① 請英語高手幫忙翻譯下摘要中文翻譯成英文,謝謝
China's agricultural crop pest and natural disasters, especially severe disasters such creatures, agriculture and biology disasters occur, the serious influences and restricts the sustainable development of agriculture and peasants' income. Plant protection for agricultural harvests, have made great contributions to the escort. But Chinese pesticide machinery, spraying technology level is relatively backward, pesticide use. At present, the spraying machinery, improved to update the spraying technology, improve the major pest control ability and level, in order to adapt to the new stage of improving the agricultural comprehensive proction capacity, building economical agriculture needs.
In the agricultural proction, seldom use pesticides stock to spray, usually diluted. With the carrier and dilution mixed form solution, emulsion or suspension. In general, the only solution to begin to stir, and when mixed with suspension emulsion should accompany the stir throughout the spray process. Relative to mix than mixing suspension emulsion, suspending liquid easily, especially in the case of precipitation, then the uniform mixing more difficult. So in the whole process of pesticide, maintain drug evenness is very important.
At present the most stirring farmers using pesticides in liquor is good medicine with a stick in the pool, stir casually, mixing effect of high labor intensity, and the serious influence drug volatile farmers health. Some even with spray nozzle to the impact of backflow mixing effect, water medicine without sufficient agitate immediately spray. But not only cannot achieve uneven mixing potions pesticide expected effect, but also often affected by medicine too thick plants suffer phytotoxicity of light, too dry seedling diseases, don't try to so time-consuming, FeiGong, medicine, which can increase the cost, and the disease resistance to delay the time management. Therefore this research design, a new kind of device for chemical pesticide agitation is of great significance. The automatic device, don't add an extra motivation, it can solve the artificial stirring, which can improve the mix pesticide effect.
This paper agitator impeller design theory is studied and designed a kind of satisfaction liquid-liquid, solid-liquid mixture of liquor basic requirements, and the mixing equipment proced by mixing flow field and concentration field, the critical speed and flow is simulated, the main work is done,
1 through the fluid mixed theoretical research, design a kind of combination agitation.
2 use Pro/e 3d software for mixing device for 3d impeller shape,
3 use existing graphics software for mixing flow field and concentration field, the critical speed and flow are simulated, and the evaluation of the mixing power coefficient, to prove the rationality of the design of mixer,
4 for medicine pool of flow field experiment research, and the experiment data, and the simulation data.
② 求 英語中的各類學科名稱翻譯 例如 生態學 ecology 心理學 psychology 哲學 philosophy.....
作物學被稱為Crop Science,這門學科研究植物的生長、繁殖和生產技術,旨在提高作物產量和品質。
病蟲害學則涉及Pathological & Entomological Damage,關注植物病害和蟲害的識別、防治及對農作物的影響。
土壤與肥料學是Soil and Fertilizer,研究土壤的性質和改良方法,以及如何合理施用肥料以提高土壤肥力和作物生長。
農藝化學Agronomical Chemistry是探討化學在農業中的應用,包括農葯、化肥等化學製品的開發與使用。
工業數學Instrial Mathematics是應用數學方法解決工業問題的一門學科,研究如何通過數學模型優化生產過程。
工業化學Instrial Chemistry專注於化學在工業過程中的應用,包括材料合成、化工產品生產等。
水產業Fisheries Science關注魚類及其他水生生物資源的生物學、生態學及管理學,旨在保護和可持續利用海洋資源。
畜產業Animal Proction涉及家畜的飼養、繁殖、健康管理和生產性能提高,是現代農業的重要組成部分。
③ 急求課程名稱英文翻譯
1、科技文獻檢索:Document Retrieval Technology.
2、設施園藝學:Horticultural facilities.
3、園林植物病蟲害防治:Garden plant pest control.
4、園林植物遺傳育種學:Garden plant genetics and breeding.
5、城市生態學:Urban Ecology.
6、城市規劃原理:Principles of Urban Planning.
7、室內裝潢與設計:Upholstery and Design.
8、園林建築環境設計:Landscape architecture, environmental design.
9、園林工程預決算:Garden Budget and Final Accounts.
10、插花藝:Floral Art.
11、盆景藝術:Bonsai Art.
12、外國園林史:Foreign garden history.
13、園藝與環境與人:With gardening and the environment.
14、植物造景:Plant Landscaping.
15、植物組織培養:Plant Tissue Culture.
16、草坪與地被:Lawn and Vegetation.
17、植物研究進展:Research progress.
18、景觀生態學與園林建設:Landscape Ecology and Landscape Construction.
19、Chinese Theory and Practice of Landscape Architecture.
20、園林工程:Garden project.
21、園林藝術:Garden Air.
22、園林樹木學:Landscape Tree Science.
23、風景區規劃設計:Scenic design.