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發布時間: 2025-02-18 23:25:24

⑴ 你能把棒球的的名字拼讀出來嗎用英文說

How do you spell "baseball"?
或者 How do you spell the letter "baseball"?更為准確些.

⑵ 練習打棒球用英文翻譯

Practice playing baseball·

⑶ 我不知道如何打好棒球翻譯

I don´t know how to play baseball well .

⑷ 我了解她,她能夠打棒球很好。用英語怎麼翻譯

I know her very well,and she is good at baseball.

⑸ baseball是什麼意思

baseball 這個詞源自英語,發音為英 [ˈbeɪsbɔ:l] 美 [ˈbesˌbɔl],在漢語中被翻譯為棒球,是一種體育運動。棒球運動在全球范圍內都有廣泛的愛好者,尤其是美國,棒球被視為國球,擁有龐大的球迷群體。棒球比賽通常由兩隊進行,每隊有九名球員在場上,比賽通過擊球和跑壘得分。擊球手嘗試用球棒擊打投球手投出的球,並盡可能多地跑過四個壘位。

除了作為一項體育運動,baseball 一詞還被用作網路俚語,指代排球、壘球等其他球類運動,甚至有時也用來形容某些行為或事物。例如,當某人用某種方式對他人或事物進行攻擊或破壞時,可能會被形容為用「棒球棒」進行攻擊,這與實際的棒球運動並無直接關聯,更多是一種比喻。

在英語中,baseball 的復數形式為 baseballs。這一詞的詞源比較有趣,它來源於「base」(基礎)和「ball」(球)兩個詞的結合,象徵著這項運動的基本元素。此外,baseball 還有一個相近的詞形——baseband,這個詞在技術領域中使用,指的是基帶,即信號處理的基礎部分。


⑹ 咱們打棒棒球英語句怎麼寫

Let's play baaaaaaseball.
正常說法是Let's play baseball 咱們打棒球

⑺ 怎樣玩棒球(方法和規則)用英語寫並寫翻譯謝謝,字數不限!

Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The goal is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or diamond. Players on one team (the batting team) take turns hitting against the pitcher of the other team (the fielding team), which tries to stop them from scoring runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the batting team can stop at any of the bases and later advance via a teammate's hit or other means. The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs. One turn at bat for each team constitutes an inning; nine innings make up a professional game. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.

Evolving from older bat-and-ball games, an early form of baseball was being played in England by the mid-eighteenth century. This game and the related rounders were brought by British and Irish immigrants to North America, where the modern version of baseball developed. By the late nineteenth century, baseball was widely recognized as the national sport of the United States. Baseball on the professional, amateur, and youth levels is now popular in North America, parts of Central and South America and the Caribbean, and parts of
. The game is sometimes referred to as hardball, in contrast to the derivative game of softball.

In North America, professional Major League Baseball (MLB) teams are divided into the National League (NL) and American League (AL). Each league has three divisions: East, West, and Central. Every year, the champion of Major League Baseball is determined by playoffs that culminate in the World Series. Four teams make the playoffs from each league: the three regular season division winners,
wild card team. Baseball is the leading team sport in both Japan and Cuba, and the top level of play is similarly split between two leagues: Japan's Central League and Pacific League; Cuba's West League and East League. In the National and Central leagues, the pitcher is required to bat, per the traditional rules. In the American, Pacific, and both Cuban leagues, there is a tenth player, a designated hitter, who bats for the pitcher. Each top-level team has a farm system of one or more minor league teams. These teams allow younger players to develop as they gain on-field experience against opponents with similar levels of skill.棒球球棒和球的運動,由兩隊各有九名隊員。我們的目標是通過與蝙蝠和感人的一系列安排在一九零平方英尺的角上的四基地打丟球得分,或鑽石。一隊的球員(棒球隊)輪流打在對方的投手(守備隊),試圖阻止他們的得分讓打者在任何的幾種方法。在棒球隊的一個球員可以停在任何後來的前進基地通過隊友的打擊或其他手段。在擊球和防守時的防守球隊記錄三出局的球隊開關。每隊一次蝙蝠又構成一局;九局構成了一個專業的游戲。游戲結束時,最負責球隊獲勝。從舊棒球球棒和球游戲,早期的形式是在英格蘭踢了第十八世紀中葉。這個游戲和相關的圓場棒球是由英國和愛爾蘭移民帶到美國北部,那裡的現代版的棒球了。第十九世紀後期,棒球被普遍認為是美國全國性的體育運動。棒球在專業,業余愛好者,和青年的水平是現在流行在美國北部,中部和南部的美國和加勒比海地區,以及東亞地區。游戲有時被稱為強硬,相反的壘球衍生游戲。在北美國,職業棒球大聯盟(MLB)小組分為國家聯盟(NL)和美國聯盟(Al)。每個聯盟有三個分支:東,西,和中央。每年,美國職業棒球大聯盟的冠軍的季後賽,最終在世界大賽中確定。四隊來自各個聯賽季後賽:常規賽三個分區冠軍,加上onewild卡隊。棒球在日本和古巴的領導團隊運動,和發揮最高水平的兩個聯賽同樣分裂:日本中央聯盟和太平洋聯盟;古巴西部聯盟東部聯盟。在國家和中央聯盟的投手,所需的蝙蝠,按傳統規則。在美國,太平洋,和古巴隊,有十分之一名球員,指定打擊,他們的投手蝙蝠。每個頂級球隊有一個或多個小聯盟球隊的農場系統。這些團隊讓年輕的球員成為他們獲得對領域的經驗,對類似的技能水平的對手。


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