① 革蘭氏陽性菌的英語翻譯 革蘭氏陽性菌用英語怎麼說
[詞典] [醫] gram-positive bacterium;
It inhibits the growth of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.
② 「專業型碩士研究生」的英文翻譯怎麼講
「專業型碩士研究生」的英文:Professional Master's Degree
1、作形容詞的意思: 專業的;職業的;職業性的
1、professional wrestling,摔角
2、legal professional,法學家 ; 法律工作者 ; 法律職業道德 ; 法律職業者
3、professional history,職業經歷 ; 職業履歷 ; 職業閱歷
③ 英文翻譯:
④ "專轉本"用英語怎麼說
1. top-up。
2. 完成專科學分之後沒有就業直接續讀本科,中國大部分轉本學生都是這類吧。這樣的話還是以句式解釋為好,例如:
After finishing my junior college, I upgraded to a university student and finally got the degree.
⑤ 請幫忙翻譯一段英文,要求具有專業性,謝謝
請把以下英語句子翻譯成中文。 注意專業詞彙。
儀錶板上張貼的是最後一分鍾的待辦事項,手寫提示卡以及用戶的火箭指南。 在阿姆斯特朗的椅子旁邊是所有工具中最重要的工具:推桿,就像一根桿子上的大烤箱盤。
⑥ 英語翻譯....
Germ, microbe, bacterium, bacillus, virus:
Though not strict synonyms, are comparable because all denote organisms invisible to the naked eye, including organisms that are the causative agents of various diseases.
Germ and microbe are the ordinary nonscientific names for such an organism and especially for one that causes disease.
Bacteria, the plural of bacterium and the form commonly in general use, is often employed as the equivalent of designation of a large group of prokaryotic microbes which are found widely distributed in water, air, soil, living things, and dead organic matter, which have structural and biological characteristics distinguishing them from other unicellular microorganisms (as protozoans), and only some of which are instrumental in procing disease in man, animals, and plants.
In addition to the pathogenic or disease-causing bacteria there are the saprophytic bacteria which live upon dead or decaying organic matter and which, for the most part, are beneficial in their effects which include many natural chemical processes (as fermentation, oxidation, and nitrification).
From Merriam-Webster』s Dictionary of synonyms
⑦ 中文譯成英文 求翻譯
1. 人口結構轉變的挑戰我國人口發展的主要矛盾,已從控制人口數量轉向改善人口結構的新階段。 The challenges of demographic change in the principal contradiction of China's population development, population shift from control to improve the population structure of a new stage. 新的人口問題,即隨著生育率的急驟下降,人口結構出現極不尋常的蛻變,打破了人類社會自身年齡、代際、性別的生態平衡,將是中國崛起最嚴峻的挑戰之一。 The new population problem, that was experiencing with the decline in fertility, population structure is highly unusual transformation, breaking the age of human society itself, intergenerational, gender, ecological balance, the rise of China will be the most serious challenges. 中國人口佔世界總人口的比重日益下降,對這一趨勢必須關注。 China's population accounts for the proportion of the world's population is declining, we must pay attention to this trend. 勞動力優勢悄然弱化,老齡化浪潮洶涌而至,性別失衡亮起「紅燈」。 Advantage of weaker labor quietly, but to the surging tide of aging, gender imbalance in turn "red." 決策應以科學預測為基礎,實行新的人口方略。 The decision-making should be based on scientific prediction based on the implementation of the new population strategy.
當人口結構改變已成事實,我們已不能再依靠我們國家廉價的勞動力來作為經濟增長的跳板,所以我們這一代及以後的青少年應切實提高自身的勞動技術水平和綜合素質,過去的僅靠雙手就可養家的狀況將改變,未來要求職工掌握必要的先進技術。 When the changes in population structure has become a reality, we can no longer rely on cheap labor in our country as a springboard for economic growth, so we of this generation and beyond, young people should effectively improve their skill level and overall quality of labor, past alone hands can support a family situation will change in future, require workers to acquire the necessary advanced technologies. 我們的企業也應該與時俱進,適時作從勞動密集型向技術研發型轉變,增強綜合競爭力。 Our business should be with the times, to make a timely manner from the labor-intensive to technology-based changes in research and development and enhance overall competitiveness. 這就要求我們努力學習科學文化知識,掌握必要的計算機技能和具備一定外語能力。 This requires us to strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, to acquire the necessary computer skills and possess the necessary foreign language ability.
我們要積極倡導建設一個終生學習型的社會,到時不僅是青壯年對社會做貢獻,連目前被稱為老年的群體也可以在一定程度上發揮余熱。 We must actively promote the building of a lifelong learning society, when the time is not only the young alts to contribute to society, and even now known as the old age groups may to a certain extent, play the heat.
我們更應該積極宣傳男女平等,讓社會有更好的可持續性。 We should actively promote gender equality and the sustainability of the community better. 據統計,近幾年出生的嬰兒中男女比例為120:100,這將導致這批人成年以後有一定比例的「光棍」,到時會給社會造成壓力。 According to statistics, in recent years, infants born male to female ratio 120:100, which will lead to these people beyond a certain percentage of the alt's "bachelor" to give the community time pressure.
2. 2. 環境保護與可持續發展環境問題將是以後的一個不容忽視的重大問題,應該引起全人類的關注。 Environmental protection and sustainable development in environmental issues will be a future major issues can not be ignored, should arouse the concern of all humanity. 對於我們青少年,首先應該加強自身的環保觀念,摒棄談論環境問題為時過早的舊觀念,之後僅僅是我們自己觀念先進了還不夠,應該著眼於向認識不夠到位的,特別是廣大的農村地區人群,廣泛宣傳應從與自然對立斗爭轉變為尊重自然與自然和諧相處; 應從一味向自然索取追求享受轉變為珍惜資源愛護環境;應從只顧自己的利益轉變為關心地球關心人類;應從只考慮眼前利益轉變為考慮持續發展。 For our young people should first strengthen their own concepts, to talk about environmental issues is too early to abandon the old concepts, followed by only a concept advanced by our own is not enough, we should focus on knowledge is not enough to put in place, especially in the vast rural areas regional populations, should be widely publicized confrontation with nature, the struggle for the respect for nature into harmony with nature; should be obtained blindly to the pursuit of the enjoyment of natural resources, care for the environment into a treasure; should be serving its own interests into the Earth's concern for human care; should only consider the immediate into consideration sustainable development.
其次,我們應該注意加強環境法制體系,讓保護環境與資源變得有法可依。 Secondly, we should pay attention to strengthening the environmental legal system, so that protection of the environment and resources has become a legal basis. 促進我們國家經濟建設與環境保護更好的協調起來。 To promote our country's economic construction and environmental protection to better coordinate.
再者,我們大學生要積極進入廣大農村,為農民帶去先進知識和管理方法並進行生態農業的建設,促進農村地區的可持續發展,還有青年科技工作者應該加大研發清潔能源和可回收材料,加強能源和資源的可持續生產與利用,改進現今的防污治污方法,切實進行污染防治及環境修復。 Furthermore, we have students to actively enter the vast rural areas for farmers and bring advanced knowledge and management practices and ecological agriculture, construction, and promote sustainable development in rural areas, as well as young scientists should intensify research and development of clean energy and recyclable materials, energy and resources to enhance the sustainable proction and use, today's anti-pollution pollution control methods to improve and effectively carry out pollution control and environmental restoration.
3. 3. 健康與心理素質在當今的社會上,我們青少年是時尚潮流的主導者,一定程度上,我們的行為反映了一個社會的風氣的好與壞。 Health and psychological quality in today's society, our youth is the dominant fashion trends, to a certain extent, our behavior reflects the culture of a society good or bad. 所以我們行事應該處處考慮是否符合社會道德規范。 Therefore, we consider every aspect of acting in line with the code of ethics.
未來的社會將是更具挑戰和機遇的社會,我們要注重自身的全面發展,必要技能與個人修養個性並重,在團體合作中也應該有共贏精神。 Society of the future will be more challenges and opportunities of the community, we should pay attention to their full development, if necessary, equal emphasis on indivial skills and personal self-cultivation, in the groups also should have the spirit of win-win situation.
4. 4. 多元文化及科技融合隨著國家之間的交流愈趨緊密,國家間的競爭不僅僅在經濟、軍事領域,在文化、娛樂方面的角逐也是更為激烈,我們是撐起祖國的下一代,理應在各個層面上嚴格要求自己,積極倡導中國的傳統文化在世界多元文化中引領風尚的一種潮流,促進我國科技實力的增強,使國民的自尊與自信心提高到歷史的新高度。 With the integration of multi-cultural and technological exchanges between countries is getting closer, the competition among countries not only in the economic and military sphere, in cultural, entertainment and even more intense rivalry, we prop up the motherland and the next generation, should be at all levels strict demands on themselves, and actively promote China's traditional culture in the world's leading multi-cultural in a kind of fashion trend, promoting China's scientific and technological strength, so that people's self-esteem and self-confidence to a new historic high. 在保持個性獨立的前提下廣泛的參與國際合作,進行全方位的交流。 While maintaining the premise of independent personality, a wide range of participation in international cooperation and all-round exchanges.
在科技領域,要注重吸取他國的先進經驗與從上到下的科研項目運作機制,從而最大程度上發揮每個人的智慧;在文化領域,我們既不能任由全盤西化一味否定傳統的思想的肆虐,也不能唯我獨尊,目中無人,最可取的是讓幾千年的優良傳統融入到自己的行為方式中,適時「拿來主義」,擴大中華文明的影響力,使之成為世界多元文化中一朵奇葩。 In science and technology, we should pay attention to learn the advanced experience of other countries operating research projects with top-down mechanisms to the maximum extent possible to play everyone's wisdom; in the cultural field, we can not allow the wholesale Westernization denial about the havoc caused by traditional thinking , we can not conceited, arrogant, the most desirable is to make the fine tradition for thousands of years into their own behavior, the time "take-ism" and increase the influence of Chinese civilization, making it the world's diverse culture, a wonderful work
⑧ 女性專用益生菌用英語怎麼說
女性專用益生菌的英文:female special probiotic
⑨ 英語翻譯
⑩ 高分求英文翻譯!! 專業性的 !!
1. Check if the "outflow glue quantity" reading is set too high. The normal reading should be between 3-10.
2. Check if the "outflow glue temperature" reading is too high. The normal temperature reading is between 130-150.
3. Check if glue outflow motor (referring to motor revolution at fast)is out of control. If this is the case, please check the circuit or call manufacture for help. NEVER allow non-certified personnel to take apart the circuit.
4. Glue outflow too little
(1) Check if the regulator speed is set at too fast that caused the outflow to be too low. To solve this problem, press the "Setup" key and increase "glue outflow quantity".
(2) Check if the motor only has slow revolution setting and not the faster option.
(3) Check if the glue head (pressure foot) is clogged. (This can be cleaned as described in the above step 7.)
(4) Check if the "glue outflow temperature" reading is too low. (During the summer, the normal reading is around 130; and 150 for winter.)
5 Leather material is not sticky enough.
(1) Check if the melt glue is overflowing. This can be controlled by adjusting the glue head (pressure foot).
(2) Check if the clearance between hammers too big, whether the locking nuts are too loose, if not, adjust them. (Also see Hammer Adjustment section.)
(3) If glue head (pressure foot) temperature is too high. If so, lower to appropriate range.
6. No position reset on power on
Check material intake guard sensor. Avoid direct strong light on reflective sensor plate.
7. No auto speed variation
Check if Auto Speed Variation switch is turned on. Also check if internal-curve, linear and external-curve speed settings were proper.