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發布時間: 2025-01-11 18:42:59

⑴ 璇磋嫳璇鎬庝箞璇

1銆1inEnglish璇磋嫳璇2浣跨敤鏌愮嶈璦錛岃佺敤in錛屼笉鑳戒腑鏂囧紡鍦扮炕璇戞垚sayEnglish 甯屾湜甯鍒頒綘銆
2銆乻ay speak talk tell 閮芥湁琛ㄧず 璇 鐨勬剰鎬濓紝鍦ㄤ笉鍚岀殑鍙ュ瀷涓鐢ㄤ笉鍚岀殑璇 speak 寮鴻皟鍗曟柟鐨勮磋詫紝鍚庨潰甯稿姞涓嶅強鐗╁姩璇嶏紝鍙琛ㄧず瀵規煇浜鴻存煇浜嬶紝涓鑸鍚庡煁璁╅潰璺熻縐 渚嬪 speak English 璇磋嫳璇 speak Chinese 璇存眽璇 talk寮鴻皟銆
3銆1璇磋嫳璇鐨勮嫳璇璼peak English2He doesnt speak English3浠栦笉浼氳茶嫳璇4Though born to some other language錛 they speak English5浠栦滑鉶界劧鍑虹敓鍦ㄥ埆鐨勮縐嶅浗瀹訛紝鍗撮兘璇磋嫳璇6She will soon learn to銆

4銆佷竴speak1璇婚煶鑻 spi#720k錛岀編 spi#720k2鎰忔漹 璁茶磋瘽婕旇村彂璦 3渚嬪彞Does anyone speak English here榪欏効鏈変漢浼氳磋嫳璇鍚椾簩English1璇婚煶鑻 #39#618#331傘l#銆
5銆1in English璇磋嫳璇2浣跨敤鏌愮嶈璦錛岃佺敤in 錛屼笉鑳戒腑鏂囧紡鍦扮炕璇戞垚say English 甯屾湜甯鍒頒綘銆
6銆1speak錛屼綔涓嶅強鐗╁姩璇嶏紝閫氬父鎸囪磋瘽鐨勮兘鍔涘拰鏂瑰紡錛屼篃鏈夆滄紨璁詫紝鍙戣█鈥濅箣鎰忎綔鍙婄墿鍔ㄨ瘝鏃訛紝鍏跺悗瀹捐澶氭槸琛ㄧず璇璦鐨勫悕璇峴peak to甯歌〃紺衡滃悓璇磋瘽鈥滵o you speak English浣犱細璇磋嫳璇鍚桽he is speaking to the s銆
7銆佽 speak+璇璦錛岃茶璦鐨勬剰鎬濆湪姝e紡鍦哄悎鐨勮茶瘽tell Sb to do Sth鍛婅瘔鏌愪漢鍘誨仛鏌愪簨tell a story璁叉晠浜媡alk with to涓庢煇浜轟氦璋坰ay鍚庡姞鎵璇寸殑鍐呭箂ay in+璇璦錛岃茶璦鐨勬剰鎬濄
8銆乻ay鏄鏅閫氱殑璇寸殑鎰忔 speak鏄璇存煇縐嶈璦鐨勬剰鎬 tell鏄鍛婅瘔鐨勬剰鎬 talk涔熸槸璇寸殑鎰忔濓紝鍙浠ユ槸鎸囦漢浠涔嬮棿鑱婂ぉ 鍙﹀栵紝blame鏄璐e囩殑鎰忔濓紝鍦ㄤ腑鏂囦腑涔熸湁鈥滆磋矗澶団濈殑鎰忔濄
9銆乻peak鍙鏄琛ㄧず鈥滆粹濃滆磋瘽鈥濓紝鎴栧彂鍑鴻瘽璇鐨勫0闊籌紝鑰屼笉綆″唴瀹規槸浠涔堝係he is speaking to the assistantYou speak Englishsay涓嶄粎琛ㄦ槑鈥滆粹濓紝鑰屼笖鏄鏈夊唴瀹圭殑錛屽湪鐩存帴寮曡鎴栭棿鎺ュ紩璇鍓嶅悗錛岄氬父閮界敤say銆
10銆乻peak 璇翠竴鑸鍚庨潰鍔犺璦錛屼緥濡俿peak Englishtell 鍛婅瘔tell sb notto do sth say璇磋磋瘽鐨勮存煇浜鴻粹溾濆氨鐢ㄨ繖涓 talk 浜よ皥涓鑸鎸囦袱浜鴻獕娑插簡鎴栦袱浜轟互涓婁氦璋堛
11銆佹偍濂斤紝琛ㄨ揪鈥滆磋嫳鏂団濇湁浠ヤ笅琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡1錛屽綋鎰忔濅負鈥滄垜浠鏉ヨ磋嫳璇鍚р濆垯涓 Let#39s speak English錛2錛屽綋鎰忔濅負鈥滀粬浠鏄璇磋嫳鏂囩殑浜衡濆垯涓 They speak English3錛屽綋鎰忔濅負鈥滅敤鑻辮璇磋瘽鈥濈殑鏃跺簡鎻″欏垯涓 speak in English銆
12銆佽磋繃鍘誨紡said said 鑻辨枃鍙戦煶sed涓鏂囬噴涔塿璇磋插憡璇夊康鏈楄佃儗璇佃〃杈撅紝琛ㄨ堪瑙佽Вsay鐨勮繃鍘誨垎璇嶅拰榪囧幓寮 渚嬪彞Alice corroborated what Blair had said鑹句附鏂璇佸疄浜嗗竷鑾卞皵鎵璇寸殑said鐨勫師鍨嬭瘝奼囪В鏋恠銆

13銆丆an you speak English錛熶綘浼氳磋嫳璇鍚楄瘝奼囪В鏋1can 鑻辨枃鍙戦煶k#230n 錛 k#601n涓鏂囬噴涔塵odal琛ㄧず鏈夎兘鍔涘仛鎴栬兘澶熷彂鐢熻兘錛屼細琛ㄧず鐭ラ亾濡備綍鍋氭噦寰 渚嬪彞People who can#39t afford to go to the銆
14銆乹uot璇村惂鈥濈殑鑻辮琛ㄨ揪鍙浠ユ槸 Go aheadLet#39s beginPlease絳変綔緗戠珯鍩熷悕鍙鐢 Chatbar錛屽彇鈥滆亰澶╁惂鈥濅箣鎰忎腑鏂囩殑鈥滆村惂鈥濆彲鑳藉凡琚娉ㄥ唽娣卞湷璇村惂縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏鍙稿畬鍏ㄥ厤璐圭殑緗戠粶鐢佃瘽宸茬粡鍦ㄧ敤榪欎釜鍚嶇О銆
15銆佸簲緲昏瘧涓轟粬浠涔堟椂鍊欒翠粬鍒拌揪浜嗚濺絝 鍥犱負濡傛灉鎶婂畠鍙樹負闄堣堪鍙ワ紝鍒欎負He said he arrived at the station at 鍔犳椂闂淬
16銆佲滆磋嫳璇鐨勨 鏄鍚嶈瘝鎬 鈥滅殑鈥 瀛楃粨鏋勶紝鍏跺疄鏄 鈥滆磋嫳璇鐨勪漢鈥 鐨勭渷鐣ワ紝鎵浠ュ彲浠ョ炕璇戜負 a person speaking English 鎴 a person who speaks English銆
17銆佸俿ay hello speak 鍚庨潰蹇呴』鍔犱竴縐嶈璦 濡俿peak English talk 鎰忎負鈥滆皥璁衡 涓鑸鍙ュ瀷talk with sbtell 鎰忎負鈥滃憡璇夆 涓鑸鍙ュ瀷tell sthto sbtell sb sth閮芥槸鍔ㄨ瘝 鎴戝紑瀛﹀垵浜岋紝鑻辮鑰佸笀璇寸殑銆
18銆乻peak English 渚嬪彞 How many people speak English錛熸湁澶氬皯浜鴻磋嫳璇璂oes he speak English in class錛熶粬鍦ㄨ懼爞涓婅磋嫳璇鍚桪on#39t you speak English at all錛熸墍鏈夌殑鑻辮浣犻兘涓嶄細璇村笇鏈涙垜鐨勫洖絳 瀵逛綘鏈夋墍甯鍔 濡傛湁銆

⑵ 把「我說完了」翻譯成英語

I'm done talking。這個是個固定說法。

⑶ "說了等於沒說"的英語翻譯

That』s not saying much. 這話等於沒說。 很高興為你解答,謝謝

⑷ 你說對了 的英語怎麼寫

最直接翻譯:What you said is right或者這么說,也可以的:You are right望五星採納~

⑸ 這個用英語怎麼翻譯

Is the Children's channel available on Hisense Tvs?

⑹ 17種表達「用英語怎麼說」的常用短語詳解


1. How do you say... in English?


How do you say 「你好」 in English?(What』s the English word for 「你好」?)

2. What is the English equivalent of...?


What is the English equivalent of 「魚目混珠」?(What is the English equivalent of "魚目混珠"?)

3. Can you give me the English for...?


Can you give me the English for 「簽證」?(What』s the English word for "簽證"?)

4. How would you say... in English?


How would you say 「我想要一份漢堡加薯條」 in English?(How would you say "我想要一份漢堡加薯條" in English?)

5. What are the English words for...?


What are the English words for 「愛不釋手」?(What are the English words for "愛不釋手"?)

6. What is the English term for...?


What is the English term for 「懸崖效應」?(What is the English term for "懸崖效應"?)

7. How do you translate... into English?


How do you translate 「我明天不去上班了」 into English?(How do you translate "我明天不去上班了" into English?)

8. What is the English rendition of...?


What is the English rendition of 「江南style」?(What is the English rendition of "江南style"?)

9. How is... expressed in English?


How is 「謝謝」 expressed in English when you are really grateful?(How is "謝謝" expressed in English when you are really grateful?)

10. What is the English phrase for...?


What is the English phrase for 「開始行動」 in the context of a meeting?(What is the English phrase for "開始行動" in the context of a meeting?)

11. What is the English for...?


What is the English for 「百年好合」?(What is the English for "百年好合"?)

12. What is the English spelling of...?


What is the English spelling of 「課程表」?(What is the English spelling of "課程表"?)

13. What is the English pronunciation of...?


What is the English pronunciation of 「water」?(What is the English pronunciation of "water"?)

14. How is...spoken in English?


How is 「f」 spoken in English?(How is "f" spoken in English?)

15. How is...written in English?


How is 「z」 written in English?(How is "z" written in English?)

16. How do you spell...in English?


How do you spell 「accommodation」 in English?(How do you spell "accommodation" in English?)

17. What is the English name for...?


What is the English name for 「國寶熊貓」?(What is the English name for "國寶熊貓"?)


⑺ 「說」用英語翻譯有幾種說法

1、說[shuō] say; speak; talk; theory


a. (說) speak; talk; say:

說得多做得少 talk much but do little;

b.(解釋) explain:

他說了又說, 我還是不懂。He explained and explained, but I still couldn't understand.

c.(責備; 批評) scold; criticize:

孩子做錯了事, 母親說了他一頓。The mother gave her child a scolding for his wrongdoing.

(2)言論; 主張

theory; teachings; doctrine:

著書立說 write books to expound a theory;

2、說[shuì] try to persuade

(說服別人聽從自己的意見) try to persuade:


go around urging rulers to adopt one's political views; peddle an idea; drum up support for a scheme or plan

⑻ 漢語中的『了』用英語怎麼說

i have already had my lunch.我已經吃過午飯了。

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