A. 描寫大明湖的英語作文
我的家鄉在濟南,那裡名勝古跡眾多,是個令人神往的地方,大明湖就是其中之一。My hometown is in jinan, there are lots of places of historic interests, were a fascinating place, daming lake is one of them. 湖堤邊種著一棵棵垂柳,就象少女的長發隨風舞動,湖水清澈見底,在陽光的照耀下,湖面金光閃閃,微風吹來,大明湖波光粼粼。The lake BianZhong the yews, like appered girl with long hair, the lake clear, dancing in the sun beamed below, the lake glittering, breeze, daming lake mirrorring. 幾十條遊船在湖面上慢慢的行駛,身後是一圈一圈盪漾開來的波紋。湖裡的荷葉象一個個大圓盤,荷花從大圓盤之間冒出來,有的才展開兩三片花瓣兒,有的花瓣兒全展開了,露出了嫩黃色的小蓮蓬。有的還是花骨朵兒,看起來脹飽的馬上就要破裂似的。Dozens of tourist boats on the lake slowly driving, after death is a circle a circle of ripples spread ripple. The lake of lotus leaf like a large disk, the lotus from large disk between come out, and some to launch LiangSanPian HuaBanEr, some HuaBanEr fully opened, revealing the tender small I. Some or flowers bud, look bilge full of broken soon edifice. 湖的中間有個亭子,叫「歷下」亭,掩映在柳樹和湖水中。The lake is among a pavilion, called "just" pavilion, set in willows water of the lake. 湖的北岸長有許多花草樹木,花開了,草不甘寂寞的從土裡鑽出來,樹木抽出了新的枝條。The north shore of lake long has many trees and flowers to blossoms, grass unwilling lonely from the earth drill out, trees drew new branches. 湖的西邊是游樂場,那裡的娛樂品一應俱全,摩天輪,碰碰車,旋轉木馬…….是小朋友們盡情娛樂的天堂。The west lake is playground, where the amusements, replete with ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper car... J is the children enjoy entertainment paradise. 如果說濟南是一塊翡翠的話,那麼大明湖就是嵌在翡翠上的一顆明珠。If the jinan is halcyon, then the daming lake is embedded in the jadeite a bright phearl on.
B. 如果我是一名警察,有遊客問如何去大明湖的一篇英語作文,跪求啊...
題目:Help People
正文: I『m a policeman.I love my job so much.Yesterday,I helped a visitor who wants to go to the Daming Lake,I feel so good.
I was working on the road,a beatiful girl came and asked me how to go to the Daming Lake.It's hard for visitors to find,so I draw the way to get there and said:"You have to go straight,then turn
left when you meet the first cross.Go along the street,you find a supermarket.There has a little hutong next to the supermarket.Across the hutong,you will see the Daming lake.I hope it can help you."
Even though I help other all the time,I still feel warm when I heard other say thanks to me.Because this,I』ll keep helping others whenever I am.
C. 求一篇旅遊的英語作文,80個單詞左右,主要地點是大明湖
熊孩子 自己寫 要不聯系你老師啦
D. 假設你是李華,你是美國網友tom今年暑假想來山東旅遊,描述山東三大名勝英語作文
大明湖:位於濟南市區偏北,面積幾乎佔了舊城的四分之一,其中水面積46.5公頃,內有一閣(北極閣)、二園(遐園、秋柳園)、四祠(稼軒祠、鐵公祠、南豐祠、匯泉祠)、十亭(玉涵亭、鴛鴦亭、小滄浪亭、八角亭、九曲亭、望湖亭、浩旅顫然亭、湖心亭、歷下亭和月下亭)。 趵突泉:是濟南72名泉的第一泉,泉池呈方形,銀絕約有一畝左右,泉的四周圍有石欄,池內有三股噴涌,一字排開,湧泉躍出水面約30厘米高;在泉畔有觀瀾亭、來鶴橋和濼源堂等古建築。 千佛山古稱歷山,亦名舜耕山。相傳上古虞舜帝為民時,曾躬耕於歷山之下,因稱舜耕山。據史載:隋朝年間,山東佛教盛行,虔誠的教徒依山沿壁鐫刻了為數較多的石佛,建千佛寺而得名千佛山。 沿盤道西路登山,途中有一唐槐亭,亭旁古槐一株,相傳唐朝名將秦瓊曾拴馬於此。半山腰有一彩繪牌坊,即「齊煙九點」坊。登上一覽亭,憑欄北望,近看大明湖如鏡,遠看黃河如帶,全城景色一覽無餘。拆搏敗
Daming lake: located in jinan city, area north of old accounted for almost a quarter, including water area, there is a cabinet 46.5 hectares (arctic ge), two garden (distant garden, autumn LiuYuan), four ancestral shrine, iron male (jiaxun recoverying the shrine, shrine, huiquan temple), 10 pavilion (yu han pavilion, yuanyang pavilion, small surging wave pavilion, serpentine pavilion, BaJiaoTing, kiosks, the WangHuTing, integrity, and next month pavilion eave inscribed by). MingQuan baotu spring - : is the first organizers jinan 72, shows square, pools about a acres around the ring, springs in boulder fence, pool there three strands, survivors, yongquan spewing out in the water about 30 centimeters tall; Situated in the spring kiosks, to have used guanlan LuoYuan crane bridge and hall of ancient buildings. 280m above sea level, and the name armorica calendar mountain plow mountain,. When ShunDi ancient people passed, was censured GongGeng in calendar, because says shun mountain no-till under mountain. According to history carries: sui years, shandong predominantly buddhist, religious ShanYan wall engraved in accordance with a more vivid, built thousands of buddhist temple ofits 280m above sea level. Along the way, PanDao mountain road, beside a traditional alleyways TangHuaiTing, pavilions, said to a plant in tang dynasty QinQiongCeng tied after the horse. Half have a coloured drawing or pattern, namely "qi smoke erzhong nine" fang. Boarded the list at the pavilion, pinglan north nearly see daming lake as a mirror, HuangHeRu far see panoramic views of the city with, without rest.
The weekend with my family and I went to the Jinan Daming lake.
We take a motor car to JiNan East Railway Station, take taxi to Daming Lake park.
We are a family of 8:00 from the home, car cost 150 minutes, take a taxi for half an hour, near noon we arrived at the Daming Lake park.
Today the weather is not very good, accompanied by rain, the ground is wet.
Because of the rain today, the Daming Lake Lotus competing bucket Yan, visitors to take pictures.
Play tired, we in the lake for a tea, Jinan tea procts, thinking about the experience of a day, laughed.
F. 英語作文 大明湖(5、6句即可)
Daming lake, located in the northeast, north of old town of jinan city center, composed of numerous springs jinan bus, 58 acres, the lake park covers an area of 103.4 hectares, the average depth of 2 meters, the deep 4.5 meters, is a busy city in a rare natural lakes, jinan one of three major scenic spots (" princess huanzhu "in xia yuhe met the emperor), and springs important scenic spot, open the window and the world-famous tourist destination, known as" the pearl of the springs "of reputation.
G. 大明湖英語作文怎麼寫
第一段-介紹下大明湖和大明湖的三個特點比如蓮花,老簡棚年人聚集地,和濟南名勝畢汪 第二段-第四段-細節的解釋你這三個點 第五段攔數則-結尾
H. 介紹大明湖的英語作文!
作業獨立完成, 堅決不抄襲別人的,哪怕做不玩也不要抄襲
I. 英語作文 周末,天氣很晴朗,我和同學一起來到大明湖公園郊遊,同學們玩的很開心。
It was a sunny and beautiful weekend.My classmates an I went hiking in the Daming Lake Park,which made us very happy.Some people was singing while other people were dancing. Some of our classmates were drawing pictures and taking photos.Besides them,there were a group of boys playing soccer and a pack of girls playing games .Everyone looked very satisfied and pleased.