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發布時間: 2025-02-18 21:23:46

1. 水的英語還有,牛奶的英語。

river; (江水; 河,江; 溪,巨流; 河床; 江河; )
a general term for rivers, lakes, seas(江水,河水,海水)
creamery;(奶油廠; 牛奶; 奶油公司; )

2. 河水用英語怎麼說


3. 江湖英語怎麼說

問題一:江湖的英語怎麼說? 英語是:Rivers and lakes。
river 英[?r?v?(r)] 美[?r?v?] n. 河,江; 溪,巨流;
[例句]The Chicago River flooded the city's underground tunnel system
and 英[?nd] 美[?nd, ?n,?nd]
conj. 而且; 和,與; 於是,然後; 因此;
[例句]When he returned, she and Simon had already gone
lake 英[le?k] 美[lek]
n. 湖; 深紅色顏料; 胭脂紅; [化] 色淀;
vt. 血球溶解; 使(血液)發生血球溶解;
[例句]They can go fishing in the lake

問題二:「江湖」英語怎麼譯? 北大、清華、復旦、中山四大名校最近在香港面試入圍考生,北大教授出了一個讓考生為難的題目:把「江湖」譯為英文。考生答以「
中國人的「江湖」,本指rivers andlakes
The lawlessworld
The lawless world
rivers and lakes
,賞個very good;如果是the lawless world

問題三:江湖的英語怎麼說? rivers and lakes
all corners of the country
To lose trace among rivers and lakes
morality and justice of rivers an雞 lakes

問題四:「江湖」這個詞用英語怎麼說啊? all corners of the country
江湖:bohemian / the underworld
The Jiānghú (江湖; Cantonese: gong woo) world is the milieu, environment, or sub-munity, often fictional, in which many Chinese classical wuxia stories are set. The term can be translated literally as rivers and lakes. Metaphorically, however, it refers not to a physical place or geographic location but to the wild and romanticized domain of secret societies, gangs, fighters, entertainers, prostitutes, assassins, thieves, actors, beggars, and wanderers that is roughly the Chinese equivalent to the English terms bohemian and the underworld. In many wuxia novels, the people who are not a part of the jianghu life may not even realize that the person sitting next to them in a tea house is a renowned assassin or that a normal seeming town is affiliated to a secret society behind the scenes.
The term originally started in Chinese literature in the more literal sens of rivers and lakes to denote an unsettled geographic area. In medieval China, outlaws often fled to the frontiers, returning only to prey upon the law-abiding world. The roots of jianghu wuxia (frontier heroes) go back at least as far as the 12th century novel Water Margin (水滸傳), in which a band of noble outlaws retreated to a swampy hideout and mounted sorties in an attempt to right the wrongs of the corrupt officials. Over time, especially in the wuxia novel tradition, th......>>

問題五:「江湖」英語怎麼譯? 如果「點心」可以用廣東話音譯Dim Sum,「氣功」就以普通話音譯Qi Gong,那「江湖」英文就可以系Gong Woo、Jiang Hu?
不可以,因為江湖一詞,縱是中國文化特色,確沒有對等的英文用字―― there is simply not an English equivalent ―― 但卻在不同情況有不同解釋,不能就用發音代替。江湖也者,要視乎講的是忠是奸,抑或不忠不奸
正面fraternity、brotherhood。像「江湖」義氣,是spirit of brotherhood。(當然,若講究性別平等,講sisterhood 都得。)
反面underworld即criminal world、gangland、mobsterland,統稱黑幫。「江湖」人物即a gangster、mobster。
Out there, you're not your own boss. 「在外頭,你不是自己的老闆。」即要聽令於人。
In this business, you can only follow the mob. 「在這行頭,你只能跟大隊。」這句就兼有「隨波逐流」之意。
也有人玩英文,說「江湖」不就是river lake嘛!卻是,這個亦未必技術上正確,因為一個講法是,「江」原指江西,「湖」是湖南,源頭是指古時兩省的佛家弟子互相參學交流。
回說 spirit of brotherhood,「兄弟精神」,有桃園結義、兄弟幫的意思,但這款西式義氣確也缺乏原裝「江湖」俠客的神髓。
講義氣,也曾考慮過camaraderie這個字,帶 radeship 「大家同志」的意思。但 camaraderie主要仍是指goodwill and light-hearted rapport among friends,指一班「談得來、拍膊頭老友記之間的融洽」尤其因為講明是light-hearted、輕松的,就顯然未去到彼此之間講義氣的層次。(上面句子中的 rapport,是法文,讀 ra - por,指融和親善、帶點心意相通。)
也許,純粹要義不容辭地「撐兄弟」,可以用口語一句 stick up for,即系 support「支持」
Stick up for your friends! It's a matter of honour! 撐兄弟姊妹!做義氣仔女!

問題六:「江湖」用英文怎麼說? all corners of the country
國家的各個角落,其實意思就是指代五湖四海 天下!

問題七:江湖 用英語怎麼說 5分 江湖,all corners of the country(我在大字典上查到的,可靠)另外,相關詞條有:江湖郎中mountebank
江湖醫生empiric 江湖藝人barnstormer

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