『壹』 How to keep safe50字英語作文
As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions.
First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line.
Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe.
Also, we ought to eat healthily and safely. Eating food that goes bad will do harm to our health.
Last but not least, summer is coming, and we must remember it』s dangerous to swim in the river.
In short, safety must come first!
『貳』 How to keep safe on the streets鑻辮浣滄枃鎬庝箞鍐
浠ヤ笅鏄涓夌瘒浠ャ奌ow to keep safe on the streets銆嬩負棰樼殑鑻辮浣滄枃錛屼緵澶у跺弬鑰冦
Keeping safe on the streets is essential to avoid dangerous situations and protect yourself. Here are some tips to help you stay safe: Firstly, plan your route in advance and avoid walking alone in poorly lit areas or known high-crime spots. Secondly, pay attention to your surroundings and trust your instincts if something seems off. Thirdly, keep your valuables out of sight and avoid carrying large amounts of cash with you. Fourthly, let someone know where you're going and when you plan to return. Finally, consider carrying a personal alarm or taking self-defense classes to protect yourself in emergency situations. Taking these precautions can help you rece the risk of harm and feel more confident while navigating city streets.
1. Valuables (鍚嶈瘝) - 璐甸噸鐗╁搧錛屾寚鏈夊緢楂樹環鍊兼垨涓浜洪噸瑕佹х殑鐗╁搧錛屽傞挶鍖呫佹墜鏈恆佺彔瀹濈瓑銆
2. Instincts (鍚嶈瘝) - 鏈鑳姐佺洿瑙夛紝鎸囨牴鎹緇忛獙鍜屽唴鍦ㄦ劅瑙夊仛鍑虹殑鑷鐒跺弽搴斻
3. Precautions (鍚嶈瘝) - 棰勯槻鎺鏂姐侀勯槻鏂規硶錛屾寚涓轟簡閬垮厤鍗遍櫓鎴栧噺灝戦庨櫓鑰岄噰鍙栫殑鎺鏂姐
4. Emergency situations (鍚嶈瘝) - 緔фユ儏鍐點佺獊鍙戜簨浠訛紝鎸囬渶瑕佺揣鎬ュ簲瀵瑰拰瑙e喅鐨勬剰澶栦簨浠躲
Walking on the streets can be dangerous, but there are steps you can take to stay safe. Firstly, plan your route in advance and avoid walking alone in poorly lit areas or known high-crime spots. Secondly, stay alert to your surroundings and trust your instincts if something seems wrong. Thirdly, keep valuable items out of sight and try not to carry large amounts of cash. Fourthly, let someone know where you're going and when you plan to return. Finally, consider carrying a personal alarm or taking self-defense classes to protect yourself in emergency situations. By following these tips, you can rece the risk of harm and feel more confident while walking on city streets.
1. Instincts (鍚嶈瘝) - 鏈鑳姐佺洿瑙夛紝鎸囨牴鎹緇忛獙鍜屽唴鍦ㄦ劅瑙夊仛鍑虹殑鑷鐒跺弽搴斻
2. Precautions (鍚嶈瘝) - 棰勯槻鎺鏂姐侀勯槻鏂規硶錛屾寚涓轟簡閬垮厤鍗遍櫓鎴栧噺灝戦庨櫓鑰岄噰鍙栫殑鎺鏂姐
3. Emergency situations (鍚嶈瘝) - 緔фユ儏鍐點佺獊鍙戜簨浠訛紝鎸囬渶瑕佺揣鎬ュ簲瀵瑰拰瑙e喅鐨勬剰澶栦簨浠躲
Walking on the streets requires attention to ensure safety. Firstly, be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone in deserted or poorly-lit areas. Secondly, keep valuable items out of sight and carry only what is necessary. Thirdly, pay attention to traffic and cross the street at designated crossings. Fourthly, stay alert to people around you and trust your instincts if something seems suspicious. Finally, let someone know where you are going and when you plan to return. By following these tips, you can rece the risk of danger and feel more confident while walking on city streets.
1. Instincts (鍚嶈瘝) - 鏈鑳姐佺洿瑙夛紝鎸囨牴鎹緇忛獙鍜屽唴鍦ㄦ劅瑙夊仛鍑虹殑鑷鐒跺弽搴斻
2. Designated crossings (褰㈠硅瘝+鍚嶈瘝) - 鎸囧畾鐨勮繃琛楀湴鐐癸紝閫氬父涓轟漢琛屾í閬撴垨鏂戦┈綰跨瓑銆