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發布時間: 2025-03-23 18:36:37

① 英語翻譯:如果農民繼續把森林變成農田,動物將無家可歸

If farmers continues converting the forest to farmland,the animals will be homeless

② 英語問題:farm farmland pasture有什麼區別

翻譯:vi. 種田,務農;經營農場
n. 農場;農家;畜牧場 vt. 養殖;耕種;佃出(土地)Farm Animals農場動物;農場的動物;農庄動物;農場植物content farm內容農場;文字工廠;形式農場;內容工場Farm Craft農場工藝;農場技術;農場工藝特別版farm procts農產品;農產物;農副產品類Joy farm歡樂農場中文無敵版Farm Tribe農場部落;下載poultry farm家禽飼養所;家禽場;家禽農場;雞場farm implements農具
Butterfly Farm蝴蝶園;蝴蝶農場;蝴蝶公園
翻譯:n. 農田,耕地。
farmland circulation農地流轉
farmland consolidation土地平整
farmland soil農田土壤
Farmland gradation農用地分等
capital farmland基本農田
farmland losses耕地流失
good farmland良田
reclaimed farmland復墾農田
waterlogged farmland水澇地

翻譯:n. 草地;牧場;牧草。。。。vt. 放牧;吃草
fertile pasture能齊牧草場
artificial pasture人工草地
upland pasture丘陵放牧地
pasture harrow牧草地用耙
extensive pasture粗放放牧
temporary pasture臨時牧地
cultivated pasture人工草地
enclosed pasture草庫倫
pasture crop牧草作物


③ 鋤什麼意思近義詞和反義詞是什麼英文翻譯是什麼

  • 拼 音 chú
  • 部 首 釒
  • 筆 畫 12
  • 五 行 金
  • 繁 體 鋤
  • 五 筆 QEGL


1.弄鬆土地及除草的工具 :~頭。鐵~。

2.耪,弄鬆土地及除草 :~草。~耘。~地。

3.鏟除 :~奸。



  1. 用鋤頭整理田地除草


  2. 又如:鋤社(古代北方農村的一種組織。平時協同耕作有事時則互相幫助);鋤耘(耕作農地。也作鉏耘);鋤谷(耕作)

  3. 根除鏟除


  4. 又如:鋤拔(去除);鋤理(清理)


鋤,讀作:chú。漢字基本字義是鏟除的意思,也是弄鬆土地及除草的工具:如鋤頭是一種長柄農具,其刀身平薄而橫裝,專用於中耕、除草、疏鬆植株周圍的土壤 更多→ 鋤


eradicate; hoe




鋤頭 耘鋤 鋤奸 薅鋤 開鋤 掛鋤 摧鋤 鐙鋤 鋤耰 鋤苗 鋤草 鋤梃 鋤誅 犂鋤 更多鋤組詞


鋤頭 鋤奸 鋤禾 鋤強扶弱 鋤草 鋤地 鋤的成語 鋤字開頭的成語

④ 英語翻譯~

城市化(進程):urbanization steps
城市發展與建設用地 land used for urban development and construction
城郊農用地 urban land for agriculture
建設用地land for construction
a mass of 大量的(土地詞彙)
人地矛盾:我認為「population-land contradiction 」最恰當,當然還有其他形式
耕地保護cultivated land protection
耕地總量動態平衡dynamic balance of total cultivated land
糧食安全Food Safety(不要使用crops, food stuffs等)
比較分析法Comparative Analysis
定性和定量分析qualitative & quantitive analysis
時間變化和空間變化temporal and spatial changes
耕地非農化流轉Non-agricultural circulation of cultivated land
城市存量土地Stock of city Land
take the full advantage of充分利用
集約和節約利用城市土地thrift and intensive utilization of city land

In recent years, along with the continuous acceleration of Chinese urbanization steps, the land used for urban development and construction has been extended rapidly, a mass of urban land for agriculture has been used as become land for construction,thus worsened Chinese population-land contradiction. The cultivated land protection research ring the course of urbanization will fullfil the dynamic balance of total cultivated land and provide strong guarantee for national food safety. This paper analyzes the data of temporal and spatial changes of the cultivated land acreage using comparative analysis combined with qualitative & quantitive analysis with Wuhan as the case, concludes the characteristics of the non-agricultural circulation of cultivated land,and anatomizes the impetus factors of the non-agricultural circulation of cultivated land in Wuhan. Then the author specially suggests that we should take the full advantage of the stock of city land, utilize the city land thriftily and intensively, and protect the cultivated land strictly. It has practical significance to solve the contradictions between 「Food 」 and 「Construction」, and between 「City development」 and 「Cultivated land protection」.

⑤ 田地的英文

cropland不可數名詞農田, (栽種作物之) 農地;farmland不可數名詞農地、耕地;field原野,曠野、田地,田野,牧地,草原。
工人們穿過泥濘的田地走回家去。Labourers plodded home through the muddy fields.

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