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發布時間: 2021-02-02 11:28:44

㈠ 英語翻譯


31. B , put
32. C , bread
33. C , what
34. A , But
35. B , ate it up
36. C , sorry
37. B , love
38. C , really
39. B , said
40. A , tired
41. C , Nobody
42. A , important
43. C , child
44. C , life
45. A , kind


㈡ 鼻塞的英語翻譯 鼻塞用英語怎麼說


[詞典] nasal obstruction; have a stuffy nose;[醫]rhinobyon;stuffiness


Likeicefor aburnora lozengeforacough,a cup ofhot teaisanage-oldbalm for sniffles,sneezingandstuffiness.


㈢ 她沒有發燒英語怎麼說

She did not have a fever.

㈣ 沒有發燒 用英語怎麼說

i don't have a fever.

㈤ 英文翻譯

Technology of Submerged Arc Welding
The welding variables for submerged arc welding are similar to the other arc welding processes, with several exceptions. The electrode size is related to the weld joint size and the current recommended for the particular joint. This must also be considered in determining the number of passes or beads for a particular joint. Welds for the same joint dimension can be made with many or few passes; this depends on the weld metal metallurgy desired. Multiple passes are more expensive but usually deposit higher-quality weld metal. The polarity is established initially and is based on whether maximum penetration or maximum deposition rate is required.
The major variables that affect the weld involve heat input and include the welding current, arc voltage, and travel speed. Welding current is the most important. For single-pass welds, the current should be sufficient for the desired penetration without burn-through. The higher the current, the deeper the penetration is. In multi-pass work, the current should be suitable to proce the size of the weld expected in each pass.影響焊接的主要變數包括熱輸入量、焊接電流、弧焊電壓以及焊接速度。其中焊接電流是最主要的變數。對於單焊道焊接來說,電流必須足以使焊接達到所需深度,但不能燒穿。電流越高,焊接越深。對於多焊道作業來說,電流必須適當,從而使每條焊道都獲得所需的焊接尺寸。
The arc voltage is varied within narrow limits. It has an influence on the bead width and shape. Higher voltages will cause the bead to be wider and flatter. Extremely high arc voltage can cause cracking. This is because an abnormal amount of flux is melted and excess deoxidizers may be transferred to the weld deposit, lowering its ctility. Higher arc voltage also increases the amount of flux consumed. The low arc voltage proces a stiffer arc that improves penetration, particularly in the bottom of deep grooves. If the voltage is too low, a very marrow bead will result. It will have a high crown, and the slag will be difficult to remove.弧焊電壓的變化范圍很小。它對焊珠的寬度和形狀有所影響。電壓越高,焊珠越寬且越平。弧焊電壓太高,則會導致開裂。這是因為融化的焊劑量太多,導致過量的去氧劑轉移到堆焊上,從而降低了金屬的延展性。更高弧焊電壓所需要的焊劑也越多。低弧焊電壓會產生剛性弧,從而使焊接更深,尤其是在深槽的底部。然而,如果電壓過低,形成的焊珠會很窄,並高高隆起。這樣會導致焊渣很難清除。
Travel speed has an influence on both bead width and on penetration. Faster speeds proce narrower beads that have less penetration. This can be an advantage for sheet metal welding, where small beads and minimum penetration are required. If speeds are too fast, however ,there is a tendency for undercut and porosity ,since the weld friezes quicker .If the travel speed is too slow, the electrode stays in the weld pool too long, which will create poor bead shape and may cause excessive spatter and flash through the layer of flux.焊接速度對焊珠寬度和焊透深度有影響。速度更快,焊珠更窄,且焊透深度更淺。焊接薄金屬板時,速度更快更有利。因為此時需要小焊珠和淺焊透深度。然而如果速度太快,焊料起毛更快,則有可能形成咬邊和氣孔。如果焊接速度太低,電極在焊接熔池停留時間太長,則會形成不良焊珠、過量飛濺物和焊劑層穿孔。
The secondary variables include the angle of the electrode to the work, the angle of the work itself, the thickness of the flux layer, and, most important , the distance between the current pickup tip and the arc also called electrode stickout. 次要變數包括電極相對於工作台的角度、工作台角度、焊劑層的厚度以及導電嘴和電弧的間距(也稱為電極干伸長)。其中電極干伸長是最重要的變數。
The depth of the flux layer must be controlled. If it is too thin, there will be too much arcing through the flux or arc flash. This also may cause porosity. If the flux depth is too heavy, the weld may be narrow and humped. On the subject of flux, too many fines( small particles of flux ) in the flux can cause surface pitting since the gases generated in the weld may not escape. These are sometimes called pock marks on the bead surface.

㈥ 請英語高手幫忙翻譯下,謝謝了

1 responsible for all procts of the goods and materials management, data, and is responsible for all procts and accounting management, the material tracking materials
2. Prepare outgoing material proction plan and material consumption status tracking, ensure proction material supply
3. Responsible for the company's logistics documentary, charters. Do the bill of lading. Arrange container cargo into the ark. Follow. Customs tracking
According to customer needs and 4) proction plan material plan, Follow up material conditions, Handling materials, Responsible for material inventory turnover control, Responsible for outsourcing orders to the audit accounts with, Cooperate with related departments to ensure proction running smoothly.

㈦ 英語翻譯.


「西~藏從黑暗走向光明,由貧窮變為富裕,從專~制毒豺成為鳴豬自由以及閉塞漸向開放。 」在北京舉行的西藏「民~主改革」50周年紀念展如是宣稱 。為了慶祝「民~主改革」,西藏的官員已指定3月28日,星期六,作為「農~奴解放日」。由於惟恐有人不願如他們的計劃歡慶這個節日,官方加強了保安力度,持不同政見者依舊得不到釋放,而外國人也被嚴禁進入該地區。
當局以嚴陣以待的陣勢,正努力製造這個節日的歡樂氛圍。拉薩的街道上,西藏首府,到處是用以裝飾的花卉展覽。官方媒體充塞著「幸福西~藏人的故事」。在北京,關於西~藏的展覽都旨在展示:在偉大的中國共~產黨自1959年起的領導下,該地區蓬勃發展, 終結了「數世紀以來的奴役和壓迫」 。一個鏡頭展示了其自豪之處,「民~主改革」下的農奴喜悅地把「封建農~奴契約」投入猛烈燃燒的火堆之中。
1 由於某些地方英語結構同漢語不同,採取了擴譯、轉譯以補充說明
2 將英文無法表達的中國特色politic詞彙寫出,並試圖表達其語氣
3 網路說我的翻譯有敏感字眼,我只好加「~」。
PS: 看到開頭一句話我好羨慕西~藏人民啊,我們搬到西~藏去吧。

㈧ 紅燒獅子頭用英文怎麼翻譯

紅燒獅抄子頭英語是:Braised pork ball in brown sauce,也叫四喜丸子,是一道淮揚名菜。將有肥有瘦的肉配上荸薺,香菇等材料,做成丸子,先炸後煮,出鍋後撲鼻的香味,光聞起來就引動食慾,醇香味濃的肉塊與汁液,超級美味。

獅子頭要柔軟好吃,肉最好自己剁, 而且要肥瘦相間的,瘦肉比肥肉稍微多一點。不過,如果時間有限,買現成的肉餡也未嘗不可。另一個重點是在容器上,要細火慢燉,以砂鍋為最佳。已故國畫大師張大千傳授夫人的一道拿手好菜就是「紅燒獅子頭」。



紅燒獅子頭是屬正宗淮揚菜系。有肥有瘦的肉紅潤油亮,配上翠綠青菜掩映,鮮艷的色 彩加上撲鼻的香味,光看就引動食慾,醇香味濃的肉塊與汁液,是令人無法抵擋的頂級美味。

㈨ 英語翻譯


If I have a cold.I will take some effective drugs,such as Compound Paracetamol and Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules.If I have a sore throat,I will drink hot tea with honey.And I think the most important thing is to have a good rest.


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