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A. 我喜歡的月份英語作文60詞

My favorite month is August . August is a holiday month because we always have summer holidays . August is the hottest month in a year . I like to go to the beach in summer. I can swim in the sea . I can make sandcastles on the beach .I can pick up the beautiful shells on the beach. Maybe I can see a crab on my feet. It is nibbling my feet ! I think it's good to go to the beach in summer. I like eating watermelons in August. Watermelon is juicy and sweet ,it is also cool. 我最喜歡八月。8月是假期月因為我們有暑假。8月是一年中最熱的月份。我喜歡在夏天去海邊。我可以在海里游泳。我可以在沙灘上做沙堡。我可以在海灘上撿美麗的貝殼。也許我可以看看我腳上有一隻螃蟹在輕咬我的腳!在夏天去海邊很愜意。我喜歡吃西瓜。西瓜汁和甜,也很涼爽。
編輯於 2017-12-17
語文輔導哪家好 名師1對1教學輔導 短時高效提分
— 你看完啦,以下內容更有趣 —
My favorite moths are January and early February As we know,the celebration of Spring Festival may commonly last for 7 days,which is higlighted as one of the symbols of traditional chinese culture.It's usually a time between late January or early February.Not only in china but in some other Asian countries like Singapore,Indonesia and Korea people also celebrate Spring Festival.According to the usual,on the eve of the Spring Festival,a get together banquet is a must,and the most popular food is Dumpling,which is supposed to bring good fortune.People tend to get up early the frist day and visit neibours and relatives.I like Spring Festival,so I like these moths. 我最喜歡的月份是1月尾到2月頭 我們都知道,一般慶祝春節都有7天,春節是中國文化傳動節日的象徵,而春節通常會在1月尾到2月頭之間.不僅僅在中國會過春節,而且在其他一些亞洲地方,如:新加坡,印度尼西亞和韓國的人們也會慶祝春節.根據慣例,在除夕夜,聚在一起吃大餐是一定的.最通俗的食物是餃子,餃子被寓為能夠給我們帶來好運氣.人們需要在新年的第一天早起然後去拜訪親戚和鄰居.我最喜歡春節,所以最喜歡這個月. E智網為你解答,
我最喜歡的月份 英語作文 小學
My favourite month My favourite month is February.Because I love winter.In winter,I can make a snowman with my friend and I can watch TV at home with my family.So my favourite month is February. 其實七月份好寫一點……給你兩個選擇…… My favourite month is July.Because I love summer.In summer,I can eat ice cream,ice cream is my favourite food and I can swimming with my friend,swimming is my favourite sport.I have holiday in July,I go hiking with my parents.I love July. 自己寫的,可能有不好的地方,多包涵喲……
There arefour seasons in a year. I like spring best. In spring, the weather is warm andfine. I can fly kites and plant flowers. I can eat strawberries. I can go to the countryside for a holiday. I love spring.
My Favourite Season There are four seasons in one year, they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In my opnion ,spring is the best season.First of all, it is very warm. The winter goes away, so the tempreture is higher ,and rather comfortable for human beings. Secondly, spring is very beautiful. The grass and trees grow freely, the flowers are rather colourful, the butterflies fly happily,and the wind is warmer. Thirdly, it is the first season in a year.It means the children are i one year older than before. They are alts now and they can protect themselves . And at last, I like spring just bacause I was born in March. All in all, I believe that spring is my favourite season.
我最喜歡的月份是四月,四月里有好多我們可以做的事,四月里,充滿了活力,充滿了樂趣,到處都是鳥語花香、歡樂吉祥! 四月是個熱情的月份,四月的天氣不冷不熱,空氣里傳播著鳥語花香的氣息;四月到處是生機勃勃的景象,一切都是美好的,溫馨的。 四月是一個成長的月份,樹兒抽出了嫩嫩的枝條發出來翠翠的小芽兒;花兒更是不敢怠慢,爭芳斗艷在房前屋後腳腳落落里;草兒,睡了一個冬天伸伸懶腰蘇醒了,從泥土裡伸出自己的小手忙著和大家打招呼:「嗨,我來啦!」樹兒花兒草兒們爭著向人們發出成長的訊息。 聽——他們在說悄悄話!「我在成長!」他們在歡笑,「我在成長」!他們一路嚷嚷著來了,生怕你把他們忘了似的。 四月真是個生機勃勃的月份,鳥兒振動著翅膀從南方飛了回來,抖抖羽毛,活動活動筋骨,他們為自己的勝利搬遷而興高采烈,整天像在舉辦聯歡會似的:捉蟲子,蓋房子,唱著歡樂的歌啊,多麼快活呀!

作文輔導 清北畢業名師直播課_低至9元

作文輔導 清北畢業名師直播課,輔導老師1對1答疑,3年無限回放課程。立即體驗9元雙師輔導,教得好+管得嚴,名師出"高途"
木星繞太陽一圈需要11.86個地球年,木星自轉速度是八大行星中最快的,只需要9小時50分30秒,所以木星看起來呈現扁球體,赤道附近有明顯突起。 木星是太陽系中最大的行星,屬於氣態星球,不存在明顯的固

B. 英語教育心得感想作文5篇

語言來源於生活,而語言教學也應該更加貼近生活。在課堂中要盡可能的為學生們創設防真的生活場景,讓他們身臨其境般的去體驗情景中所使用的語言。師生攜手參與到創設語言環境的活動中,讓來源於生活的語言,回歸到現實生活中去。這里給大家分享一些關於英語 教育 心得感想 作文 ,供大家參考。



社會生活的信息化和經濟的全球化,使英語的重要性日益突出。英語作為最重要的信息載體之一,已經成為人類生活各個領域使用廣泛的語言。改革開放以來,我國的英語教育規模不斷擴大,教育取得了顯著的成就。新課標所蘊涵的思想可用平等、個性、開放、多元來概括。平等,即:學生享受平等;個性,即:讓每個學生的個性獲得充分發展,培養多彩的人格;開放指教材的開放性;多元,提倡教材、教學方式、評價內容、評價方式、 方法 的多元。

它強調承認差異、尊重差異,由原來關注學科知識轉向關注人的發展,也就是以人為本,民主教育思想。在新課標下的小學英語教學中,教師要培養和保持學生的學習興趣:應該把握機會,渲染英語課堂氣氛;充分研究教材,認真備課;注重「以人為本」,發揮學生主體作用;建立新型師生關系,重視師生間的情感交流等。為此,在英語教學中,我進行了一些新 教學方法 的嘗試:


1 、多變的教學方法:

( 1 )隨機應變,適當刪除添補,提前推後。「書本是死的,人是活的。」所以,我們教師在教授內容時,可以適當地對教材進行刪除添補,可以把一些內容提前或推後。

( 2 )在教學中常用各種方法,如「表演法」、「競賽法」、「游戲法」等。

a 、當「小老師」、「模仿秀」

比如說「 talk about it 」。這一模塊中,我們就可以鼓勵學生大膽地模仿,帶表情說 句子 。如「 i am hungry 。」(可以作飢餓狀);「 i am thirty. 」(可以作口渴狀);還可以鼓勵學生上講台當「小老師」,領讀句子。讓他們模仿教師平時上課時的表情、動作,鼓勵他們學著使用課堂用語。比如說「 stand up 」 「 very good 」,「 sit down ,please 」 .

b 、兒歌說唱法針對孩子們天生活潑好動的性格,用英語歌曲導入,組織課堂教學,效果很好。

對於小孩子來說,他們愛表演,所以我給每首兒歌都編了簡單的動作。例如「 dog, dog ,what can you do ?i can run after you . panda ,panda ,what can you do ? i can eat so much bamboo. (動作示範)等等,盡管有些動作非常簡單,但是學生卻很樂於參與。

2 、多樣的教學手段

基礎教育階段英語課程的主要任務是激發和培養學生 學習英語 的興趣。因此,在教學英語時,教學手段是十分重要的。針對小學生的思維具有明顯的直觀性、形象性。應用實物、圖片、 簡筆畫 、幻燈等直觀教學手段,都能激發學生強烈的 英語學習 興趣。

多出示事物,貼近學生生活。如我教一節復習課,為了避免機械枯燥的復習,事先我讓學生帶好實物apple, pear, banana......

水果,還有學生現成的文具,上課了,我先出示幻燈,讓學生逐一讀出單詞,然後再用show me___的句型,讓學生舉起所說的實物,最後進行聽音樂傳實物的游戲,音樂停時,實物在誰手中,誰就要說出實物名稱。這樣,學生興趣盎然,大大提高了復習效果。


1 、日積月累化教學

冰凍三尺非一日之寒。面對剛開始接觸英語的小學生,可以把句子減縮成詞,就是重點詞教學。當學生了解了「詞」,在用詞擴展成句。例如: car — this is my car. let's — let's go.這樣由易到難,循序漸進地進行聽說英語的訓練,符合學生認知規律,「雪球」不知不覺中越滾越大。


2 、生活、英語化教學

中國學生學習英語就是缺乏英語語言環,這就要求老師盡量用英語組織和進行教學,給學生提供濃厚的英語語言學習氛圍。從學生剛接觸英語開始,我就開始使用英語課堂用語。首先解決常用的一些句子: hello! good morrning(afternoon).stand up . sit down, please. listen to me. read after me .


3 、語言環境化教學

和諧的課堂很重要:教師要創設比較真實的語言情景,調動學生的積極性;通過交際練習獲得語言能力;以學生為中心,教師是助學者;良好的師生關系是教學的重要保證;引導學生「樂學」「巧學」「會學」「善學」,充分體現自己的主導作用。所以,創造課外英語環境,對於學生來說是十分必要的。老師課外帶頭說,無論在校園中還是樓梯口碰到同學,我總會用最簡單的語句打招呼:「 hi ! boy ,how are you ? 」一段時間後,學生課外見到我,就會爭先恐後地用英語招呼我,養成了用英語進行交際懂得習慣,有效地提高了學生的聽說能力。

興趣、知識和能力是現代小學生最需要的,也是我們英語教師所追求的。教學方式的轉變,活躍了課堂與生活的距離,學生在類似生活的情景中學習英語,輕松愉快,學生聽說英語的整體素質得到了較快的提高。我們只有不斷地激發學生的學習興趣,引導他們多參與一些積極有效的、豐富多採的課堂活動,讓學生「動」起來,讓課堂「活」起來,才能最大限度地使他們快快樂樂地獲取知識,輕輕鬆鬆提高他們的英語素質。作為一名小學英語老師,我們肩負的擔子是沉重的,我們的任務是艱巨的。所以更需要不斷地鼓勵自己「 english ,i can do . 」 ( 教好英語我能行。),同時也要不斷地鼓勵我們的學生「 english ,i can do 」(學好英語我能行。)


在臨沂第21中學舉行了羅庄區小學英語新教材培訓會。此次培訓會為期一天。雖然只有短短的一天,但是我卻收獲甚豐。四堂精彩的課堂讓我拍手叫絕,第21中學生英語素養也讓我為之贊嘆。下面我就簡單談一下自己的 心得體會 。

第一:教學設計的精良。此次四節課執教者均是各校小學英語教研員。聽完他們的課後才感覺他們果然不是虛有其名。由於 經驗 有限,我只對我熟悉的三年級課程表達一下我自己的看法。李老師上的是一節字母課。本節課的重點是能認讀且書寫所學字母,並掌握這些字母在單詞中的發音。正如李老師自己所說,此節課她的教學思路是先教字母讀音及書寫,最後教字母在單詞中的發音。而我在教類似課的時候是採用課本上chant 把單詞的讀音和發音同時教授。而這樣教授的結果是學生在後面的活動中把這兩種音全部混淆。與自己的課相比較,李老師的這節課就提前預知學生可能出現的情況,也就是備足了學生,從而採用上述教學思路。如此可見其教學設計的精良。第二節課段老師的詞彙課也很精彩。首先用一條smile face 的主線貫穿課堂這是多麼巧妙的構思。在呈現本堂課內容的時候採用了先整體後部分的思路。本堂課除了老師精彩的表現外,老師精心設計的PPT課件




為期5天的英語培訓即將落下帷幕,在這緊張、充實而又快樂的5天里,我感受了很多,也學到了很多,這次培訓使我受益匪淺,雖然時間很短,但是培訓 的內容給了我教學上很大的幫助,聽了的宋立澤和鄭嵐峰的理論指導,也觀看了一些教學實例,親身體驗了一些活動,讓理論聯系了實際,使得我更深刻、更透徹的 領會了老師所講的內容。以下是我的一些心得體會:


通過學習使我的思想有了一個新的轉變,作為一位英語 教師,必須具有淵博的英語知識,熟練的操作技能,良好的思維品質,在英語的探究過程中,教師不再把英語知識的傳授作為自己的主要教學任務和目的,也不再把 主要精力花費在檢查學生對知識掌握的程度上,而是成為學習共同體中的成員,在問題面前教師和孩子們一起尋找答案,在探究英語的道路上教師成為學生的夥伴和 知心朋友。


通過聽鄭嵐峰教師講的一些教學技能及他課堂教學的一些經驗和感悟,我對英語課 堂教學也有了一個新的認識,英語課以語言為對象,強調以任務入手,放眼看周圍世界,培養學生的英語能力,這個就是知識點。在教學總體目標上注意興趣,體驗 成功和培養自信;在課程實施上注重創造學習環境和提高學習效率;在教學模式與方法上注重參與實踐和創新發展;在語言教學的目標上,注重培養語感和交際能 力;在教學評價上,注重運用激勵機制和多元評價。英語教師應具備的聽、說、讀、寫、譯的教學技能,給英語教師指明的努力的方向,明確了作為一名合格英語教 師應具備的基本素質。


這次基礎知識專業的培訓對我來說,無疑是一個莫大的收 獲。語音、聽力、口語、寫作對我的英語水平有了一個很大的促進。尤其是鄭嵐峰老師的語音課,由原來不知如何正確發音到現在基本標准,且較清楚地了解如何教 學生的英語發音,真是大有收獲。語言學習只有在有意義和有目的的活動中才會發生。通過專家教師的精心講解,讓我了解了如何較好的進行英語的聽、說、讀、寫 的教學,我們的英語教學法讓學生有較沉重的壓力,而不會感到學習的快樂,事實上每一項能力的教學都可以教得非常有趣。優秀教師的做法讓我很受啟發。很多時 候我們的學生不願開口說英語是因為沒有安全的語言環境。強調詞彙和語法知識使教師經常當眾打斷學生的發言,讓學生覺得很尷尬,長此以往,學生就不願當眾用 英語交流了。因而,要提高學生的聽說能力,首先要給學生創造一個安全的語言環境。在安全的語言環境,教師注重交流的內容而不是詞彙和語法的正確性。利用自 我糾錯能力,學生在不斷的交流中就能提高聽說能力了。只有在不斷的練習中,學生的口語能力才會不斷的提高。


作 為一線教師,我知道了怎樣的課才算是一堂好課,不泛包括師生互動,學生主體等,但我覺得關鍵還有對教材的把握,通過培訓,使我明白了,我要用教材教學生, 而不是教教材,可以創造性地使用教材,圍繞課標可刪可增,另外要鍛煉學生的實踐能力,也就是聽、說、讀、寫的能力,也就是說在課堂中,Pairwork和 Groupwork部分不但要練,還要讓每一個學生都能參與其中,勇於張口,使課堂氣氛活躍而有秩序,讓學生都能找到自己的定位,真正喜歡上英語課堂。



英語教學實踐為出發點,結合學生和自身,來進行 反思 ,從而得到了體會:為了適合我國國情,對於英語教材的改變,教學應該怎樣進行,才能符合學生學習語言的規律,為出發點,重點說明中學英語教學應以語法為根基,著重以學生學習習慣的養成和學習興趣的提高為目標。關鍵詞:中國國情;外語教學;語法;興趣提高;習慣養成根據自己學生的英語水平,教學反饋情況以及對自身的教學進行反思。經過將近十年的教學實踐,我對英語教學有了幾點體會。


新教材的內容貼近學生的生活和現代社會的生活,富有時代的氣息, 文化 信息量大,活動多,強調綜合運用語言的培養。我們有不少教師見到這樣的教材就迷惑了:是不是讓學生進行任務型的活動,就能使學生無意識地學習英語了。其實不然,活動只是一種途徑,能促使學生獲取、處理和使用信息,用英語交流,從而提高用英語做事和解決問題的能力。但是在中國,我們是大班上課,學生人數又多,那麼學生在課堂上語言參與的機會也會相應的減少,同樣程度就會差一點兒。除了在英語課上之外,其他的時間很少用英語來交流,往往環境就決定了學習方式的不同,我們沒有那麼多的時間來實踐,就必須通過記憶,通過學習規則,通過知識的掌握以及知識的使用,才能獲得語言能力。


如:he learns that he should have cared more about his friends.如果不懂虛擬語氣,可能會誤認為:he cared more about his friends.但句子本意為:he didn』t care more about his friends.在講解語法知識時我適當的用中文來解釋。如果全部用英語講解,講完後,學生直搖頭,表示不理解。在新教材中閱讀部分在前,中間是語法部分,最後是綜合技能。這樣的順序安排的不錯,閱讀應該作為教學當中的第一目標,講課時如果一節課無法完成所有的目標,我們就可以把閱讀當中的一些語法項目留到下一節的語法專項中一起進行,這樣也可以起到很好的效果。例如:定語從句是高一一年級中一項非常重要的語法項目,第五單元的閱讀部分中出現了一些定語從句,可以讓學生先把這些定語從句找出來,等到下一節課再引導學生用歸納法把why ,where ,when這幾個關系副詞的用法 總結 出來。把綜合技能部分放到後面,寫作時就可以運用本單元所學的語法、詞彙。

三、要重視對學生學習興趣和學習習慣的培養學生來自不同的學校,相互之間存在著各方面的差異,良好的學習習慣包括預習、復習和做作業的習慣,高聲朗讀及背誦的習慣等等。在教學中,教師要進行學法指導,有意識地去幫助學生形成適合自己的學習策略,並且要不斷的調整學習策略的能力。教是為了不教,這不僅有利於學生掌握學習的方向,採用科學的途徑,提高學習效率,而且還有利於學生形成自主學習的能力,並為學習奠定牢固的基礎。新課程特別強調教師要關注每個學生的情感,激發學生學習英語的興趣,並幫助學生建立學習的成就感和自信心。新標准把對學生的非智利因素的培養,鮮明地提了出來,充分認識到非智利因素在學生個性發展中的地位和作用,因此,我們要把培養學生學習興趣放在首要地位。興趣是一種探求某種事物,並帶有強烈情緒色彩的心理趨向,它能使人們去探索新的知識,發展新的能力。有了濃厚的興趣,就能變「要我學」為「我要學」,增強學習的主動性。學生對老師所教的內容有沒有興趣,興趣多少跟老師的教學態度、教學方法有著直接的聯系。老師必須使自己的課生動有趣,好的教法是激發興趣的重要因素。教無趣,必不樂學。探索的路很長,實踐中的困惑又會成為我們繼續研究的課題。我堅信。一路走來,我會充實更多的能量,會堅實前進的腳步,會看到多彩的果實······ 我還會進一步深入,扎實地探索,為英語的改革盡一份力。



在針對具體的學生回答了具體的 高一英語 以及其他科的一些方法後,有些問題始終縈繞在我的腦海,那就是:怎麼才能夠讓學生學好英語?如何採取有效 措施 幫助學生克服學習障礙,盡快適應高中英語學習呢?我初步總結反思如下,望各位教學前輩斧正。

一、先向學生簡介初、高中英語特點,幫助學生轉變學習觀念,調整 學習方法

初中是打基礎的階段,各種學習主要是側重知識的記憶和積累,一般側重簡單的聽、說、讀、寫的訓練,知識點較淺,靠背背記記就能夠學好。而高中英語則是在初中英語的基礎上再提高的階段,主要是聽、讀、理解、寫的訓練。這些在語言的要求和難度上都比初中英語要求得高。進入高中後,如果僅僅是記單詞,學語法是學不好英語的。為了促使學生的學習觀點改變,我為學生精心准備了以Frame of the English language為題的觀念轉變講義,從學生聽講的眼神中,我知道他們已經跟上了我的步伐,或者說他們理解了高中英語不是初中英語的簡單延續,而是深化。高中英語的重點轉向讀後理解,轉向實際運用,強調運用能力,高考也正是對應用能力的考察。學生要想辦法擴大自己的閱讀量,在此基礎上,還要訓練自己對語言材料的理解能力、寫作能力和聽說能力。


有些學生在初中時,英語老是學不好,一心想到高中來重拾信心,但哪裡知道到了高中後,由於英語難度較大,通過高一幾次考試後,自己在班上的名次更不如從前了,並時常為此苦惱,慢慢地學習英語的勁頭就不足了,有的乾脆放棄了。其實,因自卑而苦惱的學生說明其有上進心,這也是他們的閃光點所在。我就鼓勵他們要有信心,告訴他們人無完人,關鍵是你自己怎樣去認識。一個人有自卑和自畏的心理並不可怕,重要的是要能調節好自己的心理狀態。要多想自己的優點,以此來增強自己的自信心。面對緊張的學習壓力以及各種考試的壓力,讓學生們要調節好自己的心態,把有利變為動力,這樣就可以促使自己更加努力。告訴他們飯一口一口地吃,學習要慢慢來,不能夠急,要一如既往,杜絕急功近利的心態,畢竟:Attitude is everything !

三、幫助學生根據自己的學習狀況制定合理的學習目標和 學習計劃




1. 認真抓好 課前預習 和課後復習。許多學生沒有這樣的學習每個單詞習慣。通過預習學生自己會發現疑難的地方以便在聽老師講課時注意聽講,抓住重點和難點。課後抓緊時間進行復習鞏固,通過聽、說、讀、寫訓練掌握所學知識,為知識運用奠定基礎。為了有效地避免學生的惰性,我多次引導學生做聽寫接力活動,在增長學習英語積極性的同時,還培養了他們的小集體意識其樂融融。

2. 學習 英語單詞 不要孤立地死記硬背。學生學習單詞的正確方法應是把單詞放在句子和閱讀 文章 中來記憶,這樣才能記得牢。其次培養學生在閱讀中猜測詞其義的好習慣。不妨聯繫上下文讓其猜一下要表達的意思,讀完後再去查詞典,這對培養語言的悟性是很有好處的。學習英語猶如蓋房子,英語的句子結構就是框架,單詞則是房子的磚瓦。你雖然備足了磚瓦,但不知怎樣建房子的框架是造不成房子的,充其量也只是磚瓦的雜堆亂砌。這就是有的人記住了單詞卻寫不出句子的原因。

3. 處理好語法與聽、說、讀、寫的關系。學習英語需要懂一點語法。只要掌握基本語法,學生所說的、所寫的才比較規范,他們才不會犯時態、語態、結構等方面的錯誤。一般來說,教科書上的文章都是經過反復挑選的,要讀得精些,光讀懂字面意思還不夠,還要讀出其字里行間的含義。文中的詞都要認識,有些句子結構還要模仿用一用, 經典句子 可以背下來。在12班開展的」35句必背句型」活動應該是個很成功的舉措。

4. 培養良好的學習習慣。「行為變為習慣,習慣養成性格,性格決定命運。」所以培養良好的學習習慣很重要。諸如多看、多讀、多背、多想和多寫的習慣——學生要養成多看英語文章,堅持大聲朗讀並把一些精彩的文章、語段、句子熟背於心的習慣;學生要養成善於思考的習慣;學生要養成勤動手、常練筆的寫作習慣……


C. 關於"我一個月的活動"英語作文

my favorite activities-我喜愛的活動
i like a variety of activities,fi'om active and wild ones like camping, sports and parties to quiet ones like reading and watching tv. i like to be outdoors,to participate in sports and to do daring things. for example, several friends and i once took a trip down a wild river in a raft. we spent a week navigating dangerous currents, camping at night, fixing our own meals and having much fun. i am a member of our college foothall team. i also like to do risky things such as skiing, motorcycling and mountain climbing, but i don't do them often and am very careful.
i also like to be with my friends. i usually get invited to at least one party a week. if i don't,then i arrange one myself, even it is very informal whenever i have a chance, i either eat out or go dancing with my friends.
in contrast,there are also many quiet private things that i enjoy doing. i have spent whole days reading a book, and i occasionally stay up late at night with a good novel. sometimes, too, i like to spend a relaxed evening watching light tv programs, or talking with friends about serious matters over a glass of wine. in other words, i like to do different things, depending on the mood i am in and the kind of people i am around.

D. 英語活動描寫作文100字

1. 英文活動作文100字

Hidden in the valley's forest were five union regiments -- thousands of Carter's fellow soldiers. They had marched for thirty-six hours. Now they were resting. But at midnight they would climb that road up the rocky cliff. Their plan was to attack by surprise an army of southerners, camped on the other side of the cliff. But if their enemy learned about the Union Army hiding in the forest, the soldiers would find themselves in a trap with no escape. That was why Carter Druse had been sent to guard the road. It was his ty to be sure that no enemy soldier, dressed in gray, spied on the valley, where。

2. 關陸御於課外羨悉扒活動的英語作文100詞

Students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax, but in some schools they are not given enough time to do outside activities. It's harmful for students' growth. Teachers ask students to spend most of their time on studies. But when they feel tired and bored, students can't concentrate on studies. They are in bad health.

It's necessary to give students enough time to do outside activities. After good relaxation and rest, studens will work harder.

Pay attention to students' health and growth

3. 關於暑假活動兄昌安排 的英語作文,100字左右

I have planed a few things to do ring my summer holiday, the first thing I will do is to visit the Beidai river, I will stay there around seven days to relax. After that, I am going back to my home town to visit my grandparents, I will stay in their house for another seven days, because I miss them so much. I will read a lot of famous books to improve my reading intrest ring the whole holiday. I will also join an English learn class to improve my English, because I wish to continue my high school study.


4. 幫忙寫一篇英語作文100字左右

About the future life of the human being

Today, we will talk about an interested topic. What kind of life will we live in 2050? We can imagine the science and technology is very advanced. Some of us can take a holidy in the moon. Some scientists can live under the ocean. Every family will have videophone and can do physical examination and shopping through the videophone. Otherwise, the children can accept the ecation through the visual broadcast at home. The robot can help you to do housework. Is it an amazing? Believe it or not, it will e true.

5. 英語作文 100字左右

Dear Sirs,

I'm with the Student Union. I'm writting to invite you to have a picnic with us. There is the poster:

Participants: The teachers and the students of Grade 1.

Activities forms: Flying kites, having a picnic, taking photos and so on.

Place: Pear Orchard Square

Time: September 18, 2011

This activity will give the students good chance to relax themselves. If you can e with us, we will be very happy.

We are looking forward your reply.

Sincerely yours,

The Student Union

6. 拜託寫一篇英語作文

Dera Tom:

When I'm free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I've put my heart into it so that I'll fet all the troubles. It's in this way that I've formed the habit of reading in any time.

Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the position contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.

Reading 「The Emperor's New Clothes」, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. 「The Little Match Girl」 couldn't keep me from crying for her misery. 「 Robinson Crusoe」 took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller's patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference beeen right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn't before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.

I'll never fet this famous saying,「 Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.



7. 英語作文

when talking about the manner of municating, different people have different ideas, some are in letter, some choose telephone, others like puter.

as far as i am concerned, i would like to municate with others by puter. first and the most important reason is its high efficiency. for it is a high quality proct. when we want to talk with others, we just need click the keyboard and the mouse, second, when we are far away with our friends and relatives and we want to see them, then puter can help you do this because it has vedio chatting, last but not the least, through puter, we can save lot of money, for most municanting sofare are free to users.

from above mentioned, we can naturally e to the conclusion that puter can replace the letter and telephone and to be the most popular method of munication.

8. 幫我寫篇作文 100字左右 關於學英語或做運動

English is getting more and more popular in the modern world.so as a student,it is our ty to learn this language well.

But many students always plain about learning English,because they think it's difficult,and some of them even think English is not useful at all.Obviously they are wrong.what do we learn English for?Not only for ourselves but also for the city,and even for our country.now our country isn't so strong,it is only a developing country,so we must learn English well ,only then can we learn from the foreiners.And then our country will be stronger.


9. 100字英語作文,在線等~~

Dear john:

Here I would like to tell you something about the Enlgish lecture held in our school.

the theme of this time's lecture is "make our school more beatiful"

and the main contents are as follows:

first,we should keep the school yard clean that we shouldn't throw rubbish about.

second,we should take care of the trees and flowers in the school yard,and make the yard full of green.

third,we should well behave ourselves,and treat others politely.

And finally ,our class got a good result ,that the o wo remanded are rewaded among the total six students.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

And finally ,our class got a good result ,that the o we remanded were rewaded among the total six students.

10. 求一篇英語作文(100字)

1.Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature anizations, to the eradication of mankind. Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character ecation and practice acts as an important element of it. Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.


2.Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.

The earth is our home and we have the ty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will bee better and better.


地球是我們的家園,我們有責任為我們自己和我們的後代去照顧好它。慶幸的是,愈來愈多的人們已經意識到這些問題。 *** 已經採取了很多措施去解決這些問題,法律已被通過以制止污染。我希望這些問題在不遠的將來能得到解決,我們的家園變得越來越好。

E. 關於活動的英文日記寫作文

1. 有關昨天活動的日記英語作文

July 22nd sunny Thursday

Yesterday our family travelled to Shanhanguan to spend a one-day holiday. We started early in the morning. Because it a long way for us to drive there.With the GPS leading the way,we arrived there safely. First we visited the Great Wall, and then we bought some beautiful jewellery for our relatives. I saw some foreigners as well.We enjoyed ourselves the whole day.When we went back home , it was already dark.Though we were tired, we felt happy.

7月22日 晴 星期四


2. 有關課外活動的英語作文

課外活動之我見_英語作舉岩御文作者:佚名 來源:不詳 發布時間:2007-11-1 2:19:58 發布人:lsy1chj2wdh3My Views on Extracurricular Activity(課外活動之我見)




Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can't learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.

Others, however, don't like after class activities at all. They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.

In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference beeen "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schele. Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.

3. 【求一篇關於志願者活動的英語作文學生會將組織一些志願者活動.請

Dear Sir/Madam, As a student,I want to be a volunteer to help people especially the old.And I'd like to visit old people's home for I always get along well with my grandparents and I am good at municating with the old people.Besides,I can help them clean the room and cook a meal for them which I usually do at my home.Therefore,I am sure that I will successfully finish the task. In addition,I would like to help clean up the City Park for it can not only help protect the environment but also remind people of environmental awareness to give a good example to them.And I will bring a besom to sweep the ground and a dish rag to clean the public acmodations like the rest room and dining hall. I hope that you can permit my request.Thank you!希望可以幫到你。

4. 寫一篇關於學生課余活動的英語作文

YangLi is my friend, she goes to highschool with me and she is a great student.i have known her for 4 years and she is really a nice person, she always helps me out if I'm in trouble and she listens to me if i hIave something to plain. sometimes, I'm really jealous of her, because she is the best student in our class and has also a lot of friends.Her favourite subjects are English and Math, but she also love doing sports, like soccer or swimming.one of her best things is that she really likes help people, she has a good heart.anyway, she is a good friend of mine.這些都是我本人自己寫的扯不出來了,字數應該差不多了~ 如果還差點就自己隨便編點把~記得給分哦,很辛苦的 英語寫一篇關於學生課余活動的英語作文。

5. 關於自己經歷的假期活動的英語作文

In this bright and sunny summer, there cames my summer holiday. I've planed to make it meaningful, such as having a trip overseas or maybe having a barbeque party by the seaside with friends. I think the most important idea about this summer holiday is to try something that I've never done it before.In my belief, life should be exciting and full of advanture. If we came to see the same people everyday, we'll definatly get bored one day. So i see holiday as a good time to give our soul a deep relaxition. Breath some new air and done some remarkable things that we will remember for life.Before going in to my remarkable plans, the first problem need to be solve would be the heavy load of homework. There is an idoim said,' work well, play well'. I will not enjoy myself until I dealt with the burden on my shoulder. Therefore i have no choice but postpone my big plan for the holidays to a week later. That actually disappoints me a lot. Noheless, we must know a fact that summer holiday is not just a time for enjoyment but also a golden chance which allow us to improve our standard in studies.A week later, i managed to finish all work that needed to be done. Then my family and I went to the travel agency to by an air ticket to the Wu Tai Mountain. That place has always be a dream to me as a travel addicted. I can't wait to see the beautiful seneries there at the moment I got my ticket. The travel will be o more days later, just enough for me to get my backpack done.The place is much more amazing than what I've thought. With the crystal blue sky and the murmured from a streamlet make this place a pradise. Not mentioning the fresh air and it's natural greeneries. All this contributing factors have made Wu Tai a paradise on the Earth. Countless adherent visiting the temples to prey for a good fortune. Last but not least, I must mention about the temperature in Wu Tai Mountain. It is much cooler than the city. People still need to wear a long sleeve shirt in the morning and at night. Hence I thought it is a good place to spend the hot summer times.I'm in love with this piece of land. If there is a chance i will surely revisit Wu Tai again!!自己寫的作文哦,花了30分鍾呢。


6. 關於學校課外活動的英語作文

our school has various activities outside class. In general ,the activity time is from ten to five o'clock to ten to six o'clock in the afternoon and the content of activities include reading, playing basketball and football and other sports. On tuesday, we will watch English movies and listen to the broadcast. One can learn puter, drawing, singing, dancing out of interst on thursday and friday will be the English corner time. My suggestion about the activities at school is that our school should add more activities and rece the homework.。

7. 寫一篇介紹活動經歷的英語作文

Merciless earthquake, the world is love This is how sad! Earthquake, of course, is terrible, but they have - firefighters, the people's own army, doctors and others for earthquake relief to the people of the earthquake, and what terrible? After the earthquake, there have bee ruins. The original buildings, has been moved to the ground. But in this disaster, truly reflect the world of love. In the earthquake, a school teacher did not consider their own safety, struggling rescued o children, but their death, a teacher, felt the earthquake, the conscious decision to go down the steps. She would like to go back one: my students are still inside it, therefore, she firmly back, for whom Her students No, that's not only students, or the flowers ah! As the saying goes: "poor parents the world heart." There is a parent…… This is how people touched by Argentine ah! There are other panies have also enthusiastic contributions. Now, received a total of about 10.8 billion yuan contributions to the world! Now, I truly understand that the "party is difficult, P Plus support earthquake relief, surmount." How will this sentence were moved. In addition, I would like the people in disaster areas, said: "I believe that we surmount. Can be quite the past. Although the disaster can be taken away our lives, but not humans immortal wins the hope this is the eternal light, Encouraging people forward momentum. Let us work together to Sichuan Come on! China for refueling. "。

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