯,第四個是陳鴻飛,第五個是二六班的,表演結束後,我們回到了教室。



『貳』 用英語介紹中國雜技表演


(Mary and Bill are going to an acrobatic performance. )

Mary:I'm all dressed up and ready to go.

Bill:That was pretty fast. It only took you fifteen minutes.

M:I don't dilly dally when there's the prospect of a good acrobatic performance in the offing. Let's go.

B:Yes,it's very difficult to see Chinese acrobatics at home. So it's great to have this opportunity since I like them very much.

M:So do I. What kind of things do you prefer?

B:All kinds. Such as magic shows, flying trapeze acts,tightrope walking, and even the clowns.

M:Flying trapeze acts! Oh! They're breathtaking. I'm the nervous type and get too nervous.

B:Yes,those hair-raising performances can be scary. I saw a little girl fell off a pyramid of chairs when she was balancing on them.

M:Really? Was she hurt?

B:Fortunately,she survived the accident because of the safety rope fastened on her.

M:That's too bad. It must be very difficult for them to be trained as very skillful acrobats.

B:Yes,that goes without saying.

M:Oh, it's a hard and very dangerous job. I hope we won'tsee the same thing today.

B:I don't think so. It seldom happens.

Dialogue B

(Mary and Bill are watching the performances. )

B:Can you see clearly? If not,we can move to the front.

M:No problem. It's very good here.

B:Look at the girl who is building a pagoda of bowls. She's stacking the bowls one by one very skillfully.

M:Oh,it's almost incredible. How can she do that?

B: I heard they are trained when they were very young. Oh,she's finished. Let's applaud her.

M:All right. What's next?

B:We have to wait for the announcer. Ah,it's bicycle stabilizing feats on a raised platform.

M:What's that like?

B:Er…one or more people do performances on a still bike. The bike is on a raised platform.

M:That's difficult, unless the bike is moving.

B:Yeah. It's not easy even on a moving bike. There might be a performance called trick cycling tonight. That's the one with a moving bike. If there is one, you can see it with your own eyes.

M:That kind of act would take a lot of skill. Everything is easier when you are skillful at it.

B:Yes, just like speaking Chinese. We feel it's difficult,yet the Chinese use it freely.

Words and Expressions

dillydally vi. [口] 磨蹭,吊兒郎當地消


prospect n. 前景

acrobatics n. 雜技;[軍] 特技飛行

offing n. 在附近,不遠的將來

magic n. 魔術

trapeze n. 高秋干

clown n. 小丑

breathtaking a. 驚險的;驚人的

hair-raising [口]恐怖的,使人毛發豎起的

scary a. 嚇人的;(馬等)易受驚的

pyramid n. 金字塔形;金字塔現象;金字塔

balance n. v. 平衡

skillful a. 熟練的

acrobat 雜技演員(尤指走鋼絲者)

pagoda n. 塔,寶塔

incredible a. 難以置信的

applaud vt. vi. 喝彩;叫好

announcer n. 報幕員;(電視、電台)播音員;

『叄』 介紹一場馬戲表演英語作文

Tonight, my brother and I went to the stadium dam of the village to see the circus.
The first is the lion ride a horse. A tall and strong white horse coming, suddenly coming from the opposite a lion, the lion see a horse quickly jump on a horse, horse like be frightened, 1 vigorously running, hit by a white horse cage, the lion fell from his horse. True risks!
The second is the monkey ride the sheep walked along the tightrope. I go up the sheep, two legs trembling on the steel wire. I think, our people can't do such a thing, animal how can success? Sheep is very confident, very steady, middle, monkey still did a handstand!



『肆』 我要參加一個英語比賽,在一分鍾才藝表演過後,有個 演講,要自我介紹嗎如果要,怎麼說


『伍』 讓我來給你們介紹一下海豚以及它們的表演吧英語

dolphin performance/show together

『陸』 英語表演之前的開場白

Hello, everyone!Nice to meet you!Today, I'll tell you a story.

『柒』 求一個新穎的方式介紹一個單詞,用法之類的,英語課上表演

aunt阿姨 flaunt 相當於fly+aunt就是會飛的阿姨 意思就是vt.炫耀;誇示
gaunt 相當於gui(鬼)+阿姨 意思是a.憔悴的;枯瘦的

『捌』 小學生英語 自我介紹中怎樣加才藝表演

上台前,所有孩子一起排好隊,齊說Swing your hands one two one, one two one, one two one. Stop, one two three go!
my name is Cherry,I』m 4 years old, I』m a girl, a nice girl. I』m Lemon, I』m 5 years old. I』m a girl, a cute girl. I』m Jerry, I』m 9 years old. I』m a boy, a I like red, I like pink…(Lemon先說喜歡的顏色,注意不要低頭看衣褲太久,直接表達。) I like pink, I like …(Cherry 再說喜歡的顏色,注意不要低頭看衣褲太久,直接表達。) I like red, I like blue. My coat is red, my pants are blue.(Jerry 最後說喜歡的顏色,注意要表達衣褲相應的顏色。不要低頭看衣褲太久,直接表達。)
(Jerry先說』m an owl, Gugu. (Lemon再說』m an alligator. (Cherry 最後說) Look I』m a pig.
Moo, moo went the big cow one day. Neigh, neigh went the big horse.
Bow, bow went the big dog one day, and pig went oink, oink, oink.
Quack, quack went the little ck one day. Squeak, squeak went the little mouse. Meow, meow went the little cat one day. And the frog went ribbet, ribbet, ribbet. Thank you, bye-bye! Turn left, one two one, one two one….表演唱完後齊謝幕,給觀眾致謝。

『玖』 用英語介紹中國雜技表演

你好,一問一答的形式雖然看似簡單,但要不是看視頻的話,同樣是沒有什麼優勢的,而且不系統不連貫,這里我給你完整全面的,通俗易懂的Introction of China's Acrobatics (中國雜技表演介紹)吧。 我本來想給你翻譯的,但是比較長,耗時多暫不翻譯,也不知道你是否需要。這個除了些專有名字,別的用詞都盡量簡單的,是個很好的普及教材。


Introction of China's Acrobatics
Latest Updated by 2003-07-11 10:10:14

The history of acrobatics in China can be traced back to Neolithic times. It is believed that acrobatics grew out of the labor and self-defense skills that the people practiced and demonstrated ring their leisure time.

By 300 BC, such skills as walking on 3-meter high stilts and juggling 7 daggers at a time had been developed in China.

As the world economy developed, acrobatics was also developed into a kind of performance art. Acrobatics became known worldwide through performances presented along the Silk Road.

During the 13th century, the reputation of acrobatics as an impressive art form began to suffer. The public didn't respect acrobatics as they had before, and many acrobats found it very difficult to find places to perform.

After the sounding of the drum, the acrobatic show would begin. Several benches and a few props was all an acrobat owned. These early acrobatics didn't care so much about giving a beautiful performance, so long as the conveyed a feeling of danger and peril.

The life of those fallen acrobats was tough. A lot of acrobatic performers were forced to do farming in countryside. Because of their love for acrobatics, acrobatic art was able to survive for generations.

Located in Northeastern Plain, Wuqiao County relies on agriculture. Wandering through small villages here, you can see a lot of people practicing acrobatics. Although, they're not as professional as I expected.

Currently, Mr. Jiang is teaching acrobatics to his children. There are over 400 families who are capable performing acrobatics. They sometimes perform in the other cities together.

The 'Acrobatic Macrocosm' was built for local acrobatic performances by the Wuqiao Municipal government. There are many other forms of folk art performed here.

Because renting a stage in a big theatre in urban areas is often very expensive, local acrobatic troupes build temporary stages for their performances. These temporary stages not only can save money, but also can be moved and reused.

In the early 1980s, the American Ecation Commission introced acrobatics into the students' curriculum. China established two art schools especially for acrobatics-Wuqiao Acrobatic School and the Beijing Acrobatic School.

To become a competent acrobat, students must begin practicing the basic skills from the time they are only 6 or 7 years old. Because the techniques employed in acrobatics are extremely difficult and risky, students must enre a good deal of pains for their gain.

Handsprings are one of the basic skills in acrobatics. Students must practice everyday. Apart from somersaults and handsprings, waist and leg flexibility and headstands are the other basic skills students must master. The training is long, hard, and intense.

Acrobatic students can better illustrate the beauty of human body when they are performing in physique class.

In Europe and North America, Chinese acrobatic performances attract large audiences.

Acrobatics is an interactive art form. Whether you are old or young, ecated or illiterate, you can appreciate it as long as you can see. There is no language barrier and cultural border.

Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe was awarded many gold medals ring the 'Tomorrow and Future' International Acrobatic Festival in France, which draws the most outstanding acrobats from around the world.

A high level acrobatic program needs excellent technique coaches and much preparation time before it is ready to be performed in public.

Zhou Pinqi, technical coach of Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe, started to practice acrobatics when he was a child and became a coach. He, Zhang Gongli and other four students participated in the Shengyang Acrobatic Troupe in 1997. The programs he guided have twice won the highest prize at French Acrobatic Festival. He has his own unique methods of coaching his students.

Because it has an abundance of excellent acrobatic coaches, Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe has trained a group of outstanding acrobats.

The Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe proced the first themed acrobatic gala entitled 'Moon Light Acrobatics' in China.

The performance matches the theme 'Moonlight Acrobatics' through innovations in stage lighting.

Acrobatic art has its own peculiarity. The performance itself is very depictive; therefore the requirement for lighting is much stricter than opera and drama.

The theme music perfectly coincided with the performance, which made the atmosphere of the event even livelier. However, before the rehearsal, the performer gave the director a lot of trouble.

Ju Yi, director of 'Moonlight Acrobatics', said, 'Most acrobats do not have dancing experience. They don't understand music. I mean the performance just didn't fully express the emotion of the music.'

Chinese acrobatic art is still what it was centuries ago in that it does not over emphasize the role of music. Performers pay more attention to action. Therefore it takes time for performers to adapt to the music.

'Moonlight Acrobatics' took eight months to prepare, from planning and rehearsing to the performing the first show. That was much longer than other stage performances.

A successful acrobatic show also requires appropriate clothing. Costumes further enhance the beauty of the performance and increase the visual effects.

When you watch a Chinese acrobatics show, you are strongly impacted both mentally and physically. It is truly and unforgettable experience.


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