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1. 環保局 用英語怎麼說

縮寫為EPB=Environmental Protection Bureau

2. 英語泛讀教程第二版第二冊第三單元的課文翻譯《Recycling》高等教育出版社的 急!!!!!!!!!!!!



* 減少對肥料填充地的需求;

* 防止多種空氣污染和睡污染的排出;

* 節約能源;

* 為工業生產提供有價值的原材料;

* 創造就業機會;

* 減少溫室氣體的排放;

* 促進更加環保的技術的發明;

* 為子孫後代的未來保留資源。
20世紀80年代廢料填充地開始出現不足,尤其是在人口密集的地區,這導致了垃圾被長途運輸,頻繁地跨越州際線。垃圾管理公司開始提出回收利用計劃,這又常常與新建焚燒爐和廢料填充地的提議掛鉤。社區組織也常常呼籲投入更大的努力,希望能限制或者避免新建垃圾處理設施。州政府和地區政府在策劃垃圾管理的工作中也越來越積極,包括擴展回收利用和混合堆肥。在肥料填充地短缺、抵制跨州垃圾、全國對垃圾管理關注度上升的共同作用下,美國環保局發表了一份國家政策指引——1989年的《行動議程》,呼籲美國人實現25%的垃圾回收利用率。那時,有大約1000個道路垃圾採集計劃,廢棄物回收站、廢棄物加工廠等也在努力。盡管20世紀80年代垃圾的產生又一次快速增長,增加了近36%,但是垃圾回收利用和混合堆肥在那10年間,一並猛增了近132%,占垃圾產生總量的16%。 對可回收物品的採集提高了,創造出的復原材料一開始就比美國生產型公司現成可用的的材料還多。到了20世紀90年代,工業上就投資了百萬計美元在處理和製造技術上,這些技術專門用於利用復原材料來生產類型廣泛的產品,而不是利用未使用過的生材。消費者也有利於深刻地意識到,購買他們自己為回收利用而手機的材料製成的產品,他們在垃圾回收利用中扮演著重要的角色。各級政府部門也發揮作用,通過增加對含回收物產品的政府采購,確保回收利用的生命力。從1990年到1997年,垃圾回收利用保持著兩位數的增長,達到了估計垃圾產生總量27%的回收利用率——相比1990年,增長了近67%,超過了25%的國際政策目標。在很多城市和城鎮都能看到全國參與垃圾回收利用的趨勢。只舉一個例子,密歇根的Ann Arbor是其中一個在20世紀70年代由志願者建立起廢棄物回收站的社區。幾年之後,一個名為Recycle Ann Arbor的志願者組織開始了道路垃圾回收計劃。如今,Ann Arbor市政府向市民按周收集23類可回收物,按季收集4類院落殘垣廢料。這些努力,加上家喻戶曉的家庭混合堆肥、廢棄物回收處理和密歇根的容器處理議案的影響,讓Ann Arbor轉換了52%的垃圾。Recycle Ann Arbor為提供垃圾回收利用服務的城市合約競價,一貫地勝出。
這種大量級的垃圾轉換有助於降低費用。比如在1996年,Ann Arbor每噸垃圾回收利用和混合堆肥耗費71美元,較之每噸垃圾收集和處理費用卻是86美元。

像Ann Arbor之類高垃圾轉換率、低成本的社區,為在全國上下改進地區垃圾回收利用計劃的經濟可行性的努力提供了榜樣。

3. ●【翻譯—僅供英語高手專區】劇本片段翻譯 — 城市排水解決方案!


The Focus of the Fifth International Conference on Municipal Road- planning, Shanghai—Problems Involving the Sewage System

Cast of Characters

Li XX: 40s, Director of EPA
Richard: 40s, editor-in-chief
Chairman of the Conference: 60s, tall and stout
Leoh Ming Pei: 89, a master of architecture
Road-planning Experts: of different ages, from around the world


Director』s Office, Environmental Protection Agency, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

July 20, 2006

Li XX, Director recently sworn in, young and competent

Background information:
Little did the new director think that only a week after his inauguration, an ordinary piece of E-mail would make a great difference to him as a civil servant. The following is what was contained in the E-mail.

「Dear Director Lee,
My name is Jenny, an overseas Chinese presently spending her vacation in China. However, while walking along the streets on sweltering summer days, I always smell nasty odor coming from the underground sewers. I have visited a lot of cities and found out this is a common problem, especially in Shanghai. It is really puzzling to me that no attention has been paid to the sewage systems, while a great many roads are being broadened in those cities. Now my question is : can the underground sewage system be built further down?」

After reading the message, Director Li thinks for a moment and then calls up Richard, the executive editor of the magazine 「New Shanghai.」
The former orders that the latter make a thorough research of the issue and relate it to the international municipal road- planning conference to be held in Shanghai.

Scene II

office of the executive editor of the magazine 「New Shanghai」

July 20, 2006

Richard ( formerly majored in landscape design at college but entered on journalism after coming back from overseas studies and ,after years of hard work, was promoted to the seat of the executive editor)

On receiving the director's order, he feels a little confused about what to do though he has served as editor-in-chief for quite a long time. Out of the keen sensitivity of the reporter, he looks through the list of the experts to be present at the conference. Much to his delight, he discovers the name of the world-famous Chinese-American architect, Leoh Ming PEI. Owing to the important discovery, things seem, he is sure, to change for the better.

Scene III

Conference Room on the fifth floor of the building housing the Agency of Environmental Protection, Shanghai

August 23, 2006

experts in road-planning from around the world

(After a series of insightful discussions)

All right. Since all of you have expressed what you had to say, now I am pleased to ask the master of architecture, Mr. Leoh Ming Pei, to share his unique findings with us.

Ha, ha. Now that you all have presented your research reports, I am not going to repeat your remarks. Instead, I am to focus my personal views on city-planning, and any comment from you is heartily welcome.
First, I maintain that it takes tens of years, even one hundred years, to plan, construct, develop, and mature a city. Similarly, judging from the current situations, it will take a long time for the cities in China to catch up with New York. If we compare the development of New York with that of Shanghai, it is not surprising to see that the city-planning in China leaves much to be desired. More often than not, as soon as a construction project is finished, another is under progress. This way, the later project does some damage to the earlier one. Then it becomes clear that the power supply networks, sewage system, and city roads were poorly arranged. By contrast, the success of New York lies in the simple fact that New Yorkers had done a great deal of admirable preparatory work before their city grew into a metropolitan unit. In fact, the Chinese have a lot to learn from the New Yorkers. What I want to emphasize is that the foreigners made the perfect plan for their city one or two hundred years ago.
Second, we can easily see that a lot of Hollywood』s popular action films were shot right in the sewage tunnel. That illustrates that their
sewage engineering project was extremely well-planned. Besides, there were many scenes in foreign movies in which the actors ran along the tunnel-like ct for a long period of time. A little while ago, the animation cartoon, 「Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles」, was highly popular throughout China, whose heroes lived exactly in the cts all their lives. This fact explains how much more well-planned foreign sewage systems are.
Thirdly, as for technical matters, I must point out that the sewage system will get clogged sooner or later no matter how deep it is. Sewage water will mix with underground water after it is filtered by soil. However, because of improper flow and damage to pipes, sewage water gets sour. If the fermented water is left alone, the situation will get worse. Where the water is shallower, there is little or no unpleasant odor. That is because the ct is wider at that point and the water flows away rapidly. Let me explain this by giving an example familiar to all of you. Say you have a liking for rib soup. If you leave the soup untouched too long, the delicious soup is sure to go sour....

(All the experts present on the spot are amused by the impressive speech, which is worth the name of 「uniqueness.」)

Right here and now the central discussion of the fifth International Municipal Road-Planning Conference has drawn to a fruitful end.

Scene IV

Director』s Office, Environmental Protection Agency, Pudong New Area

Time: May 1, 2008

Director LI, who has achieved great success after serving as Director of EPA, Pudong for some years

A short time before the opening of the Beijing Olympics, Li is appointed as Director of Environmental Protection Agency, Beijing. Just at this time, he receives another piece of E-mail, which brings him pleasure beyond description. The message contained therein is as follows.

「Dear Director LI:
Hi. I am Jenny, an overseas Chinese. Several years ago, I came to Shanghai and sent a message to you by E-mail, mentioning the sewage problem. This time when I stroll around your city again, I find that you have done a good job by getting rid of the headaches. I am thankful to you for the efforts you have made...」

Director Li thinks to himself, 「China has a long way to go and is sure to have a bright tomorrow. I can take a deep breath at last.」

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