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發布時間: 2021-02-04 08:06:20

❶ 尷尬 英語作文(要有翻譯)








Often hear people say embarrassing taste very uncomfortable, I never thought that, can ever since experienced the pieces afterwards will be different, because I personally experience that can't speak the language that "embarrassing".

That, I go by car to read a book. When the bus is rush hour, to tell you the truth I really don't want to squeeze the crowded bus, if it weren't for the reading... Well, get in, please! I am very not easy to squeeze on the car, with people find a place. I pulled an armrest, difficult to stand there, just feel sick ready to choke.

Standing next to me was an old woman, she is carrying a parcel, the face rises very red, desperately out of the atmosphere. I think she is going to stand and would like to help her, but he could do nothing. Next to the old woman in, sit like a junior high school student, ear plug headphones, he chewed gum, the car is the scenery out of the window, as if the car all he didn't see the same, a deputy things none like yourself.

Suddenly the car to a stop, the big niang body fell in the junior high school student body. Junior high school students see next to his granny, look out of the window to move on from the big niang, screwed up eyebrows, sit body a little, and as if nothing has occurredly turned a window outside, still side with your feet on the ground. The big niang barely stand, and sighed.

The car as if dancing, open is not smooth, and a red light, "Zi", the car to an abrupt halt, the big niang body a inclined, and a heavily falls in the junior high school student body. The junior high school students can be angry, slammed the big niang push. The big niang almost fall.

I can not bear to look at it, then get up the courage to the junior high school student politely said: "the big brother, the big niang stand there good uncomfortable, why do you also pushed her? ' 'but they did not wait for junior high school students speak, big niang but it talked:" alas, you little pretty up my grandson how tube? I let him sit of is, I would like to, who let you tube? ""?, car people tend to vote to different eyes, as if I was wrong. My face has been red to the ear. And the junior middle school students are complacent with looked at me as if to say, "who let you are nosy!, I only feel that, time seems frozen, just feel the car drove too slow. The car arrive station is not is stationary, I away and disappear underground car.

I can't imagine his own kind, will get a awkward encounter so!

❷ 如何解決面對英語作文無話可寫的尷尬

主題更突出,我們在要點基礎上適當添加合乎邏輯的附加成分。請為即將舉行的班會寫內一篇英語演講容稿在閱讀理解中遇到長句子時、狀語(從句),使表達更清晰,學習效率低下,我們要學會通過找句子主幹、非謂語結構。例1 高考臨近,任務加重,把長句子縮短,如定語(從句),學習時間變緊,我們則要反其道而行;而在寫作文時、獨立主格等成分,針對目標句子,很多同學內心壓力大

❸ 生活中最尷尬的事英語作文加翻譯

My embarrassing things that day.I came early to the classroom,students sat down in hastily ,I just about to stand up,only to find pants sticky.
How is it?I got a look silly,because I hand touched touched a bunch of sticky stuff.I got in front of a look,stay - the chewing gum!I wonder,how will my pants on the gum?
This time I can be embarrassing,how do?I do not care do not dirty dirty,hand to grasp.As a result,a catch down,hands and chewing gum both stick on my pants this time.A classmate see this,he not only help me,but also laughed at me.How embarrass.

❹ 誰能給一篇關於尷尬事件的英語作文用英語介紹(簡短點

The small embarrassing moments in life that make us laugh and cry.
Every break in school,my friends and I walked through that same corridor,where the science labs were,that lead to the field.That day,however,was different.It still plays in my memory like a video.My friends and I were joking and laughing around.As a 『joke』,my friend shoved me.Never did I think that such a little force would put me on the spot.Due to all the bags that were scattered on the floor,I stumbled on a few and tumbled on to someone.

❺ 誰能給一篇關於尷尬事件的英語作文

Last Monday, I slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. I hurried to put on clothes, didn't eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. I came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "I'm sorry teacher, I was late." The teacher didn't say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "Li Ming, your school uniform anti."
(這不是我自己寫的 希望能幫到你)

❻ 寫尷尬的一件事的英語作文


Embarrassing thing
英文:Often hear people say embarrassing tastes bad. But in the end is what taste, I used to feel. But after going through it, I truly realized that it cannot be described in words "awkward ".
At that time, I took the bus to Wuxi children's Palace dance lessons, catching up with passenger peak. To tell the truth, not to learn dance, I really don't willing to squeeze the crowded car ... ... Oh, come on! Finally get on the car, with the flow of people, I finally found a shelter. Hold the handrail, people difficult to stand. Look, stood beside me is an old woman: she is carrying a parcel, blushed, was gasping for air. I saw her a little stand, want to help her, but his standing among them, incapable of action. Look, the old grandma side seats, sat a junior high school student like person, his ears stuffed with headphones, chewing gum, is " appreciate " the scenery outside the window, as in the car all has nothing to do with him.
The car in the running, suddenly come to a halt, grandmother did not take a firm, a reel down on the junior high school student body. The junior high school student body will be removed, pretend nothing happened to like, and turned her head toward the window, his feet are still on the beat. At this time, the old grandma reluctantly stood up, sighed ... ... The car journey, at the people in the car as the car shake, as in the yangko dance, left to right. Suddenly, the lights were red, " said -- " the car is pulled up all of a sudden. Granny fell down to the junior high school student body. This time, junior high school students can be anxious, staring eyes, the hand will be grandma pushed past, old grandma nearly fell ... ...
I really can't go on to junior high school students, said: " old grandmother stood so uncomfortable, you not only not seat, even pushing her? Too ... ... "
But before I finish, old grandma said: " it is I who made my grandson sitting there, your child will really nosy! "
" Ah? " At this time, I was surprised and embarrassed ... ... But I can't interfere?
Suddenly, I found that all the people on the bus gave me a strange look. My face turned red, feel the car slowly, time like solidified, I hate to seek seam drilling ... ... Finally the station! Before the car came to a complete stop, I have swiftly ran down ... ...
Although this matter has been the past few days, but every time I think of it, I felt so awkward ... ...
覺得好的話 就點贊同吧~~

❼ 每個人都經歷過一些令人尷尬的事情英語作文

An Embarrassing Experience【一次尷尬的經歷】
As is often the case, sometime last month I walked on the street and found someone smiling or even trying to talk to me, but I couldn't recall who he or she was at all. I felt so ill at ease that all I did was only to gently stand there and try my best to smile as brightly as possible.
One day such a thing happened again. While I was greeting that beautiful girl, a crazy idea came into my mind that I decided to keep on talking with her though I didn't know her. Luckily, we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes. But when saying good-bye to each other, we both suddenly found she had mistaken me for my elder sister. What an embarrassing experience it was!

❽ 避免尷尬 英文怎麼說要標準的,有沒有片語

[網路] avoid embarrassment;
He was always careful to avoid embarrassment.

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