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① 求幫忙翻譯兩段話!謝謝了!懸賞30分

Ministry of Ecation has always attached importance to strengthening construction of Academic Ethics, pay attention to promote high ethical and thorough investigation of academic misconct in two ways academic style of study. 教育部在下一步工作中,將從教育、制度、監督和查處四方面加強學風建設,並將工作的重點放在制度和查處上。 Ministry of Ecation in the next step, from ecation, system, monitor and investigate four aspects to enhance the style of study and focus on the system and the investigation on. 一是堅持把教育作為加強學風和學術道德建設的基礎。 First, to strengthen the study, and ecation as the foundation of academic and moral development. 要在高校師生中加強科學精神和學術規范教育,注重發揮楷模的教育作用,強調學者的自我道德養成。 University teachers and students to strengthen the scientific spirit and academic standard of ecation, focusing on the ecational role to play model, emphasizing academics and moral self-cultivation. 二是堅持把制度作為加強學風和學術道德建設的重點。 Second, adhere to the system as strengthening the study and the focus of academic and moral development. 加強教育制度、規范制度、查處制度的建設。 Strengthen the ecation system, standardize the system, investigate and deal with the construction of the system. 用科學公正的評價聘用制度、透明高效的學術資源配置制度、良好的科技管理制度營造良好學風。 Employment with a fair evaluation system for scientific, transparent and efficient system of academic resources, good management systems technology to create a good style of study. 三是堅持把監督作為加強學風和學術道德建設的關鍵。 Third, uphold the Authority as to enhance the academic study, and the key to moral development. 陽光是最好的防腐劑。 Sunshine is the best preservative. 要健全學術批評機制,要有獨立客觀的學術監督機制,高度重視社會輿論監督。 To improve the mechanism of academic criticism, there must be an independent and objective academic supervision mechanism, attached great importance to public opinion. 四是堅持把必要的查處作為加強學風和學術道德建設的手段。 Fourth, insist on the necessary investigation to strengthen the study, and academic ethics as a means of building. 必要的查處不僅是學風不端者必須承擔的成本、付出的代價,更重要的是對誠實守信學者的公正,對意志薄弱學者的警示。 Style is not only necessary to investigate misconct must bear the cost, the cost, but more importantly is honest and trustworthy scholars fair warning on weak academics.

記者11日在揚州大學采訪獲悉,該校動物科學院「研三」學生楊勇,不甘心畢業後成為「蟻族」,跟朋友合開了一家名為「阮氏刀劍」的網店,因為生意火爆已在國外開了兩家「網路分店」,現在個人年純收入已達20餘萬元。 Reporters interviewed 11 in Yangzhou University informed the school of Animal Science "Kenzo" Yong students, after graation to become reconciled to "ant" with a friend and opened a company called "Nguyen's sword" online shop, because the business popular in foreign countries opened two "network branch", and now personal annual income reached more than 20 million. 目前,小楊已在老家合肥買了兩套房子,徹底告別了「蟻族」生活。 Currently, Xiao Yang has bought two houses Hefei home, goodbye to the "ant" life. 楊勇本科畢業前,由於擔心考不上研究生,又不甘心成為「蟻族」,四處尋求創業機會。 Yong graated before, the fear of test into post-graate, but also not willing to be "ant", to seek business opportunities everywhere. 經過市場調研,他和一個朋友共同創辦「阮氏刀劍」網店,開始就把市場定位在國外。 After market research, he and a friend co-founded, "Nguyen Thi sword" storefronts, began to put market position abroad. 小楊憑借流利的英語口語和較強的人際交往能力,很快就打拚出一片天地。 Xiao Yang with fluent English and strong interpersonal skills, and soon hit spell a world. 小楊的良苦用心很快得到了回報,生意越來越火。 Xiao Yang of the care and thought has paid off very quickly, increasing the fire business. 再後來,由於業務發展的需要,一個馬來西亞朋友也加盟進來,跟小楊他們一起打拚。 Still later, as business development, a Malaysian friend came in, worked hard with them with Xiao Yang. 從2007年8月開始,3個人從當時的5萬元資金起步,到目前「阮氏刀劍」已擁有國外三家店,國內一家店,年利潤達60餘萬元。 Starting from August 2007, three indivials from the start time of 5 million yuan to the present, "Nguyen's sword," already have a foreign Penghu, a domestic stores, the annual profit of 60 million yuan.

② 求講解英語中破折號的用法!謝謝





例如:Only one thing is now wanting—a refrigerator.現僅缺少一件東西——冰箱。


例如:New houses,larger schools,more sheep,more pigs and chickens,morehorse and
donkeys—everywhere we saw signs of the commune's


例如:I—I—I rather think—maybe—Amy has taken it.我——我——我想——也許——是愛梅拿了吧。


例如:「And may I ask—」said Xiao Wu;「but I guess it's better for you to ask him about


例如:It is clear—is it not?—that we must practise strict


例如:In a word,the spirit of the whole country may be described
as—self-relianceand arous struggle.總而言之,整個國家的精神可以說是——自力更生,艱苦奮斗。


例如:Uncle Wang laughingly answered—「No,no;stay where you


例如:Then the proposals—both Xiao Yang's and mine—were


例如:How lucky the girls nowadays are!—they can go anywhere,say


例如:William Shakespeare,1564—1616,is one of the greatest poets and dramatistsin
the history of Bristish Literature.威廉·莎士比亞(1564——1616)是英國文學史上的偉大詩人和劇作家。


例如:We'll be arriving on Monday morning—at least,I think



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