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發布時間: 2021-02-05 07:37:45

A. 保護野生藏羚羊的英語作文

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, stretching in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原), is the longest railroad in the world at the highest altitude. Starting from Xining in Qinghai and ending in Lhasa in Tibet, runs for 1,956 km.
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is one of three areas in China with the most fragile ecological environment. With an average elevation of over 4,600 meters, it is home to Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊), yaks, white-lipped deer, snow leopards and black-necked cranes, all of which are under state first-level protection.

Based on close studies of the animals』regular habitats and patterns of procreation (繁殖) and migration, 33 passages have been opened for the seasonal migrations of the animals.
The Tibetan antelope is listed in the IUCN (國際自然與自然資源保護聯合會) Red List as a threatened species. Hoh Xil Nature Reserve is one of the nature reserves which were set up by the central government to protect these antelopes. Each year, Tibetan antelopes migrate to the northern area with a cooler climate and rich water and grass resources to lamb in June-July and return with their offspring in August. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway lies right in their path. In June, 2002, in order to let some 30,000 future mother antelopes pass the construction site without disturbance, the workers shut down their machines and pulled down their sign boards and sign flags. They stopped working for four days to make way for them. In August, when these Tibetan antelopes returned with their children, they stopped working once again. Moreover, the builders do their best to rece noise in areas close to nature reserves.

B. 寫一篇關於保護鯨魚的英語作文!並帶翻譯!謝謝!好的話給好評!

Nowadays, the whales is in danger. Because many countries kill them for different use, they are dying out. To protect our earth and ocean, especially the diversity of creatures. we must realize that we should take effective measures to protect them. If the whales died out, it would have an important influence on other animals in the sea. Also, the environment will be changed. I sincerely hope that we can make our effort to save them!


C. 藏羚羊英語作文

The Tibetan antelopes live in family group, the normal size of a Tibetan antelops is with body length 120-130 cm, shoulder height 80-100 cm, tail length 18-30 cm and weight 25-35 kg. They are mainly distributed over Qinghai Province, Tibetan Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China. The life span of a Tibetan antelope is probably 10-15 years.

D. 保護藏羚羊的英語短文50字


E. 寫我想成保護動物的志願者 的英語作文80詞左右,在線等

Wild Animal Protection

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.
In order to protect our resources of ecology,people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be takenpollution standards are made to keepdown poisons;killing off certain rare species is prohibited,national parks should be set up as wild life,reserves.
Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved

F. 寫一篇關於保護野生動物的英語作文。(初中

It depends on how much people keep those zoos in order,however,people use many interesting ways to help frotecting animalsIn one word,we can enslow the steps of the extinction of some animals and I felt quite happy when I could see a real nature.On the other hand.It also depends on what we do to help those wildlife to regain the skills of living in wild,do those ideas really work?The answer is obviously dependent,depends on how much people are aware of the law and how much do they trully obey,some ideas do work

G. 寫一篇關於保護野生動物的英語作文60詞左右

Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways. I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out: If anybody knows of it, it will not count. I will do at least two things I don『t want to do—just for exercise. I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt: they may be hurt, but today I will not show it.
for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit, and try not to improve or regulate anybody but myself.

H. 保護藏羚羊的英語短文

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, stretching in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原), is the longest railroad in the world at the highest altitude. Starting from Xining in Qinghai and ending in Lhasa in Tibet, runs for 1,956 km.
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is one of three areas in China with the most fragile ecological environment. With an average elevation of over 4,600 meters, it is home to Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊), yaks, white-lipped deer, snow leopards and black-necked cranes, all of which are under state first-level protection.

Based on close studies of the animals』regular habitats and patterns of procreation (繁殖) and migration, 33 passages have been opened for the seasonal migrations of the animals.
The Tibetan antelope is listed in the IUCN (國際自然與自然資源保護聯合會) Red List as a threatened species. Hoh Xil Nature Reserve is one of the nature reserves which were set up by the central government to protect these antelopes. Each year, Tibetan antelopes migrate to the northern area with a cooler climate and rich water and grass resources to lamb in June-July and return with their offspring in August. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway lies right in their path. In June, 2002, in order to let some 30,000 future mother antelopes pass the construction site without disturbance, the workers shut down their machines and pulled down their sign boards and sign flags. They stopped working for four days to make way for them. In August, when these Tibetan antelopes returned with their children, they stopped working once again. Moreover, the builders do their best to rece noise in areas close to nature reserves.
So far, the number of Tibetan antelopes in China has climbed to over 80,000
1. The total length of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is ______.
2. Tibetan antelopes usually go to the northern area to lamb in ______ and return with their offspring in ______.

I. 寫信保護藏羚羊的英語作文

Please Stop Killing Tiben Antelope!
It is well known that there are some rare wild animals that are our good friends.Tiben Antelope is one of them.It is a very lovely animal which does good to human beings,it makes great contribution to nature balance.Unfortunitely,such a nice animal is being killed by us.It is reported that there are around 20 thousand Tiben Antelopes being killed every year.20 thousand,what a terrible figure!For our future,please don't kill wild animals anymore,I hope we can get on well with them.

J. 藏羚羊的英文簡介及有關英文資料

藏羚(Pantholops hodgsoni)
英文名:Tibetan antelope或Chiru
中文別名:藏羚羊、長角羊 藏名譯音:Zu
分 類:偶蹄目、牛科、藏羚屬。形似黃羊,但大得多。
肩 高:80—85厘米(雄) 70—75厘米(雌)
體 重:35—40公斤(雄) 24—28公斤(雌)
形 態:四肢勻稱、強健。尾短小、端尖。通體被毛豐厚絨密,毛形直。
毛 色:雄羊頭、頸、上部淡棕褐色,夏深而冬淺,腹部白色,額面和四條腿有醒目黑斑記,雌羊純黃褐,腹部白色。
角 長:成年雄性角長筆直,角尖微內彎,50—60厘米(雌性無角)
壽 命:一般不超過8歲
習 性:集成十幾到上千隻不等的種群,生活在海拔4300米到5100米(最低3250米,最高5500米)的高山草原、草甸和高寒荒漠上,早晚覓食,善奔跑。

夏季雌性沿固定路線向北遷徒,6—7月產仔之後返回越冬地與雄羊合群,11—12月交配,每胎1仔。有少數種群不遷徙。 分 布:只限青藏高原,以羌塘為中心,南至拉薩以北,北至昆侖山,東至西藏昌都地區北部和青海西南部,西至中印邊界,偶爾有少數由此流入印度境內拉達克。

數 量:少於75000隻(1999年估計,據夏勒博士) 保護級別:國家一級保護動物 自然保護區:為了保護藏羚羊和其它青藏高原特有的珍稀動物,國家於1983年成立阿爾金山國家級自然保護區,1992年,成立羌塘自然保護區,1995年成立可可西里省級自然保護區,1997年底上升為國家級自然保護區。 2000年成立三江源自然保護區
CITES公約:即《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》,是一個有100多個成員國參加的、國際性政府間保護野生動植物的協議,秘書處設在瑞士,各國都設有CITES管理委員會,每個成員國都有責任遵守CITES保護稀有野生動植物的協議,違約時要受到處罰。除了一個成員國之外,CITES的142個成員國或地區進口藏羚羊毛或稱"沙圖什"都是違法的。藏羚羊(chiru),背部呈紅褐色,腹部為淺褐色或灰白色。 成年雄性藏羚羊臉部呈黑色,腿上有黑色標記,頭上長有豎琴形狀的角用於御敵。 雌性藏羚羊沒有角。 藏羚羊的底絨非常柔軟。 成年雌性藏羚羊身高約75厘米(30英寸)、體重約25-30公斤(55-66磅)。 雄性身高約80-85厘米(32-33英寸)、體重約35-40公斤(77-88磅)。

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