Ⅰ 英語翻譯 在花園中心有一個水池,水池裡有個假山,有時還有噴泉.
there is a pool in the center of the garden. A rockery is in the pool, sometimes there is a spring
Ⅱ 假山用英語怎麼說
假山 rockery,
rockwork 假山
假山 manmade rock
Ⅲ 堆假山用英語怎麼說
Ⅳ 幫忙用英語翻譯下,急用,多謝了
拙政園Clumsy political garden
滄浪亭Green pavilion
留園Keeps the garden
獅子林Sizi Lin
網師園Net Shi Yuan
講究亭台軒榭的布局Is fastidious the pavilion porch pavilion layout
對稱的建築是圖案畫 The symmetrical construction is
講究假山池沼的配合 Is fastidious the rockery pond coordination
假山的堆疊,是一項藝術而不僅是技術The rockery pile folds, is an art but not only is the technology
園林池沼寬暢,就把池沼作為全園的中心,其它景物配合著布置The botanical garden pond is worry-free, the pond took the entiregarden the center, other sceneries are coordinating the arrangement
池沼或河道的邊沿很少砌齊整的石岸,總是高低屈曲任其自然The pond or the river course border very little builds the neat stoneshore, always the height flexure lets things take their naturalcourse
魚戲蓮葉間Fish play lotus Ye
蘇州園林的牆壁上有磚砌的鏤空圖案On the Suzhou botanical garden wall has the brickwork to hollow outthe design
講究近景遠景的層次Is fastidious the close view prospect level
每一個角落都是一幅畫Each quoin all is a picture
講究門、窗的圖案美Is fastidious the gate, the window design is beautiful
講究色彩的搭配Is fastidious color matching
Ⅳ 請問各位英語高手,「5億立方米」和「假山」用英語怎麼翻譯,謝謝!
500,000,000 Cubic-meter