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① 英文翻譯

1. 本檢驗報告(包括復製件)未加蓋本中心印章無效。
This test report (including copies) without stamped by the center would be invalid.
2. 本檢驗報告無主檢、審核、批准人員簽署無效。
This test report without signed by the inspector, check, and approver would be invalid;
3. 客戶需要復制本檢驗報告時,請持公函或單位介紹信到本中心辦理。客戶自行復制檢驗報告,必須完整復制,並承擔由此引發的全部責任。
If customer needs the of the test report, please take the official letter or a letter of introction with you and go to the center to transact it.
If customer copied this report by themselves, so customer must it completely, or else all of the ties caused by this must be undertaken by customer
4. 本檢驗報告塗改無效,變造(偽造)無效。
Any alterableness, addition or deletion and forged on this test report is invalid.
5. 檢測設備清單是本檢驗報告的附件。
The list of testing apparatus (devices) is attachment file in this test report.
6. 除特別聲明外,本檢驗報告僅對來樣負責。
Unless otherwise statement, this test report is responsible for the delivered samples
7. 客戶如果對本檢驗報告有異議,應在收到報告之日起十五日內以書面方式向本中心提出。
If customers have any question with this test report should be put forward the complaint in written form within 15 days from the date you received
The cable should mark continuation marking such as the name of manufacture, the part number and voltage class etc.
The tests that cable under the blaze conditions maintain the integrity of circuit.
The continuation blaze is provided alone and the temperature is no less than (830-0+40)℃
The temperature of the continuation blaze is no less than (830-0+40)℃ and apply a rated voltage to the sample. Meantime use a low carbon steel rod (diameter: (25±0.1)mm、length(600±5)mm) drop to the surface of the cable at 60 degrees with the horizontal tilt angle. (impact frequency is 5 minutes ± 10 seconds once)

under this condition in 120min , 2A fuser is not blown, the indicator is on.

② 火災逃生方法常識英文

1.火災自救方法英語版 有翻譯
家庭火災應急十要The family of fire emergency ten、初起火易撲滅消防車未前能集全力搶救常能化險夷轉危安At the beginning of the fire, easy to extinguish the fire truck can be set to rescue often can insurance Yi turn dangernot before二、要早報警報警愈早損失愈小牢記119火警電Two, to the post alarm earlier loss is *** aller in the 119 firepower三、要先救火搬運財物片刻延誤易成巨災失火時宜先搶救財物易被咽嗆窒息而死或失去逃生時機Three, the first fire handling property a moment delayeasily into catastrophe fire should go to save the propertyis easy to swallow choking suffocate or lose the escape time四、要沉著冷靜嚴守秩序才能火場安全撤退倘若爭先恐互相擁擠阻塞通道導致自相踐踏會造成應有慘劇Four, to be calm to order to fire safety evacuation if vie witheach other in congested channel self trampling caused e to tragedy五、下樓通道被火封住欲逃無路時被子單、檯布撕成布務結成繩索牢系窗檻再用衣角護住手心順繩滑下Five, the channel is the fire shut down and there is no way to escape when the single, torn cloth quilt cloth provided to form a rope tied window sill and clothes covered hand slide down the rope六、鄰室起火萬勿開門應跳入窗戶陽台呼喊救援或用前法脫險否則熱氣濃煙乘虛而入使人窒息Six, adjacent room fire don't open the door into the window and balcony should cry for rescue or before the escape orhot *** oke take advantage of a weak point suffocating七、煙霧較濃時必驚慌宜用膝、肘著地匍匐前進因近地處往往殘留清新空氣注意呼吸要小而淺Seven, the *** oke thicker when panic should use knee,elbow to crawl for near earth often resial fresh airattention should be *** all and shallow breathing八、非上樓情況下必須屏住呼吸上樓因濃煙上升速度每秒3—5米而人上樓速度每秒3—5米而人上樓速度每秒0.5米Eight, non upstairs conditions must hold their breath for *** oke rising velocity upstairs at 3 - 5 meters per secondand the people upstairs 3 - 5 meters and the peopleupstairs speed 0.5 meters per second九、逃離時要用濕毛巾掩住口鼻也用房內花瓶、水壺、金魚缸里水打濕衣服、布類等掩住口鼻帶嬰兒逃離時用濕布輕蒙臉上手抱著手著地抓行逃出Nine, fled to use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nosewith real inner vase, kettle, goldfish bowl water wet clothes,cloth, cover your mouth and nose with baby escape with a damp cloth light face to use hands to grasp escape十、逃離前必須先把有火房間門關緊特別住戶多大樓及旅館里採用措施使火焰、濃煙禁錮房間之內致迅速蔓延能本人和大家贏得寶貴時間Ten, fled before the fire room door closed special resident *** uilding and hotel adopts measures to make the flame, *** oke to spread rapidly to imprison the room I and you win valuable time火災逃生術Fire escape operation1.盡能蹲低身體利用所剩餘氧氣逃離火場1 try to squat low body using the remaining oxygenescaped from the fire2.盡能向地面逃生若樓梯已被火封鎖則利用繩索或被單連接起來從窗口滑下地面逃生2 try to escape if the ground has been blocked by fire stair *** y ropes or sheets connected from the window down theground escape3.火災時沿牆壁走有樓梯絕使用電梯3 of fire along the walls along the stairs must use the elevator4.帶小孩逃離時利用被單孩子綁背上或抱胸前4 children fled when the children use sheets tied back or hold the chest5.主要逃生道上若有許多人擁擠應另找別逃生通道5 main escape on the road if there are many peoplecrowded should find another don't escape6.女性穿高跟鞋時應立即脫去或換鞋免逃生途摔倒延誤了逃生時機6 women wearing high-heeled shoes should promptlyremove or change a shoe fell free means of escape escapetime delay7.火災時切勿躲屋角或床下圖時之安全樣能葬身火海應鎮靜並用濕毛巾捂住口鼻盡快找尋逃生出口及方法7 do not hide the fire safety or bed below the sample canInferno should be calm and cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel as soon as possible to find an exit and method望採納。
「三要」—— 1、「要」熟悉自己住所的環境 2、「要」遇事保持沉著冷靜 3、「要」警惕煙毒的侵害 "Three musts" 1. "You must" be familiar with your surroundings. 2. "You must" keep calm at all times. 3. "You must" keep yourself from breathing in the *** oke. 「三救」—— 1、選擇逃生通道自「救」 2、結繩下滑「自救」 3、向外界求「救」 "Three escapes" 1. Using a fire escape to "escape" 2. Using a rope to climb down, "escaping" 3. Asking the outside word for help on "escaping" 「三不」—— 1、「不」乘普通電梯 2、「不」輕易跳樓 3、「不」貪戀財物 "Three nos" 1. "NO" to elevators. 2. "NO" to jumping out of buildings. 3. "NO" to being greedy.。
1)we can use a wet towel, put it in front of our noses and mouthes,it can make the air you breath more fresh. 2)if the fire is not very big ,you can wear a wet sheet(床單)or a wet quilt(被子),than ran away. 3)if it is *** oky , do not open the window at once ,it may bring more oxygen(氧氣),than the fire will be much bigger.。
4.英語學習 誰能給幾個火災自救的方法,用英文寫,感激不盡,一定要
As we know, our country suffered heavy ice early 2011. Everything was covered with freezing rain. Guizhou, Hunan and Sichuan suffered the most. It caused the buses, trains and planes stop service. The disaster destroyed power facilities, cutting power supplies in many areas. As a result, huge economic loss was caused. Many people could not work and live normally. There was no food, water or light in some places. Our government called on people to fight against heavy snow. As a student, I think we should learn from those heroes. We must study hard at school. We should learn all kinds of knowledge to make our motherland stronger, better and richer.





3、「要」警惕煙毒的侵害 "Three musts"

1. "You must" be familiar with your surroundings.

2. "You must" keep calm at all times.

3. "You must" keep yourself from breathing in the *** oke. 「三救」——



3、向外界求「救」 "Three escapes"

1. Using a fire escape to "escape"

2. Using a rope to climb down, "escaping"

3. Asking the outside word for help on "escaping" 「三不」——



3、「不」貪戀財物 "Three nos"

1. "NO" to elevators.

2. "NO" to jumping out of buildings.

3. "NO" to being greedy.
5.翻譯為英文 火災逃生技巧
「In case of a fire」





"Three musts"

1. "You must" be familiar with your surroundings.

2. "You must" keep calm at all times.

3. "You must" keep yourself from breathing in the *** oke.





"Three escapes"

1. Using a fire escape to "escape"

2. Using a rope to climb down, "escaping"

3. Asking the outside word for help on "escaping"





"Three nos"

1. "NO" to elevators.

2. "NO" to jumping out of buildings.

3. "NO" to being greedy.
6.跪求 防火安全常識 英語作文
People know the dangers of fires. It's good for us to know how to protect us from fire.

Firstly, get a *** oke alarm in the house. It can make a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house immediately in case of emergency.

Secondly, have an escaping plan. Make sure we all know where is the safety exit of your house. In case of fire emergency, everyone should follow the right way to escape.

Last but not least, it is necessary for every family to buy a fire extinguisher, better safe than sorry. And also make sure that every family member know how to use it.
Fire safety is a ponent of Building Safety. It concerns safety measures to prevent the effects of fires and is the result of proper use of fire protection measures. Some elements include: * Having built a facility in accordance with the version of the local building code that was in effect at the time a building permit was applied for. * Maintaining a facility and concting oneself in accordance with the provisions of the fire code, from the moment that the building was occupied. This is based on thorough knowledge of the code by the owner and ensuring that the occupants and operators of the building are fully aware of the currently applicable regulations, including supplementary documents that may be applicable, which are referenced in the fire code, such as, as an example, NFPA13 or NFPA96. Examples of such lawful conct include, but are not limited to, the following: o Not exceeding the maximum occupancy listing for any part of the building (Making sure that an area isn't so full of people that they can't all get out quickly in an emergency). o Maintaining proper fire exits and proper signage of them (e.g., exit signs pointing to them that can function in a power failure) o Placing and maintaining fire extinguishers and fire alarms in easily accessible places. o Properly storing/using, and/or banning of flammable materials that may be needed inside the building for storage or operational requirements (such as solvents in spray booths). o Routinely inspecting public buildings for violations, issuing Orders To ply and, potentially, prosecuting or closing buildings that are not in pliance, until the violations are corrected or condemning it in extreme cases. o Installing and maintaining fire alarm control panels for quick detection and warning of fire. o Obtaining and maintaining a plete inventory of firestops. o Ensuring that all spray fireproofing remains undamaged. o Maintaining a high level of training and awareness of occupants and users of the building to avoid obvious mistakes, such as the propping open of fire doors. o Conct Fire drills at regular intervals throughout the year .And explosion hazards arising from storage, handling, or use of dangerous materials, or from other specific hazardous conditions. The fire code plements the building code. In the event of changes to fire safety provisions within a building, or a change of occupancy, the fire code typically references the building code, which can result in a requirement upon the owner to apply for a building permit to ensure proper review and lawful execution of contemplated changes that can have an effect upon fire safety and/or structural integrity. The building code includes construction requirements to minimise fire spread, enable suppression and detection and to provide for safe and rapid evacuation in the event of a fire. Although both codes address similar issues, the fire code is aimed primarily at preventing fires in the first place, including outside of buildings, and that necessary training and equipment will be on hand and the design basis of the building, which includes a basic plan set out by the architect is not promised. The fire code also addresses inspection and maintenance requirements of various fire protection equipment in order to maintain optimal active fire protection and passive fire protection measures, with the aim of preserving stringent bounding. A typical fire safety code includes administrative sections about the rule-making and enforcement process, and other substantive sections dealing with fire suppression equipment, particular hazards such as containers and transportation for bustible materials, and specific rules for hazardous occupancies, instrial processes, and exhibitions.。
8.跪求 防火安全常識 英語作文
Forest fire is everyone's responsibility Forest as the renewable natural resources and the main body of the terrestrial ecosystem, in the survival and development of mankind history plays an irreplaceable role. The forest has the reputation of lung of the earth, it can greatly absorb carbon dioxide, and constantly create a human and other organi *** s need oxygen. The forest is the oxygen factory, is a st filter, is a natural reservoir, is a natural air conditioning 。

。 The forest gives us the inexhaustible benefits! The forest is whole countryman economy lasts, fast, healthy development of the foundation, it is in the national economic construction has irreplaceable status and role.The forest and the people's proction and life are closely linked, but the forest is facing the threat of fire! Fire can make valuable natural resources e to nothing! Fire can cause people to lose the precious life! The number of human civilization in the fire disappear? How many precious wealth in the fire disappear?Please see the following terrible lesson: in 2004, a town in Fujian province a hill. Because there was a farmer in a field of weeds in burned accidentally cause of forest fires, the affected forest area of 28 hectares, the fire lasted 19 hours, the fire direct cost 26000 yuan! Causing the death of 8 people! In 2006, a state-owned forestry centre for the village because *** oking cause of forest fires. Forest Lawn victimization area of 1000 mu, 4 firefighters died!Forest fires occur e to human factors and natural factors two, wherein, the human factors account for a major proportion of. Human factors are the main field and open up wasteland; field and keep warm by the fire; fire flooding wild beast; field littered cigarette and *** oke. Fire and water have no mercy., is not a joke, there is old saying goes: those who play with fire will burn! One careless move, can bring to the forest crowning calamity to human beings themselves, bring endless grief! People are weak awareness of fire prevention has led to a disastrous consequences!As a pupil of what we can do? I think I should start from our own, strictly abide by the rules for primary school students, not in the wild fire. And to do *** all forest fire propagandist work, into their own village, and protect the forest uncle aunts a, publicity the importance of fire, tell people to forest fire prevention. To help improve people's consciousness of fire prevention. I want to you uncle aunt call: forest fire protection is everyone's responsibility! Prevention of forest fire prevention in!。
Fire cause person casualties's two main aspects: one is the *** oke gas suffocation, 2 is a flame burns and powerful radiation. As long as it can avoid or rece the two harm, can protect their safety and limit the damage. Therefore, grasp the gist, save some fire dilemma maybe could acquire second life.1. Fire self-help, always keep your eyes open for escape roadEach person to oneself work, study or living building structure and escapes the path to do to understand somewhat, must be familiar with the structures within the fire control facilities and self-rescue escape method. So, when the fire broke out, won't back's against the wall. When you are in unfamiliar environment, be sure to watch the evacuation passageway and safety exports and stair azimuth, etc. To key time away from the scene as soon as possible.2. Extinguish fire *** all, benefit others and themselvesWhen when there is a fire, if the fire is not big, and who had yet to cause great threat, should make full use of the surrounding fire equipment, such as fire extinguisher, fire hydrant facilities will be *** all fire control and extermination. Don't panic to yell, or buy others scurrying about in disregard and self-centered "glide path", or buy *** all fire had inflicted on lead.3. Caught fire, keep calm speed evacuatedSuddenly faced with *** oke and fire, must keep calm, rapid judgment dangerous place and safe place to escape, decided to evacuate XianDe as soon as possible. Don't blindly follow crowds and mutual crowded, disorderly ran rampant. Only cool, can a good idea.4. The danger, cherish life as soon as possible, mozambican themselvesAt the site, life expensive than money. The danger, escape is heavy, must race against time, remember not money.5. Leave quickly, crawl mo standingIn from the site, when the *** oke and sight is not clear, was choking you are suffocatively e, don't stand walking, should quickly climbed on the ground or squat down, in order to seek escape route.6. Use channel, mo into the elevator go blind alleyWhen there is a fire, besides can use stair safety export outside, still can use the balcony, windowsill buildings, skylight etc climbed the security site, or around BiLeiXian etc。

, along the building structure that in my slide protruding.7. Fireworks besieged, hedge adherence to wiselyWhen escape routes cut and a short time when no rescue, can adopt find or create shelter, adherence to the kind of way. First should meet the doors and Windows, fire securing the doors and Windows, fire open back with wet towel, wet cloth soaked with water chink or blockage covered Windows, then quilt keep water drenching room, prevent fireworks infiltration, adherence to aid.8. Jump to leading cunning, no harm to the bodyHas many people choose to jump off a building fire escape. Jumped to also want to speak skills, jump into lifesaving should as far as possible when jumping or choose to have central air cushion pool, soft rain canopy, meadow direction jump; If possible, try to embrace some quilts, sofa cushion loose items or open big umbrella jumped off the to slow down wallop.9. Fire and oneself, on-site stampedes roll moThe fire fall his clothes on fire, should hurriedly try to take off clothes or on-site roll around, pressure fire-extinguishing seedlings; Can promptly jumped into the water or let a person to water, spray fire-extinguishing agent on more effective.10. The danger, self-help mo forget save othersAnyone find a fire, should call 119 "phone as soon as possible in time to cry for help, fire brigade newspaper. The children and LaoRuoBingCanZhe fire, they I do not have or lost self-help ability, the other people present except self-rescue outside, still should actively salvage they escaped as soon as possible. 火災致人傷亡的兩個主要方面:一是濃煙毒氣窒息,二是火焰的燒傷和強大的熱輻射。只要能避開或降低這兩種危害,就可以保護自身安全,減輕傷害。




10.跪求 防火安全常識 英語作文

任何單位不得組織未成年人撲救火災。 2.切莫亂扔煙頭和火種。

3.室內裝修裝飾不宜採用易燃可燃材料。 4.消火栓關系公共安全,切勿損壞、圈佔或埋壓。

5.愛護消防器材,掌握常用消防器材的使用方法。 6.切勿攜帶易燃易爆物品進入公共場所、乘坐公共交通工具。

7.進入公共場所要注意觀察消防標志,記住疏散方向。 8.在任何情況下都要保持疏散通道暢通。

9.任何人發現有危及公共消防安全的行為,都可向公安消防部門或值勤公安人員舉報。 10.生活用火要特別小心,火源附近不要放置可燃、易燃物品。

11.發現煤氣泄漏,速關閥門,打開門窗,切勿觸動電器開關和使用明火。 12.電器線路破舊老化要及時修理更換。

13.電路保險絲(片)熔斷,切勿用銅線鐵線代替。 14.不能超負荷用電。

15.發現火災速打報警電話 119,消防隊救火不收費。 16.了解火場情況的人,應及時將火場內被圍人員及易燃易爆物品情況告訴消防人員。

17.火災襲來時要迅速疏散逃生,不要貪戀財物。 18.必須穿過濃煙逃生時,應盡量用浸濕的衣物被裹身體,捂住口鼻,貼近地面。

19.身上著火,可就地打滾,或用厚重衣物覆蓋壓滅火苗。 20.大火封門無法逃生時,可用浸濕的被褥、衣物等堵塞門縫、潑水降溫,呼救待援。

③ 汽車美容方面的英語


front wheel
rear wheel
rear window
windscreen wiper/windshield wiper
radiator grille
wing mirror
roof rack,luggage rack
license plate,number plate
electrical system,wiring
dipped headlight
sidelights,parking lights
direction indicator
front blinker
taillight,tail lamp,rear lights
backup light,reversing light
stoplight,stop lamp
rear blinker
sparking plug/spark plug
back seat,rear seat
driver's seat,driving seat
passenger seat
steering wheel,wheel
rear-view mirror,driving mirror
gear stick,gear change,gearshift
brake pedal
clutch pedal
hand brake
foot brake
fan belt
inner tube
drain tap
exhaust pipe
spare wheel

1 ACC activated carbon canister 活性碳罐
2 ACI automatic car identification system 汽車自動識別系統
3 air cushion car 氣墊車
4 air-cooled car 空氣冷卻式汽車,空冷式車輛,空冷式轎車(裝用空冷式發動機的轎車)
5 APC aperture card 穿孔卡片
6 ASU automatic interference suppression for car radios suppresses ignition no
ise in the FM band 調頻干擾自動抑制,在汽車收音機中附加入此電路即可抑制高壓點火(噪音)的干擾
7 baby car 微型轎車,超微型轎車(美俚語,=mini car,cycle car,midget car);嬰兒小車
8 backfiring in carburetor 化油器回火(=explosion in the carburetor)
9 baggage car 行李車
10 brake shoe carrier 制動蹄座
11 brush carrier 刷架
12 C&M care and maintenance 維修及保養
13 C.CARB conventional carburetor 常規化油器
14 C.P. car park (停)車場
15 C/O carry over 攜帶
16 cable-testing car 電纜檢查車
17 car aerial 汽車天線(=automobile aerial)
18 Car Alarm theft-deterrent system 汽車防竊警報系統
19 car antenna 車上天線,車載天線,汽車天線
20 car body 轎車車身
21 car mechanic 汽車維修工,機動車維修工
22 car navigation computer 車用導航計算機,車用導行計算機
23 car park 停車場,停車處
24 car waiting to repair 待修汽車
25 car wander 汽車蛇行
26 car wash 洗車台,汽車清洗站
27 car wash trade 洗車業
28 car washer 洗車設備,洗車機;街道清洗機
29 car washing department 洗車工間,車輛清洗工間
30 car washing installation 洗衣裝置,洗車設備
31 car washing installation 洗衣裝置,洗車設備
32 car washing machine 洗車機
33 car with elevator 帶升降機車輛,升降機汽車
34 car with four independent wheels 四輪獨立懸架式轎車
35 carb 化油器,汽化器(carburator的簡稱)
36 CARB 1.化油器(carburettor) 2.碳化,滲碳(carbonization)
37 carb adjustment 化油器調准,化油器調節
38 CARB California Air Resources Board 加里福尼亞大氣資源局
39 CARB carburetor 化油器,汽化器
40 carboard 紙板,硬紙板
41 carbon 碳(代號C);碳棒,電刷,石墨,積炭,積碳層
42 carbon electrode 碳棒,碳電極
43 carbon monoxide 一氧化碳(CO)
44 carbonization test (潤滑油)積炭試驗
45 CARE corporate average regulated emission 公司規定的平均有害物排放量
46 CARP cooperate automotive research program 汽車合作研究程序
47 CARR carriage 車溜板
48 CARR carrier 運載工具,載體
49 carriage 車輛,車架,支架,托架;(機床的)拖板;機器的滑動部分;底座,底盤;承重裝置,承載器;運輸,運費
50 carriage body 車身
51 CARS computer aided routing system 計算機輔助(運輸網路中)選線系統
52 CART carton 卡片紙
53 cartridge 管殼,盒;卡盤,夾頭;座;套筒;襯套(過濾器的)芯子;(照像)膠卷;支架
54 cartridge fuse 熔斷絲管,熔斷絲
55 cartridge paper 畫圖紙,圖畫紙
56 CAT carburetor air temperature 化油器空氣溫度
57 CFC chlorofluorocarbons 含氯氟烴(氟屬致冷劑)
58 CFRC carbon fiber friction material 碳纖維摩擦材料
59 CFRP carbon fiber reinforced plastic 碳纖維強化塑料
60 CL car load 車輛載負
61 CLCC closed loop carburetor control 閉環化油器控制
62 CO carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
63 CO2 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
64 COEI carbon-monoxide emission index 一氧化碳排放指數
65 COF container-on-flt car 平板車裝運集裝法,集裝箱在平板貨車上的運輸方法
66 convertible car 活頂篷轎車
67 COTY car of year 當年(流行)的汽車,年款汽車
68 CP car post 停車場
69 CPT carpet 地毯
70 CR carriage return 回車
71 CUCV commercial utility cargo vehicle 商用,輕型,多用途載貨汽車
72 DCCSC divided-chamber carbureted stratified-charge engine 分隔式燃燒室混合氣層狀充氣發動機
73 diaphragm carburettor 膜片式化油器
74 diesel-engined passenger car 柴油(發動)機客車,柴油機轎車
75 differential carrier 差速器殼(=differential case,differential housing)
76 dismantling from car to units 汽車拆成部件,汽車拆成總成
77 drill carriage 鑽軸滑座
78 ECC electronically controlled carburetor 電子控制的化油器
79 ECC-CU (control unit) electronically controlled carburetor control unit 電子控制的化油器控制裝置
80 EFC electronic fecdback carburetor 電子反饋式控制化油器(電腦根據排氣管中O2感測器信號,自動調節空燃比)
81 EFC electronic fuel controlled carburetor 電子燃油控制化油器
82 EIC carbon emission index 碳排放量指數
83 electronically controlled carburetor 電腦控制化油器,電子控制式化油器(簡稱ECC)
84 electronically controlled carburetor-control unit 電子控制式化油器的電子控制器(簡稱ECC-Control unit)
85 emissions carburetor 防污染化油器
86 enclosed cardan shaft 封閉式傳動軸(=encased propeller shaft)
87 EOHC engine-out hydrocarbon 發動機排出的碳氫化合物
88 explosion in carburetor 化油器回火(放炮)
89 explosion in the carburettor 化油器回火(=backfiring in carburetor,blowback,popping back)
90 exposed cardan shaft 開式萬向傳動軸;開式甲唐軸
91 fast back car 斜背式轎車
92 FBC feedback carburetor 反饋控制式化油器
93 float carburettor 浮子式化油器
94 float of carburettor 化油器,浮子
95 forecarriage (掛車)前轉向架
96 four door convertible car 四門車篷可折疊式轎車
97 four-tire car四輪胎轎車(指使用被尖物刺穿或放炮漏氣後仍能繼續行駛的輪胎,因而不再需要備用胎的的汽車)
98 front-wheel-drive car 前輪驅動轎車(簡稱f-w-d car)
99 fuel-cell car 燃料電池(驅動的)轎車(1996年5月14日,由Mercedes-Benz公司在柏林展出世界上第一輛氫燃料電池轎車,系將甲醇在車上通過一個專門的反應器,產生H2和CO2,接著將H2導入一個聚合物電池,在觸媒的作用下,與空氣反應,產生H2O和電流,用電流驅動車輛)
100 f-w-d car 前輪驅動轎車(front-wheel drive car)
101 general purpose car 萬能車,萬用車,多用途車,多功能轎車(如全輪驅動的北京切諾基轎車)
102 GPC glass carbonate composite 玻璃聚碳酸酯復合材料
103 GT grade touring car 跑車
104 GT grand touring car 豪華高速旅遊車
105 H/C fuel hydrogen/carbon ratio 燃油中(烴的)氫碳比
106 H/C hydrogen/carbon (烴的)氫碳比
107 HC hydrocarbon 碳氫化合物
108 H-Carb Hitachi 2Bbl carburetor (日本Hitachi)兩腔化油器
109 HCEI hydrocarbon emission index 碳氫化合物排放指數
110 HCS high carbon steel 高碳鋼
111 HCSHT high carbon steel heat treated 熱處理過的高碳鋼
112 HPSiC hot-pressed silicon carbide 熱壓碳化硅
113 IFC carb integrated fuel control carburetor 綜合控制供油化油器
114 implement carrier 機具運載裝置,通用機架
115 instrument carrier panel 儀錶板(=instrument board)
116 instrument carrier plate 儀錶板(=instrument board)
117 insulating carton 絕緣紙板
118 intelligent car 智能化汽車,無人駕駛汽車,智能轎車(指運用計算機技術、電子技術、信息技術,使汽車能以最佳路線,最佳工況行駛,且能在自動公路上無人駕駛,自動行駛)
119 intercar radio 汽車之間的無線電通訊裝置,車間無線電通訊裝置
120 ISCO indicated specific carbon monoxide 指示馬力一氧化碳排放率(量)
121 ITC international touring car championship 國際旅遊(游覽)轎車冠軍
122 jet carburetor 噴霧式化油器
123 KDC knock down car 就地裝配的汽車,當地組裝的汽車
124 KDCL knock down in carloads (貨物)以散裝狀態裝車
125 laggage carrier (車內)行李架,行李搬運車(=bag-gage carrier)
126 lamp carrier 燈座
127 LCL less-than-carload 零擔的(貨運)
128 lining of car 車身襯里
129 load-carrying 承載負荷的,承載的,承重的
130 long base car 長軸距轎車
131 luggage carrier 行李箱,行李架
132 luggage carrier extension (汽車)行李架的延長部分
133 luggage carrying capacity 行包承載能力,行李容量(=luggage capacity)
134 M.CARB modified carburetor 改進的化油器
135 main carburettor 主化油器
136 microprocessor controlled car 微機控制轎車(一般指微機控制點火、噴油、變速的轎車)
137 motor car mechanic(ian) 轎車技工,轎車技師,轎車機械技術員(=automobile mechanic)
138 motorcar headlamp 汽車前照燈(=automobile headlamp)
139 motorcar horn 汽車喇叭,轎車用喇叭
140 motorcar owner 轎車車主
141 motorcar radio set 汽車收音機(亦稱motorcar set)
142 motorcar repair shop 汽車修理場,轎車修理車間,轎車檢修站
143 motorcar rim 小汽車輪輞,轎車輪輞
144 motorcar set 轎車收音機(=autoradio,automobile radio set,car radio receiver
,car radio set,automobile receiver)
145 mounted load carrier 懸掛式裝載車
146 multicylinder car 多缸發動機汽車
147 multi-nozzle carburetor 多噴油嘴式化油器(指化油器除主噴油嘴外,還有輔助噴油嘴,以適應高速、加速等工況用)
148 multi-throat carburetor 多腔化油器(=multibarrel,carburetor)
149 NFB non feedback carburetor 無反饋式化油器
150 Nissan Bluebird car 日產鳥藍轎車(日本)日產公司1992年推出兩種不同車身的藍鳥轎車ARX-G,SSS-G,裝用4缸發動機,排量2000ml,最大功率107kw,前輪驅動,可在擋風玻璃左上角顯示行車速度及有關安全行車的指示)
151 Nissan Figaro car 日產費加羅轎車(日本日產公司1991年推出的微型轎車.裝用SOHC渦輪增壓發動機,排量387ml,最大功率56kW,自動變速,可折疊式軟車頂)
152 NMHC non-methane hydrocarbon(emission) 不含甲烷的碳氫化合物(排放)
153 oil pump carrier 油泵泵殼,油泵托架,油泵小車
154 one way car 一次性轎車,便宜轎車,低級轎車
155 orthodox car 傳統汽車,正統汽車,普通汽車,一般汽車
156 PAH poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (發動機的)多環芳香族碳氫化合物(排放物)
157 PAH poly-aromatic hydrocarbon (發動機的)芳烴碳氫化合物(排放物)
158 passenger(-car)rim 轎車輪輞
159 passenger-car chassis 轎車底盤160 passenger-carrying chassis 客車底盤(一般指大客車底盤)
161 PC polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯
162 PCAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 多環芳香族碳氫化合物
163 petrol-electric car 汽油-電動車輛
164 PGM-CARB programmed carburetor 可編程的化油器,電腦控制化油器
165 piston ring carrier 活塞環槽鑲座(=ring carrier)
166 planet carrier 行星齒輪架,行星架
167 planet wheel carrier 行星齒輪軸架
168 planetary gear carrier 行星齒輪架
169 planetary pinion carrier (行星齒輪機構的)行星架(=planet carrier)
170 popping in carburettor 化油器放炮,化油器回火(back firing in carburettor,popping-back)
171 posh car 最漂亮的轎車(英俚),豪華轎車
172 premier car company 第一流的轎車公司,名列前矛的汽車公司
173 primary carburetor 初級化油器,一級化油器(除高速、大負荷下使用二級化油器外,其他常用工況都使用一級化油器,亦稱primary side)
174 RC power car rotary combustion power car 轉子發動機汽車
175 rear-engine car 後置發動機轎車,發動機後置式汽車
176 rear-steering car 後輪轉向車
177 remoulded car 改造的汽車;改裝的汽車;改型汽車
178 right hand control car 右轉向盤車輛,右座駕駛車輛(用於靠左行駛的國家,=righthand drive car)
179 ring groove carbon remover 活塞環槽積炭清除工具
180 roof stick carline (木製廂式貨車車身的)橫頂梁,拱梁
181 safety car 安全汽車(指碰撞時,乘員不致遭受重大傷害的轎車,目前處於試驗階段)
182 saloon car 普通轎車(雙排座轎車,駕駛員座與乘客間無隔板,=closed car,簡稱saloon,美國稱sedan)
183 scraped car 報廢汽車,廢車
184 seal cartridge 密封襯套
185 secondary carburetor 次級化油器,二級化油器(在高速、大負荷下使用的雙級化油器的第二級,亦稱secondary side)
186 sedan car 轎式小客車,轎車
187 semitrailer pole carriage 桿式半掛車
188 SHF synthesized hydrocarbon fluid 合成烴潤滑
189 sightseeing car 游覽客車,觀光汽車
190 SISIC silicon carbide reaction-sintered 反應燒結碳化硅
191 solar car 太陽能汽車,太陽能轎車(=solar powered car)
192 sonic-nozzle carburetor 聲速噴嘴化油器
193 spare wheel carrier 備胎架
194 special passenger car 特種轎車(特種用途的轎車,如檢閱車,指揮車)
195 spring carrier 鋼板彈簧支架
196 spring carrier arm 彈簧托架
197 SSIC silicon carbide pressureless-sintered 不加壓燒結碳化硅
198 steam-powered car 蒸汽動力汽車,蒸汽機汽車
199 steam-powered motor-car 蒸汽動力汽車,蒸汽機汽車
200 straight-eight car 直列八缸發動機汽車

④ ic卡的英文介紹要求有中文翻譯


About IC Card
關鍵字: IC卡ID卡接觸式IC卡感應式IC卡射頻IC卡電話IC卡 Keyword: IC card ID card contactless IC card contactless IC card RF IC card telephone IC card
IC Card 又有時稱為Smart Card.它是先將IC封裝成mole,然後嵌入到PVC等類型的塑料或其他材料製成的卡片上得到的。 IC Card also called Smart Card, which is a first IC packaging mole, and then embedded in PVC, and other types of plastic or other materials are on the cards. 根據其與外部通信方式可以分成兩類: 接觸式IC卡,射頻IC卡。 According to its external communications can be divided into two categories: contactless IC card, RF IC card.

一、接觸式IC卡 First, contactless IC card

接觸式IC卡通過觸點與外界實現電氣接觸進行數據交換.其物理、電氣特性應遵循ISO7816-1/2/3協議。 Contactless IC card through contact with the outside world to achieve electrical contact data exchange. Its physical and electrical characteristics should follow ISO7816-1/2/3 agreement. ISO7816-1/2/3詳細描述了接觸式IC卡的物理尺寸、卡觸點功能、通信協議等物理、電氣規范。 ISO7816-1/2/3 detailed description of the contactless IC card physical size, function cards contacts, communication protocols, such as physics, electrical specifications. 根據接觸式IC卡的數據加密情況可以將接觸式IC卡大致分為三類: 存儲卡 、簡單加密邏輯卡、 CPU卡 。 According to the contactless IC card data can be encrypted contactless IC card will be roughly divided into three categories: memory cards, simple encryption logic card, CPU card.

1、 存儲卡實際上就是普通的EEPROM,不過是封裝成mole嵌入到卡片上了而已。 1, memory card is actually an ordinary EEPROM, but is packaged as mole embedded in the card only. 只要實現電氣接觸就可以對其內部數據進行無條件訪問(當然需要根據該型號EEPROM的電氣規范了)。 As long as we can achieve electrical contact between its internal data unconditional visit (of course, in accordance with the model of the electrical specifications of the EEPROM). 這種卡安全性幾乎為0,所以只能用於一些對安全性不作要求的場合。 This card security almost to zero, so some can only be used for the safety of not request occasions.

2、帶簡單加密邏輯的IC卡內部除了常見的EEPROM/EPROM/ROM類型的存儲器外,還帶有一專門設計的加密邏輯電路,用以防護敏感嘈?數據區。 2, with a simple encryption logic IC card in addition to common internal EEPROM / EPROM / ROM type memory, but also with a specially designed encryption logic circuits for the protection sensitive Cao? Data area. 通常是兩個位元組的口令字,口令字以明文的形式遞交給卡片,卡片效驗通過後才允許對保護數據區訪問。 Usually two byte password, password in the form of the word to express submitted to the card through the card-tested after allowing for data protection zone visit.

3、至於CPU卡當然其內部有一內嵌CPU了,這種卡一般都採用國際上通用的DES、RSA等加密演算法對數據進行保護。 3, as of course its internal CPU card embedded with a CPU, and this kind of cards are generally used international generic DES, RSA encryption algorithm such as data protection. 為了加快數據交換的速度,往往還擁有內嵌的RSA演算法協處理器等。 In order to accelerate the speed of data exchange, often with embedded RSA algorithm coprocessor, and other. CPU卡的CPU一般為8031/51系列單片機的內核,也有採用其他內核的。 CPU CPU cards generally 8031/51 Series MCU core, but also the use of other cores. 卡內通常有一固化的COS(卡片操作系統),實現卡內的數據管理。 Cards usually have a curable COS (cards operating system), the realization of the card data management. 這種卡進行密碼效驗時密碼是不以明文出現在通信線上的。 This card password-tested when the password is not explicitly appear in the online communication. 另外為了提高其安全性以更適合於金融等應用場合,卡片的IC在設計時也採用了一些諸如匯流排加擾等反剖析措施,防止激光切割剖析? In addition to improving their safety in a more suited to financial applications, the IC card is used in the design of the bus, such as some scrambling, and other anti-analysis measures to prevent the laser cutting analysis?

二、射頻IC卡 Second, RF IC card

射頻IC卡通過卡內的線圈與外界進行射頻通信實現數據交換.這種IC卡有的帶有內部電池,可以工作3年或是幾年,也有的靠線圈的感應電流工作。 RF IC card through the card in the RF coil communication with the outside world for achieving data exchange. Some of this IC card with internal battery, can work a few years or three years, and some are on the inction coil current work. 由於線圈的體積決定了感應電流的強度從而決定了其有效作用距離,所以有的公司設計的射頻IC卡允許用戶自己設計、繞制線圈。 As the size of the coil determines the intensity of the inced current to determine its effective distance, so some companies design of RF IC card allows users to design their own, winding coils. 這種卡經常用於諸如身份鑒別等場合。 This card is frequently used as identification, and so on.

三、關於電話IC卡 Third, on the telephone IC card

電話IC卡應該算是屬於簡單邏輯加密卡。 Telephone IC card is simple logic should be considered encryption card. 不過它的設計又與進行口令字效驗的簡單加密邏輯卡不同,因此筆者認為有必要對其進行簡單的單獨介紹。 But it is designed with a password-tested a simple encryption card different logic, I believe that it is necessary to introce a simple single. 對於簡單加密邏輯卡,當寫口令效驗通過後可以對數據區進行寫操作,這意味者可以對數據進行任意改動。 For simple encryption logic card, when write-tested through the password can be concted on the data write operation, it will mean that the data can be arbitrarily changed. 電話卡則不允許有這樣的操作(否則卡上的錢不就可以改了?),所以電話卡設計成一形同算盤方式計數的計數器,卡片發行後,該計數器只能減,不能加,換言之,只能扣錢,不能加錢,用完後卡片作廢。 Phone cards do not allow the operation of this (otherwise, the money is not on the card can be changed?), Telephone cards designed to counter a way of thinking is tantamount to counter card issuers, the counter will only decrease, not increase, in other words, only Koujian can, and the money can not be used after the card void. 那位要問了:那不是隨便搞張同型號的卡就可以打「免費」電話了? He would ask: it is not easily engage with models of the card can be a "free" phone? 非也,電話卡有一ROM區,生產廠商預先將大宗客戶編號寫在裡面了。 No, there is a calling card ROM, manufacturers, in advance bulk of the code written on the inside. 卡片出廠後就無法改動了。 Cards can not be altered after the factory. 另外還有一區域是供用戶(如電信局)添的,用戶填寫完後可以將保護熔絲熔斷,使該用戶數據區不可更改。 There is also a region is for users (such as the bureau) Tim, users can be protected after completing the fuse links, the user can not change the data area. 所以IC卡電話靠這兩個號就可以將非法卡據之門外。 Therefore, IC card on the phone, these two cards can be illegal according to the gateway. 但是從技術的角度上講現行的IC卡電話系統還是不完善,還是有可行辦法攻擊當前的IC卡電話系統。 However, from a technical perspective, the existing telephone system or IC card imperfect, there are still options attack the current IC card telephone system. 當然筆者又不想來個什麼高科技犯罪之類的舉動,對於這種危害公共安全的問題就不再多言了。 Of course, what the author does not want high-tech crimes such moves, such endangering public safety issues will not say more about. 如果電話IC卡採用CPU卡其安全性可就上台階了,當然成本也就上台階了:-)。 If the telephone IC cards, CPU khaki on the security level, of course, it costs a level :-).

四、IC Card 生產商 4, IC Card manufacturers

比較著名的IC Card生產製造商有Gemplus、Siemens、Philip、Atmel等。 Comparison of the famous IC Card manufacturers have Gemplus, Siemens, Philip, such as Atmel. 它們提供各種型號的IC Card,客戶也可以定做。 They provide various types of IC Card, customers can be customized. 另外國內這幾年雨後春荀般冒出了許多所謂的IC卡製作商,實際上它們只是完成ICmole到塑料基片的封裝以及印刷工作。 Another domestic few years after the rain this spring Xun as the emergence of many so-called IC card maker, in fact they merely completed ICmole to plastic substrate packaging and printing work. 哈工大曾經設計出過國內第一片IC卡晶元。 HIT has designed the first-ever domestic IC card chips.

⑤ led燈絲用英語怎麼說

翻譯:Led filament

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錨圈英語怎麼說及英文翻譯 發布:2025-03-30 00:42:14 瀏覽:993
靜夜思翻譯成英語怎麼讀 發布:2025-03-30 00:33:49 瀏覽:557
到達方式英語怎麼說及英語單詞 發布:2025-03-30 00:26:28 瀏覽:636
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