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發布時間: 2021-02-03 00:18:34

⑴ 請幫忙翻譯英語!

哈哈...這是我第一次使用聯系的東西...一切是中國... ...是的,當然這一版切讓我瘋狂
當時這些華權人的事情... ...什麼的唯一原因,但我想使用聯系是保持聯系我親愛的朋友,莉莉尹從我國。她就像一個小屁股洞, eventhough她已經創建了一個帳戶上的MSN ,她要去的跡象在1000年後... [仇恨ü使...],和那一天,我想這將是非常非常嚴重下雨...哈哈...但不管怎麼說,我使用的聯系現在,嘗試處理這些東西,但它付出了血的話,我不能完全理解...他媽的! 。
我叫安妮[當然這不是我的真實姓名,這是我的英文名稱] ,我來自越南[岳南] 。現在我住在美利堅合眾國(梅國)和我要上大學的Sep/2009 。

⑵ 1——20的英文翻譯


1.one [wQn]

2. two [tu:]

3. three [Wri:]

4. four [fC:]

5. five [faiv]

6. six [siks]

7. seven ['sevEn]

8. eight[eIt]

9. nine [nain]

10.ten [ten]

11.eleven [i'levEn]

12.twelve [twelv]

13.thirteen ['WE:'ti:n]

14.fourteen ['fC:'ti:n]

15.fifteen ['fif'ti:n]

16.sixteen ['siks'ti:n]

17 .seveteen ['sevEn'ti:n]

18 .eighteen ['eI'ti:n]

19.nineteen ['nain'ti:n]

20.twenty ['twenti]



cardinal number:一;一個




1.Beginning at Act one, Scene one.


2.One unit is equivalent to one glass of wine.



1.one of…之一;其中之一

2.one day一天;一日

3.one year一年

4.one hand一方面

5.one thing一回事;一件事;某一事物


cardinal number兩;兩個



1.Item two statute books ... item two drums.

此外還有兩部法令匯編… 還有兩面鼓。

2.Two of its toes point forward and two point back.



1.two thirds三分之二

2.two hundred二百;200;兩百

3.two more再來兩個;又兩個;多兩個

4.two times兩次;兩倍;兩遍

⑶ 求助英語翻譯

謝謝確認回復, 因為中國春節假期是2月9日到2月21日,所以2.3日和2.8日的出貨發票請在2.8號之內前發給我,謝容謝
Thank you for confirming your reply, because the Chinese New Year holiday is from February 9th to February 21st, so please send me the invoices for shipments on the 2.3th and 2.8th before the 2.8th, thank you

⑷ 英語高手幫忙翻譯下!有加分咯。在線等答案。


⑸ 求英語高手翻譯,謝謝啦!!

Recer is applied in prime mover and work machine independent transmission device between. With compact structure,
It is of high transmission efficiency, transfer movement characteristics such as accurate and reliable. The speed recer design process, need to do lots of analysis, calculation and drawing work and thus FeiGong time-consuming manual design, the design efficiency is low.
At present, the computer aided design and manufacturing technology (CAD/CAM) has been widely used in various fields, instrial and agricultural proction in scientific computing, engineering design plays a huge role. Using CAXA AUTOCAD, such as cad software for the recer is also received a very good effect.
Based on the introction of computer aided design three-dimensional modeling principle, method and steps of basis, based on
With solid features modelling function, parameterized, a single database software platform, Pro/e
Combined with cylindrical gears rection gear structure and function characteristics, analyses the integration three-dimensional modeling design.
From the solid modelling design Angle, for its box seats and the box cover bearing with noodles, against a hole
Buy high request, presents the main parts (cabinet) integration design modelling methods. Based on
Cylindrical gear recer all parts structure shape detailed analyses category, according to various parts structure
Shape, respectively for Pro/e in corresponding entity attributes modelling function, completed the cylindrical gears decreases
Speed machine main parts three-dimensional molding design. Using Pro/e assembly functions are zero
Assembly, proced assembly explosion diagram, created box seat engineering drawings.
Through the research of cylindrical gear recer, realizing the rapid, accurate modeling and assembly design. income
3d entity model appeared intuitively and realistically and the detailed structure of main parts speed recer and shapes,
Facilitate undertake interference, effectively save the proct design time, improve the design efficiency for slowing down
The parametric design for laid a foundation.
Keywords: recer; Modeling methods; Solid modeling design; CAD; Pro/e

⑹ 長方形、正方形、圓形、三角形、菱形、五角星分別用英語怎麼說






五角星:five-pointed star,讀音:英 [faɪv ˈpɔɪntɪd stɑː(r)];美 [faɪv ˈpɔɪntɪd stɑːr]



Equilateral triangle– 3 sides, 3 equal angles, 3 sides of equal length 等邊三角形 - 3個邊,3個相等的角度,3個相等長度的邊;

Right-angled triangle– 3 sides, 2 sides of equal length, 1 right angle 直角三角形 - 3個邊,2個相等長度,1個直角;

Scalene triangle– 3 sides of different length, 3 different angles 不等邊三角形- 3不同長度,3個不同的角度;

Oval– 1 curved side, different distance across at any side (diameter) 橢圓形 - 1個彎曲側面,任何一側的不同距離(直徑);

Pentagon– 5 sides, the sum of the internal angles is 540o 五角大樓 - 五面,內角之和為540度;

Isosceles triangle– 3 sides, 2 sides of equal length, 2 equal angles 等腰三角形 - 3個邊,2個相等長度的邊,2個相等的角度;

Rhombus– 2 pairs of parallel sides, 4 sides of equal length, also called a diamond 菱形- 2雙平行,4邊長度相等,也稱為鑽石;

Octagon– 8 sides, the sum of the internal angles is 1080o 八邊形 - 8邊,內角之和為1080度。

⑺ 英語翻譯中文


1、表面滲碳和淬,洛氏硬度56 - 63, 碳膜厚度0.6-1,有效硬化深度(按照國標GB9450)≥0.5,中心洛氏硬度27-45,可焊性符合STDQC / T262;
4、軸向齒形槽寬度0.1 -0.3;


⑻ 齒輪英文參數翻譯

第一行 模數
2 齒數
3 齒形角
4 標准參考齒廓
5 變位系數
6 精度
7 齒距累積公差內
8 齒形公差
9 齒向公差
10 公法線容長度
11 公法線長度上齒數
12 齒輪副中心距
13 輥徑
14 齒頂直徑
15 齒根直徑
16 分度圓直徑

h 全齒高
h*a 齒頂高系數
Fβ 齒向公差
f'i 齒切向綜合公差
ff 齒形公差
Fr 齒圈徑向跳動公差
k 跨測齒數
mn 法向模數

⑼ 求各類螺絲名稱的英文翻譯

Description in Chinese 英文品名
Desciption in English
圓錐銷 Taper pins
圓柱銷 Parallel pins
開槽圓柱頭螺釘 Slotted cheese head screws
開槽盤頭螺釘 Slotted pan head screws
單耳止動墊圈 Tab washers
開口銷 Split cooter pins
開槽半沉頭木螺釘 Slotted raised csk head wood screws
開槽半圓頭木螺釘 Slotted round head wood screws
開槽沉頭木螺釘 Slotted countersunk head wood screws
平墊 Plain washers
平墊(帶倒角) Mediun washers
平墊 Plain washers
重型彈墊 Spring lock washers,tang ends
標准彈墊 Spring lock washers,square ends
鞍形彈墊 Single coil spring lock washers
彈簧止動墊圈 Curved spring washers
波形彈墊 Wave spring washers
T型方頸螺栓 T-head blots with square neck
T型雙接頭螺栓 T-head bolts with double nip
螺紋圓錐銷 Taper pins with threaded end
T型頭螺栓 T-head bolts
蝶型螺母(美製) Wing nuts America form
蝶型螺母(德制) Wing nuts germany form
蝶型螺母(美製) Wing screws America form
蝶型螺母(德制) Wing screws germany form
圓球型蓋型螺母 Ball knobs
圓柱頭蚴釘 Slotted capstan screws
緊定螺釘 Slotted set srews with full dog point
緊定螺釘(半牙) Slotted set srews with chamfered end
螺母 Pip nuts with thread
外舌止動墊圈 External tap
(用於圓柱頭螺釘) Washers for cheese head screws
方斜墊圈(U型) Square taper washers for
方斜墊圈(I型) Square taper washers for
方墊圈 Square washers
開槽凹端緊定螺釘 Slotted set with cup point
六角薄螺母 Hexagon thin nuts
細牙六角薄螺母 Hexagon thin nuts
木螺釘專用墊圈 Rounds washers for wood constructions
密封帽 Sealing caps,push-in type
活節螺栓B型 Eye bolts form B
內舌止動墊圈 Internal tab washers
雙耳止動墊圈 Washers with two taps
滾花高頭螺釘 Knurled thumb screws with collar
開槽滾花高頭螺釘 Slotted knurled thumb screws with collar
滾花高螺母 Knurled thumb nuts with collar
滾花薄螺母 Knurled thumb thin nuts
鎖緊墊圈 Sealing washers
軸用彈性墊圈 Retaining rings for shafts(external),circlips
孔用彈性墊圈 Retaining rings for bores(internal),circlips
方頭帶墊螺栓 Square head bolts with collar
方頭圓柱底端螺栓 Square head bolts with half dog point
螺栓 Square head bolts with collar,half dog point
T型槽螺母 T-slot nuts
單頭螺柱 Single end studs
地腳螺栓 Masonry bolts
帶槽圓螺母 Slotted round nuts
端面帶孔圓螺母 Round nuts with drilled holes in one face
開槽平端緊定螺釘 Slotted set screws with flat point
開槽錐端緊定螺釘 Slotted set screws with cone point
六角螺母 Hexagon nuts
方螺母-C Square nuts
六角頭螺釘 Hexagon screws
緊定螺釘 Hexagon set screws with full dog point
薄型方螺母-B Square nuts without bevel
(pressed nuts)
六角頭木螺釘 Hexgon head wood screw
(coach screws)
吊環螺釘 Lifting eye bolts
吊環螺母 Lifting eye nuts
圓錐型槽銷 Grooved pins,taper grooved
(半槽) Grooved pins,taper grooved half length
(帶倒角) Grooved pins,parallel grooved full length
前端凹槽槽銷 Grooved pins,reverve grooved half length
中部凹槽槽銷 Grooved pins,center grooved
圓頭槽銷 Grooved pins with round head
沉頭槽銷 Grooved pins with countersunk head
六角螺母棒 Turnuckles(center parts),made out of hexagon bar
花藍螺栓 Turnuckles with eye bolt and hook bolt
彈性圓柱銷 Spring pins,heavy type
組合式蓋型螺母 Hexagon domed cap nuts
(配合溝頭扳手) Slotted round nuts for hook spammer
圓螺母(帶插銷孔) Round nuts with set holes
盤型彈簧墊圈 Disc springs
喉箍 Hose clamps
(旋扭頭) Lubricating nipples,button head
管夾 Shackles for conilts
U型螺栓 Stirrup bolts(U-bolts)
球面墊圈 Spherical washers,conical seats
圓柱銷 Parallel pins
厚六角螺母 Hexagon nuts,1.5d
螺母 Hexagon nuts,1.5d with collar
長六角螺母 Hexagon nuts,3d
外齒鎖緊墊圈 External teeth lock washers
內齒鎖緊墊圈 Internal teeth lock washers
外鋸齒鎖緊墊圈 External teeth serrated lock washers
內鋸齒鎖緊墊圈 Internal teeth serrated lock washers
開口擋圈 Retaining rings for shafts(E-rings),circlips
平鍵(A型) Parallel keys(form A)
半圓鍵 Woodruff keys
嵌環(支撐環) Thimbles
組合件 Screws and washers assemblies
組合件 Tapping screws and washer assemblies
內六角圓柱螺釘 Hexagon cocket head cap screws with hole,low head
大六角頭螺栓 Hexagon head bolts with large head
(friction grip nolts)
大六角螺母 Hexagon nuts with large wideth across flat
(friction grip nuts)
大墊圈 Round washers for friction grip bolts
楔型方墊圈 Spuare taper washers for friction grip bolts on T-
六角法蘭面螺母 Hexagon flange nuts
全金屬六角鎖緊螺母(2型) Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts,all metallic nuts
輕型彈性圓柱銷 Spring pins,light type
銷用墊圈 Washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss
ISO公制螺紋螺釘(多種頭型) Thread forming screws for ISO-metric thread
(多種頭型) Self-drilling tapping screws
開槽切削螺紋螺釘(多種頭型) Thread cutting screws
十字槽切削螺紋螺釘(多種頭型) Thread cutting screws cross recess
T型四爪螺母 Tee nuts with pronge
鋼結構用六角頭螺栓連接副 Hexagon head fitted bolts for steel structures
自攻螺釘 Pan head tapping screws with slot
自攻螺釘 countersunk flat head tapping screws with slot
自攻螺釘 Raised sountersunk oval head tapping screws with slot
六角頭自攻螺釘 Hexagon tapping screws
彈簧墊圈 Spring lock washers for screws with cylindrical heads
自攻螺攻 Pan head tapping screws with cross recessed
自攻螺攻 Countersunk flat head tapping screws with cross recessed
自攻螺攻 Raised countersunk oval head tapping screws with cross
圓柱頭螺釘 Hexagon socket head cap screws with,reced head
十字槽盤頭螺釘 Pan head screws with cross recessed
鋼結構用墊圈 Washers for steel structures
六角頭螺栓 Hexagon head bolts for steel structures
內六角沉頭螺釘 Hexagon socket coutersunk head screws
軸用鋼絲擋圈 Roundwire snap rings for shafts
木螺釘 Cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws
木螺釘 Cross recessed round head wood screws
木螺釘 Cross recessed countersunk head wood screws
(普通、自鎖等) Ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking
大外徑墊圈 Washers,outside diameter appro.3d
彈簧卡子 sping cotter for a bolt
平板螺栓 Belting bolts
(elevator bolts)
(牆板釘) Dry wall screws
環型螺母 Lifting nuts(eye nuts)
墊圈 Tab washer for slotted round nuts

⑽ 齒輪英文怎麼說

Mole 模數
Teeth number 齒數
tooth profile 齒形角(也叫壓力角)
standard reference profile 標准齒形
shifting coefficient 變位系數
accuracy grade 精度等級版
total cumulative pitch tolerance 齒距累積總公差
tolerance on tooth profile error 齒形公差(權也叫齒廓偏差)
helix deviation 螺旋線公差(舊標准也叫齒向公差)
base tangent length 公法線長度
teeth number in base tangent length 跨齒數
over-rolls measurement 量棒距
roll diameter 量棒直徑
tip diameter 齒頂圓直徑
root diameter 齒根圓直徑
pitch diameter 分度圓直徑

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