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發布時間: 2025-03-19 17:59:35

㈠ 班門弄斧的英文怎麼說

teach one's grandmother (how) to suck eggs; display one's slight skill before an expert; teach fish to swim; show off in the presence of an expert;
But I've been making good money for30 years so he's teaching a fish how to swim.

㈡ 「班門弄斧」的英語怎麼說

班門弄斧 [簡明漢英詞典]
display one's slight skill before an expert.

display [簡明英漢詞典]
vt.陳列, 展覽, 顯示內
n.陳列, 展覽, 顯示

slight [簡明英漢詞典]
adj.輕微的容, 微小的

skill [簡明英漢詞典]
n.技能, ,技巧, 熟練, 巧妙
expert [簡明英漢詞典]
n.專家, 行家, [軍](特等)射手
adj.老練的, 內行的, 專門的
vt.在...中當行家, 當專家

㈢ 英文翻譯里四字成語

1. 英語的四字詞語

繁榮昌盛thriving and prosperous愛不釋手fondle admiringly愛財如命skin a flea for its hide愛屋及烏love me, love my dog. He that loves the tree loves the branch恨屋及烏:He who hates Peter har his dog.)安居樂業live and work in peace and contentment白手起家build up from nothing / build up from scratch /start from scratch百里挑一one in a hundred / the cream of the crop百折不撓be indomitable半途而廢give up halfway leave sth. Unfinished包羅萬象all-embracing all-inclusive飽經風霜weather-beaten卑躬屈膝bow and scrape cringe悲歡離合vicissitudes of life背道而馳run counter to run in the opposite direction本末倒置put the cart before the horse笨鳥先飛the slow need to start early必由之路the only way閉關自守close the country to international intercourse變本加厲be further intensified變化無常chop and change fantasticality 變化無常chop and change fantasticality別開生面having sth. New別有用心have ulterior motives彬彬有禮refined and courteous urbane兵不厭詐in war nothing is too deceitful博古通今erudite and informed不敗之地incincible position不恥下問feel not ashamed to learn from one's subordinates不可救葯be past praying for beyond redemption不勞而獲reap where one has not sown不屈不撓fortitude indefatigability perseverance persevere tenacity不速之客crasher uninvited guest不同凡響outstanding不言而喻speak for itself tell its own story tell its own tale went without saying不遺餘力spare no effort spare no pains不以為然not approve object to不義之財filthy lucre filthy pelf the mammon of unrighteousness不亦樂乎extremely不遠千里go to the trouble of travelling a long distance不約而同happen to coincide不擇手段by any kind of means by hook or crook play hard by fair means or foul不知所措be at a loss be all adrift lose one's head out of one's wits才疏學淺have little talent and learning慘絕人寰extremely cruel滄海桑田time brings a great change to the worlds滄海一粟/九牛一毛a drop in the bucket草木皆兵a state of extreme nervousness層出不窮emerge in endlessly。

2. 英語的四字成語

keep somebody at arm's length, 形影不離

be on one's back, 卧病在床

make somebody's blood boil, 熱血沸騰

Keep one's shirt on, 忍辱負重

Shout something from the rooftops , 登高而呼

Be all ears, 洗耳恭聽

out of the blue, 猝不及防

at sixes and sevens, 亂七八糟

A bolt from the blue 晴天霹靂

love you love your dog 愛屋及烏

a bad apple, 金玉其外,敗絮其中

It rains dogs and cats.傾盆大雨

Fish in trouble water.混水摸魚

Teach fish to swim.班門弄斧

Beat the dog before the lion.殺雞敬猴

3. 英語的四字成語

優質解答keep somebody at arm's length,形影不離 be on one's back,卧病在床 make somebody's blood boil,熱血沸騰 Keep one's shirt on,忍辱負重 Shout something from the rooftops ,登高而呼 Be all ears,洗耳恭聽 out of the blue,猝不及防 at sixes and sevens,亂七八糟 A bolt from the blue 晴天霹靂love you love your dog 愛屋及烏 a bad apple,金玉其外,敗絮其中It rains dogs and cats.傾盆大雨 Fish in trouble water.混水摸魚 Teach fish to swim.班門弄斧 Beat the dog before the lion.殺雞敬猴。

㈣ 班門弄斧的英語翻譯 班門弄斧用英語怎麼說

[詞典] teach one's grandmother (how) to suck eggs; display one's slight skill before an expert; teach fish to swim; show off in the presence of an expert;
Your great name long since reached my ears like thunder. I am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself.

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