⑴ 請大俠們幫忙翻譯服裝行業的英語,感謝
The 1 side of the bone joints before and after blasting, dislocation, left and right side bone length
2 cuff band cap, pleating
The 3 front placket length, internal tangential slip, Khao grams of line loss, tangent slipped cuff
4 fabric defects, chromatic aberration, skipping
After 6 miles of rough double, arching
7 fabric Wei Xie
8 button hole position deviation
9 cuffs, hem edges
The 1 collar connection misplacement
Before the 2 patch and hem hair out
3 fabric defects
4 pocket height
5 bag cover buttonhole and button misplaced, tangential slip, check and spit
6 buttons.
The 7 neckline hole, collar attached leaking needle,
8 jumps, visco park exposed
About 9 folded sleeve asymmetric, cuff size
10 sleeves loop hole leakage, sword head both sides shape s symmetry
11 Qianmen ban pleating, length.
⑵ 膠水必須噴塗均勻,注意色差譯成英文
1.Please mix the paint well befor using.
2.Please use the specified thinner to rectify the viscidity of the paint.
3.The painting area must be clean,and free of rust,oil,and water.
4.Two-component paint,please use the exact volume to mix them up.
5.Please store this proct in a ventilated and dry place,don't put it in the sun,keep away from heat and fire.
6.This proct is valid for one year.
⑶ 中邊色差英文怎麼說是指布的中邊色差,不
中邊色差也叫邊中色差,指布邊與中間的色差,可以翻譯為 chromatic aberration between the selvage and middle。
⑷ 哪位英語高手幫我翻譯一下,關於向微圖網傳照片被拒的理由Please see below details for refuse
⑸ 英文翻譯:由於橙色是一種不穩定的顏色,我們在調配時很容易出現色差。
Because orange is an unstable color , the differences of colors can be easily created when we tonning. In order to ensure the stability of the color, we will arrange proofing after the spring festival. once you confirm, we will refer to this color when proction.
⑹ give you color see see是什麼意思
give you color see see的中文翻譯是給你點顏色看看
音標:英 [ˈkʌlə(r)] 美 [ˈkʌlər]
n. 顏色;臉色;膚色;顏料
vt. 給...塗顏色;粉飾;歪曲
vi. 變色;獲得顏色
bright color 明亮的顏色
color difference 色差,色彩差異
I matched the color of my sweater with the color of my shirt.
There are various colors to choose from.
The color is yellow inclining to green.
n. 顏色;臉色;膚色;顏料 paint,farbe
⑺ 光學術語中英文對照
- 單透鏡:Simple (Single) Lenses
- 球透鏡:Ball Lenses
- 歪像透鏡:Anamorphic Lenses
- 圓錐透鏡:Conical Lenses
- 柱狀透鏡、環形透鏡:Cylindrical & Toroidal Lenses
- 非球面透鏡:Aspheric Lenses
- 反射折射透鏡:Catadioptric Lenses
- 繞射極限透鏡:Diffraction-Limited Lenses
- GRIN透鏡:GRIN Lenses (Graated Refractive Index Rod)
- 微小透鏡陣列:Micro Lens Arrays
- 準直透鏡:Collimator Lenses
- 聚光透鏡:Condenser Lenses
- 多影像透鏡:Multiple Image Lenses
- 傅利葉透鏡:Fourier Lenses
- 菲涅爾透鏡:Fresnel Lenses
- 替續透鏡:Relay Lenses
- 大口徑透鏡(直徑150mm以上):Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) 復合透鏡:Complex Lenses
- 紅外線透鏡:Infrared Lenses
- 紫外線透鏡:Ultraviolet Lenses
- 激光透鏡:Laser Lenses
- 望遠鏡對物鏡:Telescope Objectives Lenses
- 顯微鏡對物鏡:Microscope Objectives Lenses
- 接目鏡:Eyepieces Lenses
- 向場透鏡:Field Lenses
- 望遠鏡頭:Telephoto Lenses
- 廣角鏡頭:Wide Angle Lenses
- 可變焦伸縮鏡頭:Variable Focal Length Zoom Lenses
- CCTV鏡頭:CCTV Lenses
- 影印機鏡頭:Copy Machine Lenses
- 傳真機鏡頭:Facsimile Lenses
- 條碼掃描器鏡頭:Bar Code Scanner Lenses
- 影像掃描器鏡頭:Image Scanner Lenses
- 光碟機讀取頭透鏡:Pick-up Head Lenses
- APS相機鏡頭:APS Camera Lenses
- 數位相機鏡頭:Digital Still Camera Lenses
- 液晶投影機鏡頭:Liquid Crystal Projector Lenses
- 平面鏡:Flat Mirrors
- 球面凹面鏡、球面凸面鏡:Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors 拋物面鏡、橢圓面鏡:Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors 非球面鏡:Aspheric Mirrors
- 多面鏡:Polygonal Mirrors
- 熱鏡:Hot Mirrors
- 冷鏡:Cold Mirrors
- 玻璃、玻璃/陶瓷面鏡:Glass and Glass-Ceramic Mirrors
- 雙色向面鏡:Dichroic Mirror
- 金屬面鏡:Metal Mirrors
- 多層面鏡:Multilayer Mirrors
- 半塗銀面鏡:Half-Silvered Mirrors
- 激光面鏡:Laser Mirrors
- 天文用面鏡:Astronomical Mirrors
- Nicol棱鏡:Nicol Prisms
- Glan-Thomson棱鏡:Glan-Thomson Prisms
- Wollaston棱鏡:Wollaston Prisms
- Rochon棱鏡:Rochon Prisms
- 直角棱鏡:Right-Angle; Rectangular Prisms
- 五面棱鏡:Pentagonal Prisms
- 脊角棱鏡:Roof Prisms
- 雙棱鏡:Biprisms
- 直視棱鏡:Direct Vision Prisms
- 微小棱鏡:Micro Prisms
- 尖銳濾光鏡:Sharp Cut (off) Filters
- 色溫變換濾光鏡、日光濾光鏡:Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters
- 干涉濾光鏡:Interference Filters
- 中性密度濾光鏡:Neutral Density Filters
- 空間/光學匹配濾光鏡:Spatial/Optical Matched Filters
- 雙色向濾光鏡:Dichroic Filters
- 偏光濾光鏡:Polarizing Filters
- 排除頻帶濾光鏡:Rejection Band Filters
- 可調式濾光鏡:Turnable Filter
- 超窄頻濾光鏡:Ultra Narrowband Filters
- 色吸收濾光鏡:Absorption Filters
- 紅外吸收/反射濾光鏡:Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting Filters
- 紅外透過濾光鏡:Infrared Transmitting Filters
- 紫外吸收濾光鏡:Ultraviolet Absorbing Filters
- 紫外透過濾光鏡:Ultraviolet Transmitting Filters
- 針孔濾光鏡:Pinhole Filters
- 有色玻璃濾光鏡:Colored-Glass Filters
- 塑膠濾光鏡:Plastic Filters
- 照像用濾光鏡:Photographic Filters
- 全像濾光鏡:Holographic Filters
- 微小干涉濾光鏡:Micro Interference Filters
- Iris – aperture stop(虹膜孔徑光珊)
- retina(視網膜)
- Color Blind(色盲)
- weak color(色弱)
- Myopia – near-sighted(近視)
- Sensitivity to Light(感光靈敏度)
- boost(推進)
- lag behind(落後於)
- Hyperopic – far-sighted(遠視)
- Dynamic Range(動態范圍)
- critical fusion frequency(臨界融合頻率)
- CFF(臨界閃變頻率)
- visual sensation(視覺)
- Chromaticity Diagram(色度圖)
- Color Temperature(色溫)
- HSV Model(色彩模型)、CIE Model(相干紅外能量模式)
- Complementary Colors(補色)
- Bar Pattern(條狀圖形)
- Heat body(熱稠化)
- approximate(近似)
- violet(紫羅蘭)
- Body Curve(人體曲線)
- Color Gamut(色階)
- adjacent(鄰近的)
- normal illumination(法線照明)
- Primary colors(紅黃藍三原色)
- Color saturation(色飽和度)
- Color Triangle(顏色三角)
- Color Notation(顏色數標法)
- Color Difference(色差)
- TV Signal Processing(電視信號處理)
- Gamma Correction(圖像灰度校正)
- Conversion Tables(換算表)
- out of balance(失衡)
- wobble(搖晃)
- back and forth(前後)
- clear(白光板)
- vibrant(震動)
- fuzzy(失真)
- quantum leap(量子越遷)
- SVGA(800x600)(起源自)
- render(呈遞)
- inhibit(抑制, 約束)
- stride(大幅前進)
- blemish(污點)
- obstruction(障礙物)
- scratch(刮傷)
- substance(物質實質主旨)
- resie(雜質)
- criteria(標准)
- parameter(參數)
- adjacent(鄰近的)
- asynchrony(非同步)
- cluster(串群)
- mutually(互助得)
- algorithm(運演算法則)
- Chromatic Aberrations(色差)
- Fovea(小凹)
- Visual Acuity(視覺靈敏度)
- Contrast Sensitivity(對比靈敏度)
- Temporal (time) Response(反應時間)
- rendition(表演, 翻譯)
- animation(活潑又生氣)
- ghost(重影)
- Parallax(視差)
- deficient(缺乏的)
- Display panel(顯示板)
- NG.(Narrow Gauge)(窄軌距)
- dichroic mirror(二色性的雙色性的)
- Brewster Angle(布魯斯特角)
- Polarized Light(極化光)
- Internal reflection(內反射)
- Birefringence(雙折射)
- Extinction Ratio(消光系數)
- Misalignment(未對准)
- Quarter Waveplates(四分之一波片)
- blemish(污點)
- geometric(幾何學的)
- ripple(波紋)
- capacitor(電容器)
- parallel(平行的)
- tantalum(鉭, 金屬元素)
- exsiccate(使乾燥)
- exsiccate(油管, 軟膏)
- furnace(爐子, 熔爐)
- electrolytic(電解的, 由電解產生的)
- analog(類似物)
- out of the way(不恰當)
- pincushion(針墊)
- lateral(側面的)
- rectangle(長方形)
- fixture(固定設備)
- control kit(工具箱)
- DVI connector(DVI數局線)
- Vertical(垂直的)
- horizontal(水平的)
- interlace(隔行掃描)
- mullion(豎框, 直楞)
- sawtooth(鋸齒)
- toggle(套索, 釘)
- keypad(數字按鍵, 鍵盤)
- tangential(切線的)
- diagnostic tool(診斷工具)
- sagittal direction(徑向的)
- cursor position(游標位置)
- ray aberration(光線相差)
- weighting factor(權種因子)
- variables(變數)
- for now(暫時, 目前. 眼下)
- check box(復選框)
- Airy disk(艾里斑)
- exit pupil(出[射光]瞳)
- optical path difference(光稱差)
- with respect to(關於)
- diffraction limited(衍射極限)
- wavefront aberration(波陣面相差)
- spherical aberration(球面象差)
- paraxial focus(傍軸焦點)
- chromatic aberration(象差)
- local coordinate system(局部坐標系統)
- orthogonal(直角的, 正交的)
- conic sections(圓錐截面)
- account for(解決, 得分)
- parabolic reflector(拋物面反射鏡)
- radius of curvature(曲率半徑)
- spherical mirror(球面鏡)
- geometrical aberration(幾何相差)
- incident radiation(入射輻射)
- global coordinate(總體坐標)
- in terms of(根據, 按照)
- reflected beam(反射束)
- FYI=for your information(供參考)
- Constructive interference(相長干涉)
- phase difference(相差)
- achromatic singlet(消色差透鏡)
- Interferometer(干涉儀)
- boundary constraint(邊界約束, 池壁效應)
- radii(半徑)
- Zoom lenses(變焦透鏡)
- Beam splitters(分束器)
- discrete(不連續的, 分離的)
- objective/eye lens(物鏡/目鏡)
- mainframe(主機)
- rudimentary(根本的, 未發展的)
- photographic(照相的, 攝影的)
- taxing(繁重的, 費力的)
- algebra(代數學)
- trigonometry(三角學)
- geometry(幾何學)
- calculus(微積分學)
- philosophy(哲學)
- lagrange invariant(拉格朗日不變數)
- spherical(球的)
- field information(場信息)
- Standard Lens(標准透鏡)
- Refracting Surface(折射面)
- astigmatism(散光)
- HDTV(高清晰度電視)
- DLV(Digital Light Valve)(數碼光路真空管, 簡稱數字光閥)
- diffraction grating(衍射光珊)
- field angle(張角)
- paraxial ray trace equations(近軸光線軌跡方程)
- back focal length(後焦距)
- principal plane(主平面)
- vertex(頂點, 最高點)
- astigmatism(散光, 因偏差而造成的曲解或錯判)
- medial(中間的, 平均的)
- variance(不一致)
- conic(圓錐的, 二次曲線)
- field of view(視野)
- collimator(瞄準儀)
- convolution(迴旋. 盤旋, 卷積)
- fuzzy(失真, 模糊)
- aberrated(異常的)
- asymmetry(不對稱的)
- indicative(可表示的)
- parabolic(拋物線的)
- suffice(足夠, 使滿足)
- specification(規格, 說明書)
- straightforward(易懂的, 直接了當的)
- solidify(凝固, 鞏固.)
⑻ 印刷專業詞彙英文翻譯,20 分一個詞
製版復 Plate making
拼版制 Imposing
色差 Color difference
溢色 Color migration
絲網印刷 Silk-screen Printing
覆膜 Laminating
⑼ 如何用英文說「由於每部電腦的顯示器的不同,圖片和實物會稍微的有一點色差。」
Thank you for purchasing our proct. Because of the different display of each computer, the pictures and objects will be slightly different. In the future, we'll try to keep the pictures in line with the physical objects. Thank you very much for your feedback. Have a nice day.