① 肉類英語單詞10個帶音標
Pigs Liver
Pigs feet
Pigs Kidney
Pigs Hearts
Pig bag
Pork Steak
Pork Chops
Rolled Porkloin
Rolled Pork Belly
Pork sausage meat
Smoked Bacon
Pork Fillet
Spare Rib Pork chops
Spare Rib of Pork
Pork ribs (ps可煮湯食用)
Pork Burgers
Pork Dripping
Casserole Pork
Stewing Beef
Steak & Kidney
Frying steak
Mimced Beef
Rump Steak
Leg Beef
Barnsley Chops
Shoulder Chops
Porter House Steak
Chuck Steak
Tenderised Steak
Homeycome Tripe
Tripe Pieces
Best thick seam
牛展(小腿肉) beef SHIN
牛前(頸背部肉) beef CROP
牛胸(胸部肉) beef BRISKET
西冷(腰部肉) beef STRIPLOIN
牛柳(裡脊肉) beef TENDER LOIN
牛腩(腹部肉) beef THIN FLANK
針扒(股內肉) beef TOP SIDE
林肉(膝圓肉) beef KNUCKLE
尾龍扒(薦臀肉) beef RUMP
會牛扒(股外肉) beef SILVE
三角肌(三角肉) beef MEAT
牛碎肉(碎肉) beef TRIMMING
Whole Egg Powder 全蛋粉
Egg White 蛋白
Egg White Powder 蛋白粉
Meringue Powder 蛋白霜粉
Egg Yolk Powder 蛋黃粉
Salted Egg Yolk 鹹蛋黃
生鮮超市 /肉類
Side Pork 五花肉
Beef Tendon 牛筋
Beef Shank 牛腱
Cornish Hens 童子雞
Sausage 香腸
Pork's Tongue 豬舌頭
Pork Trotter 豬腳/豬手/豬掌
Loguat 枇杷
Shallot 紅蔥頭
Bitter Melon 苦瓜
Potato 馬鈴薯
Spaghetti Squash 魚翅瓜
Fig 無花果
Wax Apple 蓮霧
Crab 螃蟹
2. 豬肉pork
3. 豬排chop
4. 五花肉 streaky pork/marbled beef
5. 肥肉fatty meat
6. 瘦肉lean meat
7. 前腿fore leg
8. 後腿hind leg
9. 豬蹄pettitoes
10. 腳爪hock & foot
11. 蹄筋sinew
12. 軟骨gristle
13. 牛肉beef roast
14. 小牛肉veal
15. 碎牛肉ground beef
16. 牛排steak
17. 牛腿肉silverside
18. 牛腰肉sirloin
19. 羊肉mutton
20. 鹿肉venison
21. 羊排lamb chop
22. 羊腿gigot
23. 雞腿drumstick
24. 鴨翅膀ck wing
25. 臘肉preserved ham
26. 香腸sausage
27. 魚圓fishball
28. 蝦皮dried small shrimps
29. 海蜇jelly fish
30. 蚝oyster
31. 三文魚/鮭魚salmon
32. 鱸魚weever
33. 鱔eel
34. 金槍魚tuna
35. 帶魚hairtail
36. 海參sea cucumber
37. 明蝦prawn
38. 蝦仁peeled prawns
39. 龍蝦lobster
40. 小龍蝦crawfish
41. 扇貝/鮮貝scallop
42. 鮑魚abalone
43. 海帶kelp蛤clam
44. 蟶子razor clam
45. 蝦子shrimp』s egg
46. 魚子roe
47. 鳳尾魚anchovy
48. 鱈魚cod
49. 鯧魚pomfret
50. 青魚herring
51. 鯖mackerel
52. 淡菜moule
53. 沙丁魚pilchard/sardine
54. 海螺whelk
55. 海蜇jellyfish
56. 蚌mussel
57. 海扇cockle
58. 比目魚plaice
59. 海鰻eel
60. 墨魚cuttlefish
61. 旗魚swordfish
[pɪɡ] [ˈlɪvə]
[pɪɡ] [fiːt]
[pɪɡ] [ˈkɪdnɪ]
[pɪɡ] [hɑːt]
[pɪg] [bæg]
[pɔːk] [steɪk]
[pɔːk] [tʃɒps]
[rəʊld] porkloin
[rəʊld] [pɔːk] [ˈbelɪ]
[pɔːk] [ˈsɒsɪdʒ] [miːt]
[sməʊkt] [ˈbeɪk(ə)n]
[pɔːk] [ˈfɪlɪt]
[speə] [rɪb] [pɔːk] [tʃɒps]
[speə] [rɪb] [ɒv; (ə)v] [pɔːk]
[pɔːk] [ˈrɪbz] [ˌpiːˈes]
[pɔːk] burgers
[pɔːk] [ˈdrɪpɪŋ]
[ˈkæsərəʊl] [pɔːk]
[ˈstjuːɪŋ] [biːf]
[steɪk] [ˈkɪdnɪ]
[ˈfraɪɪŋ] [steɪk]
mimced [biːf]
[rʌmp] [steɪk]
[leg] [biːf]
barnsley [tʃɒps]
[ˈʃəʊldə] [tʃɒps]
[ˈpɔːtə] [haʊs] [steɪk]
[tʃʌk] [steɪk]
[ˈtendəraɪzd] [steɪk]
homeycome [traɪp]
[traɪp] [ˈpiːsɪz]
[best] [θɪk] [siːm]
[biːf] [ʃɪn]
[biːf] [krɒp]
[biːf] [ˈbrɪskɪt]
[biːf] striploin
[biːf] [ˈtendə] [lɔɪn]
[biːf] [θɪn] [flæŋk]
[biːf] [tɒp] [saɪd]
[biːf] [ˈnʌkl]
[biːf] [rʌmp]
[biːf] [sɪlv]
[biːf] [miːt]
[biːf] [ˈtrɪmɪŋ]
[həʊl] [eg] [ˈpaʊdə]
[eg] [waɪt]
[eg] [waɪt] [ˈpaʊdə]
[məˈræŋ] [ˈpaʊdə]
[eg] [jəʊk] [ˈpaʊdə]
[ˈsɔːltɪd] [eg] [jəʊk]
[saɪd] [pɔːk]
[biːf] [ˈtendən]
[biːf] [ʃæŋk]
[ˈkɔːnɪʃ] hens
pork's [tʌŋ]
[pɔːk] [ˈtrɒtə(r)]
[ˈbɪtə] [ˈmelən]
[spəˈgetɪ] [skwɒʃ]
[wæks] [ˈæp(ə)l]
. [pɔːk]
. [tʃɒp]
. [ˈstriːki] [pɔːk] [ˈmɑːbld] [biːf]
. [ˈfætɪ] [miːt]
. [liːn] [miːt]
. [fɔː] [leg]
. [haɪnd] [leg]
. [ˈpetɪtəʊz]
. [hɒk] [fʊt]
. [ˈsɪnjuː]
. [ˈɡrɪsl]
. [biːf] [rəʊst]
. [viːl]
. [graʊnd] [biːf]
. [steɪk]
. [ˈsɪlvəsaɪd]
. [ˈsɜːlɔɪn]
. [ˈmʌt(ə)n]
. [ˈvenɪsn]
. [læm] [tʃɒp]
. [ˈdʒɪɡət]
. [ˈdrʌmstɪk]
. [dʌk] [wɪŋ]
. [prɪˈzɜːvd] [hæm]
. [ˈsɒsɪdʒ]
. fishball
. [draid] [smɔːl] [ʃˈrɪmps]
. [ˈdʒeli] [fɪʃ]
. [ˈɒɪstə]
. [ˈsæmən]
. [ˈwiːvə]
. [iːl]
. [ˈtjuːnə]
. [ˈheəteɪl]
. [siː] [ˈkjuːkʌmbə]
. [prɔːn]
. [piːld] [prɔːn]
. [ˈlɒbstə(r)]
. [ˈkrɔːfɪʃ]
. [ˈskɒləp]
. [ˌæbəˈləʊni]
. [kelp] [klæm]
. [ˈreɪzə] [klæm]
. [ʃrɪmp] [es] [eg]
. [rəʊ]
. [ˈæntʃəvi]
. [kɒd]
. [ˈpɒmfrɪt]
. [ˈherɪŋ]
. [ˈmækrəl]
. [muːl]
. [ˈpɪltʃəd] [ˌsɑːˈdiːn]
. [welk]
. [ˈdʒelifɪʃ]
. [ˈmʌsl]
. [ˈkɒkl]
. [pleɪs]
. [iːl]
. [ˈkʌtlfɪʃ]
. [ˈsɔːdfɪʃ]
[pɪɡ] [ˈlɪvɚ]
[pɪɡ] [fit]
[pɪɡ] [ˈkɪdni]
[pɪɡ] [hɑːrt]
[pɪɡ] [bæɡ]
[pɔrk] [stek]
[pɔrk] [tʃɒps]
[roʊld] porkloin
[roʊld] [pɔrk] [ˈbɛli]
[pɔrk] [ˈsɔsɪdʒ] [mit]
[smoʊkt] [ˈbekən]
[pɔrk] [fɪˈleɪ]
[spɛr] [rɪb] [pɔrk] [tʃɒps]
[spɛr] [rɪb] [əv] [pɔrk]
[pɔrk] [ˈrɪbz] [ˌpiːˈes]
[pɔrk] burgers
[pɔrk] [ˈdrɪpɪŋ]
[ˈkæsəroʊl] [pɔrk]
[ˈstjuːɪŋ] [bif]
[stek] [ˈkɪdni]
[ˈfraɪɪŋ] [stek]
mimced [bif]
[rʌmp] [stek]
[lɛɡ] [bif]
barnsley [tʃɒps]
[ˈʃoldɚ] [tʃɒps]
[ˈpɔrtɚ] [haʊs] [stek]
[tʃʌk] [stek]
[ˈtendəraɪzd] [stek]
homeycome [traɪp]
[traɪp] [ˈpiːsɪz]
[bɛst] [θɪk] [sim]
[bif] [ʃɪn]
[bif] [krɑp]
[bif] [ˈbrɪskɪt]
[bif] striploin
[bif] [ˈtɛndɚ] [lɔɪn]
[bif] [θɪn] [flæŋk]
[bif] [tɑp] [saɪd]
[bif] [ˈnʌkl]
[bif] [rʌmp]
[bif] [sɪlv]
[bif] [mit]
[bif] [ˈtrɪmɪŋ]
[hol] [ɛɡ] [ˈpaʊdɚ]
[ɛɡ] [waɪt]
[ɛɡ] [waɪt] [ˈpaʊdɚ]
[məˈræŋ] [ˈpaʊdɚ]
[ɛɡ] [joʊk] [ˈpaʊdɚ]
[ˈsɔːltɪd] [ɛɡ] [joʊk]
[saɪd] [pɔrk]
[bif] [ˈtendən]
[bif] [ʃæŋk]
[ˈkɔːrnɪʃ] hens
pork's [tʌŋ]
[pɔrk] [ˈtrɑːtər]
[ˈbɪtɚ] [ˈmɛlən]
[spəˈɡɛti] [skwɑːʃ]
[wæks] [ˈæpl]
. [pɔrk]
. [tʃɑp]
. [ˈstriːki] [pɔrk] [ˈmɑːrbld] [bif]
. [ˈfæti] [mit]
. [lin] [mit]
. [fɔr] [lɛɡ]
. [haɪnd] [lɛɡ]
. [ˈpetɪˌtoʊz]
. [hɑːk] [fʊt]
. [ˈsɪnjuː]
. [ˈɡrɪsl]
. [bif] [rost]
. [vil]
. [ɡraʊnd] [bif]
. [stek]
. [ˈsɪlvərsaɪd]
. [ˈsɜːrlɔɪn]
. [ˈmʌtn]
. [ˈvenɪsn]
. [læm] [tʃɑp]
. [ˈdʒɪɡət]
. [ˈdrʌmstɪk]
. [dʌk] [wɪŋ]
. [prɪˈzɜːvd] [hæm]
. [ˈsɔsɪdʒ]
. fishball
. [draɪd] [smɔl] [ʃˈrɪmps]
. [ˈdʒeli] [fɪʃ]
. [ˈɔɪstɚ]
. [ˈsæmən]
. [ˈwiːvə]
. [iːl]
. [ˈtuːnə]
. [ˈheəˌteɪl]
. [si] [ˈkjʊ,kʌmbɚ]
. [prɔːn]
. [piːld] [prɔːn]
. [ˈlɑːbstər]
. [ˈkrɔːfɪʃ]
. [ˈskæləp]
. [ˌæbəˈloʊni]
. [kelp] [klæm]
. [ˈrezɚ] [klæm]
. [ʃrɪmp] [es] [ɛɡ]
. [roʊ]
. [ˈæntʃoʊvi]
. [kɑːd]
. [ˈpɒmfrɪt]
. [ˈhɛrɪŋ]
. [ˈmækrəl]
. [muːl]
. [ˈpɪltʃərd] [ˌsɑːrˈdiːn]
. [welk]
. [ˈdʒelifɪʃ]
. [ˈmʌsl]
. [ˈkɑːkl]
. [pleɪs]
. [iːl]
. [ˈkʌtlfɪʃ]
. [ˈsɔːrdfɪʃ]
② 各種食物的英文翻譯
燒餅Clay oven rolls油條Fried bread stick 水餃Boiled mplings
饅頭Steamed buns 飯團Rice and vegetable roll 皮蛋100-year egg
咸鴨蛋Salted ck egg
豆漿Soybean milk
湯 類
紫菜湯Seaweed soup 牡蠣湯Oyster soup 蛋花湯Egg & vegetable soup
魚丸湯Fish ball soup
點 心
臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 蝦球Shrimp balls
春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls肉丸Rice-meat mplings
火鍋Hot pot
coffee pot 咖啡壺 coffee cup 咖啡杯 paper towel 紙巾 napkin 餐巾
table cloth 桌布 tea–pot 茶壺 tea set 茶具 tea tray 茶盤
caddy 茶罐 dish 碟 plate 盤 saucer 小碟子
rice bowl 飯碗 chopsticks 筷子 soup spoon 湯匙 knife 餐刀
cup 杯子 glass 玻璃杯 mug 馬克杯 picnic lunch 便當
fruit plate 水果盤 toothpick 牙簽
bear』 paw 熊掌
*** of deer 鹿脯 beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海參 sea sturgeon 海鱔
salted jelly fish 海蜇皮 kelp, seaweed 海帶 abalone 鮑魚 shark fin 魚翅
scallops 干貝 lobster 龍蝦 bird』 nest 燕窩 roast suckling pig 考乳豬
pig』 knuckle 豬腳 boiled salted ck 鹽水鴨 preserved meat 臘肉
barbecued pork 叉燒 sausage 香腸 fried pork flakes 肉鬆
BAR-B-Q 烤肉 meat diet 葷菜 vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹
local dish 地方菜 Cantonese cuisine 廣東菜 set meal 客飯 curry rice 咖喱飯
fried rice 炒飯 plain rice 白飯 crispy rice 鍋巴 gruel, soft rice, porridge 粥 noodles with gravy 打鹵面 plain noodle 陽春面 casserole 砂鍋
chafing dish, fire pot 火鍋 meat bun 肉包子 shao-mai 燒麥 preserved bean curd 腐乳 bean curd 豆腐 fermented blank bean 豆豉 pickled cucumbers 醬瓜 preservedegg 皮蛋
salted ck egg 咸鴨蛋 dried turnip 蘿卜干
③ 英文菜單(點菜的菜單),加中文,急需,幫幫忙
香辣芙蓉魚 :Spicy Fish Filets with Egg White
臘肉炒香乾 :Sautéed Preserved Pork with Dried Tofu Slices
干煸扁豆 :Dry-Fried French Beans
青椒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Pepper and Onions
麻婆豆腐 :Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)
上海酸辣湯 :Hot and Sour Soup, Shanghai Style
尖椒炒肥腸 :Fried Pork Intestines with Hot Pepper
涼拌黃瓜 :Cucumber in Sauce
清炒豆尖 :Sautéed Bean Sprouts
干煸牛肉絲 :Sautéed Shredded Beef in Chili Sauce
香辣肚塊 :Stir-Fried Pork Tripe Slices with Chili
芹菜肉絲 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Celery
干鍋雞胗 :Griddle Cooked Chicken Gizzard
梅菜扣肉煲 :Steamed Pork with Preserved Vegetable en Casserole
酸菜龍抄手 :Wonton Soup with Preserved Vegetable
清蒸熏魚 :Steamed Smoked Haddock
紅燜羊肉 :Stewed Lamb in Brown Sauce
辣白菜炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Cabbage in Chili Sauce
老火燉湯/每日例湯 :Soup of the Day
賽海蜇拌火鴨絲 :Shredded Roast Duck with White Fungus
豆瓣全魚 :Fried Whole Fish Dressed with Spicy Bean Sauce
椒鹽基圍蝦 :Deep-Fried Shrimps with Spicy Salt
蒜茸腰片 :Sautéed Pork Kidney with Mashed Garlic
鹽焗雞 :Baked Chicken in Salt
九轉大腸 :Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce
茄汁魚片 :Fish Filets with Tomato Sauce
咖喱豆腐 :Curry Tofu
田園素小炒 :Vegetarian's Delight
蔥油潑石斑魚 :Steamed Sea Bass with Scallion Oil
西紅柿雞蛋湯 :Tomato and Egg Soup
清炒荷蘭豆 :Sautéed Snow Peas
尖椒裡脊絲 :Fried Shredded Pork Filet with Hot Pepper
紅燒鮑魚 :Braised Abalone
兩蝦豆腐 :Braised Tofu with Shrimps and Shrimp Roe
砂鍋魚頭豆腐 :Stewed Fish Head with Tofu in Pottery Pot
蒜茸大蝦 :Grilled King Prawns with Garlic, Herb and Butter
松田青豆 :Songtian Green Beans
孜然辣汁燜牛腩 :Braised Beef Brisket with Cumin
泰式豆腐 :Braised Tofu in Thai Sauce
泡椒甲魚 :Turtle with Pickled Peppers
川味紅湯雞 :Chicken in Hot Spicy Sauce, Sichuan Style
原罐小排翅 :Shark's Fin in Soup
芋頭蒸排骨 :Steamed Spare Ribs with Taro
紅燒排翅 :Braised Superior Shark's Fin in Brown Sauce
干煸苦瓜 :Sautéed Bitter Melon
紅燒日本豆腐 :Braised Japanese Tofu with Vegetables
貴妃雞 :Chicken Wings and Legs with Brown Sauce
青椒肉絲 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Green Pepper
紅燒羊肉 :Braised Lamb in Brown Sauce
油燜大蝦 :Braised Prawns
椒鹽茄子丁 :Deep-Fried Diced Eggplant with Spicy Salt
香糟焗龍蝦 :Baked Lobster in Rice Wine Sauce
金瓜東坡肉 :Braised Dongpo Pork with Melon
魚香茄子煲 :Yu-Shiang Eggplant en Casserole (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
冬菜扣肉 :Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetables
蘆筍雞片 :Sautéed Chicken Slices with Green Asparagus
清蒸閘蟹 :Steamed River Crab
蒜茸海帶絲 :Sliced Kelp in Garlic Sauce
紫菜蛋花湯 :Seaweed and Egg Soup
薰衣草茶 :Lavender Tea
甲魚燒肉 :Braised Turtle with Diced Pork
紅燜羊排 :Braised Lamb Chops with Carrots
麻辣牛肚 :Spicy Ox Tripe
桂花炒魚翅 :Sautéed Shark's Fin with Crab Meat and Bean Sprouts
籠仔剁椒牛蛙 :Steamed Bullfrog with Chili Pepper
蔥燒魚片 :Braised Fish Filets with Scallion
蟹肉絲瓜 :Sautéed Crab Meat with Sponge Gourd
野山紅炒木耳 :Sautéed Black Fungus with Red Pepper
油爆蝦 :Stir-Fried Shrimps
燒椒皮蛋 :Preserved Eggs with Chili
香辣手撕茄子 :Eggplant with Chili Oil
魚香肉絲 :Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
臘肉炒香芹 :Sautéed Preserved Pork with Celery
酸辣鯰魚 :Hot and Sour Catfish
宮保雞丁 :Kung Pao Chicken
日式蒸豆腐 :Steamed Tofu。
紅扒肘子 :Braised Pork Hock in Brown Sauce
紅燒帶魚 :Braised Ribbonfish in Brown Sauce
魚香炒鱔絲 :Yu-Shiang Shredded Eel (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
蒜香燴肥腸 :Braised Pork Intestines with Mashed Garlic
洋蔥牛柳絲 :Sautéed Shredded Beef with Onion
韭黃鱔片 :Sautéed Eel Slices with Hotbed Chives
火爆腰花 :Sautéed Pig's Kidney
干燒牛肉 :Dry-Braised Shredded Beef, Sichuan Style
蔥油鵝肝 :Goose Liver with Scallion and Chili Oil
番茄蛋花湯 :Tomato and Egg Soup
什菌炒紅燒肉 :Sautéed Diced Pork with Assorted Mushrooms
川味小炒 :Shredded Pork with Vegetables, Sichuan Style
汽鍋雞翅 :Steam Pot Chicken Wings
黃燜魚翅 :Braised Shark's Fin in Yellow Wine Sauce
尖椒香芹牛肉絲 :Sautéed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery
煎釀鮮茄子 :Fried Eggplant Stuffed with Pork and Shrimp
珊瑚筍尖 :Sweet and Sour Bamboo Shoots
蔥燒黑木耳 :Sautéed Black Fungus with Scallion
紅燴牛肉 :Beef Stew
紅燒獅子頭 :Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce
魚香牛肉 :Yu-Shiang Beef (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
辣白菜炒五花肉 :Sautéed Streaky Pork with Cabbage in Chili Sauce
小炒脆骨 :Sautéed Gristles
香椿豆腐 :Tofu with Chinese Toon
紅燒毛芋頭 :Braised Taro in Brown Sauce
毛家紅燒肉 :Braised Pork,Mao's Family Style
清蒸武昌魚 :Steamed Wuchang Fish
泰式辣椒炒蝦仁 :Sautéed Shrimps with Chili, Thai Style
干豆角回鍋肉 :Sautéed Spicy Pork with Dried Beans
太白竹簍蝦 :Tai Prawns in Bamboo Basket
菜心炒肉片 :Sautéed Pork Slices with Shanghai Greens
鯰魚燒茄子 :Braised Cat Fish with Eggplant
糖醋全魚 :Sweet and Sour Whole Fish
鮮菇炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Fresh Mushrooms
紅燒甲魚 :Braised Turtle in Brown Sauce
湘味回鍋肉 :Sautéed Pork with Pepper, Hunan Style
蘿卜干臘肉 :Sautéed Preserved Pork with Dried Radish
砂鍋魚頭 :Fish Head en Casserole
家鄉小炒肉 :Sautéed Beef Filet, Country Style
干鍋黃牛肉 :Griddle Cooked Beef and Wild Mushrooms
醋椒活桂魚 :Consommé of Mandarin Fish with Vinegar and Pepper, Live Style
清炒紅菜苔 :Sautéed Chinese Kale
韭菜炒豆乾 :Sautéed Leek with Dried Tofu
小炒臘牛肉 :Sautéed Preserved Beef with Leek and Pepper
燴蒜香肚絲 :Braised Pork Tripe Shreds with Mashed Garlic in Sauce
叫化雞 :Beggars Chicken (Baked Chicken)
醬燒排骨 :Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce
欖菜肉菘炒四季豆 :Sautéed French Beans with Minced Pork and Olive Pickles
鮑汁扣東坡肉 :Braised Dongpo Pork with Abalone Sauce
蔥爆肥牛 :Sautéed Beef with Scallion
酸菜魚 :Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili
④ 請問英文翻譯「肥牛」「牛肉」「肥養」「羊肉」
Fat beef slices
fattened ox
stalled ox
das Rindfleisch
beef roast
das Hammelfleisch
⑤ 一份菜單需要翻譯成英文急需幫忙,謝謝
Packages classic steak
1 French Tankao FORMOSA steak
2 U.S. Engelhard Sixi cold steak
3 U.S. Angus naked eye steak
4 New Zealand Phillip steak
5-twisting Zealand Heijiao small cattle row
6 Australia T bone steak
7 Xiangjian silver Xueyu expense
Boutique pizza
1 spicy Pisa, Italy
Xian Xia Yan Pisa, Italy 2
3 Taiwan sausage pizza
4 seafood Pisa, Italy
5 Heijiaoniuliu Pisa, Italy
6 chicken Pisa, Italy
Italian cuisine
1 Heijiaoniuliu speculation intended powder
2 Italian beef tomato powder
3 Western-style seafood intended powder
French soup / salad
`1 seafood soup
2 Luosong Tang
3 cream corn soup
4 Pastoral vegetable salad
5 cooking with fruit salad
Kwong-Baozi / Hexiang / Zhu Tong / rice category
1 Tianji rice (Baozi / Zhu Tong / Hexiang)
2 beef rice (Baozi / Zhu Tong / Hexiang)
3 ribs meal (Baozi / Zhu Tong / Hexiang)
Business Plan
1 braised ribs meal
2 deep-Xueyu rice
3 Xiangjian salmon rice
Kao Manyu rice on the 4th -
5 Sichuan啦 chicken rice
6 braised beef rice
Series of exquisite Chinese
A "nourishing Dunpin / dessert category"
1 Jiuniangtangyuan
2 jujube Xueha
3 coconut milk Xueha
4 aloe Xueha
5 coconut milk Guanyan
6 aloe Guanyan
7 coconut milk blood-yan
8 Aloe blood-yan
2 <OUR Offers>
1 shrimp (spicy / Salt and Pepper / shelter) 8 Yuxiangrousi
2 crabs (spicy / Salt and Pepper / shelter) 9 boiled fish
3 pickled cabbage fish
4 Mao Xuewang 10 boiled beef
5 Cha Shugu Chaorou Si-11 on the screws
6 sweet and sour ribs 12 Ganguo Cha Shugu
7 spicy crayfish
3 <exquisite Xiaochao>
1 Celery cashew
2 braised carp
3 braised ribs
4-fried squid circle
Soybean 5 Roumo
6 Congyou clams
7 Congyou small yellow croaker
8 braised fish-chang
9 braised hairtail
10 Green pay Rousi
11 Celery spicy meat
12 balsam pear Jiandan
13 Jiuhuangchaodan
40 <exquisite cold dish>
1 preserved eggs tofu
2 chicken's feet Paojiao
3 Shangpin first sting
4 Liangban cucumber
5 Seaweed peanut (saline / fried)
6 saline Soybean
5 <monolithic / Baozi category>
1 monolithic Niuliu
2 monolithic Xianyou
3 monolithic Tianji
4 monolithic Shanyu
5 monolithic Yu Tsai
6 monolithic ribs
7 carp to burn eggplant
8 Yunai ribs burning
9 Yuxiang eggplant burn
6 <soups>
1 carp bean soup
2 tomatoes, Dan Huatang
3 mustard soup Rousi
4 ribs corn soup
Staple food categories
1 Yangzhou fried rice
2 green pepper beef Dan Chaofan
3 Casey characteristics of fried rice
4 mplings
Snack category
15 grilled fish fries 1 / Each
2 chicken rice chicken pointed to spend 16 / Each
3 popcorn Kao Yumi 17 / Each
4 lamb fried ice cream string of 18 / Each
5 pumpkin pie
6 honey muffin
7 fruit muffin
8 Rousong muffin
9 Congyou muffin
10 cashew nuts Salt and Pepper
11 pistachios
12 beef jerky
13 squid wire
14-melon seeds
Pure coffee category
Hot curling
1 Jamaica NO, 1 Need for Blue Mountain coffee
2 Blue Mountain coffee
3 Brazilian Coffee
4 mocha coffee
5 carbon burning coffee
6 Italian coffee
Classic fancy coffee
Heat 1 Cappuccino ice
2 condensed ice coffee
Ice goods Series
1 Haagen Dazs (the world's top brands)
<Flavors: chocolate / vanilla / strawberry / mango>
2 colour ice cream
3 fruit sundae
4 Xiang Jiaochuan
5-foam coffee
6 oranges snow bubble
7-bubble milk ice cream
Is now pressing / SP-juice
Liu Cheng for a special juice
2 lemon juice
3 apple juice
4 watermelon juice
5 Sydney juice
6 Hami melon juice
7 milk juice
8 love the juice
Fruit vocabulary category
Four Seasons 1 fruit
2 mixed fruit
3 Watermelon
4 Melon
5 Xiancheng (current prices)
6 mention of (current prices)
7 Cherry (current prices)
7 Guiyuan
Class of bottles of wine cup
1 Martell XO
2 Chivas 12
3 vodka
4 French cognac
5 Kim Gordon liquor
6 black side
7 red side
8 Jiekedanni
9 per cent increase in
10 dry red Zhangyu
11 dry red dynasty
12 Dynasty dry white
13 dry red Great Wall
14 long-stem white
15 oak barrel
⑥ 鍚勭嶉熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇
鐑чゼ銆Clay oven rolls 娌規潯銆Fried bread stick 闊鑿滅洅銆Fried leek mplings
姘撮ズBoiled mplings 钂擱ズ銆Steamed mplings 棣掑ご銆Steamed buns
鍓插寘銆Steamed sandwich 楗鍥銆Rice and vegetable roll
錏嬮ゼ銆Egg cakes 鐨錏嬨100-year egg 鍜擱腑錏嬨Salted ck egg
璞嗘祮銆Soybean milk
楗 綾伙細
紼楗璕ice porridge 鐧介キ銆Plain white rice 娌歸キ Glutinous oil rice
緋綾抽キ銆Glutinous rice 鍗よ倝楗銆Braised pork rice 錏嬬倰楗銆Fried rice with egg
鍦扮摐綺ャSweet potato congee
闈 綾伙細
棣勯エ闈 Wonton 澶х櫧鑿
celery 鑺硅彍
leek 闊鑿
caraway 棣欒彍
spinach 鑿犺彍
carrot 鑳¤悵鍗
loofah 涓濈摐
pumpkin 鍗楃摐
bitter gourd 鑻︾摐
cucumber 榛勭摐
white gourd 鍐鐡
needle mushroom 閲戦拡鑿
tomato 鐣鑼
eggplant 鑼勫瓙
potato, 椹閾冭柉
lotus root 鑾茶棔
agaric 鏈ㄨ
vinegar 閱
peanut oil 鑺辯敓娌
soy sauce 閰辨補
ginger 鐢熷
green pepper 闈掓
pea 璞岃眴
bamboo shoot 絝圭瑡
seasoning 璋冨懗鍝
green soy bean 姣涜眴
soybean sprout 榛勮眴鑺
mung bean sprout 緇胯眴鑺
kale 鐢樿摑鑿
broccoli 鑺辨ぐ鑿
mater convolvulus 絀哄績鑿
dried lily flower 閲戦拡鑿
mustard leaf 鑺ヨ彍
tarragon 钂胯彍
beetroot 鐢滆彍鏍
lettuce 鐢熻彍
preserved szechuan pickle 姒ㄨ彍
salted vegetable 闆閲岀孩
lettuce 鑾磋嫞
asparagus 鑺﹁崯
dried bamboo shoot 絎嬪共
water chestnut 鑽歌崰
long crooked squash 鑿滅摐
gherkin 灝忛粍鐡
yam 灞辮妺
taro 鑺嬪ご
champignon 棣欒弴
dried musroom 鍐鑿
white fungus 鐧炬湪鑰
garlic 澶ц挏
onion 媧嬭懕
wheat gluten 闈㈢瓔
miso 鍛沖檶
caviar 楸煎瓙閰
barbeque sauce 娌欒尪閰
tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 鐣鑼勯叡
mustard 鑺ユ湯
salt 鐩
sugar 緋
sweet 鐢
sour 閰
bitter 鑻
lard 鐚娌
breakfast 鏃╅
to have breakfast 鍚冩棭槨
lunch 鍗堥
to have lunch 鐢ㄥ崍槨
afternoon tea 涓嬪崍鑼(4-5鐐歸挓)
high tea 鍗堣尪,鑼剁偣(涓嬪崍榛勬槒鏃)
dinner, supper 鏅氶キ
to dine, to have dinner, to have supper 鍚冩櫄楗
soup 奼
hors d'oeuvre (姝i愬墠鐨)寮鑳冮熷搧
entree 姝h彍
main course 涓昏彍
sweet, dessert 鐢滈
snack 鐐瑰績,灝忓悆
helping, portion 浠,瀹
sandwich 涓夋槑娌,澶硅倝闈㈠寘
meat 鑲
beef 鐗涜倝
veal 灝忕墰鑲
lamb 緹婅倝
sirloin 鐗涜剨鑲
steak 鐗涙帓
chop 榪為ㄨ倝,鎺掗
闂棰樺洓錛氶熷搧鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇1foodstuff n 椋熷搧錛岄熺墿錛涚伯椋燂紝椋熸枡
2food n 椋熺墿錛涘吇鏂
3provisions n 瑙勫畾錛坧rovision鐨勫嶆暟錛夛紱椋熷搧錛涢勫
4viands n 椋熺墿錛涚伯椋燂紙viand鐨勫嶆暟褰㈠紡錛
5pabulum n 椋熺墿錛岃惀鍏伙紱綺劇為熺伯
6vivers n 椋熷搧錛岄熺墿錛坴iver鐨勫嶆暟錛
1銆乨rumsticks (lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken鐘朵技榧撴岄儴鍒) 灝忛浮鑵
2銆乧hicken wings 楦$繀鑶
3銆乵inced 錛坱o cut or chop into veryall pieces錛 steak 緇炶倝
4銆乸ig liver 鐚鑲
5銆乸ig feet 鐚鑴
6銆乸ig kidney 鐚鑵
7銆乸ig heart 鐚蹇
8銆乸ork chop鐚鎺
9銆乷ked meat/bacon 閱鴻倝
10銆乫illet 鏃犻ㄧ殑鑲夌墖鎴栭奔鐗
12銆乸ork-pieces 涓鍧楀潡鐨凜鑲
13銆乴ean meat 鐦﹁倝
14銆乫at 鑲ヨ倝
15銆乻treaky pork 浜旇姳鑲
16銆乸ork dripping 鐚娌規淮
17銆乴ard 鐚娌
18銆乭ock 韞勮唨
19銆乿eal 灝忕墰鐨勮倝
20銆乴amb 緹婅倝
21銆乯oint 鏈夐ㄧ殑澶у潡鑲
22銆乫rying steak 鍙鐓庨熺殑澶х墖鐗涙帓
23銆乵inced beef 鐗涚粸鑲
24銆乺ump steak 澶у潡鐗涙帓
26銆乴eg beef 鐗涢敭鑲
27銆乷x-tail 鐗涘熬
28銆乷x-heart 鐗涘績
29銆乷x-tongue 鐗涜垖
30銆乸ig bag 鐚鑲
1銆乻almon 椴戦奔/澶ч┈鍝堥奔/涓夋枃楸
2銆乧od 槌
3銆乼una 鍚炴嬁楸礆紝閲戞灙楸
4銆乸laice 姣旂洰楸/鍋忓彛楸
5銆乷ctopus 絝犻奔 /鍏鐖楸
6銆乻quid 涔岃醇 /楸塊奔
7銆乭addock 榛戠嚎槌
8銆乼rout 槌熼奔銆侀傚悎钂告潵鍚
9銆乧arp 椴ら奔
10銆乧od Fillets 槌曢奔鍧
11銆乧onger /eel 嫻烽硹
12銆乻ea bream 嫻烽菠
13銆乭ake 槌曢奔綾
14銆丼panish mackerel 椴呴奔
15銆乭airtail/ribbonfish 甯﹂奔
16銆乺oe 楸煎瓙
17銆乷yster 鐗¤泿 /鋩
18銆乧lam 錏よ湂
19銆乺azor clam 錏忓瓙
20銆乻callop/fan shell 嫻鋒墖璐
21銆乵ussel 鋩
22銆乧rab 鋙冭煿
23銆乸rawn 瀵硅櫨
24銆乻hrimp 鉶
25銆乴obster 榫欒櫨
26銆乨ried/shelled shrimps 鉶劇背
27銆乨riedall shrimps 鉶劇毊
28銆乧rab stick 錡硅倝鏉
29銆乸eeled prawns 鉶句粊
30銆乵antis shrimp/sauilla 鉶捐檸
31銆亀inkles 鐢拌灪
1銆乷nion 媧嬭懕
2銆乻pring onions錛圔r錛/green onion(Am) 钁
3銆乴eeks 澶ц懕
4銆乬arlic 澶ц挏
5銆乬inger 濮
6銆乸otato 椹閾冭柉
7銆乧arrot 鑳¤悵鍗
8銆乺adish 钀濆崪/灝忚悵鍗
9銆亀hite radish 鐧借悵鍗
10銆亂am 灞辮嵂
11銆乻weet potato/pachyrhizus 鍦扮摐
12銆乼aro 鑺嬪ご
13銆乤ubergine(Br)/eggplant(Am) 鑼勫瓙
14銆乧elery 鑺硅彍
15銆乧abbage 鍗峰績鑿>>
闂棰樺叚錛氱編鍛崇殑椋熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳鏂囨庝箞璇磀elicious food
闂棰樹竷錛氭渶濂藉悆鐨勯熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇磘he most delicious food
闂棰樺叓錛氣滄垜鍠滄㈢殑椋熺墿鏄鈥濈敤鑻辮鎬庝箞鍐橫y favorite food is
The food that I like is a milk and, chocolate
What's your favourite food My favourite food is hamburger
My favorite food is ice cream and salad, but I only can eat them in hot weather
I the most favorite food is a mango, the most favorite color is purple and white
I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine
闂棰樹節錛氭湁璁稿氬ソ鍚冪殑椋熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇磘here are a lot of delicious food
1鍦熻眴 potato 2鐣鑼則omato 3銆傝姳妞拌彍broccoli 4鑺硅彍celery 5钂済arlic 6媧嬭懕onion
7璞囪眴cowpea 8鐧借彍cabbage 9澶ц眴soybean
1鑻規灉apple 2姊╬ear 3棣欒晧banana 4妗冨瓙peach 5瑗跨摐watermelon 6鏌犳琹emon
7鑿犺悵pineapple 8鐏榫欐灉dragon fruit 9鐚曠尨妗儁angtao 10姍樺瓙orange
11鏌氬瓙grapefruit 12鏉廰pricot 13妞板瓙coconut 14鏋jujube 15鍝堝瘑鐡渉ami melon
1鐚鑲塵eat 2楦¤倝chicken 3鐗涜倝beef 4緹婅倝mutton 5楸糵ish 6楦鑲塪uck
騫叉灉 dried fruit
1鑺辯敓peanut 2鏍告 nut 3鏉忎粊almond
1楦¤泲egg 2楦錏媎uck egg 3鍜歌泲salted egg 4鐨甯preserved
钄鑿滅被鐨勮嫳璇鍗曡瘝姣斿傦細Tomato 瑗跨孩鏌褲丳otato 椹閾冭柉銆丼weet potato 綰㈣柉銆丄sparagus 鑺︾瑡銆丄loe 鑺﹁崯銆丅roccoli 瑗垮叞鑺便丅ean Sprout 緇胯眴鑺姐丅itter gourd 鑻︾摐鍜孊ok-choy 灝忕櫧鑿溿
apple 鑻規灉銆乸ear 姊ㄣ乤pricot 鏉忋乸each 妗冦乬rape 钁¤悇銆乥anana 棣欒晧銆乸ineapple 鑿犺悵銆乸lum 鏉庡瓙銆亀atermelon 瑗跨摐銆乷range 姍欍乴emon 鏌犳銆乵ango 鑺掓灉銆乻trawberry 鑽夎帗銆
medlar 鏋囨澐錛屾ф煡鏋溿乵ulberry 妗戞す銆乶ectarine 娌規冦乧herry 妯辨冦乸omegranate 鐭蟲Υ絳夈
Potato 椹閾冭柉銆丆arrot 綰㈣悵鍗溿丱nion 媧嬭懕銆丄ubergine 鑼勫瓙銆丆elery 鑺硅彍銆乄hite Cabbage 鍖呭績鑿溿丷ed cabbage 緔鑹插寘蹇冭彍銆 Cucumber 澶ч粍鐡溿乀omato 鈒冭寗 Radish 灝忕孩钀濆崪銆丮ooli 鐧借悵鍗溿乄atercress 瑗挎磱鑿溿丅aby corn 鐜夌背灝栥丼weet corn 鐜夌背銆丆auliflower 鐧借姳鑿滅瓑銆
head 澶淬乥rain 鑴戙乻kull 棰呴, 澶寸洊楠ㄣ乭air 澶村彂銆乫orehead 棰濄乼emple 澶闃崇┐銆乪yebrow 鐪夋瘺銆乪yelash鐪肩潾姣涖乷phryon鍗板爞銆乪ye 鐪肩潧銆乪ar 鑰蟲湹銆乶ose 榧誨瓙銆乧heek 闈㈤娿乧hest 鑳擱儴銆
pit 鑳稿彛銆乶avel 鑲氳剱銆乤bdomen 鑵歸儴銆乼high 澶ц吙絳夈
鑻 ['æp(ə)l] 緹 ['æpl]
n 鑻規灉錛岃嫻鏋滄爲錛岃嫻鏋滀技鐨勪笢瑗匡紱[緹庝繗]鐐稿脊錛屾墜姒村脊錛岋紙媯掔悆鐨勶級鐞冿紱[緹庝繗]浜猴紝瀹朵紮銆
渚嬶細An apple for you, an apple for me
渚嬶細I have an apple and you have two
鑻 [peə] 緹 [pɛr]
n [鍥鑹篯 姊ㄦ爲錛涙ⅷ瀛
n (Pear)浜哄悕錛(鑻)鐨灝
渚嬶細I took this apple for a pear until I tasted it
渚嬶細Pick an orange, pick a pear
鑻 ['eɪprɪkɒt] 緹 [ˈeprɪˌk蓱t]
n 鏉忥紝鏉忓瓙錛沎鍥鑹篯 鏉忔爲錛涙潖**
adj 鏉**鐨
渚嬶細What apricot, peach, pear, jujube trees are everywhere
渚嬶細Another classy aroma, not as grand of classy as cedar, apricot or fresh butter but still it onlyoccurs in the very finest coffees
鑻 [piːtʃ] 緹 [pitʃ]
n 妗冨瓙錛涙冩爲錛涙冪孩鑹詫紱鍙椾漢鍠滄㈢殑浜猴紙鎴栫墿錛
adj 妗冭壊鐨勶紱鐢ㄦ冨瓙鍒舵垚鐨
vi 鍛婂瘑
vt 鍛婂彂
渚嬶細Does she want a peach or a papaya
渚嬶細If want the adequately fragrance peach, sugariness to be developed, do not put it in freezer to save
鑻 [greɪp] 緹 [傘rep]
n 钁¤悇錛涜憽钀勯厭錛涜憽钀勬爲錛涜憽钀勮壊
渚嬶細I like all fruits with the exception of grape
渚嬶細Banana, grape, apple, which of these do you like