(1) 德育方面:使學生具有愛祖國、愛社會主義、愛中國共產黨的思想感情,初步樹立辯證唯物主義、歷史唯物主義的基本觀點,初步具有為人民服務的思想和集體主義觀點,具有良好的品德,以及一定的分辨是非和抵制不良影響的能力,養成文明禮貌、遵紀守法的行為習慣。
Based ecation training objectives
(a) the training objectives of basic ecation
Based ecation training goal in ecation target system belongs to the middle level, it is specifically stipulated ecation at all levels should reach to the specific requirements of the personnel training.
1. Primary school ecation training objectives
(1) moral ecation: to make students have a love of the motherland, love people, love Labour, love science, love socialism and the communist party of China's thoughts and feelings, preliminary with caring, concerned about the collective, honesty, thrift, does not fear the difficulty, such as good moral character, and the preliminary ability to distinguish, develop speaking civilization, polite, disciplined behavior.
(2) the intellectual ecation: to make students with reading, writing, expression, calculation of basic knowledge and basic skills, to master some nature, society and life common sense, culture observation, thinking, hands-on operation and self-study ability, and have a wide range of interests and hobbies, develop good study habits.
(3) sports: cultivate the habit of students to exercise the body and pay attention to health, have a healthy body.
(4) aesthetic aspects: cultivating students' interest, wanting a preliminary aesthetic ability.
(5) the labor technical ecation aspects: cultivating students' good habits of labor, will use some simple tools of labor, has the preliminary ability to care for life.
Primary school ecation training goal is according to the purpose of China's socialist ecation mission and early school age characteristics of students' physical and mental development. Primary school ecation is the foundation of basic ecation, therefore, at this stage for the students in the future a foundation "preliminary" comprehensive harmonious development, is an important characteristic of primary school ecation training goal.
2. Junior middle school ecation training objectives
(1) moral ecation aspect: make the students love the motherland and the socialist thoughts and feelings, love of the communist party of China, the preliminary set up the basic ideas of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the preliminary ideas of serving the people and collectivist point of view, has the good moral character, and must have the ability to distinguish and resist bad influence, form the behavior habit of civilized manners, law-abiding.
(2) the intellectual ecation: to master the necessary cultural science basic knowledge and basic skills, have certain ability of self-study, using knowledge analysis problem, problem-solving ability and hands-on ability, training students' practical and realistic scientific attitude and spirit of pursuit of new knowledge.
(3) sports: preliminary to master the basic knowledge of physical exercise and the correct method, get into the habit of hygiene, have a healthy body.
(4) aesthetic aspects: have a certain aesthetic ability, preliminary form healthy interests and hobbies.
(5) the labor technical ecation: master certain proctive labor of the basic knowledge and basic skills, understand the general knowledge of the work, has the right of labor opinion, labor attitude and good work habits.
Junior high school ecation is a continuation of the elementary ecation, and lay the foundation for ordinary high school, vocational high school and alt high school ecation. Junior high school ecation stage of the students in middle school (adolescent). Middle school from children to young and the transition period from the juvenile to the youth, is very important in the process of growth and development of a turning period, and hence for the students' all-round development, improving quality lay the most critical period. Primary school junior middle school ecation training objectives, to make students "preliminary" on the basis of fully development, in order to promote the harmonious development of their physical and mental health, lay a solid foundation. Junior high school ecation is the most important, but it is the weakest link. Therefore, ecation and society as a whole are very attention to the full realization of the goal a junior high school ecation.
3. The training objectives of high school ecation
High school ecation in compulsory ecation on the basis of further improve students' ideological and moral qualities, scientific and cultural quality, psychological quality, body and make students personality get healthy development, to cultivate socialist builders and successors to lay the good foundation. Its main target is as follows:
(1) moral ecation: to make students with socialist and communist ideals, love the socialist motherland and the socialist cause, love the communist party of China, is for the country prosperous and people rich and hard work dedication, set up the view of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, with socialism and communism moral quality, make the student have moral thinking and moral evaluation ability, has the ability of self ecation and habits, law-abiding, civilized manners habit.
(2) the intellectual ecation: to make students in junior high school ecation on the basis of further master the necessary cultural science basic knowledge and basic skills, in particular, play the basis of Chinese, mathematics, foreign language, to develop the students' interests and expertise, pursuit of new knowledge in training students with enthusiasm and the ability of self-learning and problem analysis, problem solving, seeking truth from facts, independent thinking, to make inventions of scientific spirit.
(3) sports: mastery of the basic knowledge and skills, physical exercise, to learn the method of scientific exercise, graally form the habit of exercise consciously, make the comprehensive development of students' physical quality has a healthy body and engaged in physical activity necessary for life, proction capacity, develop good health habits.
(4) aesthetic aspects: train students' correct aesthetic view, makes them have ability of feeling beauty, appreciating beauty and creating beauty.
(5) the labor technical ecation: to make students have labor opinion, labor habit and study the proction technology of interest, to master modern proction technology of some basic knowledge and basic skills, learn to use the general proction tools, master the organization of proction and management of proction preliminary knowledge and skills.
High school stage of ecation students in early adolescence, the development of students' physical and mental will achieve basic mature. In their cultural and scientific knowledge, life experience and the existing ideological and moral level, on the basis of preliminary formed a world outlook, the outlook on life and moral values. This stage is also students aspire to choosing a career, for to live, to separate times. Therefore, training target to reflect the above-mentioned characteristics.
Training goal guiding, normative, and certain "operational". The training objectives of each stage of primary and secondary schools listed above, embodies the ecation of primary and secondary schools in the different stages of cultivation of different basic requirement of the all-round development of people.
『貳』 體育競賽是如何分類的
在中國,體育的廣義含義與體育運動相同。它包括身體教育(即狹義的體育)、競技運動、身體鍛煉 3個方面。身體教育與德育、智育、美育相配合,成為整個教育的組成部分。它是有目的、有組織、有計劃地促進身體全面發展,增強體質,傳授鍛煉身體的知識和技能,培養高尚的道德品質和堅強的意志的一個教育過程;競技運動是指為了最大限度地發展和不斷提高個人、集體在體格、體能、心理及運動能力等方面的潛力,以取得優異運動成績而進行的科學的、系統的訓練和競賽;身體鍛煉是指以健身、醫療衛生、娛樂休息為目的的身體活動。這3個方面因目的不同而互相區別, 但又互相聯系。它們都是通過身體活動全面發展身體和增強體質,都有教育和教學的作用,也都有提高技術和競賽的因素。有關體育的幾個基本概念如下:
體育 本來英文是physical ecation,指的是以身體活動為手段的教育,直譯為身體的教育,簡稱體育。在古希臘,游戲、角力、體操等曾被列為教育內容。17~18世紀,在西方的教育中也加進了打獵、游泳、爬山、賽跑、跳躍等項活動,只是尚無統一的名稱。18世紀末,德國的J.C.F.古茨穆茨曾把這些活動分類綜合,統稱為「體操」。進入19世紀,一方面是德國形成了新的體操體系,並廣泛傳播於歐美各國;另一方面是相繼出現了多種新的運動項目,在學校也逐漸開展了超出原來體操范圍的更多的運動項目,建立起「體育是以身體活動為手段的教育」這一新概念。於是,在相當長的一段時間里,「體操」和「體育」兩個詞並存,相互混用,直到20世紀初才逐漸在世界范圍內統一稱為「體育」。
在中國,19世紀60年代以後,隨著近代體育的傳入而有了新的專用詞彙。先是19世紀末到20世紀初這段時間,在軍隊訓練中引進了國外的新式兵操。後來,在教育制度中納入了兵操的某些內容,當時稱之為"體操"。作為學校的一門課程則稱為「體操科」。在這期間,還陸續傳入了田徑、球類等各項運動,於是「體育」(即英文中的physical ecation)一詞也被啟用。在一段時間里,中國也有一個「體操」與「體育」二詞並用的過程。1923年,當時政府新學制課程標准起草委員會公布的《中、小學課程綱要草案》中正式將學校"體操科"改為「體育課」。自此,「體育」一詞便逐漸代替了原來意義的「體操」。
近幾十年來,體育的實踐有了很大的發展,出現了身體教育、競技運動和身體鍛煉 3個互相區別而又互相聯系的內容,並逐漸發展成為一個與教育和文化相並列的新的體系。到50年代,各國學者越來越感到"體育"(即身體教育,physical ecation)這個反映教育范疇的專用詞,已不能概括新發展起來的這個學術領域的全部內容,需要創立一個新名詞。1953年,有40多個國家在美國舉行了第1次國際體育會議,曾討論過這個問題。以後,美國、德意志聯邦共和國、加拿大、蘇聯、日本等國都曾展開過討論。1963年成立了「統一體育術語國際研究會",第1屆大會就是以討論體育基本概念為中心,後來還編輯出版了《體育術語小辭典》。不少國家都有了這方面的專用詞彙,如蘇聯網路全書中稱之為ризическая кулътура и спорт (直譯為「身體文化與運動」,習慣譯為「體育與運動」,簡稱「體育運動」),解釋為「社會總文化的一部分,是為增進健康,發展人的身體能力,並為適應社會實踐需要而利用這些能力的一個社會活動領域"。美國網路全書用的是physical ecation and sport(體育與運動),釋文是:「泛指一切非生產性的體力活動,即從興趣出發,以競技為目的和以強健身體為目的的體力活動」。但在英文中還有兩個類似的詞,一個是美國網路全書中的athletic sports (直譯是「競技運動」,一般譯為「體育運動」),是當體育(身體教育)和運動兩個詞作為一個詞來用時所採用的專門詞彙, 其含義和這本書中的physical ecation and sport相同。另一個是國際體育名詞協會出版的《體育名詞術語》中的physical culture(直譯為"身體文化",一般譯作「體育」),解釋為「廣義文化的一個組成部分,它綜合各種身體活動來提高人的生物學潛力和精神潛力的范疇、規律、制度和物質條件」。在德意志聯邦共和國和德意志民主共和國,有與英文physical culture相對應的詞,稱為「K�rper kultur」,也有「身體文化與運動」這個詞,稱作"K�rper kultur und Sport"。但近年來又有人主張用"sport"作為總概念,其內容是指所有旨在游戲和取得好成績的,為增強身體和精神靈活性服務的,特別是身體活動領域里的人類活動形式的總稱。
在中國,當體育活動在社會上發展起來以後,「體育」一詞出現了廣義和狹義的兩種用法。用於狹義時是指身體教育;用於廣義時是「體育運動」的同義詞,是包括身體教育、競技運動和身體鍛煉 3方面內容的總稱。
運動 本來譯自英語的sport,源出於拉丁語Disport,本來的含義是「離開工作」,即通過一些輕松愉快的身體活動使人轉移對日常生活的艱難和壓力的注意力。在美國、蘇聯、英國、德意志聯邦共和國、日本等國的網路全書和辭典中,都還保留有這樣的解釋:sport 是游戲、娛樂活動。如美國《韋氏體育詞典》(1976年版)把 sport解釋為「一種娛樂或競賽活動,需要一定的體力或技巧,如用球、鐵餅或羽毛球等進行運動和計分」;德意志聯邦共和國《體育網路全書》(1973年版)稱 sport是「以游戲和提高運動成績為特點的、為增強身體和精神活動能力服務的人類活動的各種形式的總稱。這些活動一般都有自己的規則,可以進行自由比賽並有自己的組織形式」。但現在各國學者對 sport的含義的看法並不完全一致,如美國的布切爾認為 sport是與表現堅韌、頑強、靈巧的游戲競賽相關的用語。日本的加藤在其所著《體育概論》中,認為「競技運動是一般所說的以樂趣為目的,不求直接教育效果的活動」。日本的前川峰雄則認為「 sport是指以游戲和比賽這種形式出現的運動來說的」。由此可知,隨著體育運動的實際內容的發展,「 sport」一詞的含義已經因用於反映不同的內容而起了變化。在中國譯為「運動」時也有兩種不同的用法和解釋,一是泛指身體活動的過程;一是指體育的手段,其中包括各種游戲和專門的運動項目。
競技運動 是 sport一詞近年來逐漸形成的具有新的含義的一個概念。隨著體育實踐的發展, sport這個詞雖然還保留有游戲的因素,但是這些因素已經不是主要的了,而出現了一種強調 sport的競賽、競技含義的見解,如加拿大的蓋伊和基里翁認為「sport是根據規則進行的、以取勝為目的的競賽性和娛樂性體力活動」。國際體育名詞協會1974年出版的《體育名詞術語》中,把 sport的基本含義規定為「專門的競賽活動,在這一活動中,個人或集體為了充分發揮形態、機能和心理能力──具體表現為本人或對手的紀錄被超過──而緊張地從事各種身體活動」。現代的競技運動與游戲(play)、娛樂(recreation)、比賽(game)相比,它有以下一些突出的特徵:①必須充分調動和發揮人的體力和智力方面的能力,甚至是潛在的能力;②運動員只能在專門的國際機構公布的正式規則范圍內,充分發揮個人或集體的體力、技術和智力,有效地擊敗對手;③參加競技運動的人,往往是肩負著一個組織、團體或國家的委託,由於責任和義務的加強,而加重了精神上的壓力和負擔;④它的目的是追求功利,不再是個人娛樂和消除疲勞的活動,因而其活動本身以外的價值往往具有更大的意義;在這種情況下,運動員、教練員以及有關的組織管理人員,為了取勝而進行的艱苦的訓練和比賽活動,可能給他們的身心帶來過度的緊張。由此可見,競技運動這個詞逐漸失去了「 sport」本來的含義,已經歷史地演變成一個新的概念。中國把「 sport」譯作「競技運動」時也是這個新的含義。
體育運動 它的含義與廣義的體育相同。
關於體育的這幾個基本概念是有層次的和互相聯系的。體育科學作為一個獨立的體系,是近幾十年才發展起來的,並且正處於逐步完善的過程中。由於不同的國家體育的發展情況不同,對體育的要求和所採取的措施也不一樣,甚至區別很大。所以,在用詞上一時也難以求得統一,象「 sport」一詞可以多用,而一個總概念又可能是多詞一用的這種狀況,不僅在國際上存在,即便是在一個國家內也存在。中國也不例外。多數人習慣於把「 體育」一詞分為廣義和狹義兩種用法, 廣義的「體育」與「體育運動」是同義詞。但也有人主張總概念應稱為「體育運動」,「體育」仍為狹義體育的專用詞;有的認為廣義的「體育」既然與「體育運動」是同義詞,則狹義的「體育」就以採用「體育教育」一詞為好,以利區別和便於使用;也有人主張總概念就用直譯外來語「身體文化」,以利國際交往;還有人主張「體育」和「運動」作為兩個不同的科學體系的總名稱等等。總之,體育的基本詞彙科學化和規范化的問題,是包括中國在內的各國學者正在關心和解決的問題。
『叄』 中文翻譯成英語
Quality ecation, including five aspects: moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic ecation and labor ecation, referred to as "moral, intellectual, physical, the United States and labor." Quality ecation is the core of moral, intellectual core of school ecation, moral concern is the issue of values and ways of behaving, that is the question of how life skills, and intellectual concern is to raise awareness and transform the world the general level of knowledge and ability, that is, enhance the people's inherent capacity; the quality of sport as an important part of ecation, and is also part of school ecation, to develop in students the concept of ideological and moral quality and has a special function, but also on the intellectual development of an important role; aesthetic ecation is the United States to help students develop sensitivity, appreciation and creativity, is to train students in all-round development of an indispensable link in the all-round development of personality of students plays an important role, it can make it perfect character, and cleaned up the mind and enrich the feelings of develop ideas, abilities, etc.; labor sterile all-round development of students is also an indispensable link. "Moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, workers" as people of different aspects of physical and mental development, has its own special laws governing the development of appropriate, "the five domains of" human development also has its own irreplaceable role. They are interrelated and interdependent, a mutual penetration, promote, complement each other. Only in their basis of common development, the ecated will be the all-round development of body and mind.
Key words
Moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic ecation, labor ecation, quality ecation
『肆』 育什麼意思近義詞和反義詞是什麼英文翻譯是什麼
- 拼 音 yù
- 部 首 月
- 筆 畫 8
- 五 行 土
- 五 筆 YCEF
1.生養 :~齡。節~。生兒~女。
2.養活 :~嬰。哺~。培~。撫~。養~。
3.按照一定的目的長期地教導和訓練 :德~。智~。體~。美~。教書~人。
1. 育 2. 育
另見 yō
—— 見「杭育」( hángyō)
另見 yù
育是讀音是yu,含義是養子使作善也。同毓。甲骨文字形象婦女生孩子。 更多→ 育
2.白雲浮在月亮之上 (打一字)
體育 哺育 孕育 育雛 孵育 節育 美育 育秧 保育 教育 育種 撫育 發育 優育 更多育組詞[育]相關搜尋
育嬰堂 育種 育才 育德 育雛 育苗 育肥 育齡 育成語 育的四字詞語