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1. 看圖寫作文英語

1. 看圖寫英語作文 用六句話表述圖片

It's a sunny day. Huanhuan and her mother are in a park. There are many people in the park. Some are flying kites.Some are playing chess. Huanhuan is chasing after a butterf穿敞扁緞壯等憋勸鉑滑ly here and there. Suddenly she finds a red、beautiful flower. She likes it very much, so she wants to pick it.But her mother stops her.She says to Huanhuan:"Don't pick the flower!"Huanhuan feels ashamed of herself. She won't do that again.

They had a good time!


Xiaoming failed in the exam , the teacher asked his father to sign on the examination paper. Xiaoming was afraid of his father*s physical punishment , so he thought a 「good 」idea on the way go home.

When Xiaoming got home , he took the cloth to cover his eyes and practiced to sign on a paper . He asked his father to have a try by this way ,and pared with his . His father was takend in and began to 「practice」. At the same time Xiaoming took his examination paper from the schoolbag very carefully in front of his father , his father signed on the paper but he didn*t know about this .

Finally ,Xiaoming pleted the 「task」 successfully .

3. 小學英語看圖作文

[小學英語看圖作文]小學英語看圖作文 (經典文章,與大家分享!)Please look at the picture carefully and tell the class what you see in the picture and how you understand it. Write what you would say on the lines below.Possible version:I think the picture shows us our beautiful earth on which we live. I can see in the picture green grass, trees and butterflies flying happily here and there. What a peaceful and beautiful sight! I can also see a hand, which, I think, stands for every citizen. As is known to all, our earth is being polluted. A lot of animals are endangered. To protect our environment and live in harmony with animals is every citizen's ty. Only when we realize the importance of our environment can we really do something to solve the problem of pollution.春蠶到死絲方盡,人至期頤亦不休,小學英語看圖作文,小學生作文《小學英語看圖作文》.一息尚存須努力,留作青年好范疇. —— 吳玉章但願每次回憶,對生活都不感到負疚 —— 郭小川人的一生可能燃燒也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我願意燃燒起來! —— 奧斯特洛夫斯基你若要喜愛你自己的價值,你就得給世界創造價值. —— 歌德社會猶如一條船,每個人都要有掌舵的准備. —— 易卜生 〔小學英語看圖作文〕隨文贈言:【失敗是什麼?沒有什麼,只是更走近成功一步;成功是什麼?就是走過了所有通向失敗的路,只剩下一條路,那就是成功的路.】。

4. 一篇英語作文 看圖寫話 圖弄不出來 跪求

My name is Liping,it' s six o'clock.The weather is raining.Now , My father are playing puter now .My mother is a teacher.She is cooking now.And my father is a docter.He is using the puter now.Last is my sister Kite.She is singing now! This is my family!I love my family!。

5. 看圖寫一篇120詞的英語作文,圖片為:一個兒子對父親大吼

It is widely accepted that to work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove one's ability. However, I believe that teamwork is more important in the modern society and teamwork sprit has bee a required quality by more and more panies.

In the first place, we are situated in a plicated society and we often encounter tough problems that are beyond our ability. It is especially at this moment that teamwork proves to be exceedingly important. With the help of the team, these problems can be solved easily and quickly, which could improve work efficiency.

In the second place, teamwork provides a chance to cooperate with workmate, it will make a friendly and enjoyable work environment, which is an important factor influencing employees' belief in the pany as a good workplace.

Finally, teamwork contributes to the prosperity of the panies. With all workmates' knowledge bined, the panies possess high work efficiency and an ability to deal with whatever problems. As a result, the panies can make more profits and develop more quickly.

In sum, teamwork is very important, no one could live indivially, they must rely on others in some way. Hence, work together could make life easier.

6. 看圖寫英語作文不少於三句話圖片是一個獎牌


每當到了一年一度的春節,都會有很多親戚朋友都會來我假拜年。有一次,爸爸的同事來我家拜年,爸爸媽媽准備了豐盛的菜,有時候菜不夠,就去買一些下酒的熟菜。我看著爸爸和叔叔們喝著酒,一邊不住的喊:「好酒!」我想菜是裡面最好吃的了,聽到爸爸和叔叔一 直說酒很好喝。我想酒的味道比菜的還要好吧!於是,我請求他們給我點酒喝,爸爸說:「小孩子家瞎胡鬧什麼?




2. 小學英語五年級看圖寫作文方法

1. 小學英語看圖作文怎麼寫


1. 用中文描述圖片 ---- 審題


2. 用中文列出要點 ---- 可以先用中文寫要點,時間富裕的話可以先用中文寫整篇文章

3. 用英語轉述句子 ---- 句子骨幹

4. 用英語組織篇章 ---- 合適的連接詞,另外呢,合適的技巧性句子會有加分作用的哦

5. 最重要的是字體要好,不能寫的亂,要不然老師第一印象不好,不會給高分的

2. 五年級英語上冊看圖寫英語作文是什麼

Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and parents. That morning, the weather was fine. We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient. To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. In the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. No umbrella, feeling tired and hungry. So we will return home.。

3. 五年級下學期看圖作文怎麼寫

看圖作文也屬給材料作文的一種,只不過給的材料不是文字,而是圖畫。完成這一類作文, 首先要看懂圖畫,搞清題意的要求。要分析畫面的主體是什麼,背景是什麼;是一個事物還是兩個或多個事物,其間有什麼關聯?有沒有貌似平淡,卻關乎題意的細節;畫面的表層含義是什麼,有沒有深層的需要挖掘的東西和畫龍點睛之筆?

總之,要從多方面分析讀懂圖畫 、盡全力找出題意所在,這才是成功的關鍵。具體的寫法則是要注意緊扣圖畫,否則,談得越多,離題越遠。إ

















④把四幅畫串成一個故事,寫一篇700字左右的記敘文,採用夾敘夾議的寫法,能穿 插一些抒情更好。



根據下面這組圖畫的內容,發揮想像,以「瞧這三家子」為題,寫一篇記敘文。要有適當的 議論,字數在600—700之間。(浙江)






要求 :

①利用材料(圖畫及說明文字)並根據自己平時的觀察和積累展開合 理的想像,補充一些細節描寫。







③特別是圖中的文字「他就後悔了」雖可有不同理解,但是要注 意不要橫生枝節。إ




如某市1987年的 中考題:إ

看漫畫《舊時皇帝老爺子,飛入尋常百姓家》,向《中國電視報》寫一封信,反映你的意見 和要求。


4. 五年級水平看圖英語5句作文

There is a table and tow chairs.A young boy and a cat are eating food beside the table.There are many things on the table.For example,you can see milk,bread,fish and chips.And there are many kinds of fruits,like bananas,apples,grapes and so on.。

5. 小學語文書 五年級 p73頁看圖作文怎麼寫





蚊子圍在一旁,不時「嗡嗡嗡」地叫著,實在是惡心。 秋涵眉頭緊鎖,不管三七二十一,彎下腰,一次,兩次。



秋涵也把垃圾撿完了,把紙粘上去,兩人相視而笑。 又是一個陽光明媚的早晨,兩人走到垃圾桶旁,沒有了臭味,沒有了倒在外面的垃圾,也沒有了難聽的「嗡嗡嗡」聲。

文明—只差一步。 這個漫畫讓我觸動了。

它告訴我們:生活中,有些行為離文明往往只差一步。如果每個人都剋制不住自己,隨心所欲,為了自己的方便,而不講文明,那家園將骯臟不堪,無法生存,這難道就是我們想要的嗎?不,不是! 我看過這么一篇報導: 去年5.1黃金周期,被國人視為聖地的天安門廣場,日產垃圾19噸!7天就是133噸!環衛工人說,如果不及時清掃的話,廣場每天的垃圾足以淹沒腳踝。

6. 五年級英語上冊看圖寫英語作文是什麼

Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and parents. That morning, the weather was fine. We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient. To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. In the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. No umbrella, feeling tired and hungry. So we will return home。

7. 小學五年級英語短文抄寫30篇


3. 英語6年級看圖寫作文怎麼寫

1. 六年級看圖寫英語作文

It's a beautiful saturday afternoon and I went to the cinema with my mom.We watched a movie called Three Idiots . It was funny, and we were both moved by the story because the different feeling and message the movie carried. And after that, mom and I had a delicious dinner in the restaurant nearby. Then we walked home, talking and laughing all the way. This is my saturday, what about you?。

2. 如何六年級英語看圖作文

把你看到的寫下來.不過避免用"I see a 。"這樣的句子.

你就用現在進行時來描述. Three children are playing in the park. The boy in blue is running. The girl with a ponytail is flying a kite. And the girl in pink is sliding.

你也可加些描述天氣的話.It is a beautiful sunny day. The sky is blue. There are some white fluffy clouds in the sky.


3. 小學6年級英語作文怎麼寫好

首先要把題審清楚 因為作文一般都是看點給分 所以題目一定要審仔細 每一個點都要抓住 點都寫到了 就算句子不是寫得很好 單詞就算有錯誤 也應該在及格分左右

然後就是句子 不能寫從句就盡量寫簡單句 每一個句子的時態 語態要搞清楚就行了 如果能用到短語 從句之類的當然好 寫的好了會有適當加分的

還要注意句子和句子之間的銜接 也就是要使用一些銜接詞來承接上下文 這個就你自己平時多積累 看別人的文章是怎樣銜接的 怎樣銜接用怎樣的詞,要用心去寫那篇作文。

如果涉及到格式的話 比如信 該用什麼標點 什麼稱呼 什麼樣的語氣 這些都是死的東西 記得就可以了

如果要發表自己的觀點一定要積極向上的 這個沒辦法 咱國情嘛

寫日記有幫助的 但是寫完了最好給老師批改下 這樣才知道自己錯在哪 怎麼改進

4. 六年級看圖英語作文

My name is Susan. I have a cat, but my cat is sick right now. I need to bring the cat to see the doctor. Docter gives me the medicine let me serve for cat. After cat eats the medicine, Susan hope that her cat will be fine quickly, so they can play with each other.。

5. 英語作文看圖寫6句話

Last Sunday i watched a nice vocal concert with my friends.The show is just for the super Rap star Pan Weibo.I was totally enjoying the show of him and he is really a cool and handsome man!I even gave him a bounch of flowers as the show ended,and after that Mr Pan took a picture with me and you see we are all feeling so happy.How interesting the show it is!

6. 6年級第4單元看圖作文怎麼寫


不知這副漫畫的含義大家看懂沒有,那個人腦袋的確有「蟲」,不過此蟲非彼蟲 ,這個「蟲」指的是那個人破壞生態平衡的心蟲,怪不不得啄木鳥說他「腦袋有蟲」,不過在我們平時的生活中、世界上,這類「腦袋有蟲」的人數不勝數,可啄木鳥卻是寥寥無幾。

平時,不少同學的草稿紙只劃了幾筆就扔進了垃圾桶,要知道,這些紙可是 一棵棵樹木啊;洗手時,水開得挺大,這還不說,洗完手,也不關水就走了,任 憑水嘩嘩的流淌,要知道在乾旱地區水是多麼寶貴啊;平時,隨手將垃圾扔在地上,既影響環境又影響美觀。。要知道,如今我們這個地球已經受到了極大的破壞,可是那些「腦袋有蟲」的人卻絲毫沒有醒悟,他們為了自己的利益破壞環 境:濫砍濫伐、毀壞植被;為了圖方便將污水排入江河,不知有多少河流因此無 法飲用,我們的母親河——黃河已經便得渾濁不堪;昔日的天府之國——成都的

美好風景已無復存在,土地正向沙漠化進軍;大氣污染也越來越嚴重,幾乎處處 是酸雨。。在如此觸目驚心的事情前,人類似乎沒有覺醒,而人們腦袋裡那條 貪婪的蟲子越來越大,人們已經被慾望迷住了雙眼。




7. 小學六年級英語看圖作文(a cleaner)40字怎樣寫

i may say i have a meaningful and fruitful summer holiday.why?i guess you may interestedly aks me.admittedly,i worked part-time this summer and have found the real meaning of labor and e to the understanding of living independently,that's why i consider it to be of so much significance to me.

all of a sudden i noticed a wanting ad in the newspaper and it said a restaurant was in need of a cleaner and of course they accepted casual laborer,so i just headed to it and had a try.fortunately,i was successfully given the job.at the beginning,i have had the thought of earning a big handful of money with little effort as i believed it must be "an easy job".however,it finally turned out to be a wrong expectation.i had a relatively tough time in my working days as a cleaner when i was expected to rise early in the morning and worked for seven hours a day and carry on working for three weeks.the job was totally beyond my expectation,which was extrordinarily tiring and tedious.i was made very exhausted every day when i was off ty,and i have ever thought of giving up but something powerful in my mind had finall e to my encouragement,and i kept on until i got my job finished at last.

it is an impressive experience for me in which i learnt a lot rather than merely what i've been paid.the most significant is that i have arrived at a better understanding of labor itself----labor is glorious,it creates the world and exhibits the value of man.

8. 看圖寫話(不少於8句話)六年級英語作文

Today is my birthday day.I am very happy,beacuse I will have a party .My mother ,father and friends give me many good gifts. They sing a birthday song for me. Then ,I make a wish.The cake is very big and beatiful .I like the cake,it is delicious.I have a good time 。

9. 英語看圖說話作文

please obey the traffic rules

Obeying traffic rules,The Responsibility which everyone should have。Wish People to live longer,Share safety in miles。It's the good saying to be。Regardless of what,nothing is over life。At least,don't let tragedy Occur。No Traffic Accident can bring the benefit,even though purposive to make an Accident to gain assurance,that is still of the life as the wager。So,please obey the traffic rules。It is everyone's good that good indeed。

4. 高中圖片類英語作文寫作方法

Look at this picture./The picture shows that.../From this picture, we can see.../As is shown in the picture.../As is seen in the picture...
As we all know, .../As is known to all,.../It is well known that.../In my opinion,.../As far as I am concerned,.../This sight reminds me of something in my daily life.
In conclusion.../In brief.../On the whole.../In short.../In a word.../Generally speaking.../As has been stated...

5. 英語圖文描寫作文

1. 英語圖文類作文

This picture presents a ridiculous scene in a typical one-child family in China.

The parents are trying to persuade the little boy to cat,but the boy asks his father to act as a horse. He is riding on his father's shoulder and saying,「You run a circle and I'll have a mouthful of food.」The mother,holding a bowl of food,is running after them,ready to feed the little boy.

This picture shows that some children are terribly spoiled by their parents. Due to the one-child policy,most Chinese families have only one child. The parents try their best to satisfy every need of their child. As a result,the spoiled child bees the「little emperor" who rules the whole family.

Children are the future of our country. If they are so lazy and so selfish,there win be no hope for our country.Parentsshouldmake every effort to prevent their children from getting into bad habits. They must be strict with their children and refuse to satisfy their unreasonable demands. Only in this way can they expect their children to be good citizens when they grow up.

2. 人物肖像描寫的英語作文




3. 英語圖文作文介紹兩種心態的

Betty is my best friend . She is a girl . She is naughty and bold. She has long hair .She is tall and thin . We are in the same class . We like to read books and we like the same singer and writer . But we like the different foods . Betty likes hamburger and fries , but ilike noodles . We recognize that for a very long time .She and I have always been friendly .。

4. 介紹照片的英語作文

A photo of my family

Look at this photo. This is a nice picture of my family.

There are five people on it. I am in the middle. I'm laughing. It looks that I am very happy. There're some pretty flowers in my hands. A man beside me is my father. He is happy, too. Where's my mother? Oh.. She is behind me. She is a good mother, I think. She's my friend, too. I love her. My grandparents are behind me, too. They both love me. I like this picture. And I love my family.

5. 求圖文並茂的英語作文,150字初三畢業水平,題目my green life

My college life I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in *** all village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good ecation environment. However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college student. After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent achievement. All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my village. I was farewell warmly by them when I came to school. I was warmly wele by school, too. After then, I've felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our school. The college life is wonderful. All life in school are fresh. New teachers, new clas *** ates and fresh friends are around me. I've felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly. In high school, I was ever called as a runner before time. Now,I know I am behind time so much in fact. I hope to catch up with the time by my hard studying. Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first one. At night, I am the one who leaves away the library. The most interesting thing is that I can't speak the PUTONGHUA well and made many funny events at the beginning, as I am from South. When I entered the classroom at first time, I was headache as I couldn't understand what the professor was speaking. I met much difficulties at math, physics and other courses, even though I used to be good at these sciences. Therefore, I learn these courses myself after class. After three months, the exmination indicated that I overcame all the difficlties. I also improved my listening and spoken ability of Chinese quickly. Communication is very important to my college life. I study English hard as well. It makes me have many chances to municate with foreigners.。

6. 根據這幅圖寫一篇英語作文 敘事 急


Today FIONA took us to her friend's farm, farm is so big, a bit like the broad grasslands of Mongolia feel.


Farm bishop we how to milk a cow, I know the milking time, fingers can not move up and down, hands up, fingers pinch the nipple, so that milk will e out. I follow the farmers do the demonstration, shining white milk is ejected from the nipple, I face a splash.


Then the counterparts of REX also began to learn to squeeze, who knows the funny thing happened, he just put out a hand, the cow began to urinate, make you laugh, can be used to describe the scene at that time we utterly routed.


On the farm I bottle fed *** all cow BB, it put the bottle to pull, very naughty.


All the farm poultry, cattle, sheep, chicken, ck, pig。。 Also, I hold the little rabbit, in my arms a blob, hair very *** ooth.


Today to visit the farm, I appreciate the natural beauty of Australia

7. 一篇人物描寫的英語作文

Nelson Mandela was the first African president of South Africa. He was the man who gained independance of Africans in South Africa and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He was kept in prison for 27 years for fighting for rights of Africans.


8. 英語作文我的學校圖文並茂

I am in NO.2 Middle School. I love my school . There are more than

1,500 students in our school. We have math, English, Chinese, music,

art ,P.E and so on. Our teachers are friendly to us . Although they are

strict with us on all subjects, we love them very much. In class, they

teach us knowledges, after class, they often play games with us. Such as

football, Ping-pong, volleyball.

I usually join Art Club or Sports Club after school. I think I am happy every day in the school. So I love it.

9. 高中英語書面表達(作文)

Wele every students to read 21st Century School Edition. This magazine was put out from october t-

-he fifteenth ,2001. It is weekend-newspaper and is sent out every Monday .

It includs four columns. The first column is news about our country and abroad country. The sceond is sports and entertainment news. The third is some hard problems and their soiutions. There are some interting stories in the fourth column.

This magazine is planed for a great deal of high school students. It contain many pictures in order to be easy understood . You can enlarge your rememer of english words and improve your english lever.

6. 鐪嬪浘鍐欎綔鏂囧紑澶村洓綰

1. 鑻辮鍥涚駭鐪嬪浘浣滄枃鐨勫紑澶存庝箞鍐


1銆丄s is vividly shown in the picture錛 濡傛灉涓や釜鐨勮瘽鐢╬ictures錛屼篃鍙浠ョ敤drawing錛屽悓鏍風殑濡傛灉涓や釜鐨勮瘽鐢╠rawings錛屽傛灉鏄鍥捐〃鍒欑敤table錛屼袱涓鍥捐〃鍒欑敤 tables錛 above錛 鍥劇敾鐨勫唴瀹廣俆he picture錛 濡傛灉涓や釜鐨勮瘽鐢╬ictures錛屼篃鍙浠ョ敤drawing錛屽悓鏍風殑濡傛灉涓や釜鐨勮瘽鐢╠rawings錛屽傛灉鏄鍥捐〃鍒欑敤table錛屼袱涓鍥捐〃鍒欑敤 tables錛 tells 錛 娉ㄦ剰錛屽傛灉鏄鍓嶉潰鐨勫浘鐢繪槸澶嶆暟錛屽垯鐢╰ell錛 us that 榪欎釜鍥劇墖鐨勫ぇ鑷村弽鏄犵殑鎰忔濄

2銆丷ecent years people in 鍦板悕錛堟瘮濡備腑鍥姐佸寳浜銆佺編鍥界瓑絳夛級have witnessed the fact that 鎻忚堪

鍥劇墖閲岀殑鐜拌薄錛 And it is very mon/usual to see that in recent years.


1銆乀he implied meaning of the picture錛堟敞鎰忥紝鍚屼笂榪涜屽崟澶嶆暟鐨勫勭悊錛 should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with錛 鎻紺烘兜涔/鍘熷洜/緇撴灉1,Second/What's more錛 鎻紺烘兜涔/鍘熷洜/緇撴灉2銆 Last but not least/Finally錛 鎻紺烘兜涔/鎰挎剰/緇撴灉3錛堝傛灉鏈夌殑璇濓級銆侫nd the social problem錛堝傛灉鏄鐜拌薄鐨勮瘽鍙浠ョ敤phenomenon錛 has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people.

2銆乀here may/might be three錛堜篃鍙浠ユ槸涓や釜錛 factors which contribute to/are responsible for/explain/can make clear the 鍥劇墖瑙i噴鐨勭幇璞° First of all錛 鍘熷洜1銆侫nd then the second reason is that 鍘熷洜2銆俆he last reason,I think, is that鍘熷洜3銆


1銆両n my view/point of view 錛堟垨鑰呰碼s for me錛,We should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should 鍏蜂綋鐨勬帾鏂1.And then we have to /must鍏蜂綋鐨勬帾鏂2.Only in these ways,can we solve the problem of 鍏蜂綋鐨勯棶棰樸

2銆両t is true that these unique/social points can/could together remind us that we should take some measures to solve it. 閲囧彇鐨勬帾鏂1鍜2. Only in this way can we瀹炵幇鐨勭洰鏍囷紒

2. 鎬ユ眰鑻辮鍥涚駭鐪嬪浘浣滄枃妯℃澘,璋㈣阿

as is indicated above銆

there is 銆

..in the picture,it is obvious that ,by diagram we know that .for the reason if we realize that we firstly should ,secondly we ,not only do we but, in the end it is essential that,,,we make a conclusion that it is ,it is that,,,to our surprise ,the cartoon show us to sty.in a word ,we believe that銆

3. 鑻辮鐪嬪浘浣滄枃鎬庢牱寮澶

鍙鏄鎻愪緵鍙傝儈鑷宸辮繕鏄搴旇ユ湁鑷宸辯殑鍐欎綔鐗圭偣~ 涓綃囨枃絝犻氬父鍙鍒嗕負涓変釜閮ㄥ垎錛屽嵆寮澶淬佹f枃鍜岀粨灝俱傝繖涓変釜閮ㄥ垎瀹夋帓鏄鍚﹀緱浣擄紝鐩存帴褰卞搷鍒版枃絝犵殑璐ㄩ噺銆 鏂囩珷鐨勫紑澶翠竴鑸鏉ヨ村簲灝介噺鍋氬埌寮闂ㄨ佸北錛岀敤綆鍗曟槑鐧界殑鍙欒堪寮曞嚭鏂囩珷鐨勮瘽棰橈紝浣胯昏呬簡瑙f枃絝犺佽皥璁轟粈涔堬紝涓涓嬩簬寮曡搗璇昏呯殑鍏磋叮銆 浣滄枃甯歌佺殑寮澶村艦寮忓ぇ鑷存湁浠ヤ笅鍑犵嶏細 1.寮闂ㄨ佸北錛屾彮紺轟富棰樻枃絝犱竴寮澶達紝錛屽氨浜ゅ緟娓呮氭枃絝犵殑涓婚樻槸浠涔堛傚傗淗ow I Spent My Vacation鈥濓紙鎴戞庢牱搴﹀亣錛夌殑寮澶存槸錛 I Spent my last vacation happily. 涓嬮潰鏄棰樹負"Honesty"錛堣皥璇氬疄錛変竴鏂囦腑鐨勫紑澶達細 Honesty is one of the best virtues.An honest man is always trusted and respected.On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a "liar",and is looked upon by honest people. 2.浜や唬浜虹墿銆佷簨鎯呫佹椂闂存垨鐜澧冨紑澶村湪鏂囩珷鐨勫紑澶達紝鍏堟妸浜虹墿銆佷簨浠跺拰鐜澧冧氦寰呮竻妤氥備緥濡"A Trip to Jinshan" 錛堝幓閲戝北鏃呮父錛夌殑寮澶達細 The day before yesterday my class went on a bus trip to Jinshan. The bus ride there took three hours. The long trip made us very tired, but the sight of the beautiful sea refreshed us. 3. 鍥炲繂鎬х殑寮澶 鐢ㄥ洖蹇嗙殑鏂規硶鏉ュ紑澶淬備緥濡"A Trip to the Taishan Mountain"錛堟嘲灞辨父錛夌殑寮澶存槸錛 I remember my first trip to the Taishan Mountain as if it were yesterday. 4.姒傛嫭鎬х殑寮澶村嵆瀵硅佸湪鏂囩珷涓鍙欒堪鐨勪漢鎴栦簨鍏堜綔涓涓姒傛嫭鎬х殑浠嬬粛銆傚傗淭he Happiness of Reading Books鈥濓紙璇諱功鐨勫揩涔愶級鐨勫紑澶達細 People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. But I say that to read books is more valuable than anything else, because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us power. 5.浠嬬粛鐜澧冨紡鐨勫紑澶村嵆寮澶村埄鐢ㄨ嚜鐒舵櫙鐗╂垨鑷鐒剁幆澧冨紩鍑鴻佷粙緇嶇殑浜嬬墿銆傚傗淎n Accident鈥濓紙涓鍦轟簨鏁咃級鐨勫紑澶存槸錛 It was a rainy and windy morning. The sky was gloomy, the temperature was low, and the street was nearly empty. I was on my way back to school. Suddenly, a speeding car came round the corner. 6.浜ゅ緟鍐欎綔鐩鐨勭殑寮澶淬傚湪鏂囩珷鐨勪竴寮澶村氨浜ゅ緟鍐欎綔鐩鐨勶紝濡傞氳繃鏂囩珷瑕佽〃鎵璋侊紝鎵硅瘎璋侊紝鎴栬存槑涓涓浠涔堥棶棰樼瓑銆傚 "Pollution Control" 錛堟帶鍒舵薄鏌擄級鐨勫紑澶達細 In this article I shall draw your attention to the subject of pollution control


4. 鐪嬪浘鍐欒嫳璇鍥涚駭浣滄枃

Literature as Text-message

It is hard to find anyone with a novel in their hand anymore nowadays. Why is it so? Does it mean literatuer is irrelevant to our life? Yes, it is not bread or butter, but it is the nourishment for our soul.

Teachers don't encourage us to read literature, neither do our parents. In their view, literary works like TV series or any other artistic procts are impractical, especially to finding an employment. However, one important aspect has gone neglected by most people. To live a full life, one has to be a plete being, body and mind. Doing physical exercise is as important as doing mental training by reading a poem. To live materially is to live inpletely. One has to fulfill himself spitually and mentally by undertaking something as "impractical" as a novel or a poem collection.

It is a novel but very feasible idea to suggest that reading a literary work can be as fun and informative as reading a text-message. This idea should be instilled in teenagers' mind so that they might cultivate an interest in literature in an early age, which can be benificial both to their mental and spiritual development and their study.

7. 英語四年級看圖寫作文怎麼寫200字

1. 小學四年級英語看圖寫作

Yesterdy,my parents and I spent an amazing day -------having fun on beach . i was so happy when i walking on the soft sand .We walked on the beach so that we can made a beautuful , in the end we made a big heart. there was a little peole on the beach so ,it was not crowded there, and i could even see the boat far away. I love this trip。

2. 四年級下冊英語二十四頁看圖寫話怎麼寫

3. 小學四年級英語看圖寫作

Yesterdy,my parents and I spent an amazing day -------having fun on beach . i was so happy when i walking on the soft sand .We walked on the beach so that we can made a beautuful , in the end we made a big heart. there was a little peole on the beach so ,it was not crowded there, and i could even see the boat far away. I love this trip.。

4. 小學四年級看圖作文



















5. 三篇四年級的小短文(英語)

l have of hats and caps.when l go to the beach,l wear my pretty sun hat.when l piay baseball,lwear my baseball cap.when l ride my horsw,l wear cowboy hat.when l go swimming,l wear my swimming cap.when l palwhen l go to sleep,l wear my sleeping cap.

我有有邊帽和無邊帽。當我去海灘的時候,我戴上我漂亮的遮陽帽。我打棒球時戴棒球帽,騎馬時戴牛仔帽。當我游泳時我戴上泳帽 而玩雪時我戴上冬季的帽子。當我去睡覺的時候,我帶上了我的睡帽!

A father and son snake are out for a nice afternoon slither. The son asks, "Dad,are we poisonous snakes?" The father replies proudly, "Yes son, we are rattler snakes! Why do you ask son?" "Because DAD, I just bit my tongue!!"


In my family, there are three people, which is my mother, my father and I. My mother likes cooking, and my father likes reading. We are very happy, and play together a lot. My mother always looks after me, and so does my father. I love my parents!

6. 四年級下冊英語學案93頁的看圖寫話怎麼寫

It was sunny and warm today.I went to the beach near my home with my best friend Jim.It took us enty minutes to get there by bike.We walked on the beach,played games,swam in the sea and built up a sand castle.

We didn't go home until 5:00 in the afternoon.Although we felt tired,we were happy because we really had a good time.

7. 四年級下冊看圖作文怎麼寫



8. 四年級英語優秀小作文

Of all the four seasons in a year, I love autumn best, because I was born in autumn.

The Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. We can eat all kinds of mooncakes, watch the bright moon in the evening and look for Chang'e and Wu Gang. National Day is also in this season. We don't go to school, and have a rest for seven days.

It is neither hot nor cold in this season. I love autumn best.



中秋節在秋天。我們可以吃各種各樣的月餅,晚上 仰望明月,尋找嫦娥與吳剛。國慶節也在這個季節,我們不上學,休息7天。


I had a very bad day yesterday. Everything went wrong. In the morning, my alarm clock didn't ring, so I woke up one hour later. When i was making breakfast, I burned my hand. Then I ran out of the house to catch the bus, but I missed it. I ran three kilometres to school only to find that it was Sunday.



9. 9篇四年級英語小短文

My English name is sally. I'm from China. I'm Chinese. I always wear green and white shirt and blue trousers. I have big eyes、 *** all mouth and a *** all nose. My favorite sports are tennis, Ping-Pong and running. My favorite subject is English. I like eating apple and cake. My favorites drink is coke, milk and juice. This is me, we can bee good friend? 我的英語名字叫Sally。


我有一雙大眼睛、小嘴巴和小鼻子。 我最喜歡的運動是網球,乒乓球和跑步。


我最喜歡的飲料是可樂,牛奶和果汁。 (My home)我的家 My name is Mao Jiayun. I'm in Class 1, Grade 4. Look! This is my home. It's not big, but it's very nice. There are six rooms in it, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. There is a puter, a bed , o chairs , a desk and three windows in my father's bedroom. There is a picture, a bed, a shelf, a desk and three chairs in my room. You can see a picture, a fan and a shelf in Grandma's room. In the living room, you can see a picture, a fan, o lights, a TV, a table, three sofas and many books. Do you like my home?我的名字是毛佳運。




在客廳里,你可以看到一個圖片,一個風扇,兩盞電燈,電視,桌子,沙發和很多書三。你喜歡我的家嗎?描寫朋友、自己或家人的喜好的英語作文範文 Dear friend,My name is Sally. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers or sisters in my family. MY favorite subject in school is science, because I think it's very interesting. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? Can you write and tell me something about yourself?,1、親愛的朋友,我的名字是莎莉。



我喜歡彈鋼琴和打籃球在周末。你覺得呢?你可以寫信告訴我你自己的一些事情嗎?2、My name is Wang Lin . Now I live in Hangzhou , China. I want to find a pen pal in England. I'm now 14 years old . I speak Chinese .And I can speak a little English. I like sports ,swimming is my favorite . I also like playing the puter games . My favorite subject in school is math. I like to go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents .Can you write to me soon ?2、我的名字是王麟。






現在我和我的父母住在一起。你能盡快給我寫信嗎?3、I have a good friend, his name is Bill. He is from Sydney, Australia. Now he lives in Beijing with his parents. He is 14 years old and his birthday is in October. He speaks English and he can speak a little Chinese. He has lots of friends in Beijing. He often plays soccer after school with them. It's his favorite sport. He likes Chinese action movies very much. He thinks they are interesting. He favorite actor is Jet Li.3、我有一個好朋友,他的名字是比爾。






5、My favorite animal is a cat. I have a cat in my family. Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China. She is o years old now. She likes to eat fish every day. She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute. I like to palsy with it after school.5、我最喜歡的動物是貓。我有一隻貓在我的家人。

她的名字叫 *** ,我認為她是來自中國。她是兩歲了。


我喜歡放學後去麻痹它8、I like playing basketball .It's very interesting . I often play it with my friends. It's a team work.. Everyone needs to work together with others. (每個人都需要和別人合作). I can also make many new friends in the game. My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming. He is very tall and plays basketball very well. I want to play in NBA one day like him.8、我喜歡打籃球。它非常有趣。



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