㈠ 請老師幫忙改改英語作文,謝謝!
1.planning -> plan (可直接用plan的名詞意義,可更簡練)
2.I』m going to learn how to drive this summer. (是在翻譯"我這個夏天將會去學開車"嗎?)
我認為這樣的翻譯過於生硬,可翻譯為 I will have a driving lessons this summer.
3.You know 這里與前面銜接不太緊密,學車與買了車有一定的因果關系,可以在my father前面加個because使文章更連貫.
4."the places of historic interest"這個片語用的很好!
5.What do you think about it?(你怎麼看?) 比較地道的說法是: how do you think about it.
6.另外,你前面用了First, 後面應該適當加些Second, next, last之類的詞進行連接.看上去會比較流暢!
總體來說還是不錯, 不過運用得有些生硬喔, 建議多點接觸英語, 培養語感和語言運用的地道性
㈡ 寫一篇英語作文,寫一段童年最深刻的一件事情,150個詞左右。
In the winter vacation,I experienced of many things.Have your sorrow,a new...In my memory,or the most profound about that.
My mother bought me a bike,in order to learning,I dropped several times.Mother encouraged me.I lift up the car and sat up,mother in front to help me hold steady bibcock,I stamped on the pedals.Mother and I speak the edge of riding a bike three points:"first,not under the car,to see; the second,don't put ahead of him,so easy to tap wrestling,only in the obstacles and when it turned a little; third,the foot to keep on,can't stop." I according to the mother's words to do it,after a while,mother let go,I unexpectedly his ride up.And has been put the bike ride home,and I can't believe it,I learned to ride a bicycle.
This time I learned the same ability not only,more important is to understand the only unremitting,to succeed in truth.
㈢ a girl is learning how to ride a bike 圖內是一個小孩學車,三個大人跟著忙活,求一片英語作文,急用
a lovely girl started to learn how to ride a bike. because of that, there of her family memembers werebusy with teaching her. They were her father, gr...andma, and mother. her mother was a good doctor. 辛苦手打,祝你進步,望採納,不懂記敘文。
㈣ 英語作文學生駕駛汽車的好處和壞處
1、開頭:在這個高速發展的現代化社會,越來越多的人選擇將汽車作為代步工具回。然而,汽車是把答雙刃劍(大概這樣的開頭,可以自己補充 關鍵詞:rapid development 、 modern society、car、transport 、double-edge sword)
2、好處:方便、快捷、舒適等(自己擴充 關鍵詞:convenient、efficient 、comfortable)
3、壞處:交通擁堵、空氣污染、城市噪音、停車難等(關鍵詞:traffic jams、air pollution、noise 、difficult parking )
列了框架 應該可以自己寫了。作為不能光靠背誦,自己也要有點思路的。練練基本功