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1. 鏡片的所有的專業英文術語,並翻譯成中文

2008-03-27 17:38:59 作者:外貿英語 來源:外貿網 瀏覽次數:0 文字大小:【大】【中】【小】
簡介:Nose bridge 鼻中Tip 腳套Temple 腳絲Plating 電鍍Printing 印字Lase 鐳射Spectacle frames 眼鏡架Sunglasses 太陽眼鏡Sports spectacles 運動眼鏡kid´s eyewear 兒童眼鏡Reading glasses 老花鏡Contact ...
關鍵字:眼鏡 行業 專業術語 翻譯

Nose bridge 鼻中
Tip 腳套
Temple 腳絲
Plating 電鍍
Printing 印字
Lase 鐳射
Spectacle frames 眼鏡架
Sunglasses 太陽眼鏡
Sports spectacles 運動眼鏡
kid´s eyewear 兒童眼鏡
Reading glasses 老花鏡
Contact lens 隱形眼鏡
Glass optical lenses 玻璃鏡片
Plastic optical lenses 塑膠鏡片
Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太陽鏡片、鏡夾
Progressive lenses 漸進多焦點鏡片
Photochromic lenses 變色鏡片
Optical blanks 鏡片毛胚
Accessories for contact lens 隱形眼鏡附件
Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼鏡零件及配件
Components of frames 鏡架組件
Spectacle cases & accessories 眼鏡盒及附件
Eyecare procts and solution for lenses and contace lenses
Spectacle cases & accessories 眼鏡盒及其它配件
Lens demisting cloths and solutions 鏡片除霧噴劑及清潔布
Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼鏡加工、裝配、調較工具
Visual test equipment 驗眼設備
Edger 磨邊機
Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼鏡架製造機械
Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 鏡片造機械及加工機械
Contact lens processing machinery 隱形眼鏡加工機械
Lathe 車床
Coating machine 鍍膜機
Coating materials 鍍膜原料
Electroplating equipment, welding machine 電鍍機械、焊接機械
Price labeling, stamp printing and screen printing machinery 標簽機、移印機、絲網印刷
Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超聲波清潔儀器
Ophthalmic procts 眼科用品
Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超聲波清潔劑
Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 鏡片研磨及拋光過濾系統
Optical processing equipment and materials 光學加工設備及原料
Measurement instruments for optical elements and systems 光學用品及系統之測量儀器
Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼鏡店及工場設備及傢具
Moulds for ophthalmic lenses 鏡片模具
Raw materials for frames 眼鏡原料
Raw materials for lenses 鏡片原料
Lens abrasive and polishing materials 打磨鏡片原料
Electroplating, welding materials 電鍍、焊接原材料
Opto-laser equipment and instruments 激光科技設備和儀器

2. 一段數控專業英語,,,求翻譯。。。。

hole-based systen and shaft-based system.
in order to obtain a range of degrees of clearance, and degrees of interference, it is necessary to use a wide variation of hole sizes and shaft sizes.
for example, a manufacturing company could be making a number of parts, all of a nominal 25-mm diameter, but which are all slightly different in actual limits of size, to suit the actual fit required of each pair of parts.
this situation could mean that a large number of drills, reamers, gauges, ect.
were required.

3. 英語翻譯

It is the minimum clearance space intended between mating parts and represents the condition of tightest permissible fit。If a shaft ,size 1.498,is to fit a hole of size 1.500,the minimum size hole is 1.500 and the maximum size shaft is 1.498 。Thus the allowance is 0.002 and the maximum clearance is 0.008 as based on the minimum shaft size and maximum hole dimension。
這是配對零件之間所需的最小間隙,代表最緊密的容許配合條件。假設一個直徑為1.498的軸,和一個為1.500的孔相匹配,孔的最小值為1.500而最大值為1.498。 因此容差為0.002,根據軸的最小值和孔徑的最大值可得最大間隙為0.008 。
Tolerances may be either unilateral or bilateral。Unilateral tolerance means that any variation is made in only one direction from the nominal or basic dimension。Referring to the previous example,the hole is dimensioned 1.500,which represents a unilateral tolerance。If the dimensions were given as 1.500+0.003,the tolerance would be bilateral ;that is ,it would vary both over and under the nominal dimension。The unilateral system permits changing the tolerance while still retaining the same allowance or type of fit 。With the bilateral system,this is not possible without also changing the nominal size dimension of one or both of the two mating parts。In mass proction,where mating parts must be interchangeable , unilateral tolerance are customary .To have an interference or force it between mating parts. The tolerance must be such as to create a zero or negative allowance.
The drawing must be a true and complete statement of the designer』s requirements expressed in such a way that the part is convention to manufacture。Every dimension necessary to define the proct must be stated once only and not repeated in different views 。Dimensions relating to one particular feature,such as the position and size of a hole ,should ,where possible,appear on the same view。

4. 質量驗收單的英文怎麼說

強調質量可以用quality acceptance certificate 。用有道桌面詞典查出「驗收單"很多,實際上acceptance certificate 已包含品質和數量了。

1. acceptance certificate
. . . 航海及海運專業詞彙英語翻譯(A) ...
acceptance business 承兌業務
acceptance certificate 驗收單
acceptance certificate 驗收證書 ...
www.szdmz.com - 基於13個網頁
2. receiving report
. . . 驗收單(receiving report)
www.1wen.com.cn - 基於11個網頁
3. receiving apron
. . . 詞博科技英語主科技詞彙[447201-447300] ...
receiving aperture 接收孔徑
receiving apron 驗收單; 驗收單
receiving area 接收面積; 接收區域 ...
www.kejiyingyu.com - 基於4個網頁

驗收單 : acceptance certificate | receiving report | receiving apron

驗收單 :

1. acceptance certificate
. ... 航海及海運專業詞彙英語翻譯(A) ...
acceptance business 承兌業務
acceptance certificate 驗收單
acceptance certificate 驗收證書 ...
www.szdmz.com - 基於13個網頁
2. receiving report
. ... 驗收單(receiving report)
www.1wen.com.cn - 基於11個網頁
3. receiving apron
. ... 詞博科技英語主科技詞彙[447201-447300] ...
receiving aperture 接收孔徑
receiving apron 驗收單; 驗收單
receiving area 接收面積; 接收區域 ...
www.kejiyingyu.com - 基於4個網頁

材料驗收單 : MRR Material Receiving Report

. ... [縮寫查詢手冊] 石油化工英語常用縮寫 ...
MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) 請購單(用於報價)
MRR Material Receiving Report 材料驗收單
MTO Material Take-Off 材料表 ...
www.6eng.com - 基於7個網頁

材料驗收單 : MRR Material Receiving Report

材料驗收單 : MRR Material Receiving Report

. ... [縮寫查詢手冊] 石油化工英語常用縮寫 ...
MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) 請購單(用於報價)
MRR Material Receiving Report 材料驗收單
MTO Material Take-Off 材料表 ...
www.6eng.com - 基於7個網頁

貨櫃驗收單 : container interchange report

. ... 航運專業英語詞彙翻譯 ...
貨櫃場 container base; container terminal; container yard {= CY}
貨櫃驗收單 container interchange report
貨櫃運送單 container note ...
www.scientrans.com - 基於1個網頁

貨櫃驗收單 : container interchange report

貨櫃驗收單 : container interchange report

. ... 航運專業英語詞彙翻譯 ...
貨櫃場 container base; container terminal; container yard {= CY}
貨櫃驗收單 container interchange report
貨櫃運送單 container note ...
www.scientrans.com - 基於1個網頁

驗收證,驗收單 : Acceptance certificate

. ... A Glossary of Internation... ...
Use No Hooks 勿用手鉤
Acceptance certificate 驗收證,驗收單
Delivery and acceptance certificate 交貨驗收證明書 ...
bbs.kaoyan.com - 基於2個網頁

驗收證,驗收單 : Acceptance certificate

驗收證,驗收單 : Acceptance certificate

. ... A Glossary of Internation... ...
Use No Hooks 勿用手鉤
Acceptance certificate 驗收證,驗收單
Delivery and acceptance certificate 交貨驗收證明書 ...
bbs.kaoyan.com - 基於2個網頁

驗收單 驗收單 : receivingapron

. ... B2B99行業英語大全 ...
receivingapron驗收單 驗收單
receivingarea接收面積 接收區域 ...
www.b2b99.com - 基於1個網頁

5. 求英語高手幫忙翻譯,急!

定義在1.0除非另有一幅畫,製作板的修訂的每Vivotech IPC-6012,關閉2的要求。
基於差異度的可生產性study-it 1.1的責任是供應商進行全面的復習的藝術品和媒介參與供應商的最mamufacturability過程符合所有適用的規格。Vivotech都應以書面形式通知(事先)的任何變化的mamufacturing、修改或更正,以確保comformance做成的,recomendations sdandars、任何規格,不能滿足。
Vivotech藝術品300-0013-00 1.2使用1 . pcb啟
13板必須符合UL 94V-0。
銅重量是1.0 2.0標准《綠野仙蹤》限度
2.2 2顏色不關心
完成所有的穿孔diamenters 4.0大小除非另有註明。
所有的孔是第4.1 + / - 3英里,從真正的地位,除非另有說明。
4.2所有孔徑是+ / - 3英里,除非另有規定。
一個vi . vt。43文件已被supplied-see C鑽鑽表B。
ENIG 6.0表面光潔度。
透過與銅6.1板孔平均.0008 0010最低可接受的。鋸片孔徑尺寸完成後敷鍍。
8.2。Contimuity測試。Continity阻力閾值應小於10 ohmms。馬英九的使用檢測我國10或更少,測試斷路電壓不大於10伏特。
8.3%。隔離電阻測試。大於10 Mohm之間的任何不相連的網路。使用測試電壓低於100伏特直流。
將永久性標記增加值130廠與廠家的標志或蝕刻生產線,生產日期和UL 94V-0評級。
9。一次數據驗證,將會做的netlist供應商提供的IPC-356D Gerber檔案與比較之前釋放製造業。如果發生差錯的書面許可必須發現前已取得的進展情況。

6. 我很煩你! 這句話用英語怎麼說

我很煩你的英文來:自I'm so bored with you

bore 讀法 英[bɔː]美[bɔr]

1、vi. 鑽孔

2、vt. 鑽孔;使煩擾

3、n. 孔;令人討厭的人


1、bore hole鑽孔;炮眼

2、bore diameter孔徑,內徑

3、full bore貫眼;等徑孔道;全孔射擊

4、tidal bore涌潮,怒潮;潮津波

5、bore out鑽孔;證實;顯出



bored, boring, ll這幾個詞的詞意有區別:





1、easily bore 鑽起來容易

2、bore on 前進

3、bore by 使…厭煩

4、bore to 厭煩到某種程度

5、bore with 對…感到厭煩

7. 外貿英語中的縮寫NA,N/A和N.A.有什麼分別

Not Applicable是不相關,不適用的意思, 經常被簡寫成N/A,N.A.,n/a。



CONVENTION 不適用;沒貨;沒空
N.A. is a written abbreviation for (書面縮略=) not applicable or not available .

N/A abbr.


not applicable (= used on a form as an answer to a question that does not apply to you)

2、 沒有;無法得到

not available


對外貿易亦稱「國外貿易」 或「進出口貿易」,簡稱「外貿」,是指一個國家(地區)與另一個國家(地區)之間的商品、勞務和技術的交換活動。


Ex(Point of Origin)(產地交貨)與 EXW(Ex Works);

C&F(Cost and Freight)(成本加運費)後改為CFR 與 CNF;

Ex Dock(Named Port of Importation)(目的港碼頭交貨)與 DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay)

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