然而,經營小本生意絕非易事。在失去穩定的收入後,南希不得不削減日常開支。有時候她甚至沒有錢支付她所需要的種種 保險 的費用。有一次她連電話費也付不起,只得向她的父母親借錢。幸運的是,通過自己的努力,她已經度過了最困難的時期。她決心繼續追求她所嚮往的更加美好的生活。
A decade ago,Nancy did what so many Americans dream about.She quit an executive position and open/set up a household equipment store in her neighbourhood.People like Nancy made the decision primarily because of their desire to improve the quality of their lives.
But,to run a small business is by on means an easy job.Without her steady income,Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses.Sometimes she did not have the money to pay the premiums for various kinds of insurance she needed.Once she could not even pick up the phone bill and had to ask her parents to loan her some money.
Fortunately,through her own hard work,she had now got through the most difficult time.She is determined to continue pursing her vision of a better life.
Henson's painful life as a slave strengthened his determination to struggle for freedom.Shortly after he achieved freedom he became a member of an organization that assisted fugitive slaves.He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom.Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run.He disguised them and successfully avoided capture.In addition,later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves,setting up a chapel and a school where they could learn useful ways of making a living.He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished,all the slaves would be liberated,and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.
人們幾乎沒法將蓄意行竊的盜賊拒之門外。所能做的只是設法阻攔他片刻, 從而使其暴露在巡警( police patrol ) 面前。常識告訴我們, 光照是犯罪行為的障礙物。家門口必須安裝一盞燈,並在晚間開著。如果你碰巧是最晚一個回家,別只關門而不上鎖。如果你決定購買精密的電子報警系統,別忘了索要報警器的標志,並把它張貼在窗戶和門上。此外,你還可以將報警系統連接到警署。
It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is to discourage him for a few minutes, thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition, you may have it hooked up to a police station.
2005年最不尋常的事也許是聯合國宣布這一年為世界物理學年。這一年是愛因斯坦發表相對論100周年,也是他去世50周年。1905年,愛因斯坦發表了五篇科學史上非常重要的論文,從而使物理學發生了突破性進展。他的偉大成就可歸之於他令人驚嘆的 想像力 、不斷地質疑和對權威的漠視。毫無疑問,愛因斯坦是20世紀最偉大的科學家。
What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the United Nations declared it “The World Year of Physics”. It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievement can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century。
在 感恩節 的氣氛中,喬治並沒有跟朋友們一起慶祝節日,卻沉浸於閱讀他父親留給他的 日記 。他的父親在連續再次完成環球旅行後在海上去世。這份日記使他回憶起自己與父親一起度過的每一刻以及父親為他所做的許多具體事情。喬治的父親過去經常向他強調必須經歷各種艱難困苦去追求卓越(EXCELLENCE)。他還教導他世界上沒有理所當然的東西。即使今天,他依然記得父親如何引用“懂得感激是高尚者的標志”這句伊索(AESOP) 名言 來教導他要把懂得感激放在最重要的位置。
Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving,rather than joining his friends in celebration of the holiday,George was immersed in the diary left to him by his father,who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world.The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many of the specific things his father did on his behalf.George's father used to impress on him the needs to undergo all kinds of hardship in quest of excellence.He also taught him that nothing in the world could be taken for granted.Even today,George still remembers how his father would quote Aesop's famous saying "Gratitude is the sign of noble souls" and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it.
Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people.They may be in worn-out jeans all the year round,or walk in bare feet even in winter,or drink to excess,or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work.In fact,many of them act like this just to look the part,or to be "in tunes with" other artists.They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.
湯姆生來跛足,有一條腿不管用。他很小的時候起就懂得,除非他努力擺脫(RISE ABOVE)自身的局限,他是無力謀生的;而除非他能獨立謀生,他就不可能得到他人的尊敬。這是他要贏得做人的尊嚴必須付出的代價。
湯姆申請過許多工作,都遭到拒絕,最後他找到一份為必勝客(PIZZA HUT)送比薩餅的工作。後來他又到一個沒有人想去的推銷區做一家運動服裝(SPORTS WEAR)公司的銷售代表。現在,他在他的家鄉擁有一家頗為盈利的零售商店,還僱用了好幾個人為他工作,這些人都不拿薪水,只拿傭金。
Tom was born a cripple,with one of his lower limbs useless.Early in his childhood,he learned that unless he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations,he could not earn a living,and unless he succeeded in making a living on his own,he could not win/gain the respect of others.That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.
Tom applied for numerous jobs,only to be turned down,before he finally got one as a delivery boy for a Pizza Hut.He then worked as a sales representative for a sports wear company in a territory no one else would want.Today he owns a fairly profitable retail shop in his hometown,and hires several people to work for him on straight commission.
1997 年,蘇格蘭一組科學家的克隆實驗使多利羊得以誕生。自那時以來,有關克隆人的激烈爭論一直進行著。這一有爭議的問題的焦點聚集在此項技術的倫理與社會含義上:此項技術會對人類生育、撫養孩子以及人的個性等的真正意義帶來什麼影響。
Dolly the sheep resulted from a cloning experiment by a group of Scottish scientists in 1997. A fierce debate on human cloning has ever since been going on. This contentious issue has focused on ethical and social implications of the technology: what the technology might do to the very meaning of human reproction, child rearing, indiviality, et cetera.
The majority of scientists are adamantly opposed to reproctive cloning and support therapeutic cloning for treating diseases. The reason is that therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in human beings. Scientists believe that with policies and monitoring in place to ensure that therapeutic cloning is used safely, we can all benefit from this procere.
B. 怎樣才能把一段漢語翻譯成英語呢,急
C. 英語名著的經典段落帶翻譯
名著是人類 文化 的精華。閱讀名著,牽手大師,可以增長見識,啟迪智慧,提高語文能力和人文素養。下面是我帶來的英語名著的經典段落帶翻譯,歡迎閱讀!
Wuthering Heights——《呼嘯山莊》
You'll pass the churchyard, Mr Lockwood, on your way back to the Grange, and you'll see the three graverestones close to the moor. Catherine's, the middle one, is old now, and half buried in plants which have grown over it. On one side is Edgar Linton's, and on the other is Heathcliff's new one. If you stay there a moment, and watch the insects flying in the warm summer air, and listen to the soft wind breathing through the grass, you'll understand how quietly they rest, the sleepers in that quiet earth.
The Scarlet Letter——《紅字》
The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognised it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison. In accordance with this rule, it may safely be assumed that the forefathers of Boston had built the first prison-house somewhere in the vicinity of Cornhill, almost as seasonably as they marked out the first burial-ground, on Isaac Johnson's lot, and round about his grave, which subsequently became the nucleus of all the congregated sepulchres in the old churchyard of King's Chapel. Certain it is that, some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town, the wooden jail was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front. The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than any thing else in the New World. Like all that pertains to crime, it seemed never to have known a youthful era. Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-peru, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison. But, on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him.
A Tale of Two Cities——《雙城記》
They said of him that it was the most peaceful face ever seen there. What passed through Sydney Carton's mind as he walked those last steps to his death? Perhaps he saw into the future...
'I see Barsad, Defarge, the judges, all dying under this terrible machine. I see a beautiful city being built in this terrible place. I see that new people will live here, in real freedom. I see the lives for whom I give my life, happy and peaceful in that England which I shall never see again. I see Lucie when she is old, crying for me on this day every year, and I know that she and her husband remember me until their deaths. I see their son, who has my name, now a man. I see him become a famous lawyer and make my name famous by his work. I hear him tell his son my story.
It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far far better rest than I go to, than I have ever known.'
“我看到巴薩德、德法熱、法官們都在這個可怕的機器下面死去。我看見一個美麗的城市正在這片可怕的土地上建立起來。我看到新一代的人民將在真正的自由中生活。我看到我為之付出生命的人們,他們幸福安寧的生活在我再也見不到的英國。我看見路西年老的時候,每一年的這一天都會為我哭泣,我知道她和她的丈夫會一直到死都記著我。我看見他們的兒子,有著和我一樣的名字,現在長成了一個男人。我看見他成了一位著名的律師並通過他的工作而使我揚名四方。我聽見他給他的兒子講起我的 故事 。
Life is a chess-board The chess-board is the world: the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, just and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.
By Thomas Henry Huxley
D. 怎麼樣在百度上翻譯英文,文章
E. 英語翻譯段落大意就可以了,不要挨句翻譯
李磊家鄉是一個現代化的繁華小鎮。 有悠久的歷史。有很多超市,漂亮的公園和工廠。購物方便。有很多餐館。可以享受羊肉。吃起來非常鮮美。很多遊客都喜歡。有很多好地方供遊人參觀。又一個公園和大型購物中心。在人民劇院可以看電影。我的學校在長江路上。非常漂亮。希望你盡快來參觀。
F. 有什麼可以把中文翻譯成英文的軟體
5、天若 OCR
操作相當簡單,啟動軟體後,摁下 F4 鍵,框選要識別的文字,點擊翻就能輕松翻譯。翻譯速度快,復制方便。
G. 如何把一段話翻譯成英文
譯文: Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
譯文:Let us stretch out our arms to embrace the spring, which is one of the revolution, of the people, and of science.
譯文:Her book impressed us deeply.
譯文:The little girl was hurt on her way to school.
批註:這里,「受了傷」的主動語態轉換為"was hurt"的被動語態。
譯文:His speech is pretty thin.