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1. 製作食物的英語作文翻譯

Dumpling is a traditional chinese food. On the lunar new year' s day, most families make a lot of delicious
mplings. To make them, follow this easy process.
The first step is to mix the flour with water. when the
dough is ready, we can begin to make mpling wrappers.
we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and
round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. when the
wrappers are done, it' s time to prepare the filling. Usually,
we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables
such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually
choose whatever you like to put into it. we must chop those
things into small pieces.Then put some salt, oil and other
condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these
preparations are done, we can start making mplings.
First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper.
Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the
rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best
shape of mplings is that of a ship, because when they
are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea.
The smell can make your mouth water.

2. 寫一篇關於製作食譜,或者最喜歡吃的食物怎麼做的英語作文.

this is an introction of how to cook meatball soup:

First, boil some water in a pot. And ring the time of this process, take out a bowl and make the ingredient. It contains vinegar, soy sauce, salt , pepper. You can decide the quantity on your own taste. Then, chop half of a spring onion into small slices and also some caraway. Then, put them in the bowl. After the water is boiled, put the meatballs into the pot until they are floating on the water. And at last , put the ingredients in the pot and sir them with a ladle for some minutes, then the soup is done.

Now , you can have a taste of this simple but delicious soup.

3. 英語作文食物製作方法


4. 求一篇英語作文,關於製作食物的,80詞左右

Chinese mplings are delicious, loved by the people. In recent years, many western families" in the Chinese lunar calendar lunar New Year's Day" to make mplings. So now, let me introce mpling proction process!

First of all, take a plate, some vegetables, proper meat. Put the vegetables into small dices, then put the meat into meat, vegetables and meat, put into a plate, add soy sauce, pepper, vinegar and other spices.

Put the plate on the side. Take some flour, add water, knead the dough, roll into small rounds. In a wafer into the appropriate filling, made into mplings, and then into the water boiled.

After five minutes, remove and mplings, put them on the plate. You will smell a strong smell. In this way, the traditional Chinese food mplings would be accomplished by --.

Come and try it, you is it right? Want to taste so delicious food?


5. 如何寫製作食物英語作文





Yogurt fruit salad
Ingredients: what you like all kinds of fruit and yogurt

Yogurt fruit salad is very simple actually, would you like the fruit peel of dicing, add yogurt, gently stir well, a plate of sparkling white, fragrant, sweet and delicious, nutrient-rich yogurt fruit salad is made. Fruit salad ingredients and components according to how many to order meals. If you want to add a little color to salad, also can adorn some yogurt, other color such as red strawberry yogurt, but should pay attention to taste, don't cry because it is the pursuit of pure color of the salad flavor.

Generally the most popular apples, pears and bananas. They all have in common is fleshy show pale yellow or white, just match ivory yogurt. Other fruits

6. 有關製作食物的英語作文 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mention one of my favorite food, I am reminded about this kind of food a riddle: "a flock of geese in the river, floating drift, fall in the fall." What is this?

In fact, this kind of food is not special, just, ordinary time, we are rarely able to taste, but one to the Spring Festival, especially on the first day, every household are little not!

It is the mplings.

I love to eat mplings, also love to see it floating in the water. Remember once, my mother give me making mplings, see mother first pour sticky rice noodles into the bowl, after mixed with boiled water, roll the dough into a dough, then every grabbed a small plane from the dough, YuanCheng in your hand the appearance of a corn, put sugar into the middle, a ping-pong ? YuanCheng them again
To the bottom, not for a while, but there are several floating up first, then several, graally, and floating drift, the fall of the fall, it is lovely.

Unconsciously, the mother's hand with covered in flour ordered my nose. Originally, looking at the pot mplings, I have already salivating at the thought. So, mom to bowl chopsticks, pick up from the pot of the water a few mplings, steaming mplings, but I care so much, hurriedly open a only with chopsticks, mouth very hot is very hot, but the soft, sweet sweet feeling is really great. I couldn't help the thumbs-up sign to mum.

Mother told me that the package many kinds of filling, some wrapped vegetables in tangyuan core, it can prevent the hassle, some ?

7. 製作食物的英語作文(要短的)

I like cooking from i was very young, i am always passion about
making delicious dishes for my family which also can help my parents to
rece their stress from the work. Also when i watching the cooking
program on television i think chef is a very interesting and creative
job and brings people joy from their dishes.

8. 寫一篇關於製作食譜,或者最喜歡吃的食物怎麼做的英語作文. 怎麼做飯的的英語作文

this is an introction of how to cook meatball soup:
First,boil some water in a pot.And ring the time of this process,take out a bowl and make the ingredient.It contains vinegar,soy sauce,salt ,pepper.You can decide the quantity on your own taste.Then,chop half of a spring onion into small slices and also some caraway.Then,put them in the bowl.After the water is boiled,put the meatballs into the pot until they are floating on the water.And at last ,put the ingredients in the pot and sir them with a ladle for some minutes,then the soup is done.
Now ,you can have a taste of this simple but delicious soup.

9. 初二英語作文 某種食物的製作方法


An old favorite from Italy. Serve withfresh bread and a green salad.


olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
500 grams of minced beef
1 tin of tomatoes
2 small tins of tomato puree
1 tablespoon of dried oregano
some fresh basil, chopped
pepper to taste
parmesan cheese, grated
half a packet of spaghetti
salt to taste

What you need:

chopping board
sharp knife
tin opener
2 saucepans
cheese grater


Bolognese sauce:
Pour a small amount of olive oil in a
saucepan. Add chopped onions and garlic.
Cook until soft. Add minced beef to the
saucepan and brown. Cook for 10 minutes.
Add tin tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano,
basil and pepper. Cook on a low heat for
20 minutes.

Boil water in a saucepan. Add a little salt
to the water. When water is boiling, add
spaghetti. Cook spaghetti until soft.
往燉鍋里倒入少量橄欖油。加剁碎的洋蔥和 大蒜,煮爛。往燉鍋里加入絞牛肉,加熱直 到牛肉呈褐色。煮十分鍾。加入西紅柿、西 紅柿泥、牛至、羅勒和胡椒粉。低火煮20分 鍾即可。



Put spaghetti on a plate. Add sauce on
top of the spaghetti. Sprinkle parmesan
cheese on the sauce.

10. 一篇關於如何做食物的英語作文什麼食物都可以

食物: fried milk
材料: fresh milk,self-raising flour,eggs,sugar
步驟: 3 steps 1.Cook the milk until boiled.
Then put the self-raising flour directly into the milk (without adding water).
At same time, put egg white into the milk.
Turn down the fire, stirring the mixture until they are evenly mixed as a mush. 2.Put the mush in a bowl and freeze it in the freezer.
After two or three hours, get the mush out of the freezer.
You will find the mush already combined as pudding.
Cut the pudding into small lumps. 3.Prepare the some dense cooking starch using the self-raising flour.
Wrap the small lumps with the dense starch.
Then, fried the small lumps in the hot oil until the outside layer turning into yellow.

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