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發布時間: 2025-02-20 01:23:12

『壹』 父母都期望孩子取得好成績 用英語翻譯一下

parents all expect their children to get good grades.

『貳』 父母往往對孩子期望太高的翻譯是:什麼意思


Parents tend to expect too much of their children

『叄』 英語翻譯:家長對孩子的期望值太高

Parents' expected value to child is too high

輔助:1. 別想逃脫對孩子的責任。
Don't try to squirm out of your responsibility for children.
2. 父親對孩子的過錯不加追究。
His father pass over the boy's foolish crime,
3. 母親循循善誘地言明理論反對孩子的錯誤想法。
The mother reasoned against the boy's wrong thoughts.
4. 有一個家長到學校來和老師爭辯孩子的考試成績。
One of the parents came to the school to expostulate with the teacher about his child's examination results.
5. 假如父母親對孩子的舉止教導無方,孩子則會肆意行事。
If parents don't teach their child how to behave himself, he will do anything at will.
6. 如果他認為應該或多少地相信教師對孩子的評論,那麼他就錯了。
He is wrong if he thinks a teacher's report on a child is to be taken more or less on trust.
7. 那孩子的病好了。
It's time that boy got himself sorted out.
8. 她對孩子太溺愛。
She always slobbers over her children.
9. 我們對孩子要耐心。
We must be patient with children.
10. 家長應該學會如何贊揚孩子們的好行為。
Parents should learn how to praise the children's good behavior.

『肆』 父母對孩子的我期待 翻譯 the expectation…

of parents for their children

『伍』 「父母把所有的希望都寄託在孩子身上」用英語怎麼說

"Parents put all their hopes on their children."

"Parents put all their hopes on their children."

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