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發布時間: 2025-02-13 15:16:44

① 今天風很大,我發現很多風箏在天上飛。求英語翻譯

Today the wind is blowing strongly. I find many kites flying in the sky.

② 今天風很大 翻譯

1 可以,windy是形容詞,如果真要什麼詞來修飾的話,那可用冠詞,例如:It' a windy today.今天是有大風的一天。
2 昨天的風可真大啊 。what strong wind yesterday.或者是 what a windy yesterday.
how strong the windit was yesterday .或者是 how windy it was yesterday。

③ 英語翻譯,今天多雲,風很大很冷。

It's cloundy today, the wind is heavy and it's very cold outside.

呵呵 ,祝你學習進步開心快樂。

O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 請採納

④ 風很大 英文怎麼說


⑤ Windy翻譯成中文是什麼意思

翻譯:adj. 多風的;風大的;受大風吹的;誇誇其談的;空話連篇的;空洞無物的。


例句:It was windy and Jake felt cold. 風很大,傑克覺得很冷。


例句:It's considerably windier today than it was yesterday. 今天的風比昨天的風大得多。


例句:It has been one of the windiest marches for several years. 這是幾年來最多風的三月。





翻譯:adj. 吹風的;風大的

例句:It is snowy, and blowy, and gusty, and bitter cold! 這里在下雪,狂風呼嘯,而且非常寒冷!


讀音: ['ɡʌsti]

翻譯:adj. 刮風的;突發的

例句:I don't want to go out in this gusty day. 這樣的陣風天里我不想出門。

⑥ windy的翻譯是什麼意思

windy的翻譯是多風的,風大的; 當風的; 受大風吹的; 浮誇的,誇誇其談的,空話連篇的; 空洞無物的; 腸胃氣脹的; 害怕的,擔心的; 上風的,上風側的; (公路或河流)蜿蜒迂迴的。

9、It isn』t halfwindytoday!今天風很大!

10、At thewindywindow, the widow finds a blind snake winding在當風的窗口,寡婦發現有條瞎眼蛇在游動。

11、We can see numberless grains of sand in awindyday在風天,我們能看到無數沙粒。

12、A cold May and awindymakes a full barn and a findy五月寒涼又多風,糧食作物定豐收。

13、It is hard to manage such a small boat on awindyday在這樣的大風天氣要駕馭這只小船不容易。

14、It is hard to manage such a small boat on awindyday.在這樣的大風天氣要駕馭這只小船不容易。

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