A. 愚人節英語怎麼說
April Fools' Day
There are different opinions about the origin of April Fool's Day: one view holds that the custom originated from Indian "interpretive slang". This section stipulates that on the holiday of March 31 every year, men, women, old and young can play jokes on each other and cheat each other in exchange for entertainment.
With the popularity of the network, April Fool's Day is not only a single reality joke, has already extended to the network, every year April Fool's Day will have a wide variety of whole page spread on the network.
B. 傻瓜定律 的英語翻譯
C. 怎樣用英語口語玩轉愚人節
- April Fool』s Day 愚人節
- An April Fool 四月愚人
- April Fish 四月愚人
- Noodle 笨蛋(英國)
- Prankster 整人者
1. Happy April Fool』s Day! 愚人節快樂!
2. April Fool』s Day is on the first of April. 愚人節是4月1日。
3. Hey! You dropped your wallet. 嘿!你的錢包掉了。
4. You are a noodle if a trick is played on you. 如果你被騙了,你就是個傻瓜。
5. Your shoelace is untied. Happy April Fool』s Day! 你的鞋帶開了。愚人節快樂!
6. April Fool is called 「April Fish」 in France. 四月愚人在法國被稱作「四月魚」。
01 愚人節的歷史
- April Fish 四月愚人(法國)
- Noodle 笨蛋(英國)
- Prank 整人、惡作劇
- Prankster 愛開玩笑的人
有些人就在這一天給他們送假禮品,邀請他們參加假Party,把上當受騙的守舊派稱作April Fish。慢慢地,如果還有人在4月1日慶祝新年,他們就會被稱作「四月愚人」。
02 愚人節整人玩法
- 愚人節整人最常見的4大套路,用多久都不會過時
1. Your shoelace is untied. 你的鞋帶開了。
2. Look!There is some money on the floor. 快看!地上有錢。
3. Haha,your fly is open! 哈哈,你的褲子拉鏈沒拉!
4. Hey!You dropped your wallet. 嘿!你的錢包掉了。
- I'm just pulling your leg! 逗你玩呢~
- I'm just messing with you! 開玩笑呢,哈哈
1. Borrow someone』s cellphone and change the language setting to a foreign language. 借別人的手機,把語言設置為一種外語。
2. Switch the Push and Pull signs on a set of doors. 把門上的「推」和「拉」標志互換。
3. Cup some water in your hand and pretend to sneeze on the back of someone』s head. 舀點水在手心裡,對著別人的後腦勺假裝打噴嚏。
4. Hide all of the desktop icons on someone』s computer and replace the monitor』s wallpaper with a screen-shot of their desktop. 隱藏別人電腦桌面上的所有圖標,並把壁紙換成隱藏圖標前的桌面截圖。
5. Hide a small radio in the ceiling tiles above someone』s desk and turn it on very softly. 在別人桌子上方的天花板里藏一台小收音機,音量開到很小。
6. Fill someone』s hair-dryer with baby powder. 在別人的電吹風里塞些嬰兒爽身粉。
7. Hide an alarm clock in someone』s bedroom and set it for 3:00 a.m. 在別人卧室里藏個鬧鍾,鬧鈴設為凌晨3點。
8. Install the Blue Screen of Death screen-saver on someone』s computer. 把別人的電腦屏保換成藍屏死機圖。
03 那些會「愚人」的英語
- 在學英語的過程中,大家一定遇到過一些英語表達,真實含義和字面意思相差很大,這些英語也會「愚人」哦!
- Monkey business,當我們看到有人耍小把戲,也會說這個人是耍猴戲的,而在英語裡面有胡鬧、欺騙、惡作劇等等意思。千萬不要直接翻譯成猴子商業哦!
- Confidence game,這和自信竟然沒有半毛錢關系!指的是那些騙人的把戲,如果在街上有人撿了錢包要跟你分錢,這就是一個典型的confidence game,簡稱con game。
1. Why are people tired on April Fools' Day? Because they have just had a long March. 為什麼人們在愚人節感到累?因為他們剛過完三月啊! 註:march有行軍的意思。
2. Waking up to think of you smile, when washing a face I can smell the flavor of you, you are I needed before go to bed, I really can't leave you - my dear toilet! 起床時想到你的微笑,洗臉時嗅到你的味道,上床前你是我的需要,真的不能離開你-我親愛的馬桶!
3. What weather do mice fear? When it's raining cats and dogs. 老鼠最怕什麼天氣?當下大雨的時候。註:rain cats and dogs有雨很大的意思。
4. Wife talks to her husband (who reads newspaper all day): I wish I were a newspaper so I will be in your hands all day. Husband: I wish that too, so I could change you daily 老婆對她整天看報的老公說:「我希望自己是報紙,然後就可以每天在你手中」,老公答:「我也想啊,這樣每天就能換了」。
5. When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? When their masters go to the flea market. 狗在什麼時候拒絕跟主人出去?主人去舊貨市場的時候。註:flea market有跳蚤市場的意思。
6. A little boy asked his father: daddy, how much does it cost to get married? The father replied: I don 't know son. I'm still paying! 小男孩問爸爸:「結婚的代價有多大」?爸爸回復:「我也不知道,畢竟我還在償還」。
7. What question can never be answered by "yes"? Are you asleep? 哪個問題不能回答「是」? 你睡著了嗎?這個不用「注」了。
8. Yesterday, I dreamed you, true of! Sunshine is so beautiful, you stand on seaside in deep blue, I took a small stick hit you, hey, this turtle, the shell still pretty hard! 昨天,我夢見你了,真的!陽光是那麼明媚,你站在蔚藍的海邊,我拿小棍一捅你:嘿,這小王八,殼還挺硬!
9. What tree is always very sad? Weeping willow. 什麼樹總是在哭泣?垂柳。註:weep有哭泣的意思。
10. What's the longest word in the world? Smiles. 最長的單詞是什麼?微笑。註:smiles中間是mile, 意思大家都懂。
11. These days are too cold, you must take good care of yourself, be care of freezing , as the saying goes: people frozen legs, the pig frozen mouth. I have already put pants on, you also get to buy a mask. 這兩天真的太冷了,你一定要照顧好自己啊,千萬別凍著啦——俗話說:人凍腿,豬凍嘴。我已經把毛褲穿上了,你也趕緊買個口罩吧。
12. What question is that to which you must always answer "yes"? What does y-e-s spell?" 遇到什麼問題時你總會回答「是的」,當別人問y-e-s拼成了什麼?
13. Where were you when the power was cut off? In the darkness. 停電的時候你去哪裡了?我一直在黑暗中。