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❶ 英語28定律怎麼翻譯

二八定律有對應的專有英語名詞pareto principle。

二八定律又名80/20定律、帕累托法則(Pareto『s principle)也叫巴萊特定律、朱倫法則(Juran's Principle)、關鍵少數法則(Vital Few Rule)、不重要多數法則(Trivial Many Rule)、最省力的法則、不平衡原則等,被廣泛應用於社會學及企業管理學等。


❷ 英語勵志美文帶翻譯



A sort of unselfish selfishness


When a man is ten, he has a boy's faith in almost everthing: even Santa Claus is a belief he is not quite ready to give up so long as there is a chance the old gentleman may really live and deliver. When a man is twenty, he is closer to compete disillusion and stronger conviction than he will probably ever be in his life.

This is the age of atheists and agnostics; it is also the age of martyrs. Jesus Christ must have been a very young man when he died on the cross; Joan of Arc, they say, was only nineteen as the flames consumed her. It is in the later years---oh, anywhere from thirty to fifty---that a man at some time stands with the tatters of his hopes and dreams fallen from him and asks himself:"What, indeed, do i believe?"

He is very apt, then, to cling to the words of other men who have written for him the shadow signposts that come as anything to poiting pathways he found best in the past and roads he will trust on the way ahead. These words may be mere book maxims: that honesty is the best policy, or haste makes waste. They may be alone from Shakespeare---

"To thine own self be true"---or from the bible---"All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them"---or from the poets" i myself am Heaven and Hell". They may seem a sort of hodgepodge in a man's mind, yet they can make a pattern not inconsistent and not weak.

So if i believe that i myself am Heaven and Hell, that anything less than honesty to myself and others is a boomerang on them and me; if my translation of the Golden Rule is simple acts of kindness and understanding and compassion, practiced in the hope that they will be shown to me, then i have a way of life that is a sort of unselfish selfishness. The bald statement may sound cynical, but if i can follow that way, i shall not be too unhappy here and i may face death with regret but an untroubled face and a stout heart.

But there are blocks and pitfalls in a way of life, even assuming that a man can adhere to it steadfastly despite his own inclinations to deviate. These obstacles are the work other men who adhere to other ways. Hence kindness and compassion are not enough.

A man, i believe, must have courage and fortitude and a burning sense of justice, too. There are times we should turn the other cheek, but there are likewise times when we must fight the good fight. When? Well, if a fellow can't find the answer on the signposts or in his heart, i guess he has just got to pray.


A Mask was Stifling Me');

Lucy Freeman


I believe that everyone wants to love and be loved and that happiness stems from a facing and acceptance of self that allows you to give and receive love.


Some think of love as a passionate, hungry, dramatic feeling, all consuming in intensity and desire. As I see it, this is, rather, immature love: it is a demand on others, not a giving of oneself. Mature love, the love that brings happiness, flows out of an inner fullness, and accepts, understands and is tender toward the other person. It does not ask to be served but only where it may serve.


Six years ago I could hardly breathe because of acute sinus. My stomach was always upset and full of queasiness and I had trouble sleeping, even though I felt exhausted all the time. In desperation, after doctors who treated the physical symptoms failed to ease the pain, I tried psychoanalysis. I was lucky to find a wise, compassionate man who showed me what it meant to be able to trust myself and others.


The physical ills are gone, but more than that, I have at long last started to acquire a philosophy of living. I had never possessed one. I had lived on dogma and dicta which I had accepted unquestioningly through the years, even though I believed little of it, because I feared to question. But by being unable to live naturally and at peace with myself I was flying in the face of nature. She was punishing me with illness and, at the same time, informing me all was not well just in case I wanted to do something about it.


In order to change, I needed help in facing myself. For me it was not easy to 「know thyself」. All my life I had accepted the lesser of the two evils and run away from self because truth was more dangerous. Once I thought that to survive I had to put on a mask and forget what lay underneath. But masks are false protections and the inner part of me refused to go unheard forever.


It caught up eventually, and unless it was to master me I had to face such feelings as fear, anger, envy, hatred, jealousy and excessive need for attention. When I realized I could not have done anything else except what I did, I was able to like myself more and be able to like others not for what they could give me but for what I could give to them.


The Bible shows the way to easy, happy living in many of its pages. It advises, 「It is more blessed to give than to receive.」 Those who expect the most are apt to receive the least. I had expected much and was filled with fury because nothing in the outside world relieved my emptiness and despair. Nothing did, either, until I could face the anger and fury, the emptiness and despair, and slowly start to know such new feelings as compassion, conviction, control, calm. I learned, too, of reason—that judicious combination of thought and feeling that enables me to take more responsibility for myself and others, that allows me to slay the ghosts of the past.


For me there is much hard work ahead to achieve greater happiness. Yet, the very struggle I have put into achieving a measure of it makes happiness that much more dear.



The Law of the Heart

by J. George Frederick


At long last I have come to a rather simple point as to what I believe. I believe in what I choose to call 「The Law of the Heart」.

最終,我明白可以將自己的信仰 總結 為一點,即所謂的「心臟定律」。

In the medical world this phrase, The Law of the Heart, means the great discovery by Professor Ernest Henry Starling of the precise method by which the heart accelerates and retards itself through the heart muscle; also the manner in which it accomplishes the vital twoway exchange of fluids between the bloodstream and the body tissues.

這個 短語 是醫學界歐內斯特?亨利?斯塔林教授的一項偉大發現,是證明心臟跳動在心肌作用下加快和減弱的精確 方法 ;同時,他還發現,心臟進行的血液和體液相互滲透,對生命的存活而言是極其重要。人與人之間需要有重要的情感雙向交流,這是我的人生觀。

In my view of life there is also supremely needful a vital twoway exchange of heart qualities between human beings. Without it the human spirit and relationship to other spirits is lifeless and dangerous. Dependence on head qualities is mechanical and empty, just as we have discovered that babies do not thrive, even with technically expert nursing care, without mother love.


The Law of the Heart, in my belief, then, means that I can achieve greatest physical and mental health, and have the most constructive relations with life and people, if my matured emotional self dominates my motives and actions. When, after e consultation with my head, the true heart speaks, it is the finest and most mellowed judgment that I, human creature, am capable of. Man is indivisible, I believe; he is a whole; mind, spirit, body—but with only one real, fully representative voice—the voice of the heart.


There is, in my belief, very suggestive symbolism in the means by which the Law of the Heart operates. We know that man needs to give others weaker, less fortunate, a transfusion of his blood as proof of fellowship. We know that hearts and arteries which are hard and unresponsive can bring the retribution of sudden death. We know that hearts which beat in unison with the problems, pains, miseries and needs of others know celestial music which can never be known to those who do not.


We know that hearts capable of quickened pulse at the sight of beauty and nobility, courage and sacrifice, love and tenderness, a child or a sunset, achieve intensities of living—a song in their hearts—unknown to others. We know that those who choke off the heart』s native impulses will likely bring on a coronary thrombosis of obstructed emotion which can cripple.


The first Law of the Heart, I feel sure, is to pulsate, to love. To fail to pulsate and love is swift and certain spiritual death. There are far, far too many of us who seem obsessed with self, unable or unwilling to love. The second Law of the Heart, I believe, is to give, and forgive, to sacrifice. The heart is the great supplier and giver to every remote atom in the body. The heart muscle is the strongest in the whole body.


These things I know and believe, and they provide me with the foundation of what I call my humanistic philosophy of life. It works for me. I feel close to the earth with it. Yet face uplifted. The heart is closer to everlasting reality, although I am fully aware that I must not let raw emotion masquerade as a heart quality, and that the immature heart can make serious errors. The ecated, matured heart is, to my belief, not only the noblest thing in man but also the great hope of the world.

我的人道主義生活哲學正是基於這些我所知道並相信的知識。它們為我所用。也正因為有它,我才感覺自己能更接近現實,昂首面對生活。我的心更接近永恆的現實,雖然我完全明白,不能將虛偽的粗俗情感當成心靈的特質,而且心靈不成熟便易於導致嚴重的錯誤。我相信,擁有良好的 教育 及成熟的心靈,不僅是人類最為高貴的品質,也是世界的偉大希望。

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❸ 物理的幾個英文定律和題目 求翻譯


❹ 愛因斯坦名言的英語加翻譯


1、When you leave school, you forget what you have learned.


2、Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. It's like a minute to sit with a pretty girl for an hour. This is the theory of relativity.


3、Then I can only say sorry to my dear lord. Relativity is correct.


4、What really interests me is when God created the world.


5、Imagination is more important than knowledge. Because knowledge is limited, and imagination is infinite, it contains everything, and promote progress, is the source of human evolution.


6、The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.


7、Life will give you what you need, as long as you keep to it, as long as you want it to say when the crystal clear.


❺ 誰能告訴我一些數學,物理專有名詞的英文翻譯

三角函數 trigonometric function
振幅amplitude of vibration
向心力centripetal force
重力勢能gravitational potential energy
機械能mechanical energy

電勢 zeta potential 阿伏加德羅常數 阿伏加德羅定律 Avogadro'number Avogadro law 恆容摩爾熱容 molar heat capacity at constant volume 化學反應計量式 stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction 化學反應計量系數 stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction 環境 environment 混合物 mixture 活化能 activation energy 基態能級 energy level at ground state 基希霍夫公式 Kirchhoff formula 膠體 colloid 膠體分散系統 dispersion system of colloid 膠體化學 collochemistry 膠體粒子 colloidal particles 膠團 micelle 焦耳 Joule 焦耳定律 Joule's law 界面 interfaces 界面張力 surface tension 聚沉 coagulation 克拉佩龍方程 Clapeyron equation 克勞修斯不等式 Clausius inequality 理想氣體 ideal gas 結晶熱 heat of crystallization 界面張力 surface tension 絕對溫標 absolute temperature scale 絕熱過程 adiabatic process 絕熱量熱計 adiabatic calorimeter 絕熱指數 adiabatic index 卡諾定理 Carnot theorem 卡諾循環 Carnot cycle 開爾文公式 Kelvin formula 可逆電池 reversible cell 可逆過程 reversible process 可逆過程方程 reversible process equation 可逆體積功 reversible volume work 可逆相變 reversible phase change 克拉佩龍方程 Clapeyron equation 克勞修斯不等式 Clausius inequality 理想氣體 ideal gas 理想氣體的絕熱指數 adiabatic index of ideal gases 理想氣體的微觀模型 micro-model of ideal gas 理想氣體反應的等溫方程 isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions 理想氣體絕熱可逆過程方程 adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gases 理想氣體狀態方程 state equation of ideal gas 理想稀溶液 ideal dilute solution 理想液態混合物 perfect liquid mixture 粒子 particles 鏈反應 chain reactions 臨界參數 critical parameter 臨界常數 critical constant 臨界點 critical point 臨界溫度 critical temperature 臨界壓力 critical pressure 半衰期 half time period 飽和蒸氣壓 saturated vapor pressure 爆炸界限 explosion limits 表面 surfaces 表面張力 surface tension 不可逆過程 irreversible process 不可逆過程熱力學 thermodynamics of irreversible processes 不可逆相變化 irreversible phase change 布朗運動 brownian movement 產率 yield 催化劑 catalyst 彈式量熱計 bomb calorimeter 道爾頓定律 Dalton law 道爾頓分壓定律 Dalton partial pressure law 第二類永動機 perpetual machine of the second kind 第一類永動機 perpetual machine of the first kind 電池電動勢 electromotive force of cells 電池反應 cell reaction 電導 conctance 電導率 conctivity 電功 electric work 電化學 electrochemistry 電極電勢 electrode potential 電極反應 reactions on the electrode 電極種類 type of electrodes 電解池 electrolytic cell 電泳 electrophoresis 丁達爾效應 Dyndall effect 定容摩爾熱容 molar heat capacity under constant volume 定容溫度計 Constant voIume thermometer 定壓摩爾熱容 molar heat capacity under constant pressure 法拉第常數 faraday constant 法拉第定律 Faraday's law 反應熱 heat of reaction 反應速率 rate of reaction 反應速率常數 constant of reaction rate 范德華常數 范德華方程 范德華力 范德華氣體 van der Waals constant van der Waals equation van der Waals force van der Waals gases 沸點 boiling point 分布 distribution 分體積定律 partial volume law 分壓 partial pressure 分壓定律 partial pressure law 負極 negative pole 杠桿規則 lever rule 功 work 過程 process 臨界狀態 critical state 流動功 flow work 露點 dew point 麥克斯韋關系式 Maxwell relations 麥克斯韋速率分布 Maxwell distribution of speeds 麥克斯韋能量分布 MaxwelI distribution of energy 毛細現象 capillary phenomena 摩爾氣體常數 molar gas constant 摩爾熱容 molar heat capacity 內能 internal energy 能級 energy levels 能級分布 energy level distribution 能量均分原理 principle of the equipartition of energy 凝固點 freezing point 凝固點降低 lowering of freezing point 凝固點曲線 freezing point curve 凝膠 gelatin 帕斯卡 pascal 平衡分布 equilibrium distribution 平衡態 equilibrium state 平衡狀態圖 equilibrium state diagram 平均摩爾熱容 mean molar heat capacity 平均質量摩爾濃度 mean mass molarity 平均自由程 mean free path 平行反應 parallel reactions 氣化熱 heat of vaporization 氣溶膠 aerosol 氣體常數 gas constant 氣體分子運動論 theory of gases 氣溶膠 aerosol 氫電極 hydrogen electrodes 熱 heat 熱爆炸 heat explosion 熱泵 heat pump 熱化學 thermochemistry 熱化學方程 thermochemical equation 熱機 heat engine 熱機效率 efficiency of heat engine 熱力學 thermodynamics 熱力學第二定律 the second law of thermodynamics 熱力學第三定律 the third law of thermodynamics 熱力學第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics 熱力學溫標 thermodynamic scale of temperature 熱力學溫度 thermodynamic temperature 熱效應 heat effect 熔點曲線 melting point curve 熔化熱 heat of fusion 溶膠 colloidal sol 溶液 solution 三相點 triple point 三相平衡線 triple-phase line 熵 entropy kinetic theory of gases 氣體分子運動論的基本方程 foundamental equation of kinetic 熵增原理 principle of entropy increase 滲透壓 osmotic pressure 滲析法 dialytic process 生成反應 formation reaction 升華熱 heat of sublimation 速度常數 reaction rate constant 速率方程 rate equations Velocity 速度 Acceleration 加速度 Gravity 萬有引力 demonstration 演示實驗 力學 mechanics 牛頓力學 Newtonian mechanics 經典力學 classical mechanics 靜力學 statics 運動學 kinematics 動力學 dynamics 一般力學 general mechanics 物理力學 physical mechanics 地球動力學 geodynamics 力 force 作用點 point of action 力系 system of forces 等效力系 equivalent force system 剛體 rigid body 力的可傳性 transmissibility of force 平行四邊形定則 parallelogram rule 力三角形 force triangle 力多邊形 force polygon 零力系 null-force system 平衡 equilibrium 力的平衡 equilibrium of forces 平衡條件 equilibrium condition 平衡位置 equilibrium position 平衡態 equilibrium state

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