『壹』 請問一些中文菜名怎麼翻譯成英文
無錫小籠包 Wuxi Buns Pack
雞湯餛飩 Chicken Wonton
西紅柿雞蛋蓋澆飯 Tomato egg not cut jobs
魚香肉絲蓋澆飯 Yuxiangrousi not cut jobs
宮爆雞丁蓋澆飯 Trick not cut jobs
揚州炒飯 Yangzhou fried rice.
鹹肉菜飯 Bacon observed
百葉排骨套餐 Louvres ribs packages
竹筍咸鴨套餐 Shoot a ck packages
肉圓燉蛋套餐 Meatballs Dundan packages
雲豆鳳爪套餐 Yundou Chicken Claw packages
排骨麵 Ribs face
爆魚面 Burglary noodle
牛肉麵 Beef Noodles
鱔絲面 Yu -
蝦仁面 Shrimps face
香菇面 Mushroom -
雪菜肉絲面 Rancher face Pickle
辣醬面 Sauce face
『貳』 常見的一些菜用英語怎麼說
魚香肉絲(by Joshua\'s request):pork shred with fishy taste
白斬雞:tender boiled chicken with soy sauce
芥末鴨掌:ck web with mustard sauce
沙鍋丸子:meat balls en casserole
滑溜裡脊:pork slices with gravy
軟炸裡脊:soft frittered pork fillet
粉蒸肉:sauteed pork with rice flour
黃燜雞塊:braised chicken
宮爆雞丁:diced chicken with chili pepper 或RuugPao
炒木須肉:sauteed pork shreds with eggs and black fungus
紅油肚絲:shredded tripe with chili sauce
糖醋裡脊:pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce
紅燒肘子:stewed pork tripe
蚝油牛肉:beef with oyster sauce
手抓羊肉:boiled mutton
『叄』 求助:英文翻譯 中餐品名
花式稀飯assorted porridge 香菇菜包 mushroom steamed buns 干炸春卷 fried spring roll
五香蛋 Spicy eggs 鹹菜pickles 湯面 with soup 燜肉daube 筍干肉絲shredded meat with dried bamboo shoots 蓋澆飯Rice with meat and assorted vegetables on top 紅燒雞腿braised drumstick 韭菜炒肉絲 fried shredded meat with chives 香辣粉皮 spicy bean starch sheets 蝦皮紫菜蛋湯 Egg drop soup with laver and dried small shrimps 白菜肉絲炒麵 fried noodle with shredded meat and cabbage 醬燒大排pork chop with sauces 蝦皮燉蛋Egg custard with dried small shrimps 蒜泥菠菜spinach with mashed garlic 皮蛋瘦肉粥Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg 肉包buns with meat 雞蛋餅egg pastry 咸鴨蛋salted ck egg肉末粉絲Silk noodles with minced meat 紅油鴨塊ck chips with Hot Chili Oil 酸豆角炒飯fry rice with green bean 白菜麵筋cabbage gluten