① 關於計算機的英語作文怎麼寫啊
Computers have brought about many changes in our world. With the devek,pment of science and technology, the use of eleclronic computers is growing year by year in various fields of man' s activities. They have been of great help in scietific rescarch and engi neering They can do at a very high speed the calculations too complicated for a man to do in a few days or even in a few years. Once it is given a plogram, a computer can operate automatically at a high speed. Not only can the computer gather facts.it call aim store them as fast as they are gathered and can pour them our whenever they are needed. However, computers are not replacing us. Even though computers are taking over some of the tasks their were once accomplished by our own brains, they are nothing but machines. They will never take the place of man. 計算機 計算機給我們的世界帶來了許多變化,隨著科學技術的發展,計算機在人類活動的各個領域中的使用年年增長,計算機對科學研究和工程學幫助很大,它們能以很快的速度運算,這些運算很復雜,要用人工運算需要幾天甚至是幾年。 一旦設計出程序,計算機可以以極高的速度自動運算。計算機不但可以搜集資料,而且可以貯存資料,不管什麼時候需要這些資料都可以調出來。 但是計算機不會代替人。盡管計算機正在接替一度用我們自己的大腦去完成的工作,但是它們只不過是機器而已,它們決不會代替人。
② 幫我寫五篇英語小作文
1,Internet is the best teacher
計算機在英語輔助語言學習上的優越性,通過利用多媒體計算機和網路功能證明1,信息量大,網際網路上的信息可以說是「海量」,在網際網路公共圖書館的主頁上,所鏈接的網點上有各類名著5500 多部,這里所有電子文獻都可以免費下載,可以說網際網路是一個取之不盡的「信息海洋」。 2,交流性強:所謂交流性,就是在學習過程中學生不只是單純地被動學習,而是可以參與到過程中去。以前人們採用學習英語的輔助手段是錄音機放磁帶,放像機放錄像帶,基本上是被動聽和被動看。對機器控制也只能是停,倒,錄,放,有時很難控制;而使用計算機軟體,卻可以對文字、聲音、圖像等任意選擇,只要用計算機的滑鼠器一點,非常簡便,就是幾歲的孩子都能操作。
3,知識新:傳統英語學習,是以固定教材為主,而且為了保持教材穩定性,往往一般使用幾年,甚至十幾年,語言比較陳舊。而計算機軟體更新快,尤其是在網路上的語言,同實際的語言發展同步。比如可以很容易讀到當天的英美電子版的報刊雜志。 4,趣味性強:計算機軟體採用的是多媒體技術,並且界面友好,設計得非常生動有趣,使學生可以在很輕松的環境中學習英語。
Computer in English assist superiority in languege learning pass. Use computer of multimedia and function of network and prove 1 information contents are big because With it is that magnanimity to say the institute link on the home page in public library of Internet Every a famous book more than 5500 all electronic literatures may issue free of charge here Net is a ocean of information 2 it is strong to communicat the nature so-called hand in Inging study the process middle school student not only is merely passive study and People adopt the study before center go English assist means is that tape-recorder Video tape primarily is passive hear to passive have a look to control of machine only Sometimes put very hard control and use but computer software may correct writing Image waits to select wantonly as long as spend the computer mouse 1 o'clock very Children can operate 3 knowledges study of new traditional English are to fix But also for preserving stability of teaching materials hv usually usually use for a few years even Outdated more er and computer software it is fast to renew especially word on the network Words develops in step with such as it is electronic to be able to read about the Ying on the same day gracefully easily 4 interesting natures strong computer software adopts is technology of multimedia and Get very vividly interesting made student may at the very light middle school in environment Beyond these main merits have still the practicality in the online and communicated
2,Buy a car or not
I don't wants when to buy the car and mainly be entangled with this 1 urban areas work traffic rush Ke starts to burn and meeting bothered 2 stop and hard waste the time 3 work for a day It is more tired to drive easily have an accident therefore but buy the car and have the benefit 1 go home Do it for the convenience of so my parents always say and want to buy for me 2 amuse to periphery city Always think buy the car and be not as good as and hail a taxi money that safeguard car reach me every day and Taxi master worker equals to be why my driver and want to buy the car go out to play Forget it even if worst comes to worst take the train and sit on the big bus enre and enre.
3,An unforgettable experience
當我是11歲時,我有一種十分難忘的經驗。 我與我的同學有一些培訓。 我們去旅遊,而我們需要生活在一個小的宿舍有兩天。 我們自己需要做每件事。 我們的父母不能幫助我們,因為他們沒有與我們呆在一起。 我們大清早起床。 我們必須迅速地清掃我們自己。 同時,然後我們站在一條線中。 我們在那裡傾斜鋪床許多事情,諸如。 每天,我們必須實施超過五個小時。 現在我認為它對每個人十分艱難,但是它對我們很好。 因為我們被我們的父母照料,但是應該事實上學習如何照料我們自己。 它是多麼難忘的經驗!
I had a very unforgettable experience when I was 11 years old. I had some training with my classmates. We went to Fengxian and we needed to live in a small dormitory for two days. We did everything ourselves. Our parents couldn』t help us, because they didn』t stay with us. We got up very early in the morning. We had to clean ourselves quickly. And then we stood in a line. We leant a lot of things there, such as cooking, washing and even making beds. Every day, we had to practice more than five hours. Now I think it was very hard for everyone but it was very good for us. Because we are looked after by our parents, but in fact should learn how to look after ourselves. What an unforgettable experience it is!
4,Living in a big city
城市生活以其優勢和方便是具有吸引力的。 那麼有許多大的超級商場或者購物商業區你能容易地到達那裡,並且購買你所想要的一切。 你也能進餐出來,因為有許多著名的餐館。此外,你也能去看電影和酒吧間。 但是,像所有的硬幣一樣有兩邊。 有城市的擴展,越來越多人流入城市。 因此,城市太擁擠和有許多污染。 也有交通阻塞。
City life is attractive with its advantages and conveniences. There are lots of big supermarkets or shopping malls so you can get there easily and buy whatever you want. You can also dine out because there are many famous restaurants.Besides, you can also go to the movies and bars. But like every coin has two sides. With the expansion of the city, more and more people flow into the city. So the city is too crowded and there is lots of pollution. There is traffic jams, too.
5,Health and wealth
迄今為止作為主題健康和財富是擔心和不同的人們有關於這個的不同的意見。 一些堅持健康在我們的生活中起到一個更加重要的作用,而其他人看見更多優勢起源於財富。
另一方面,一些人不同意那些人們在上面論及。 他們引證老的說的「健康在財富之上」證明他們的想法。 一個強健的人幾乎能做任何事物,只要他努力嘗試。
So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life, while others see more advantages arising from wealth.
To the people who think wealth is important believe that having a lot of money can help them to do everything they want to do.And with a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on.
On the other hand, some people don』t agree with those people mentioned above. They quote the old saying 「Health is above wealth」 to prove their idea. A strong person can do almost anything as long as he tries hard.
In my opinion if we want become wealthy the first we must keep health .if we doesn't have a good body even we get lot of money ,we have never to use it 。 health is much more important than wealth.
③ 你是怎麼看待互聯網的請論述你的觀點.寫一篇英語作文,詞數不少於80。
弊端。最明顯的是許多學生沉迷於網路游戲。聊天中,荒廢學業,浪費時間。一旦上癮,後果不堪設想。更嚴重的是,有少部分學生因為上網而走上犯罪道路,最後,遺恨終生。可以這樣形容:學生們的自製力有限,網路的吸引力無限。 自己在某個網路游戲里是游戲高手或者在某個網路論壇上有著出色的角色如版主,高級會員,明星會員等,自己的成功感慢慢地轉移到這虛幻角色上,只想讓自己沉迷下去。會感覺那裡的虛幻上才是自己展示才華的地方,會自我感覺這里就是一切的錯感。
在那個虛幻的角色上,他可以扮演著善良,邪惡,天真可愛,甚至是無恥。但最害怕的就是在那虛偽的網路上,他可以進入他想進的角色中,或者平時在現實中無法做到的角色。但時間一長,他就會淡化去現實與虛偽中的角色,當再回到現實中時有可能會把那些只能存在網路上的東西與習慣帶回了現實中。而現實中的奮斗或者以前定下目標慢慢地失去了勇氣。 你是讓寫英語作文的 如果是請回復
④ {電腦的危害}英語作文
The advantages and disadvantages of young people play computer games
First of all, play computer games, takes time, if too much time to play computer games of words, then, we used to study the time will begreatly reced, unless it is not learning will see the genius, we are ordinary people, the achievement is not drop it!
Secondly, play computer games, especially for a long time to play, very bad for our eyesight and health, when you inlge in computer games bring you happiness, your vision isimperceptibly decline day by day, so when you finally wake up, it was too late! May also take you had a healthy body.
Once again, play computer games, especially a waste of money, as our students, pocket money depends which, to our parents imagine,whose parents would willingly give money to enable us to play online games? So, in order to be able to enter Internet cafes to play computer games, we will rack one's brains for ingenious devices to our parents for, or put all sorts of things together, rack one's brains toget money, where's the mind to learn, some students even go to the crime of no return, this is how bitter?
⑤ 鑻辮浣滄枃錛堜袱鐧句釜鍗曟″乏鍙籌級
The first composition:絎涓綃囦綔鏂
How do you think the computer and the internet have changed the world?浣犳庝箞鑰冭檻鐢佃剳鍜岀綉緇滃規敼鍙樹笘鐣屾墍浣滅殑璐$尞錛
I think the computer and internet have changed the world.鎴戞兂鐢佃剳鍜岀綉緇滃綋鐒舵鏃犵枒闂鐨勬敼鍙樹簡涓栫晫銆俉hen you do your business went to some place,you should check for the internet褰撲綘鍋氱敓鎰忔兂瑕佸幓涓浜涘湴鏂癸紝浣犲簲璇ラ兘浼氬幓鏌ョ綉絝欐煡鎵懼湴鍧鍚с.When you go to some place you need to have a check.When you want to see a movie you also need to have a check the internet and got the right information.褰撲綘鎯寵佺湅涓閮ㄧ數褰變綘涔熶細闇瑕佹煡涓涓嬬綉絝欑劧鍚庡緱鍒扮浉鍏蟲g『鐨勪俊鎮銆侫nd have a chat when you want to talk with your friends,you also need to use the computer and internet.榪樻湁褰撲綘鎯寵佸拰鏈嬪弸浠緗戜笂闂茶亰鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浣犱篃闇瑕佺敤浣犵殑鐢佃剳鍜岀綉緇溿俉hen you did a design,you should keep and collect the more information from the internet.Computer and internet ,The jobs and Gazes let ours change our mind.鍍忔槸鍋氳捐$殑鏃跺欙紝浣犻渶瑕佹敹闆嗕竴浜涗俊鎮鍦ㄧ綉涓婄殑鏃跺欙紝鐢佃剳鍜岀綉緇滈兘浼氭槸寰堝ソ鐨勫伐鍏楓備箶甯冩柉鍜屾瘮灝旂洊瀛愰兘鏄鏀瑰彉鎴戜滑鎬濈淮妯″紡鐨勫囨墠銆俆he are the great person,The computer was very excellent invent.浠栦滑鏄浼熷ぇ鐨勪紒涓氬訛紝鐢佃剳涔熸槸鐩稿綋鏉板嚭鐨勫彂鏄庛
Many people say women are still treated unfairly in many sectors.Do you agree?
Yes,women should staying in the home do the housework almost everyday,but some women are very smart,they are excellent,capable,independent.But they need give up their career and take care of the children and husband almost day.
How do you strike a balance beween play and work?
I worked for a foreign company.When I did my work,I can use QQ,have a chat,and I can use internet,and I can talk with the clients when I was very tired.I just have a break.At usually,I will read the bible at 10:00 clock,and have lunch.Somedays,I will use 10:00 send some email,at usually,the day before yesterday,I have already done my schele's work.At 10:00,I just send the email.In the afternoon,I just recite the English words about one hour.And suff the internet or write some English composition in internet.So almost day,I will use morning do my work.Played the afternoon.And I can have a good balance for my job.
⑥ 網路課程和傳統課程優缺點的英語作文
1Learning in the Internet and the tradictional learning are the most common method in our daily study and life.
2The two ways both have their advantage and disadvantage.
3Learning in the Internet has the advantage that it brings free time for students to study.
4Moreover,it can be watched repeatedly, which can deepen the impression.
5However,it also has the disadvantage that teacher cannot supervise the students' study.
6The tradictional learning supplyes the Internet's disadvantage, for it has a perfect supervise machism.
7But it doesn't mean the tradictional's has not shortcoming.
8It limit the students' freedom and let students' be passive.
⑦ 怎麼寫介紹一種產品的英語作文
Of course,it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.First,it has the google authorized GPS sofare,which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air.Second,the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G .This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos,listening to music,delivering pictures and so on
Make sure you look at procts carefully to see that they will be suitable for you. Is it tested on your version of Plone? Is there good documentation for the proct? Are there documented bugs? What's the track record of bug fixing? Is anyone still maintaining it? Tip: you can check the Plone collective at //dev.plone/collective/browser to see when many procts were last updated. Is it remended by anyone? (You can always ask on the #plone Irc Channel) Does it uninstall cleanly? Or does it leave bits of itself behind (that can mess other stuff up later).
My Pencilcase·I have a pink pencilcase,it is not big but beautiful.·There is a picture of white cat on the pencilcase.The cat is very lovely.·Open the pencilcase,you can see a lot of pens,pencils,rulers and rubbers in it.·I really like the pencilcase,it is very beautiful and useful!
Jan.20,2010Dear manager,we have great pleasure in introcing to you about our procts by this letter.This is to introce that how to sell our procts well.INSTANT-DICT is an e-dictionary made in China. It is the latest proct of Hongyun limited pany.with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it.During the market research,we found that many students need e-dictionary.The body of the INSTANT-DICT is made of light metal. With the technical development ,it is *** all in size and convenient to carry; besides, it is easy to operate. Of course,there is something important we should pay much attention.We can see many similar procts in this field,it must lead to fierce petition.However,the price of our proct has no pletely advantage to other panies(所有格,加在 s後面) procts.We want to you to revise the marketing strategy and give us some ideas. Thank you for the trouble you will have to take for.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely
產品介紹 英文怎麼說
產品介紹的英文是proct presentation。
詞彙分析短語1.Proct Application Presentation產品應用展示2.Proct Diagrammatic Presentation產品圖示3.Making a Proct Presentation產品簡報4.proct promotion and presentation產品推廣與介紹5.Starting a proct presentation推介產品例句1.The project gonna be a manufacturing site, with proct presentation, and shopping.該項目要去一個生產基地,與產品展示和購物。
2.Supports ID on their proct presentation by video editing, positing, music editing and positing.用視頻編輯剪輯和音樂編輯剪輯支持產品展示。
3.Our customer is absolutely satisfied with our proct presentation.我們的客戶對我們的產品演示非常滿意。
4.How to make your new proct or service different from other peer procts at a proct presentation?在產品展示會上如何使你的新產品或服務有別於其他同類產品?5.Who do you think should be invited for a proct presentation?你認為產品展示會應該邀請誰?
A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life.To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can bee strong-bodied.I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong. I shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer and do more for the country.
Samsung SGH-E898 specificationsSamsung SGH-E898 specifications* Neorko Type+ GSM Europe/Asia bound phone, supporting both frequencies and one for roaming in America (900/1800/1900 MHz)o Data+ Helpmmy popup infoGPRS/EDGE* Sizeo Dimensions+ Helpmmy popup info3.9 x 1.9 x 0.6 inches (99 x 49 x 14.6 mm)o Weight+ 2.7 oz (77 g)* Batteryo Type+ Li - Ion, 880 mAho Talk+ 3.8 hours (228 mins) of Talk timeo Standby+ 350 hours (15 days) of Stand-by time * Main Displayo Resolution+ 240 x 320 pixelso Type+ 262 144 colors, TFTo Touch Screen+ Yes with handwriting recognition* Camerao Resolution+ 1.3 megapixels Resolutiono Video+ Yes (352 x 288 pixels)o Features+ Digital zoom, Effect, Timer* Multimediao Video Playback+ 3GP, MP4 formats supported , Video playero Music Player+ MP3, AAC, M4A formats supported* Memoryo Memory Slot+ microSDo Built-in+ 50 MB* Connectivityo Inter+ WAP 2.0o USB+ Yeso Bluetooth+ 2.0, Stereo Bluetootho Connectors+ Proprietary* Other Featureso PhoneBook+ Caller groups supported, 1000 -names capacity, Multiple Numbers Per Contact, Picture ID, Ring IDo PIM+ Alarm, Calendar, Calculator, TO-DO, Stopwatch, World Clock, Converter, Memo pado Voice+ Recording, Speaker Phoneo Email+ IMAP/POP3/SMTP
Dear David Lee,As the Sales manager of Mertion International Co. , I would like to introce my pany's newly developed mobile phone to you.To begin with, please let me briefly introce the Mertion International Co.The Mertion International Co. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer *** art-phones, the puter sofare and personal puters. Its best-known hardware procts are the TU *** art-phone. And the Mertion International Co. is the world's second-largest information technology pany by revenue after Samsung Electronics, and the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia.Our newly developed mible phone is called X-phone. The X-phone is a sophisticated device that bine the revolutionary Multi-Touch interface with powerful features, such as email and instant-messaging capability and a full-featured web browser. With the advent of the X-phone SDK, these powerful features are extended to include significant developer opportunities. In addition to creating web content for use on X-phone OS–based devices, developers can use the iPhone SDK to create native applications people can store and use on their devices.As I strongly remend the X-phone to you. Please contact me by the e-mail: jijiwaiwai@gamil , if you have any further question toward the X-phone.Best wishes!Sincerely,Jim sanders寫得比較慢。
(一)標題 產品說明書的標題,一般是由產品名稱加上「說明書」三字構成,如《龍牡壯骨沖劑顆粒說明》、《VCD說明書》。
(二)正文 通常要求詳細介紹產品的有關知識,如產地、原料、功能、特點、原理、規格、使用方法、注意事項和維修保養等知識。
(有關設計說明書的寫作還可參閱本章第二節工科畢業設計報告的內容) (三)附文 這是附在正文後面的一些內容,如廠名、地址、電話、電掛、電傳、聯系人和生產日期等。
Introction of New Procts We think you will be interested in the new formula soap powder we have just introced to the market. Half dozen samples of both have been shipped to you by UPS. The proct are the result of years of research, and are likely to revolutionize all the chemical methods in use at present. A trial will convince you of their merits. And we send them to you for your test and critici *** .Enclosed is a of our latest catalog with price list. We hope that you'll take this opportunity to try it.譯文: 推銷新產品我相信您會對我們剛推出市場的新配方洗衣粉感興趣.半打樣品已經通過UPS快遞給您.此產品是我們多年來的研究成果,它將對傳統的化學方法產生重大改革. 我們把樣品寄給您測試,相信您會驚嘆它的優點.
產品介紹的英文是proct presentation。
詞彙分析短語1.Proct Application Presentation產品應用展示2.Proct Diagrammatic Presentation產品圖示3.Making a Proct Presentation產品簡報4.proct promotion and presentation產品推廣與介紹5.Starting a proct presentation推介產品例句1.The project gonna be a manufacturing site, with proct presentation, and shopping.該項目要去一個生產基地,與產品展示和購物。
2.Supports ID on their proct presentation by video editing, positing, music editing and positing.用視頻編輯剪輯和音樂編輯剪輯支持產品展示。
3.Our customer is absolutely satisfied with our proct presentation.我們的客戶對我們的產品演示非常滿意。
4.How to make your new proct or service different from other peer procts at a proct presentation?在產品展示會上如何使你的新產品或服務有別於其他同類產品?5.Who do you think should be invited for a proct presentation?你認為產品展示會應該邀請誰?...
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