1. 常見的一些菜用英語怎麼說
魚香肉絲(by Joshua\'s request):pork shred with fishy taste
白斬雞:tender boiled chicken with soy sauce
芥末鴨掌:ck web with mustard sauce
沙鍋丸子:meat balls en casserole
滑溜裡脊:pork slices with gravy
軟炸裡脊:soft frittered pork fillet
粉蒸肉:sauteed pork with rice flour
黃燜雞塊:braised chicken
宮爆雞丁:diced chicken with chili pepper 或RuugPao
炒木須肉:sauteed pork shreds with eggs and black fungus
紅油肚絲:shredded tripe with chili sauce
糖醋裡脊:pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce
紅燒肘子:stewed pork tripe
蚝油牛肉:beef with oyster sauce
手抓羊肉:boiled mutton
2. 成都信息工程大學好不好