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㈠ 鍥犱負鎴戝枩嬈㈢殑鑻辮鎬庝箞鍐欎綔鏂

1. 鍏充簬鎴戝枩嬈浣犵殑鑻辮浣滄枃

i most like the star is liu xin. because she can write songs, sing well, she had participated in many singing petitions, have achieved very good results, but she has no pride. so i like her very much!

緲昏瘧錛 鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑鏄庢槦鏄鍒樺炕銆傚洜涓哄ス浼氬啓姝岋紝鍞辨瓕涔熷緢濂藉惉錛屽ス鏇劇粡鍙傚姞榪囧緢澶氬敱姝屾瘮璧涳紝閮藉彇寰椾簡寰堝ソ鐨勬垚緇╋紝浣嗗ス涓鐐逛篃涓嶉獎鍌層傛墍浠ユ垜闈炲父鐨勫枩嬈㈠ス錛

2. 鎴戝枩嬈

I like English

I like English because it is an awesome language. A pretty simple list of alphabets that consists of enty-six characters, putting into good use to form millions of words.


English is widely known in the world, and is recognised as the international language for munication. It would be so useful for me if I goes on a trip to other countries. Moreover, if i have to work with overseas partnership panies in the future, English is definitely the mon language for business and trades.


English is not only useful, but also beautiful and sounds great! I admire people who speaks good english, they speak it so fast and fluently that it sounded like a wonderful rhythm of music. Therefore, I really wish to be like them one day. I believe i can, as i do have great passion and interest in English!


3. 鑻辮浣滄枃,錛堟垜鏈鍠滄㈠仛鐨勪簨錛夋庝箞鍐

I like reading books when I have time.I think it's a good way to relax and spend my free time.When I was a kid,my mother often read books for me before I went to bed.From then on I was interested in reading books."Books are man's best friends." Books give us knowledge.Through reading,we can understand more kinds of people,how do they think.When I read,I always lose myself in the book and fet all my worries.I like reading all kinds of books,story-books,novels and so on.My farourite book is "Harry Porter".褰撴垜鏈夋椂闂存椂錛屾垜鍠滄㈣諱功.鎴戣や負璇諱功鏃跺緢濂界殑鏀炬澗鍜屽害榪囦笟浣欐椂闂寸殑濂芥柟娉.褰撴垜榪樻槸涓瀛╁瓙鏃訛紝鎴戞瘝浜插湪鎴戠潯瑙夊墠緇忓父緇欐垜璇.浠庨偅鏃惰搗鎴戝氨瀵硅諱功鎰熷叴瓚.鈥滀功鏄浜虹被鏈濂界殑鏈嬪弸鈥濓紝涔︾粰鎴戜滑鐭ヨ瘑錛岄氳繃璇諱功錛屾垜浠鍙浠ユ槑鐧藉悇縐嶅悇鏍風殑浜哄強浠栦滑濡備綍鐨勬兂娉.褰撴垜璇諱功鏃訛紝鎴戞繪矇嫻稿湪涔︿腑錛屽繕璁頒簡鎴戠殑鐑︽伡.鎴戝枩嬈㈣誨悇縐嶅悇鏍風殑涔︼紝鏁呬簨涔︼紝灝忚寸瓑絳.鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑涔︽槸銆婂搱鍒╂嘗鐗廣.銆

4. 鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑浜у搧鑻辮浣滄枃鎬庝箞鍐






鍦ㄦ墍鏈夌殑椋熺墿涓錛屾垜鏈鍠滄㈠悆楗哄瓙銆備綘鍛錛屾垜浜茬埍鐨勬湅鍙嬩滑錛 浣犱篃鍠滄㈠悆楗哄瓙鍚楋紵Ilikealotoffoods,likerice,noodles,mplings,porridge,hamburgersandsoon.Butmyfavouritefoodismplings.EverySunday,mymothermake *** anymplingsforme.,I&#.Dumplingslooklikewhiteboats.Theytastedelicious.Onmybirthdayeveryyear,hemwithme...Ofallthefoods,Ilikempling *** est.Whataboutyou,mydearfriends?Doyoulikemplings,too?銆

5. 鏄鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑鑻辮鍛ㄧ敤鑻辮鎬庝箞鍐欎綔鏂

yesteday was Saturday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to Henghan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,鈥淛ane, don't do anything halfway.鈥漚t last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella銆

i was very happy銆

6. 浠ユ垜鏈鍠滄㈢殑鍐欎竴綃囪嫳璇浣滄枃

My favourite

The blue sky which is my favourite ,I like looking up the blue sky because of its clear.I 'm looking forward to fly because its puerility and harmonious銆侷 want to be a

angle fling myself into its cherish銆

puerility and harmonious澶╃湡涓庡拰璋

I want to be aangle fling myself into its cherish銆傛垜鎯寵佸彉鎴愬ぉ浣挎姇鍏ヤ粬鐨勬鎶

7. 鑻辮浣滄枃錛氫綘鍠滄㈣嫳璇鍚

Do you like English?why?

l am a student,l like english very much.why?Because english is a lnternational language ,there are a large number of people learn english in every country.Only learn english better can we understand how to conmunicate with other people who e from other country.On the other hand,english is a very important subject in our school life.At last,english is differnt from our mother language ,we can get much happy time with study english.

First, I like English because it became an international language. If I know English, then I can go almost anywhere around the world without any munication problem. Secondly, because its pronunciation. English sound so soft, especially American English, I love to hear it and speak it. Lastly, I feel so cool to be able to speak another language, so I like English because it's easy to learn.

絎涓錛 鎴戝枩嬈㈣嫳璇鏄鍥犱負瀹冨凡鎴愪負浜嗗浗闄呰璦. 濡傛灉鎴戝︿細鑻辮錛 鎴戝氨鍑犱箮鍙浠ョ幆娓鎬笘鐣岃屼笉鐢ㄦ媴蹇冭璦闅滅. 絎浜岋紝 鏄鍥犱負瀹冪殑鍙戦煶錛 鑻辮鍙戦煶濂芥俯鏌旓紝 鐗瑰埆鏄緹庡紡鑻辨枃. 鎴戝緢鐖卞惉瀹冭窡璁插畠. 鏈鍚庯紝 鎴戣夊緱鍙浠ヨ插氫竴縐嶈璦澶媯掍簡錛 鎵浠ユ垜鍠滄㈣嫳璇錛 鍥犱負瀹冨緢瀹規槗瀛.


㈡ 學英語的好處英語作文翻譯

學英語的好處英語範文:The Benefit of Learning EnglishAs English is widely used today, we learn English since primary school. Some students still ask why they should learn English, we learn English because there are some benefits. First, we can know more about a foreign language, we can talk to foreigners. Second, we can pass the exam and our mother will be every happy, we are not falling behind with others. English is so useful.






㈢ 運用原因狀語從句的形式寫一篇怎樣處理悲傷情緒的英語作文

原因狀語從句(adverbial clause of cause)表原因或理由,其關聯詞有because,as,since等。如:

(40)Lanny was worried because he hadn』t had any letter from Kurt. 蘭尼很著急,因為他一直未收到庫爾特的信。

(41)We were up early the next morning, as we wanted to be in Oxford by the afternoon. 第二天早晨我們起得很早,因為我們要不遲於下午到達牛頓。

(42)Since we』ve no money, we can』t buy it. 由於我們沒有錢,我們不能買它。


(43)You shouldn』t get angry just because some people speak ill of you. 你不該僅僅因為有些人說了你的壞話就發怒。


(44)Because they make more money than I do, they think they』re so superior. 因為他們掙錢比我多,所以他們認為自己高人一等。


(45)It was because I wanted to see my uncle that I went to town yesterday. 我昨天是由於要去看我的叔叔而進城的。


(46)As all the seats were full he stood up. 由於所有的座位都滿了,他只好站著。

(47)Since you are going, I will go too. 既然你要去,我也去吧。

[注]for與上述三個從屬連詞不同,它是一個等立連詞,因此它連結的是兩個並列的分句,如The days were short, for it was now December.(這些日子白晝很短,因為現在已經是十二月了。)for比較文氣,常用於筆語。


(48)I eat potatoes for the simple reason that I like them. 我吃土豆僅僅是因為我喜歡土豆。(短語for the simple reason that引導原因狀語從句)

(49)Shut the window for fear(that) it may rain. 關上窗戶,恐怕要下雨。(短語for fear引導原因狀語從句)

(50)It is still in excellent condition considering that it was built 600 years ago. 它還保護完好,要知道它是600年前建的。(短語considering that引導原因狀語從句)

(51)Seeing that it is ten o』clock, we will not wait for Mary any long. 既然已經十點鍾了,我們不再多等瑪麗。(短語seeing that引導原因狀語從句)

(52)In case I forget, please remind me about it. 萬一我忘掉了,請提醒我一下。(短語in case引導原因狀語從句)

(53)I do remember, now (that) you mention it. 你這一提,我倒確是想起來了。(短語now that引導原因狀語從句)

(54)I came to see you on the ground that Mr. Anderson said that you were interested in our project. 我來看你是因為安德森先生說你對我們的計劃感興趣。(短語on the ground that引導原因狀語從句)

(55)Inasmuch (Insomuch) as the waves are high, I shall not go out in the boat. 由於浪大,我就不乘小船外出了。(短語inasmuch as引導原因狀語從句)

(56)This is not a good plant for you garden in that its seeds are poisonous. 這一種植物對你的花園不好,因為它的籽有毒。(短語in that引導原因狀語從句)

㈣ 因為用英文怎麼寫作文

1. 用英語怎麼寫


1. because

2. owing to

3. on account of

Relative explainations:

<by reason that> <because of> <for as much as> <for> <ina *** uch> <in respect that> <as> <what with> <that> <insomuch as> <ina *** uch as> <being that> <for reasons of> <one reason or another> <by occasion of> <by reason of>


1. 我因為追趕公共汽車,弄得上氣不接下氣。

I was out of breath after running for the bus.

2. 他之所以成功是因為他工作勤奮。

He achieved because he was a hard worker.

3. 這門開起來很容易,因為合頁上了油。

The door opens easily because the hinges were oiled.

4. 她和丈夫離婚了,因為她發現他是個酒鬼。

She divorced with her hu *** and because she found him a drunkard.

5. 我知道她是在開玩笑,因為她臉上堆滿笑容。

I knew she was joking because she had a big grin on her face.

6. 這個小女孩因為斜視不敢在公共場合露面。

The little girl dares not to appear in public because she is cross-eyed.

7. 這名記者因為試圖揭露一個陰謀而被殺害。

The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.

8. 因為現在是收獲期,所以我們都非常忙。

We are all very busy because it's the harvest time.

Ina *** uch as; since.


Capable of being attributed.


The answer is:


For as much as


Because I am sick.


Because it is raining.


Because it's too heavy.


Because it's rain.


Because I have no time.


a mistake resulting from neglect.


2. 因為的英語怎麼寫


1、because雙語例句:The boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed.這個男孩因花太長時間穿衣服總是遲到。I can't do it now because I am busy.因為我正忙著,現在不能做此事。

I do that because I like that.我那樣做是因為我願意那樣做。2、So雙語例句:I felt I was not well, so I didn't go to the party.我感到有點不舒服,所以我沒去參加聚會。

She enjoys music, and so do I.她喜歡音樂,我也喜歡音樂。I said I would e, and so I will.我說過我要來的,而且我一定會來的。

3. 因為英語怎麼寫

because 因為 [yīn wèi] conj. because misc. on account of 在例句中比較 .網路釋義專業釋義漢語詞典 Because 沮喪和快樂轉換的這樣之快,不知道是因為生活的節奏太快致使人的感情變化太快,還是因為(Because)成熟變得能夠隨時根據環境轉換自己的心情,事實是外因還是內因,追尋這個,應該(Should)是哲學家們吃飽了才會考慮的問題,我只陳。

基於1958個網頁-相關網頁 on account of GraspVocabulary_愛詞霸沙龍-英語學。 。

on a large/ *** all scale 大批量;大規模川、批量;小規模 on account of 因為 on (an/the) average 平均;平均說來 。基於654個網頁-相關網頁 since 迷你熊的blog - I sit at my wi。

。 √ (square) root 平方根 ∵ since; because 因為 ∴ hence 所以 。

基於468個網頁-相關網頁 in that 專題輔導 。 in support of 維護…;支持…;證實… in that 因為 in/under the circumstances 在這種情況下;考慮到這種情況 。

基於377個網頁-相關網頁短語法國因為 ZOLLE 因為賄賂 Because of a Bribe 因為缺乏 by lack offor lack of ; for want ; for lack of 只是因為 Just because ; Is it just because ; only by ; It is only because 因為我們 We are the reason ; Cause You and ; Cuz we belong together now ; cause we just move forward 因為實際上 cause deep down 因為想念 Because Miss ; Because I Miss You 因為因為 on account of ; because 因為所以 Because Threrfor ; Because Therefore 更多收起網路短語交通運輸工程 | 數學 on account of because since ·2,447,543篇論文數據,部分數據來源於 NoteExpress因為 [yīn wèi] 連詞。表示原因或理由。

吳運鐸《把一切獻給黨》:「因為我正鬧病,需要息休,只好晚些出發。」以上來源於:《現代漢語大詞典》新漢英大辭典 因為 [yīn wei] because; for; on account of: simply because 。

;只是因為。not merely because 。

;不僅僅是因為。Just because they make more money than we do, they think they're so superior.就因為他們錢掙得比我們多, 他們就認為高人一等。

The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.因為天氣惡劣, 飛行延期了。以上來源於:《新漢英大辭典》 詞語辨析 because, for, as, since 這組詞都有「因為」的意思,其區別是:because 從屬連詞,語意強,著重直接的原因或理由,所引出的從句是全句的重心,用以回答why提出的問題。

for 並列連詞,語氣較弱,所引出的句子一般放在後面,表示附帶說明的理由或推斷理由。as 從屬連詞,語意較because, since弱,著重在主句,所表示的原因或理由是「附帶的」。

since 語意比because弱,但比as強,一般用於表示「由於大家已知的事實」。以上來源於網路 雙語例句原聲例句 1.因為她知道太多,所以他們把她幹掉了。

They bumped her off because she knew too much. 《21世紀大英漢詞典》 2.約翰盯住每一個機會,因為他想獲得成功。 John watched every opportunity because he wanted to get on. 《21世紀大英漢詞典》 3.我們推斷不出這些強盜是從哪個方向逃走的,因為我們找不到他們的任何蹤跡。

We could not reason out which way the robbers escaped, because we were unable to find any trace of them. 《21世紀大英漢詞典》。

4. 英語作文怎麼寫

英語作文怎麼寫? 相對於英語的其它題目,作文的綜合要求可能更高一點,那麼我們就以這次考試的作文為例子來講講英語作文怎麼寫. 首先我先說說同學們在做作文的時候常常遇到的問題,然後我再給出一個大概的解決方法,最後呢,我們聯系這次考試的作文題來實戰一番. 從我們題目的要求來看,是一個記事的記敘文,並且是一個看圖說話類的,所有的素材都在我們的圖片裡面了.那麼我們就要先把圖片仔細的看一下,選好線索,顯然圖片裡面的鍾暗示我們選擇時間為我們的敘事線索.其次要選擇好一個時態的問題,我們可以以晚上回憶的方式來敘述這個事情。

那麼都是過去時。 那麼開頭是一個比較困難的事情,大家也許不知道從何說起.這里我給出了一個例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我們不必過多的描述在路上的情形,我們重點將描述在敬老院裡面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn't do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn't performed well, the *** ile on their faces made us very happy. 該到說再見的時候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn't notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to e back again whenever we had time.。

5. 英語作文怎麼寫

英語作文怎麼寫? 相對於英語的其它題目,作文的綜合要求可能更高一點,那麼我們就以這次考試的作文為例子來講講英語作文怎麼寫. 首先我先說說同學們在做作文的時候常常遇到的問題,然後我再給出一個大概的解決方法,最後呢,我們聯系這次考試的作文題來實戰一番. 從我們題目的要求來看,是一個記事的記敘文,並且是一個看圖說話類的,所有的素材都在我們的圖片裡面了.那麼我們就要先把圖片仔細的看一下,選好線索,顯然圖片裡面的鍾暗示我們選擇時間為我們的敘事線索.其次要選擇好一個時態的問題,我們可以以晚上回憶的方式來敘述這個事情。那麼都是過去時。 那麼開頭是一個比較困難的事情,大家也許不知道從何說起.這里我給出了一個例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我們不必過多的描述在路上的情形,我們重點將描述在敬老院裡面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn't do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn't performed well, the *** ile on their faces made us very happy. 該到說再見的時候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn't notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to e back again whenever we had time.


㈤ 怎麼寫英語作文

① 我喜歡星期五因為星期五有電腦課的英文

I like Friday because I have a puter class on Friday.
I like Friday because I have a puter class on Friday.
I like Friday because I have a puter class on Friday.

② 寫英語作文星期一到星期五你最喜歡哪一天那天上哪些課程你通常做什麼不少於5句話

I like Friday very much from Monday to Friday, Because I can go home on Friday, there is another reasonBecause I can go home on Friday, there is another reason becauseFriday class is very interesting, with history lesson

③ 求一篇英語作文 我最喜歡的一天——星期五

A happy day
Last Friday we had no lessons. My friends and I decided to help the farmers pick the apples. They were very busy. Li Hong and I climbed up a big apple tree. There were a lot of apples on it. After a short time we picked a lot of apples. Xiao Zhuan couldn』 get the apples because they were too high. Li Lei carried a ladder for her. Soon we picked many baskets of apples and the trucks arrived. We all got down and helped to carry the apples onto the trucks. These trucks would carry the apples to the cities and change back much money for the farmers. The farmers had a harvest time!

④ 英語作文 給朋友寫封電子郵件,談談你星期五的活動



My Friday.
Friday is very busy for me even it is the last day of a week.
We start our Chinese at 8 am, and math is our second course. We then have a long class break. Our third class is science and technology. Afterwards, it's our lunch time. In the afternoon, we have three courses: English, geology and history.

⑥ 英語作文,給朋友寫封電子郵件 談談你星期五的課程

Dear XXX,
How are you going these days? I'm still busy in my work.And I want to share my curriculum schele(課程表) in Friday with you. Tomorrow is Friday and I have 8 classes ---- four in the morning and others in the afternoon. (開頭)

Will you share your curriculum schele with me? I'm looking forward to your reply.(結尾)

⑦ 星期五早上的四節課英語作文70個字

Today is Friday,I have many lessons today.
In the morning,we have math,history,English and Chinese.I like English very much,because I think Enlish is easy and interesting.
In the afternoon,we have three indivial study classes(自習課)and a handwriting class.Do you know what class I like? It's handwriting class,because on that class,I can learn how to write the world(怎樣寫好回字)答.
This is my Friday. What about yours? Tell me something about your week!

⑧ 求一篇我描述星期五課程的英語作文

My Friday.
Friday is very busy for me even it is the last day of a week.
We start our Chinese at 8 am, and math is our second course. We then have a long class break. Our third class is science and technology. Afterwards, it's our lunch time. In the afternoon, we have three courses: English, geography and history.

⑨ 英語作文是給自己的朋友寫一封信 描述星期五一天的課程 注意格式

Dear friend,
How is everything going?I would like to tell you my study course on Friday. I have four lessons which I like on Friday. they are English,PE, maths and History.my English teacher is very funny ,I ike having her lesson.I like PE very much,I can play many balls.I like maths because the Maths class is very excited.I think History is very interesting.
how about your study?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

⑩ 英語作文星期五的課五年級層度







㈥ 求英語作文一篇,因為本人英語成績比較差,所以求好心人幫忙寫一篇,200詞左右

  1. How to spend my weekend
    Iam going to prepare for my lessons because the Mid-term exam is coming. I am sure if I have good preparation, I will get good grades. I am going to help my parents do some housework because they work hard every day.Of course I will visit my good friend and play table tennis with him because doing sports is good for our health. I will surf the internet and listen to music because they are good ways to relax. I am sure I will have a busy and meaningful weekend.


    2 How to learn English well
    Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. Listen to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English and attend English debbates and speech contests. If we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes. What's more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. I believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well.



    Health Is More Important
    There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got everything he wanted. However, in the last twenty years of his life,his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don『t hurt yourself and try to make money.Instead, take care of your body and be happy at what you do. Health is more important.


    很多人都認為財富比健康更重要。在讀到Howard Hughes的故事之前,我也是這么認為的。Howard Hughes是美國的一個億萬富翁,能得到他想得到的任何東西。但是在他生命最後的二十年中,他的身體變得糟糕,他很悲慘。他有最好的醫生和護士,但仍得不到解脫。我意識到在這個世界上,好的身體抵得上所有的金錢。因為即使你有百萬美元但身體糟糕,也不能做你想做的事情。因此我想說的是關心你的身體,對你所擁有的一切感到高興,不要為掙損害你的身體,健康更重要。

  2. 希望對你有幫助,祝:學業有成,更上一層樓

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