A. 我了解她,她能夠打棒球很好。用英語怎麼翻譯
I know her very well,and she is good at baseball.
B. 體育運動用英語怎麼說
1.跳高 high jump
2.跳遠long jump
3棒球 baseball
4.籃球 basketball
5足球 soccer /football
6.排球 volleyball
7.網球 tennis
8.羽毛球 badminton
9.乒乓球 table tennis/ ping-pong
10.壘球 baseball
12.游泳 swimming
13.跳水 diving
14.沖浪 surfing
16.田徑 track and field
19.摔跤 wrestling
20.拳擊 boxing
21.射擊 shooting
22.高爾夫球 golf
23.體育館 gym
24.體操 gymnastics
25運動會sports meet
26.奧運會Olympic Games
27.世界盃World Cup
29.金牌gold metal
30.銀牌silver metal
31.銅牌bronze metal
34.舉重 weight lifting
C. baseball是什麼意思
baseball 這個詞源自英語,發音為英 [ˈbeɪsbɔ:l] 美 [ˈbesˌbɔl],在漢語中被翻譯為棒球,是一種體育運動。棒球運動在全球范圍內都有廣泛的愛好者,尤其是美國,棒球被視為國球,擁有龐大的球迷群體。棒球比賽通常由兩隊進行,每隊有九名球員在場上,比賽通過擊球和跑壘得分。擊球手嘗試用球棒擊打投球手投出的球,並盡可能多地跑過四個壘位。
除了作為一項體育運動,baseball 一詞還被用作網路俚語,指代排球、壘球等其他球類運動,甚至有時也用來形容某些行為或事物。例如,當某人用某種方式對他人或事物進行攻擊或破壞時,可能會被形容為用「棒球棒」進行攻擊,這與實際的棒球運動並無直接關聯,更多是一種比喻。
在英語中,baseball 的復數形式為 baseballs。這一詞的詞源比較有趣,它來源於「base」(基礎)和「ball」(球)兩個詞的結合,象徵著這項運動的基本元素。此外,baseball 還有一個相近的詞形——baseband,這個詞在技術領域中使用,指的是基帶,即信號處理的基礎部分。
D. 關於棒球的一段英語翻譯
Baseball is a kind of sports involves hitting the ball by a wooden bat, which is also a sport requires good teamwork and antagonism. Baseball is played worldwide with great impact, it is also known as "the unity of competition and intelligence". Baseball is very popular in Japan and America, which is regarded as the national sport of both nations. The participants for each team is restricted to at least 9 players. Moreover, baseball is similar to softball. Players are categorised into two camps —— the attacking camp and the defending camp. They play aganst each other by using bats and mitts in a fan-shaped area. In a baseball game, two teams take turns to play offensive side. When an attacker runs back to their home base successfully, the offensive team score 1 point. The team which scores the highest in total 9 rounds will be the winning team.
E. 他上個周末打棒球打得非常盡興。翻譯【have fun doing。。】
he had fun playing baseball last weekend.