❶ 指南針介紹的英文版
COMPASS. A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the earth's magnetic field.
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❷ 指南針英語
❸ 指南針用英語怎麼講
compass 啊
❹ compass指南針的英語簡介及翻譯
A compass is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic "cardinal directions", or "points".
❺ 請問誰知道有關指南針的歷史和介紹的英文解釋~謝謝
且,指南針不但最早為中國發明,並隨後演變成羅盤並應用於航海事業上。北宋朱彧所著《坪洲可談》一書中,最早記載了航海中使用指南針的情況,「舟師識地理,夜則觀星,晝則觀日,隱晦觀指南針」。其後,南宋福建路市舶司(當時管理對外貿易的政府機關)提舉趙汝適在所著《諸蕃志》中提到,「舟舶來往,惟以指南針為則,晝夜守視惟謹,毫釐之差,勝似系焉」。 就在這一時期(北宋末南宋初,約為1180年左右),中國的指南針(或者說羅盤)通過阿拉伯商人傳入歐洲。此後,羅盤在世界航海事業上被廣泛應用,因此才有15世紀-16世紀歐洲人的世界地理大發現。這一切,按照中國官方的歷史教科書來看,由於這一淵源關系,歐洲人的指南針亦是應來「指南」。 後來查了一下大英網路全書和中國大網路全書中的指南針詞條,才發現事情遠非「指南」一說這么簡單。 在大英網路全書中,有兩個不同的詞條來解釋: 第一個詞條為「direction determinants」,即方向指定儀器,解釋如下:「中國古代四大發明之一,有磁指南和機械指南兩種,磁指南發明於公元前3世紀,稱為『司南』……機械指南儀器為指南車,約在3世紀發明……」 第二個詞條為「compass」,譯為「羅盤」,即通常意義上用於航海的指南針。解釋如下:「航海或勘測時在地球上使用的基本測向儀器,……最老、最常用的羅盤為磁羅盤,……12世紀,顯然中國和歐洲的航海家都各自發現,一塊天然磁石,一種自然界存在的磁性礦石,漂在水中木棒上時總是指向北極星方向……」 兩個詞條其實是對指南針作了區分。一種是在陸地上、較簡單的指南儀器,源於中國司南(也應該僅僅使用於出產在中國的指南針),另一種是用於航海和勘測上、較專業的指北儀器,歐洲和中國同時出現,無先後之分。 分歧就這么出來了,對比這兩個詞條,發現大英網路全書似乎把「中國是最早發明指南針」這一說法完全給推倒了,因為在歐洲歷史上,羅盤才是真正的「指南針」,並在歐洲人發現新大陸、爭霸海權和開拓殖民地等近現代歷史的決定性事件中,與火炮和航海術一樣扮演了功不可沒的角色。對「中國古老的指南針」不但否定,而且用了兩個不同的詞條加以區分。 在中國大網路全書中,也有指南針和羅盤(磁羅盤)兩個詞條,但不論是對指南針的解釋,還是對羅盤的解釋,都最終追溯了到戰國的「司南」,這兩種不同的指向儀器是同源關系,而沒有像歐洲觀念中區分的如此涇渭分明。 因此,康熙的說法和佩雷菲特對其的嘲笑便有了答案——顯然,康熙認同指南針和羅盤同出一源,用來指南,而作者佩雷菲特則按西方人的觀念,認為指南針顯然應該是羅盤;佩雷菲特則認為,羅盤是歐洲人自己發明的,與中國的「司南」沒有必然聯系,羅盤用來指北,而中國的司南則用來指南。這似乎是一種不同文化背景上的誤解。當然,羅盤和「司南」到底什麼關系,現在還是各有各的說法。 此外,佩雷菲特對康熙固執地認為指南針用來指南作了解釋。他認為,康熙之所以認為指南針用來指南,是因為在中國古代文化中,南是四個方位中最尊貴的方位,皇帝的御座、宮殿、陵墓,寺廟,甚至紫禁城,一切尊貴的建築物都朝向南方。他繼續寫道,「雖然皇帝是來自北方的滿人,他的論據卻是始料不及的:『在北方,一切活動在凋萎,在衰亡。吸引磁針的力量怎麼可能來自北方呢?』……『力量、精氣和繁榮都在南方』」。 到現在來說,中國人認為指南針指南,歐洲人認為指南針指北,皆合理。因為現在的指南針為棱形,指針兩頭均衡,並非如「司南」只有一個杓柄,指南指北之爭,似乎徒費口舌。 N即north 北方 E即east 東方 W即west 西方
❻ 介紹指南針英語作文加翻譯
The compass is introced
A compass is a simple instrument discrimination range, also known as thecompass, according to "record" on the earliest records appeared in the Warring States period magnetic mountain area. The compass was formerly one of thefour great inventions of ancient China's compass, is the result of ancient Chinese labor people understanding of magnetic objects in the long-term practice.
The main components are mounted on a shaft can freely rotate the needle, the needle can remain in the tangent magnetic radial direction on the ground under the action of magnetic field, magnetic needle points to the geographical North pole pole, direction can be identified by this performance. Commonly used in navigation, geodesy, travel and military etc..
❼ 用英語寫一篇指南針的作文
The compass
A compass is a simple instrument discrimination range,also known as thecompass,according to "record" on the earliest records appeared in the Warring States period magnetic mountain area.The compass was formerly one of thefour great inventions of ancient China's compass,is the result of ancient Chinese labor people understanding of magnetic objects in the long-term practice.
The main components are mounted on a shaft can freely rotate the needle,the needle can remain in the tangent magnetic radial direction on the ground under the action of magnetic field,magnetic needle points to the geographical North pole pole,direction can be identified by this performance.Commonly used in navigation,geodesy,travel and military etc..
❽ 指南針用英文怎麼說
❾ 用英語寫一篇指南針的介紹300詞
No matter where you stand on Earth, you can hold a compass in your hand and it will point toward the North Pole. What an unbelievably neat and amazing thing! Imagine that you are in the middle of the ocean, and you are looking all around you in every direction and all you can see is water, and it is overcast so you cannot see the sun... How in the world would you know which way to go unless you had a compass to tell you which way is "up"? Long before GPS satellites and other high-tech navigational aids, the compass gave humans an easy and inexpensive way to orient themselves.
But what makes a compass work the way it does? And why is it useful for detecting small magnetic fields, as we saw in How Electromagnets Work? In this article, we will answer all of these questions, and we'll also see how to create a compass from scratch!
A compass is an extremely simple device. A magnetic compass (as opposed to a gyroscopic compass) consists of a small, lightweight magnet balanced on a nearly frictionless pivot point. The magnet is generally called a needle. One end of the needle is often marked "N," for north, or coloured in some way to indicate that it points toward north. On the surface, that's all there is to a compass.
The reason why a compass works is more interesting. It turns out that you can think of the Earth as having a gigantic bar magnet buried inside. In order for the north end of the compass to point toward the North Pole, you have to assume that the buried bar magnet has its south end at the North Pole, as shown in the diagram at the right. If you think of the world this way, then you can see that the normal "opposites attract" rule of magnets would cause the north end of the compass needle to point toward the south end of the buried bar magnet. So the compass points toward the North Pole.
❿ 指南針用英語怎麼寫