① 英語作文 有個人騎單車摔倒了 怎麼寫
Frank』 face lit up as he cycled excitedly around the nearby park. It was refreshing after the rain. The air was cool and the breeze was most welcoming. Reaching the park, Frank could hear the joyous chirping of the birds. Frank immediately then cycled into the park and down the rather steep slope. He beamed from ear to ear as he made his way downhill. It was very reminiscent of a ski ride. The park was crowded that Saturday afternoon. People were jogging, strolling with their pet dogs. A lively chatter from a family enjoying quality time together, and having a picnic at the park rang through the air.
Relishing the rush of adrenalin, Frank pell-melled down the slope. Without warning, he lost control of his bicycle and went speeding down the slope. A sickening thought flashed through his mind with him falling off his bicycle at any moment and injuring himself. He shuddered at the thought. Frank』s face turned pale and his hands began shaking. He felt a cold sinking fear gripping him. Waves of panic seized Frank and his heart pounded furiously. He tried to slow down by slamming hard on the brakes. Just as he gained control of his bicycle, Frank was unfortunately flung off his bicycle.
② 英語作文 時間13.30地點上學路路上 人物事件一位老人突然摔倒 因此缺席外教的
On December 12, 2015, around 13:30, da-gang wang classmate in the center of the river city intersection see a about seventy years old grandma suddenly fell on the road. Da-gang wang students struggle in my heart, go to help the old man, again afraid is correct; Don't go to the help and feel hard, just think of the school the teacher often ecation we want to respect elders, how can you see the old man fell down and indifferent? Just then, a classmate of da-gang wang li. Li to da-gang wang is out of an idea, with smartphones took her to the ground carry images filmed, and then let the da-gang wang to help grandma, oneself to the camera, the da-gang wang to help grandma's video to video. Someone called 110 report to the police, the police came, 120 ambulance came. Grandma was the man taken to hospital.
③ 假設你是李華你周末滑冰不慎摔傷英語作文因而未能參加英語考試英語作文
進出口新華中學的來學自生李華,抱歉打擾你。因為當不小心弄壞了手臂,傷勢比較嚴重,所以我的周末滑冰不能參加最後的英語考試,想通過這種方式傳遞給老師說聲對不起,希望。老師不要生氣我也想consultthe老師一些問題:? 1補考時間和地點2什麼功課因為我聽同學說這份工作有課外閱讀的書籍,所以我想問問?老師關於什麼方面的書,想要做讀書筆記?如果是的話,什麼樣的方式把它給你。我希望老師能給我詳細的,我必須在課堂上充分的准備,當theexams和家庭作業給老師一個滿意的答復。
④ 老師進教室摔倒瞭然後學生把他送到醫務室最後老師平安回到教室的英語作文
The teacher returned to the classroom and informed the class of their last decision.
⑤ 一個小朋友摔倒了。用英語怎麼說
A kid fell.
⑥ 在路上我摔倒了怎麼辦英語作文八年級下
⑦ 英語作文李華摔倒學校給她媽媽寫信
Hello Mrs.xxx, on behalf of the school of yyy I sincerely apologize for our negligence that has resulted in the damage of your daugher/son's health. As recompense, we are prepared to offer hua straight As as final grades. Please contact us to further discuss the severity of the situation, preferredly by phone rather than email or letters as the latter ones are hugely slow and inconvenient. Thank you and have a great day.
the dean
⑧ 當摔倒了應該怎麼辦英語作文
⑨ 在接力賽摔倒的英語作文
下午有一場團體比賽——迎面接力賽,我也是其中的一員.盼啊盼,我終於等來了比賽.我懷著十分自信的心情,走上跑道,開始做熱身運動.過了一會兒,運動員們霎時安靜下來.只聽見 「嘀」的一聲哨響,比賽開始了.我們班的運動員一馬當先,像一支離弦的箭沖到對面,把接力棒交給下一名選手.旁邊的啦啦隊看到自己暫時領先的優勢,喊得跟更帶勁了.就在一、二兩棒很順利時,意外的事發生了,第三棒出現了問題,也許是這個運動員沒發揮好的原因吧,速度慢了下來,棒也沒接好,我們馬上喪失了優勢,就在那短短幾秒鍾的時間里,從第一名變成了第五名.這時我想:完了,完了,我們爭奪第一名的計劃成了一個泡泡「啪」的一聲便沒了影子.可既然成了第五名,那我們更要努力跑,也許還能夠爭個前三名呢.於是,在後面的幾棒中,其他運動員們都在盡自己最大的努力,終於縮小了差距,並超過了第四名的班級.輪到我時,我使出了猛虎下山的力氣,一個箭步沖出去,奮力向前跑,可還是超不過其他班的同學……最後,我們只取得了第四名.
賽後,我感覺到:團體比賽時,一定要把參賽的每一份子都組織好,充分發揮每個人的力量,才能使團隊取得優異的成績.我想,我們下次一定能贏.蘇荷‖dtjt╱2014-09-23©2015 Bai 作